Embers of Embers

Chapter 473 Starry Sky

Chapter 473 Starry Sky
They are like a group of incomprehensible monsters, sleeping in the darkness, feeding on cursed knowledge and information that mortals should not know. Similarly, they will also selectively respond to different information thresholds. When hunting, give priority to those lambs that go deep outside the [fence].
The firelight reflected the cold faces of the angels, just like the divine battles in religious murals. The sharp iron feathers unfolded one after another, and the sharp edges were like a thousand swords.
Hearing Lorenzo's roar, Merlin's movements froze. He looked around and saw the angels all approaching here in unison, and their target was William.
"Stop them! Buy me time!"
Merlin shouted loudly, and at the same time he drew out his folding knife, which glowed with an icy cold light.
Not enough, these are not enough.
Merlin's eyes were red, he rarely showed this crazy side, like a furious warrior.
The information William said was not enough. It was far from satisfying Merlin's almost greedy thirst for knowledge. He wanted to know more, and he was fearless even when facing a strange enemy like an angel.
The cliff of reason was shaking slightly, and Merlin couldn't tell whether he was for the continuation of mankind, fighting against demons, or pursuing the truth that all alchemists longed for.
What he knows now is that William cannot die yet, at least he should bring more useful information before dying.
With fireworks and gunshots, the entire workshop turned into a small battlefield. However, this metaphor is not appropriate. To be precise, this place is now a duel ground. Only one party can survive this endless battle.
"Damn! Is there any other fire support?"
Seeing this, Lorenzo also shouted to the others.
Merlin was right, he was indeed very powerful on his own. If Lorenzo was the only one in the workshop to face these angels, it would be a bit difficult, but he was confident of defeating them, but now he was the only one in the workshop. , and these guys who need to be protected.
"Fire support is coming!"
The cheerful voice sounded, and Percival's mind was jumping so fast that others couldn't figure out what she was doing.
The Lancer stood on the high platform, and the ammunition in the magazine was quickly exhausted. But behind the third-generation armor were piles of ammunition boxes. This is the position of the Ranger. In the design idea, it will be a The long-range support armor with certain mobility is now like a fort, pouring firepower onto the battlefield below. Unfortunately, Merlin and others are still among them, and Percival needs to control the firepower.
The roaring gunshots continued one after another, and after each roar, a dark red trail could be seen passing by, and then the heavy steel hit the angels' bodies, and the broken shrapnel cut them into pieces.
The soldiers cooperated in the battle. After the lancer's shooting, they opened fire on the injured angels. The dense high-temperature thermite bombs further pushed them into despair. Some angels were able to escape from the siege, but waiting Theirs is Lorenzo's cold nailed sword.
Lorenzo quickly walked through the workshop, leaving the main output to the Original Sin Armor and soldiers. All Lorenzo had to do was give those angels a fatal blow.
The nailed sword flashed and penetrated one body after another. They fell down powerlessly, and the nihilistic will dissipated from the broken bodies, waiting to return again.
"Here! Merlin!"
The sword dancer used the two giant blades to tear up a path. Shrike shouted to Merlin. At the end of the path, the lifting platform installed on the well wall began to slowly descend. Shrike needed Merlin and the others to move here. .
The bottom of the workshop has become the main battlefield of melee, and above the vertical well wall of the workshop, there are many lifting platforms that can be used as shelters, which can not only protect Merlin and others, but also allow the original sin armors to freely output Firepower.
The armored fireguns fired one after another, outlining paths of dragon breath on the ground. The angels on them were defeated by the impact and high temperature. Their bodies began to carbonize and die, but more flesh and blood proliferated at the wounds, continuing With this deadly body.
But this gave the shrike some time to pursue them. While they were still recovering, the giant blade danced and slashed, bringing up large pieces of flesh and blood.
Just fight like this. Although the current situation is very bad, you must get over it so that you can have more time to think about other things.
Shrike thought so, a harsh crashing sound sounded, and he saw a pair of white wings spread out behind the sword dancer. The angel seemed to be hugging it. The wings were closed, and the strong and sharp edges were cutting like thousands of swords. Sword dancers, sharp sounds and sparks.
As if a monster had bitten the sword dancer, it closed its mouth forcefully, and its sharp fangs bit it into pieces. Fortunately, the sword dancer was equipped with external armor, and this blow was not enough to cause too much damage. Shrike tried to resist, but more angels gathered, and together with the alienated demons, they were as numerous as a colony of ants.
The moment the angel came, huge erosion came together. The soldiers close to the thunder group lost their minds under the high-intensity erosion in an instant, and turned into the monsters they are today. And this erosion is still spreading, with values ​​between Strengthens over time.
"Get out of here!"
Shrike yelled angrily. He tried to break free, but was wrapped by more wings. They kept cutting into the armor, making ear-piercing screams, as if an evil ghost was wailing in his ears.
The support fire from the dome continued, knocking down one angel after another like a heavy hammer, but this obviously couldn't help Shrike much.
The dense wings completely wrapped it up little by little. Even Lorenzo didn't know how to start with this scene. They formed a fortress of wings, but the next moment there was a blazing golden flame in the gaps between the wings. ignite.
In the deep darkness, there was scorching fire rising, and accompanied by the roaring explosion, the angels were shaken away by the impact of the explosion, and the fiery high temperature erupted from the sword dancer as the origin, spreading rapidly towards the surroundings.
The heat wave swept through the bottom of the workshop. In this almost airtight space, everyone could feel the pressure on their breathing. In the sea of ​​burning fire, the sword dancer who was almost red-hot strode out with two giant blades. There were still blood stains left from the fight, but the blood stains were quickly evaporated by the high temperature.
The air was filled with blood and fear.
Shrike gasped, and at the last moment he activated the Sword Dancer's fuel tank. This was originally a piece of equipment added to compensate for mobility. After being detonated by Shrike, the paint antimony in it burned completely, successfully pulling Shrike out of the woods. At the same time, the high temperature also caused great harm to the sword dancer.
The scarred external armor fell off one by one, and the sword dancer swayed like a wounded swordsman.
"Get out of the way! Shrike!"
The sound from the dome sounded, and Percival changed the gun. It was a strangely shaped weapon, like a large harpoon.
Shrike heard the sound and evacuated without hesitation. Sword Dancer ran towards the edge of the workshop. While being besieged by angels, Shrike successfully bought Merlin time to take refuge.
The platform carrying Merlin and the medical staff slowly rose, and the soldiers also occupied other ascending platforms, constructing one firepower point after another. Now the bottom of the workshop can be covered with firepower at will.
The sword dancer jumped up suddenly, and the giant blade slashed into the gap in the well wall. This was the gap created by the thunderbolt when the angel descended. It was as if divine power was acting on it. The edge of the metal was extremely smooth, and the inside was extremely smooth. The same is true for the metal structure. The thunder ball completely annihilates everything it touches.
"Pay attention to avoid!"
Percival's warning sounded, and along with the warning came a rain of fire.
The Lancer pulled the trigger, and what was shot from the harpoon was an exquisite iron spear. The iron spear began to crack as it flew forward, and golden light emerged from the gaps in the metal, and then completely dispersed into burning steel. .
That's not a harpoon, that's a Forged Spear.
With the Lancer as a carrier, some imaginary weapons have also been given the opportunity to experiment. For example, the Forged Spear is regarded as a large ammunition, and it can be fired multiple times quickly through the launcher. Its accuracy is worse than that of armored fire. The gun is accurate, and its lethality and range are both powerful. The only drawback is that it is not as portable as the armored fire gun.
The half-melted steel fragments fell like a rain of arrows, and there was only a sound of metal. It was like being nailed to death. They were nailed into the ground one by one, piercing the angel's body and burning it.
In the blink of an eye, the bottom of the workshop turned into a sea of ​​fire. The fire was fierce, but it was blocked by the door, and everything was sealed inside the workshop.
This was a successful fire suppression. Under the continuous shooting of the Lancers, the powerful angel had to temporarily surrender in the sea of ​​​​fire, but this did not mean that he had gained an advantage. What was rolling in the sea of ​​​​fire were ferocious monsters, but The most terrifying thing about this monster is not its fangs and claws.
Fear, the emotion of fear is their most powerful weapon. Corrosion is still shrouded in this workshop, and everyone is in a slow death.
"Pour the neutralizer!"
New orders were given, and heavy rain fell from the dome.
Lorenzo held the nailed sword and hung it on the wall of the well. He looked at the falling heavy rain and the sea of ​​​​fire that was gradually extinguished. He didn't know how effective the neutralizing fluid could be, but as long as it could slow down the erosion even for a moment, Seconds, this is an advantage for the human side.
On the dome, through the thick explosion-proof glass, Arthur looked solemnly at the workshop that was already in chaos.
After the arrival of the angel, all communications were disabled due to the power of erosion. Since then, Arthur has lost contact with the workshop. He can only watch all this like a bystander.
But it's not like he can't do anything.
"The scavenger troops are ready. If they can hold on, we will be responsible for cleaning the battlefield. If they fail, we will take over."
Galahad said from the side. He had the same expression as Arthur, and he was still a little afraid in his solemnity.
Outside the steel gate of the workshop, the silent scavengers were already in place, holding weapons and serving as the second line of defense.
Everyone was silent, and the atmosphere was oppressive and cold.
There was another scene in the workshop. As the neutralizing liquid was poured, thick mist surged from the gradually extinguishing sea of ​​​​fire, almost covering the entire bottom of the workshop. It was also at this time that the sword dancer fell off the well wall. , falls into the bottom again.
Lorenzo moved forward with it. Except that it did not have a huge blade like the Sword Dancer, Lorenzo felt that his abilities were not much worse than the Sword Dancer.
The thick fog was torn apart, and while the two were falling, the angels rushed out again. Most of their bodies were covered with wounds, some had lost part of their limbs, and some even had difficulty maintaining their form, but they still attacked stubbornly. Like a machine, it faithfully executes orders.
The figures intertwined and danced in the thick fog, bringing with them a large amount of blood.
The gunfire from the soldiers also traveled through the thick fog, and the burning thermite bombs traced red tracks and intersected on the bodies of the angels.
Merlin glanced down on the platform. Although the angel was now suppressed, he knew very well that this advantage would not last long. Everyone present, except Lorenzo, as time went by, here Under this high-intensity erosion environment, everyone is sliding into the abyss of darkness.
The most important thing is that it is currently in a war of attrition. Angels die only in shells, but soldiers are really dead when they die. Even the original sin armor can't last long under this intensity of combat. After all, it is now in use They are all third-generation armors. Without demon flesh and blood as their main components, they have lost their ability to "self-heal".
"So you still have to die, William."
Merlin said with some disappointment. He could see that some angels had escaped the hunting of Shrike and Lorenzo, and had also escaped the continuous shootings. They grabbed the wall of the well and climbed up, their broken wings swinging feebly. Until another shot came from above, beating it to a bloody pulp and falling into the mist and afterglow.
Turning his head, William was standing there in a daze. He looked at everything in front of him. The huge mechanical knights were fighting against the angels. Weapons far beyond his imagination were constantly firing. Once, he had no power under the wings of the angels. He lost everything in resistance, and today, many years later, the fireworks of industry have been able to suppress this so-called mystery for a short time.
This is an emotion that is difficult to express. Too much time has been stolen from him, and William's life will also come to an end. But for some reason, he doesn't feel much fear this time.
"The starry sky..." he said.
"What?" Merlin walked over quickly, and now William's every word would be firmly remembered by him, "What starry sky?"
"I don't know if this counts as intelligence, but during the period of my madness, when I was trapped in the so-called [gap]... I could sometimes see a starry sky. It was probably my intuition. I thought this might be something important."
William said slowly.
"A magnificent starry sky with countless stars and colorful colors, just like a painting by a master."
(End of this chapter)

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