Embers of Embers

Chapter 480 Nightmare

Chapter 480 Nightmare
The atmosphere suddenly became silent, Lorenzo frowned, and Eve sitting on the other side could clearly feel Lorenzo's change.
"What happened? Lorenzo."
Eve asked quietly.
"No... nothing."
Lorenzo collected the paper and stuffed it back into the envelope.
"What's written in it?"
Eve asked again, she always felt that Lorenzo was hiding something from her.
"It's a bill, a very urgent bill, about building maintenance or something like that. If I don't pay, they're going to sue me."
Lorenzo casually began to fool Eve, which he was very good at and often succeeded in doing.
"Building maintenance?"
Eve looked around her at the messy Winchester Office. It was obvious that she thought this was the building Lorenzo mentioned.
"Are you lying to me?"
Just when Lorenzo thought he was going to successfully deceive Eve, Eve suddenly said backhand. She looked at Lorenzo keenly, as if all the secrets could not be hidden from her.
The scene became awkward for a while.
"You said before that I had grown up and was no longer the child who shivered in the face of monsters, and then you lied to me with such ridiculous words?"
Eve looked helpless, and then whispered.
"You have to make progress, Lorenzo."
She patted Lorenzo's shoulder vigorously, and Lorenzo responded to her with a look of disgust. He was disgusted by Eve's extremely artificial and hateful look.
Silent, Lorenzo's mood was a little complicated, and he didn't know what to say for a moment.
"Then I'll go first, I have to go on duty."
Eve said and was about to leave.
"Just leaving like that? I thought you would question me until I found out."
Lorenzo couldn't believe that Eve actually left like this. According to his impression of Eve, once this guy got into trouble, it would be crazy.
"I know that regulation. Knowledge is cursed. If you are not going to tell me, it must be cursed knowledge. You also said that the higher you climb, the more you will know."
Eve learned quickly, she obeyed Lorenzo's words and opened the door.
"Bye, Lorenzo."
The door closed with a bang, and the room became dark again. Lorenzo looked at the closed door, and the smell of Eve still lingered in the air.
This can be regarded as a novel experience. A passing friend kicked open the door of your house with malicious intent to tease you, chatted with you, and then left in style...
To be honest, this is a life that Lorenzo has never imagined before. He has never even imagined it, but now he has almost everything he never had before. This beautiful feeling almost makes him sink, and it is also because it is so beautiful. , Lorenzo saw the light, and could not bear the light's departure even more.
For some reason, Lorenzo thought of the guy named Juao. When he finally stopped himself, he probably had the same mood. Lawrence was his light, his hope, and he was willing to give everything for this.
The sound of harsh airflow sounded, and steam rose up from under the street again, making the old Dunling foggy again in the morning. It blurred the windows, but more light came in outside the window, clearing away the darkness and shining brightly. This messy room.
The old Dunling is gradually waking up, and a new day has arrived.
Lorenzo's relaxed nerves became tense again. He took out the envelope, took the paper out of it, and spread it out flat on the table in front of him.
The atmosphere was oppressive, as if the air had solidified into lead stone, oppressing the chest and making people breathless. Lorenzo seemed a little unbelievable. He read the content on the paper again. This time he was silent for a long time, and finally relaxed. He stood up slowly, tore the papers into pieces, and threw them into the ashtray. The white fireworks flashed and burned them to ashes.
I don’t know if it was an illusion or something, but at the moment when it was burning in the ashtray, the fireworks burned the edge of the paper, and it made a scream like a human being, but the sound was very soft. If Lorenzo wasn’t paying attention, he wouldn’t even notice it. .
Looking into the wailing sound, the fireworks had gone out, and among the accumulated black ashes, Lorenzo found that its center began to slowly collapse, turning into a dark hole.
The bloodshot eyes opened from the hole, and they moved rapidly, looking for the target, and finally looked at Lorenzo.
The eyeball was broken and sunken, and then a steady stream of black water gushed out of it. It erupted quickly and swallowed the ground in the blink of an eye.
Lorenzo immediately reached out and tried to take the nailed sword inserted into the wall for hanging clothes, but found that he could not move at all, his body was frozen in place and would not obey his orders.
Crazy sounds poured into his ears in an instant, and the window outside the window had turned into pitch black. The next moment, countless white palms were knocking on the door and window.
Lorenzo looked there with some confusion. He was not afraid of ghosts or anything like that, because he had killed more terrifying things than these. Logically speaking, they should be afraid of him.
A pale and blood-stained face appeared in Lorenzo's eyes. His pupils were dull and lifeless, as if her soul had been drained out. She hit the window hard with her head, smashing the glass. There were also tragic wounds on her forehead, and blood It flowed across the bridge of her nose, and she was already dead, and she struggled to crawl into the house.
Lorenzo recognized that face, it was Eve who had just left, and more familiar but dead faces appeared around her.
I feel a little cold inside.
The sound of the ocean tide sounded, getting louder and louder, coming from all directions. Lorenzo remembered that the place where he lived was at least a few streets away from the Thames. How could a heavy flood reach this place? But the next moment it was dark. The black water broke through the doors and windows, and it rolled up the dead floating corpse. Lorenzo was swallowed up by it before he could even resist.
This is a familiar feeling... Lorenzo remembered it, it was today's nightmare, sinking into this boundless ocean...
Was he the one who drowned?
At the end of darkness, light rises.
Lorenzo stood there blankly. He still maintained the same action as when lighting the fire. The nail sword was still stuck on the side, with his coat hanging on the hilt. His body was a little stiff, and then he sat down slowly. Go down.
Everything returned to normal, it seemed that everything just now was just an illusion, but Lorenzo felt something was wrong. This illusion was so real, so real that he felt extremely cold now, as if he had just crawled out of the harsh winter. .
"what happened?"
Lorenzo murmured to himself. He didn't feel the wave of erosion, and he didn't look at anyone. He had the impression that the guy who could control the illusion had been killed by him.
With a little fear, his eyes moved to the ashtray again. There were still some embers in the dust, and it stubbornly gave off a faint light.
"Cursed knowledge...?"
Lorenzo looked at the ashes left after the burning paper ball. He temporarily attributed the weird hallucination just now to the memetic pollution of knowledge. After all, there are too many secrets in this world that he does not know yet.
"Watson...what on earth have you done?"
Lorenzo held a cigarette in his mouth and looked out the window in confusion. There was no black water or dead bodies, just a peaceful look.
He felt a little headache. The hallucination he had just now would have frightened an ordinary person to faint. However, Lorenzo was used to it. He even said that he thought it shouldn't be a hallucination. Based on the information on the paper, it should be. A few silencers should be parachuted in.
Okay, that’s where the joke ends. This mentality of having fun in hardship is important, but it can’t be everything.
Lorenzo's eyes were heavy, then he closed his eyes and thought.
The information on the paper was like a bomb, exploding in Lorenzo's mind. Watson seemed to be very urgent when conveying the news. The words were obviously simplified by her in advance so that she could send the telegram quickly. .
Watson conveyed a lot of information, but some details were vague, but judging from the state of her telling, it was understandable.
Watson is being hunted by the Silent, an extremely powerful Silent with independent consciousness.
"Will be killed, avoid direct contact."
This is the evaluation given by Watson. This evaluation makes Lorenzo very worried about her situation and feels pressured.
In Lorenzo's perception, [sublimated] existences like him and Watson are already considered to be top combat powers. In a one-on-one situation, almost no one is their opponent, even when facing the army. , with the blessing of Power Gabriel, there is still a certain chance of winning.
But Watson vetoed everything. She warned Lorenzo that the enemy could move in the [gap], and once the power Gabriel is used, there is a great possibility of being discovered by him.
So from this point of view, in the alleys of the streets, Watson must have come to find her, but she encountered an enemy. She could only leave a warning in a hurry and send more information after she was safe.
Lorenzo knew very well what was happening, and it also deepened his understanding of the Shepherd Theory. The Silent Ones are not all such clumsy machines. When they go deep enough outside the [Fence], there will be more powerful machines. Being emerges to correct all these errors.
This can be easily deduced, and Watson learned enough knowledge to trigger this, which led to the current situation.
So what did Watson learn?
She did not explain this in the paper, but vaguely mentioned some clues.
"The Temple of Stasis, the Well of Sublimation, that seems to be where everything begins."
Lorenzo muttered in a low voice, this was what Watson mentioned in the paper, like a riddle, but Lorenzo understood what Watson meant, and thinking of what he and Eve just said, Lorenzo couldn't help but I find it somewhat ironic.
Knowledge is cursed, and people of different classes know different secrets, so the same story is distorted into different appearances in the eyes of different people.
Lies one after another cover the world. Just as Lorenzo cannot tell Eve the truth, Watson cannot tell Lorenzo more details, because once Lorenzo knows this, Lorenzo Zuo will surely attract the attention of the silent ones and face the powerful enemy Watson encountered.
Watson herself was no match for that enemy, and she felt that neither was she.
However... there is also some hope, and this is the last information carried on the paper.
"Holy Silver can block [Gap] intrusion and protect us from being discovered by the Silent Ones."
Lorenzo never expected that holy silver would have such a use. It seemed that he needed to make a holy silver helmet for himself, but then Lorenzo became lost.
He no longer has holy silver. This precious resource has long been exhausted in the previous successive battles. And until now, Lorenzo does not know the structure of this thing. He only knows that the Evangelical Church possesses this resource. .
Lorenzo had also asked Merlin before, and after providing some samples, Merlin only came to the conclusion that it might be an alchemical product. As for how to produce holy silver, no one knew.
"Stasis Temple...it seems like I might as well go back if I have the chance..."
Thinking of this, Lorenzo's only remaining target is the Temple of Stasis, which was once the base of the Demon Hunting Order. Judging from Watson's intelligence, this is also the source of everything.
She used the word "root", so there must be enough secrets here to pursue... Think about it, before the Holy Night, the Demon Hunting Order may be the group closest to the truth of this world. In this strange place, Lorenzo would not be surprised if there was anything buried under the soil.
As the "Gospel" says, darkness grows from the shadow of God, so as the reflection of St. Naro's Cathedral, the Temple of Stasis is perfect as the source of darkness.
But the situation is not that bad now.
Lorenzo comforted himself in his heart. Watson got new information and was safe now. She also said in the telegram that she would contact her again.
Now they move closer to the source of the mystery, and a deeper darkness envelopes Lorenzo as well.
"It's okay, it's okay, it's not too bad."
Lorenzo muttered to himself, then stood up, put on his windbreaker, put on his weapon, and opened the door.
Tomorrow he will go to meet Queen Victoria, but before the interview, Lorenzo still has some things to do, such as dealing with some remaining incidents.
"I'm here to get you, Lorenzo."
The carriage slowly stopped in front of the door, Lan Jade opened the door and said to Lorenzo.
"Oh, why is it you? It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time!"
Lorenzo tried his best to make himself happy, forgetting the bad hallucinations and nightmares just now.
"Right now, we are short of manpower...well, we seem to have always been short of manpower. Shrike is still resting in the hospital. He has not suffered many injuries, but he needs to undergo a mental test. Kestrel's injury is not healed yet, so he can only do some work on duty. , and finally it was my turn.”
Lan Jade explained.
“That’s what it’s like to be in a high-risk profession.”
Lorenzo sat in the car and said slowly.
"It seems like it's not easy for everyone... How is he doing?"
"Not bad, except for some signs of schizophrenia, everything is normal."
Lorenzo nodded and sighed.
"Okay, that sounds good."
(End of this chapter)

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