Embers of Embers

Chapter 475 The End of Sublimation

Chapter 475 The End of Sublimation
The entire workshop was shrouded in chaotic and strange power. The broken wings were rising without wind, like wild snowflakes. They were flying, the sharp edges cutting everything within reach, bursts of fire, and the unlucky ghosts were being The cutting hit, severed limbs and flesh and blood flew everywhere.
Lorenzo increased his speed. Covered by armor, the snowflakes hit his body, causing bursts of roars. Some of them were cut along the gaps in the armor and pierced into Lorenzo's body, but this was still Can't stop him.
The flames are burning and boiling.
Pure white fire burst out from the muzzle of Winchester's gun, and dragon's breath bullets cut the formation across the battlefield, separating some angels from the whole. Lorenzo took this opportunity to quickly move forward and deliver a heavy blow.
After experiencing so much, Lorenzo's strength is no longer what it was before. He broke free from the shackles of the Silver Bolt, and filled his body with the flesh and blood of angels. After obtaining the [Certificate] of [Sublimation] , his power has been infinitely close to Lawrence, and sometimes he feels that he may be one of the most powerful demon hunters in the past hundred years.
"About 5 minutes."
Lorenzo said coldly.
He had been observing the nature of the angels. It took about 5 minutes from the death of the first angel to the return of the first angel.
The angels advanced in silence, and the entire bottom was out of control. The emerging thunderballs turned the ground into a pit. Looking through some gaps, one could even see the mechanical structure of the next layer.
The Sword Dancer did not continue to engage in the battle. It stayed on the platform, firing its armor and fire cannons one after another, delaying the approach of the angels as much as possible.
The sound of gunfire before was like a thunderstorm, with a group of voices playing, but now the sound of gunfire seems much lonely, and there is not much power left to fight.
This place is like ice floes on the vast ocean. The other platforms have fallen, leaving only a few. And they have no way out before they deal with the angels.
At this tragic moment, violent erosion surged together with Lorenzo's fall. He was like a stone falling into the sea, setting off huge waves.
Critical breakthrough.
The jet-black scales seemed to be alive. They were entangled on Lorenzo's body like snakes, and the tough armor was covered along the body surface. At the same time, fierce flames poured out from the gaps in the armor. , as if there is a burning ghost under this armor.
Lorenzo's strength did not attract much attention from the angels. Their eyes were always on the platform. Neither Lorenzo nor anyone else was their priority hunting target. The angels' attacks against them were nothing more than these. People are just blocking their way.
The battle was on the verge of breaking out. Lorenzo fell from a high altitude and hit an angel who had just escaped from the thunder group with his sword. Relying on the awakening of the secret blood and the height of the fall, the spiked sword fell along its head, taking the whole body with it. are split vertically.
The spine was instantly destroyed, the head was simply broken into several pieces, and the powerful heart was completely torn apart by this instant blow.
Loren whispered, then drew out his nail sword and quickly leaned towards the next angel. He was so fast that he seemed to be flying.
He was able to suppress the angels, but more importantly, Lorenzo was thinking about whether to invade the [gap] of the angels.
Watson's warnings kept flashing to dissuade Lorenzo, but he did not want to give up such an opportunity, although doing so would cause some bad consequences, such as an increase in priority.
If this is the case, today's battle will not be as simple as ending with William's death. There is a high possibility that these monsters will pursue him endlessly.
Shrike shouted loudly, and the sword dancer opened fire at Lorenzo. This was the last armored musket, and the roaring dragon's breath penetrated the vertical workshop.
Just as Lorenzo was thinking about the killing, the angels from behind had already surrounded him. Several spiral spikes fiercely penetrated the armor and penetrated Lorenzo's body. Fortunately, it was not a fatal injury. Lorenzo Killing the angel in front of him with one sword, he turned around angrily and cut off the spiral spikes together.
The roaring dragon's breath also belatedly arrived at this time, covering the angels from top to bottom, washing them like a stream of fire.
Lorenzo took advantage of this opportunity to pull out the broken spiral spike from his body, as if he couldn't feel the pain. He then threw it out, piercing through the angels one after another, and pushing them out into the stream of fire. Nailed to the ground.
Taking a deep breath, the blazing white flames broke free from the shackles of the armor, and like a rolling tide, they instantly covered the bottom of the entire workshop. They rushed along the steel, penetrated into the gaps, and erupted from the gaps created by the thunder.
A hook shot out of the sea of ​​burning fire and nailed into the edge of the platform. Lorenzo grabbed the handle of the gun and was pulled out of the sea of ​​​​fire by the cable. On the way up, his armor also fell off one by one, and he fell into the sea of ​​fire with a clang. .
"William, think about it carefully. No matter what information it is, even if it is something you have come up with now, tell it quickly. We can't hold on for long."
Lorenzo gasped and strode forward. Faced with this kind of unkillable enemy, he really couldn't think of any good way to solve it. All he could do was defeat them again and again, but everyone We all know that they will return again soon.
"It can be seen from the current combat information that these guys have no advanced consciousness. They are like machines that faithfully execute certain orders, but they are not completely rigid. When 'errors' accumulate to a certain extent, they will also Clumsily changing the way you fight...such as coming here and killing me first."
Lorenzo looked at the sea of ​​fire. Angels crawled out of it again, and new thunderballs emerged. The dead appeared again.
William is their priority target, but when there are too many obstacles blocking them, they will also change their methods and prioritize destroying the obstacles, just like the siege just now.
"Think carefully, William, you don't have much time."
Lorenzo said without mercy.
In fact, this was considered a cruel act for William. He had just woken up from an almost endless nightmare, and what greeted him was not a peaceful heaven, but another nightmare and real death.
Lorenzo would not be surprised by any of William's reactions, such as crying, collapsing, or refusing to cooperate. But when he knew his fate, William did not do those ridiculous things. He worked hard to cooperate with everyone, and in the destined A glimpse of the truth peeks under the death.
"Give me some time, give me some time..."
William kept repeating that there were already several needle holes in his neck. In order to stay awake, he injected an overdose of Florund's medicine, and his entire consciousness was on the verge of collapse.
There were squirming undulations under the clothes, and Merlin no longer wanted to lift up his clothes to check what was going on underneath. Now William was just a demon temporarily maintaining his human form.
"That's right! You said they are the will of nothingness, right? The will of nothingness is their true nature, and these bodies in front of you are just shells."
William seemed to have thought of something, and he shouted loudly to Lorenzo.
The gears of the stalemate slowly turned. William combined his research on angels, and he thought of the answer for a moment.
Lorenzo nodded. He obviously couldn't understand William's excitement. Winchester kept firing, hitting the angels' arms and interrupting their upward climb.
"Yes...this is the source of the epidemic."
William scratched his head, as if to free his poor soul from this body, and his cheeks were torn with blood by sharp nails.
"What did you say?"
Lorenzo turned his head and shouted at William. He could not mishear William's words. He was talking about the source.
"The source! The source of demons! Didn't I say it? The so-called demons are just a by-product of this epidemic. Its true form is erosion, and these angels..."
William's words trembled, and he saw those hallucinations again, the endless starry sky, the bright starry sky, the light was approaching him, almost blinding his eyes.
"Existences without entities, these invisible existences, without any basis, are constantly releasing erosion. Aren't they just the source of erosion?"
Blood gushed out from the corners of William's eyes, his vision was blurred into dark red, and he struggled hard.
"But this conflicts with your shepherd theory. How can a shepherd smell like a hungry wolf?"
Lorenzo asked rhetorically.
If angels are the source of erosion, why do they protect the lambs?They should attack indiscriminately, and what they should do is to continuously expand the erosion...
Lorenzo stopped suddenly. He thought of something, and looked at William suddenly, only to see that William was already half kneeling in a pool of blood. He whimpered in pain, his entire back swelled, and his clothes could be seen The flesh and blood were torn apart, with vague bones underneath.
Lorenzo thought.
Yes, it makes sense that the shepherd smells like a hungry wolf, just like the demon hunter has demon blood flowing in his body...
Shepherds, angels, silencers, demon hunters...
Hungry wolves, monsters, the darkness beyond the fence...
Lorenzo slowly raised his hand, which was covered with wounds and blood that were still healing. All of this was reflected in his gray-blue eyes, but he felt that these were extremely strange at the moment.
According to William, angels are the source of erosion, so how is Gabriel, who possesses the power, similar to them?In fact, it's not quite right to use myself as an example. Lorenzo has an entity.
Watson and the angels were so similar that Lorenzo could not think of the difference between the two except that Watson had individual consciousness.
Lorenzo's pupils were bloodshot. Perhaps he thought of too many things at once. It was difficult for him to think about these things in a logical way. He could only stand there blankly, as if he had lost his mind. Same as soul.
"So... will the end of [Sublimation] be like this?"
Lorenzo said softly. He looked at his hand. The scarred hand slowly fell down, revealing the angel under it who had just climbed to the edge.
It was an emotionless face, like a delicate mask, with lifeless pupils set like gems on it, and the smooth mirror reflected Lorenzo's somewhat confused eyes.
Gunshots sounded.
Winchester spat out the last round of ammunition, and directly smashed half of the angel's head at close range, but it seemed to have no intention of letting go. Lorenzo drew out his nail sword and cut off its arms. After a brief pause, the angel fell into the sea of ​​fire below.
"I... am about to die. This is probably my limit."
William staggered up from the pool of blood. He had begun to lose his human form, his limbs became slender, and there were raised bones at the joints. He was like an evil ghost with slender arms, sharp Teeth pierced lips.
"Thank you for your contribution to the cleanup agency."
Seeing this, Merlin said nothing more. He took a step back, kept a safe distance from William, and then saluted him.
"I should have done that earlier."
William's voice was muffled.
Lorenzo turned around. Now William was about to lose the ability to think. The perpetual pump drained the last of his value. He began to reload Winchester, raising the muzzle of the gun and pointing it at William.
"Need a decent way to die?" Lorenzo asked.
William shook his head. He looked at himself reflected in the pool of blood and let out bursts of helpless laughter.
"How can I be decent like this?"
He raised his head again and looked at all this with great nostalgia.
"But it has changed so much. At that time, these things were only on the design drawings..."
"That's such a pity. If you could see the old Dunling today, perhaps your emotion would be even more shocking." Merlin said.
"I can imagine it. After all, I was the chief, right?"
William said and looked forward.
"Jiang Yirang...what do you call him?"
Lorenzo moved out of the way and continued.
"Lorenzo Holmes, nice to meet you, William."
"Me too."
William uttered his last words, his throat swelled up, oppressing the windpipe, leaving only a beast-like growl, and the next moment he ran wildly like a beast.
He crossed Lorenzo and plunged into the sea of ​​​​fire below the workshop, leaving the wind and blood behind him. In a daze, he felt like he had returned to the moment of birth many years ago.
William hit the angels hard and used his sharp claws to tear apart these hypocritical flesh and blood, becoming a madman.
But William's fight soon ended. Countless spiral spikes penetrated his body. The sharp iron feathers were like a meat grinder, covering his body heavily and strangulating him to pieces. of minced meat.
Lorenzo and Merlin didn't do anything, they just stood on the edge of the high platform, quietly watching the churning sea of ​​flames, at first there was William's roar, and gradually everything fell silent, only the flames were still burning.
(End of this chapter)

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