Embers of Embers

Chapter 474: Hungry Wolves

Chapter 474: Hungry Wolves
"It was an extremely bright starry sky, revealing charming colors, and the surrounding darkness receded in front of it... They were entangled together, and the light undulated slowly, as if they were breathing..."
William spoke softly, as if reciting poetry, and his eyes began to blur.
"This is not useful information! William!"
Merlin yelled loudly. In his opinion, this was just William's hallucination. Although he also said something like intuition, this was not reliable at all in William's case.
Yes, William's erosion is getting worse. He is not reciting poetry, this is just a whimper due to confusion.
"It's very much... like our nerve fibers."
William continued talking like the gibberish of a madman.
"One star after another, their light is connected together, bursting out with majestic brilliance, forming a dazzling star cluster."
He slowly stretched out his hand, as if the star cluster was right in front of him.
"Coming, they are coming, the stars are coming."
William suddenly roared loudly, and he crawled forward in embarrassment, but what was waiting for him in front was not a star, but a white and delicate palm stained with blood. It grabbed the edge of the platform, and then dragged it Climbing up with broken wings.
"It's so beautiful..."
William stopped. The angel's calm face was reflected in his eyes. In his sight, there was a group of stars releasing light and heat. These countless stars made up this bright starry sky. .
"Come back! William!"
Merlin swung up the folding knife, grabbed William's collar, and dragged him backwards. At the same time, he swung the folding knife and collided with the angel's iron feathers, causing bursts of sparks to burst out.
The figure staggered, and both Merlin and William fell to the ground. After all, Merlin was just a mortal, and in terms of strength, he had no ability to resist angels.
I saw it completely climbed up and stood on the edge of the platform. The soldiers opened fire wildly, and thermite bombs were baptized on its body one after another. The molten iron flowed down along the skin, and the broken steel cut through the flesh. In the blink of an eye, It evenly covered the angel's body, as if walking out of a burning furnace.
The angel waved his arm, and the sharp spiral spike pierced out from the palm of his hand, shaking open the molten iron and causing red water splashes to fall.
Merlin only felt a burst of hot pain, and molten iron splashed onto his legs. He struggled to stand up, and dragged William back hard. The old guy had begun to lose his strength, his consciousness was muddy, and his body had various distortions. , he slid towards the abyss.
"Hold on, William!"
Merlin said as he gave William another shot of Florund's potion, and then a shadow enveloped him.
The broken angel raised the spiral spike. His movements were very stiff, but no one would question its power. Merlin had no time to dodge, and the soldiers' attacks only temporarily hindered him and could not kill him at all.
The cliff of sanity began to collapse, and under the threat of death, Merlin knew that all his wishes and purposes would collapse.
He can't die here, neither he nor William can die here like this.
Merlin waved the folding knife angrily. He knew very well that his power could not resist the angel at all, but he did not want to fall down without any resistance.
The folding knife collided with the spiral nail. As expected, the force of the impact caused Merlin to lose all feeling in the arm holding the knife. Then he felt severe pain, and he fell again as if he had lost his support. Fall to the ground.
The spiral spike was not repulsed by this. It fell according to its original trajectory. It first defeated Merlin's folding knife, and then fell towards his neck. This blow could directly cut off the bones and flesh, and Merlin would definitely die. .
The pain came clearly from his neck. Merlin could feel his flesh and blood being torn apart, but the pain soon disappeared. At such a close distance, the erosion hit his mind like a heavy hammer, and Merlin's consciousness became heavy. When I got up, countless hallucinations appeared in front of my eyes.
The roar rang out, making Merlin wake up a little. He suddenly raised his head, and blood fell into his eyes.
The sharp metal pierced through the angel's chest. Lorenzo grasped the spiked sword tightly, and slowly turned the hilt of the sword, completely crushing the heart pierced by it. On the top, the angel's head had long since disappeared. At that moment just now Here, Lorenzo dealt a fatal blow to it.
Pulling out the nailed sword was like pulling out the cork from a wine barrel. Blood gushed out uncontrollably. The angel's figure staggered, and finally fell into the lower part of the workshop and disappeared into the rising mist.
"Time is running out, Merlin, we will all die if this continues."
Lorenzo wiped the blood splattered on his face and said seriously.
The workshop imprisons the angels here, and also traps them inside. The intensity of the erosion is constantly increasing, and if this continues, everyone will turn into monsters.
"Their target is William... at least in terms of priority, it is him. If he dies, they may leave, or they may continue to fight us, but no matter which outcome it is, it will be better than now."
Lorenzo took a deep breath and looked at the bottom of the workshop. He could see the sword dancers stirring the mist, marching like steel beasts, the gunfire from the dome was still there, and the lancers supported the shrike.
It seemed that he had the upper hand, but in fact there was not much power left to fight. Lorenzo looked at the platforms around him and saw that many soldiers had fallen. They looked around nervously, maybe they would be there next second. The comrades around him will transform into another ferocious monster.
"Give me some more time, Lorenzo."
Merlin dragged William up and said again that William was the person closest to the darkness and the person most likely to see the secrets behind the curtain. Merlin didn't want to give up on everything just like that.
New thunderballs were inspired out of thin air. They descended from the middle of the well wall. Under the scattered black thunder, they instantly destroyed the surrounding materials. Some appeared directly on the lifting platform, and the entire platform was swallowed up by countless thunderballs. , leaving huge burning notches one after another, and then the broken metal began to fall, falling into the battlefield below.
What's worse is the thunderballs that appear in the crowd. The soldiers are caught by the thunderballs before they can escape. The ball-shaped lightning easily tears apart the flesh and blood bodies one after another. What's even weirder is that there is no blood. Gushing out, all the blood was captured by another force before it could fall, split and dissipated, condensed in the center of the thunder mass, and formed a new body.
"I'll do my best, Merlin."
Lorenzo watched all this quietly, feeling a little stressed.
The dead angels returned again, under the reshaped body, strong and powerful.
This time Lorenzo did not directly engage in the battle. He stood on the edge of the platform guarding Merlin while peeping keenly.
"It's really endless!"
Percival couldn't help roaring, from her position, she could directly observe the overall situation, only to see thunder clusters emerging one after another, densely packed, covering the battlefield.
All she could do was to shoot the angels at the moment they escaped from the thunderbolt, when they were still in a fragile state and had not yet begun to move, and to consume their power as much as possible.
One after another, the light tracks fell on the angels, and the violent explosions destroyed the flesh and blood bodies to pieces.
William seemed to have come back to his senses. He looked at all this with some shock. These monsters had a sacred appearance, but like evil ghosts, they crawled out of the pits in the thick fog, and the radiance of the Holy Inquisition fell from the sky. , repel them one by one.
If William and the others had such a defensive force back then, perhaps everything would be different. During the Red News incident, William could not react at all. Although there were soldiers protecting the laboratory, their equipment at that time It was so different from now, when the angels killed everyone with ease and drove madness into everyone's consciousness.
Percival pulled the trigger again, but this time there was no roar in response.The bullet was empty.
Just like before, the Lancer's hand reached behind him, but this time it found nothing. The accumulated ammunition had been consumed, leaving only an empty iron box.
After the experiment started, the entire workshop was sealed, even the guide rail above. Although this thing was used to transport goods, judging from its space, it was enough for demons to invade the entire perpetual pump along the track. .
Percival thought.
This position is considered safe, being at the highest point of the workshop. The angels have not yet reached here, and most of them are now concentrated at the bottom and middle.
"Ah...it's true!"
Percival thought briefly, and then made a decision. She threw away the heavy lance and pulled out a war blade from the erected weapon rack. It was not as huge as the sword dancer's blade, so it was not The connection required for the device can be held directly in the hand.
The Lancer suddenly jumped off the high platform, and at the same time, the fuel tank on his body began to burn, and raging fire erupted from the back of the armor.
If you fall directly from such a height, even if there is no angel's siege, with the strength of the third-generation armor, you will fall half to death. However, it is not as expected. The light cavalry directly hit the edge of the well wall, relying on the strength of the fuel tank. With huge thrust, it galloped downwards around the well wall, and waved its war blade as it went.
Percival's is obviously not as good as the Shrike in terms of melee control, but this may also be related to the armor type. The Lancer itself is positioned as a self-propelled artillery launcher with certain high mobility, while the Sword Dancer is the warrior who charges into battle. .
During the process of sliding down, the Lancer did not hit many enemies with his sword. Instead, he relied on his strong body to knock over many angels who escaped from the thunder mass.
Percival cheered, this feeling is like sailing a boat, and she overturned one guy after another who was in the way.
"Watch out! Percival!"
Shrike shouted amid the laughter.
"What's wrong?"
Percival moved her eyes to the side, and without waiting for an answer, she knew what had happened.
At first, it was a dark origin, which fell beside the Lancer. At this moment, the Lancer was moving very fast, and the fuel tank behind him was burning. It could be said that the Lancer only needed less than a second to cross this point. The origin is pitch black, but the origin is multiplying much faster than imagined.
In an instant, the dark origin expanded into a surging thunder mass. The solid external armor and armor collapsed in an instant. The blazing white light illuminated Percival's face. Only at such a close distance could she see clearly. The appearance of the thunder ball is not pure darkness. There is a blazing white light in the abyss, but it is too weak. Only at such a fatal distance can one glimpse it.
In the glimmer of light, endless dust gathered together, and they pieced together a holy body. First they were white bones and flesh, and then the skin wrapped them. Correspondingly, they were the lancers that kept collapsing, and the metal shells were broken. After that, the cables and central frame underneath were exposed, and it was continuously split and cracked.
Percival saw that the white skeleton was covered with flesh and blood. After filling the abominable skeleton, a pair of lifeless eyes opened up from the dark thunderball and looked at him under the mixture of flesh and blood.
The face began to look ferocious, and finally turned into an absolute nightmare.
High-intensity erosion fell on Percival's consciousness at close range. At this critical moment, the sharp giant blade slashed, the sword dancer cut off the Lancer's body, allowing it to break free from the devouring thunder mass. Come.
Broken steel fell from the sky, and the fuel tank was still burning on its body. After falling to the bottom, it sparked an explosion of fireworks, which dispersed the thick fog.
"Are you alive? Percival!"
The sword dancer quickly evacuated after the blow. With the scars left by the angels, the smooth well walls became pitted, giving the sword dancer room to move with strength.
"Still alive...but probably of no use."
Percival's groan sounded, and the sword dancer's breastplate was hanging on the bloody Percival. At the critical moment, the sword dancer slashed along the wound caused by the thunder ball, separating the two at the same time. , pulled Percival out of it.
This rough behavior caused many wounds to Percival. She had multiple steel wounds on her body, as if she had been struck by a sword blade, and there were also some broken infusion tubes and electrodes hanging on her body. , but these are not the worst, the worst is Percival's flank.
The moment the thunderball appeared, it not only swallowed the steel, but also the flesh and blood under the steel. It was probably thanks to the rapid advancement of the fuel tank. If Percival had been slower for just a moment, her torso might have been completely destroyed by now. What Thunderbolt had devoured, and what the Shrike had rescued now was only half his body.
The flesh and blood on the flanks and the fabric completely disappeared, and the wound was huge. Percival endured the pain, firmly grasping the sword dancer's breastplate with one hand, and covering his wound with the other hand to prevent internal organs from leaking. out.
"Take care of her."
The sword dancer landed on a nearby platform and lowered Percival down.
"Ah, am I too unlucky? I acted well before, but lately I lose half my life every time I act."
The medical staff surrounded Percival, and she raised her head and spoke slowly, as if she didn't feel the fear of death.
Shrike shook his head as he spoke. The Sword Dancer looked down. With the fall of the Lancers, the collapse of the defense line was irreversible... In fact, there was no possibility of reversal from the beginning. Everything they did was just delaying the failure. 's arrival
"It's so bad...what on earth are we fighting..."
After waking up from the fury of the battle, Shrike felt a chill down his spine.
The immortal evil spirits are back again. They never really die, only these ridiculous mortals die.
At this time Lorenzo said softly, he was standing on the edge of the high platform, as if he was about to fall down the next moment.
From beginning to end, no matter how many were killed and how many returned, the number of angels always remained at thirteen, which means that there are only thirteen wills coming here now. This reminded Lorenzo of many things in the past. Thinking about the past, in the dry well, the demon hunters of Monk Dafen fought far more than these thirteen angels. The same was true at the Maruri Port. Their number was far more than these, but now there are more than these thirteen angels. only these.
Why only these?Is it because our information threshold is not enough and we do not have a higher priority?
Or...there are other things that have crossed the [fence], and their priority far exceeds ours, causing more angels to clear them out?
If so, what are those things?
Hungry wolves...
Lorenzo thought and jumped down.
(End of this chapter)

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