Embers of Embers

Chapter 479 Don't forget the original intention

Chapter 479 Don't forget the original intention
This world is very deep, like a silent sea. When you fall into the sea, you can feel the biting coldness caressing your whole body. It chokes your throat bit by bit, slams into your lungs, and squeezes out everything. oxygen, then drags you down into the viscous, dark seafloor.
You fell down weakly and tried to resist, but the cold water flowed through your palms. You tried to grab something, but it was extremely clear under this quiet sea.
There is nothing, no seaweed, no fish, just clear water. You fall slowly, and in the darkness there are white-soaked palms stretching out to greet you and embrace you.
They were countless dead bodies. I don’t know how long they had been here. Their skin had completely lost its color and turned gray. There were strong emotions on the withered faces, freezing the last second before death forever. Come down.
You howl in terror, but this will only make you die faster. Seawater pours into your mouth and nose, and your body gradually loses strength. You can't do anything. In this sense of powerlessness, you are desperate. die.
You become one of the drowned.
Lorenzo suddenly woke up from the table, raised his knees hard, and suddenly hit the table, shaking the table a bit. In the rush, everything on the table fell down. Rolled to the ground.
Taking a deep breath, Lorenzo squeezed his head hard, and the chill in his heart gradually dissipated.
He had a nightmare.
Lorenzo seldom had dreams, let alone nightmares. He remembered that the last time he had a nightmare was when he had just arrived in Old Dunling, when he used the power Gabriel for the first time, his memory was confused together. Under this infection, He had been haunted by nightmares for a long time, and he felt it again today.
"It's so cold..."
Lorenzo said sincerely.
He fell asleep sitting at the table. The sky outside the window was dim and bright. It was approaching early morning and the temperature of the air was extremely cold. Coupled with the diffuse water vapor, the scenery outside the window was blurred by the adhering water vapor.
Lorenzo picked up his notes and recorded a lot of secret knowledge in them, including the part about tracing experiments.
Arthur didn't know that Lorenzo himself could actually write notes, otherwise he would have stopped himself and backed up this knowledge.
After taking a look at what he wrote last night, Lorenzo closed it and put it in the drawer.
After sitting at the table for a long time, he picked up a cigarette and lit it, and there was a hint of brightness in the darkness.
Lorenzo's mind was a little confused. Although he didn't have the power and salary, he could clearly feel that after so much, countless things were happening at the same time, and they were densely piled up together, just like before the end. carnival.
The end is coming.
What a cruel news.
Lorenzo still remembered his anger at Lawrence, saying that he would find a better solution, but when he returned to Inerweg, Lorenzo felt an unspeakable powerlessness.
Not everyone has the ability to be a hero, not even Lorenzo.
Lorenzo wants to save the world, but he doesn't know where to start. It's futile to kill monsters. If he doesn't kill monsters, he will just stand there in a daze. He can't save the world, and he can't even save his own bad life.
It seems that what he said is just a big statement, but Lawrence is much more pragmatic. This madman simply created an army to tie the country to the chariot of interests.
But...that was before.
Lorenzo stood up and stretched his muscles, knives hidden in his eyes.
War is not a solution, it is just a way to deal with it. Lawrence may be able to win this doomsday war, but what about next time?What about next time?This is an endless reincarnation, and war just makes everything enter the next reincarnation.
It's like what the Vikings called Valhalla, Ragnarok repeated over and over again.
Lorenzo couldn't accept this ending, and he didn't want to lose to Lawrence.
"Ah...that's crazy to think about."
Lorenzo couldn't help but feel an unspeakable emotion because of his twisted and deformed thoughts. He shook his head helplessly, as if he had no choice.
In fact, the reason is very simple, even if you don’t forget your original intention.
Eradicate the demons.
It set the entire Hall of Heroes on fire.
It sounds a bit unrealistic, but this is the best way Lorenzo can think of, not to deal with this war, but to solve the root cause of this war and eradicate the existence of the demon.
He had been hacking away at the demon in confusion before, unable to find the source, but now he found clues. Lorenzo was far closer to the source than ever before, so close that he could almost touch it.
"What exactly is behind the [fence]? Queen, what are you hiding?"
Lorenzo said as he looked at the calendar nailed to the wall. A date was circled with a red line.
The date is tomorrow, and Lorenzo will go to meet the Queen tomorrow to listen to her explanation. Lorenzo has a feeling that this will not be a pleasant interview.
Thinking like this, Lorenzo heard a slight noise coming from downstairs. The sound was very soft, but it was extremely clear to the witcher's ears.
The door of the Winchester office was pushed open, and the man entered, stealthily, like a thief.
Lorenzo couldn't guess who would come. Although life was colorful, most of the time it was quite boring. Lorenzo would sit alone on the broken sofa at the door, sometimes smoking, sometimes drinking, just like Like a retired uncle, he watches the people coming and going on the street.
But it is probably his acquaintance. If it is a thief, Lorenzo will be happier. In his opinion, being patronized by a thief can be regarded as a surprise in life. Of course, the thief probably does not know that he has fallen into the den of thieves .
"Tch, why is it you?"
Lorenzo walked downstairs and looked at the guy. She was emptying her dirty laundry from the sofa, throwing it aside casually, and then sat down herself.
"I happened to be passing by and came to see you. You don't have fixed business hours, do you?"
Eve looked at Lorenzo's terrible living environment.
"Ah... I feel like you are like a fungus growing slowly under the moist and dark soil."
"Thank you for the compliment."
Lorenzo didn't expect it to be Eve. He searched the messy kitchen and found that he could only treat her with two unopened bottles of beer and leftover pizza from yesterday.
"Would you like some?"
Lorenzo said and sat across from Eve, picking up the cold pizza and tightening it in his mouth.
"No, no, no."
Eve shook her head quickly. She had thought that demon hunters could adapt to harsh living environments, but she never thought that this advantage would make them like this.
"You...won't have a bad stomach?"
Eve asked, she felt uncomfortable just looking at eating like this so early in the morning.
"Do you think witchers get diarrhea?"
Lorenzo asked disdainfully.
"All right……"
Eve was a little helpless, but unexpectedly Lorenzo actually answered.
"Actually, it does, but I don't know exactly what's going on. It probably causes diarrhea if you eat too much of strange things... But these things are more than enough."
Lorenzo picked up the tablecloth, wiped his mouth, and then threw it aside and fell into the trash. As for when Lorenzo would find it next time, it was probably unknown.
"So, what's the matter with the distinguished Miss Eve Phoenix's visit? Entrusting services? My charges are very expensive."
Lorenzo suddenly became serious.
"I remember the last entrustment, you should have made a lot of money, so you can't clean up here."
Eve could smell the sour smell in the air, which reminded her of the stinking sewers in downtown.
"I can't help it. I have a lot of properties and they are all used for investment."
"Invest? Invest in what?"
Eve was shocked, she had never thought that Lorenzo actually had such economic acumen. In her opinion, Lorenzo would get high enough if he had money, and then go looking for a job in despair.
Lorenzo thought for a moment.
“Invest in the future.”
"Yes, the future," Lorenzo was too lazy to continue explaining, so he asked, "So what's the matter? Eve."
"I told you, I'm just passing by. This kind of thing is normal, right? I'm passing by a friend's house and I happen to have time, so I come in and interrupt."
Eve said that she no longer had to worry about so much, and directly put her legs on the sofa. In the blink of an eye, she changed from a member of the aristocracy to a good brother who hung out with Lorenzo in the city. This posture seemed to be about to attack Lorenzo in the next second. Renzo said something like "Hey brother, I think Shrike has been unhappy for a long time, how about we kill him and become the boss" or something like that.
"No, no, no, I feel like passing by is secondary, and disturbing is the primary thing."
Lorenzo felt bad hearing Eve's kind words.
Eve was too lazy to continue explaining anything and asked straight to the point.
"What happened to the purification agency recently?"
"what happened?"
"The atmosphere is not right lately. It's very depressing. It's so depressing. It's like everyone is going to die." Eve was a little sad. "It's mainly Arthur. He looks... very complicated. I haven't seen him so cool in a long time." He was full of energy, but there was a fear of death hidden in his eyes.”
"So this is what you came here to ask?"
Lorenzo hesitated for a moment, then said slowly.
"Is it time for you to become a regular employee, Eve?"
Eve nodded, hugged her legs tightly with her hands, and squatted on the sofa.
"I have become a full-time official. Thanks to you, I probably have the best resume among the newcomers... I participated in the assassination of the Orthodox Pope, and also bombed the entire Maluri Port. I might become a war hero in the war years."
"It's not that easy to be a hero, and since you have become a full-time employee, you should also be aware of the regulations of the purge agency, right?"
Lorenzo spoke harshly, as if criticizing Eve.
Eve probably thought of what Lorenzo was going to say and fell silent.
"Different classes know the intelligence of different classes and bear the responsibilities of different classes." Lorenzo said, "Eve, this is a war, an endless war, and what the soldiers have to do is to obey orders. I know you concerns, but first and foremost you are a soldier and you need to abide by these."
"I...I know."
Eve sighed and whispered, probably because she had expected it, and Lorenzo's reaction was quite expected.
Although the guy in front of him is a bit crazy and his life is a mess, when it comes to monsters, Lorenzo is indeed an extremely reliable expert.
"Actually, I was still too naive. After experiencing this myself, I realized that it is not that easy. Many people will die and suffer a lot."
"But at least you're better than when I first met you."
Lorenzo thought of that extremely unexpected coincidence in the past. Sometimes Lorenzo would think it was a trick of fate. He had lived in Old Dunling for so long and never touched this dark side. But from that day on, it was like Just like the opening of the dance party, everything moves into a crazy process.
"At that time, you would tremble and be afraid when facing monsters. If it weren't for me, you would have died in that dark tunnel. But now you can not only stab the monsters a few times, but you can even pull out the knife and wipe it without changing your expression. Just rub it."
Lorenzo encouraged her.
"This is a good sign, Eve. No one is born as a witcher. Everyone is a mortal, an apprentice, and becomes stronger bit by bit. If you want to know this, then work hard to climb up. If you can inherit' In the name of Arthur, all secrets are no longer secrets to you."
"But there are always secrets that I don't know." Eve said.
Lorenzo was silent for a moment and then said.
"Then keep climbing, climb to the highest point, until there is no one above you anymore."
"It sounds very tiring, so forget it."
Eve rummaged through her bag. This guy seemed to have a day off, and there was no sense of urgency to go to work.
"Here is your telegram, which I got from a courier when I came."
Eve said and handed the envelope to Lorenzo.
This is an era in which information exchange is very developed. In the past, people wanted to bring the stories of one place to other places, which required horse-drawn carriages traveling day and night, and word-of-mouth communication between people. But it is different now. Railway tracks are full of In human territory, telephone lines are entangled between cities like dense forests.
However, the fastest way to exchange information is the telegraph, which is handled by the telegraph offices in each region. It conveys information to the recipient just like sending a letter. However, due to the slow development of electricity and the current small scope of application, telegraphs are Planting things is an extremely expensive way of communicating information and is rarely used by ordinary people.
"Huh? Who could send me something like this?"
Lorenzo was a little confused. Telegrams were only used in very urgent situations. Generally, everyone would choose to send letters, and the prerequisite for these was that the distance between the two was far enough.
"Your friend?" Eve said.
"Do you think I have any friends outside of old Dunling?"
Lorenzo said lightly. Listening to his words, Eve suddenly felt a little pitiful about Lorenzo.
"It's so miserable..."
"what are you saying?"
"It's nothing."
Eve wisely shut up.
Lorenzo opened the envelope and flipped through the papers.
It's funny, telegrams are paid by character, so everyone's words are as short as possible, but the paper is full of writing, but these did not attract Lorenzo's attention. What really made him pause was the name below.
(End of this chapter)

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