Embers of Embers

Chapter 483 Flesh Furnace

Chapter 483 Flesh Furnace
Gallo Nalo, Maluri Harbour, Herne Cathedral.
The bombing attack at Maluri Port was like the opening of a stage. With the end of that suffering night, everything moved in a crazy direction. The situation in the entire Western world has never been more serious, although both sides have not yet broken apart. It's shameless, but the heavy oppression has permeated every inch of land where human life exists.
With the development of science and technology today, human information is no longer as blocked as in the old days. With railway tracks and ships, letters and telegrams, information related to the Night of Tribulation spreads rapidly, spreading among countries, arousing the interest of others. nerve.
Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky, feeling the unspeakable pressure, as if the sky was covered by an invisible iron curtain. If you were not careful, it would completely break, bringing sparks and remaining warmth to the country and smashing it fiercely.
But some people's mood is different from theirs. They don't have the slightest fear, but are ecstatic about it.
The Plague Doctor was one of those ecstatic, and now he was standing on the lookout of Herne Cathedral.
Looking at the place where the sky and the sea meet, the armored ships lined up one by one and docked at the Maruli Port, which was still being repaired.Due to the defeat of the Glorious War, Gaul Naluo's military suffered a great blow. Even if they recovered later, their military strength was still difficult to catch up with Yin Erweg.
Under such a situation, facing Inverg who mastered advanced steam technology, Gaulnaro had little chance of winning, so they attracted surrounding countries, most of which were located in the Rhine River Basin, so this alliance was called the Rhineland. alliance.
"The war is coming!"
The epidemic doctor took in big breaths, breathing heavily from under his beak mask, with uncontrollable joy in his voice.
This is a good moment. The war is imminent. The old king cleared up the discordant voices in the country before his death. With the coronation of Cornel and the assistance of Currie, all the power in Gallonalo is now highly concentrated.
At the same time, the divine power was also being plundered. With the support of Cornel, the Orthodox Church launched a series of conflicts with the Evangelical Church after the death of Miguel. Most of the conflicts ended with the victory of the Orthodox Church. Now as the Orthodox Church Pope Lawrence almost controlled the faith in most of the land.
There is still resistance in some areas, and believers of the Evangelical Church reject the spread of Orthodoxy, but their demise is also doomed. A few days ago, the core of the Holy Evangelical Papal State, the Seven Hills, was closed. No one knows the details. What happened was that there were rumors that the Cathedral of Saint-Naro was surrounded by the Knights Templar, and the new Pope was among them, maintaining absolute silence.
With these, the Orthodox Church also had the opportunity to attack the believers of the Evangelical Church. Under the Great Purge, they usurped the sacred church under their feet.
Herne Cathedral is the largest and most prosperous church in Maloorie. It has a long history. During the period when the Evangelical Church was at its most powerful, it was the outpost of the Evangelical Church. All ships entering and leaving the port of Maluri would be subject to Herne. The surveillance of the cathedral, even if this is not the Holy Evangelical Papal State.
But now everything has changed. Without the interference of the Holy Gospel Papal State, everything is proceeding according to the plan of the person in power. Like a runaway train, it begins to accelerate crazily until it rushes off the rails and takes everyone with it. die.
Now this sacred church also belongs to the Orthodox Church and was expanded by Lawrence as a base. The church is still the same, but the faith in it has long been changed beyond recognition.
Such crazy actions will cause people to panic, and some people will feel fear and loathe war. There are many such voices in Gaulona, ​​but under the death of the king, the death of the pope, and the attack on Maruri Port, Domestic war emotions were aroused, and even if there were voices of war weariness, they were swallowed up by roaring anger.
"You are rarely so happy. The last time I saw you like this was when I handed you the Book of Revelation."
Lawrence walked over. He was wearing the familiar pitch-black iron mask, even facing the sun, it was difficult to illuminate the gloom.
"Of course, I am finally setting sail again. Those who seek the truth will never stand still."
The epidemic doctor turned around, his joyful voice distorted by the beak mask into a blurry sound.
After going through so much, even Lawrence has changed countless bodies, but the epidemic doctor has never changed much.
He still wore clothes stained with blood. Some of the blood had solidified and turned into a black stain, like dyeing, hanging all over the clothes. However, the beak mask had changed slightly. He had changed a few. The new lenses look much clearer, but from there, there is still a deep darkness below.
Lawrence's eyes moved from the abyss under the lens, and his consciousness was a little dazed. He remembered that he had never really seen the appearance of the epidemic doctor. From the day he met the epidemic doctor, he had been wearing a mask.
"Are you ready?"
Lawrence asked.
The epidemic doctor planned to sail away. He had told Lawrence about this very early, but he didn't expect that this day would come so quickly. Even a cold-blooded monster like Lawrence would have such a feeling of reluctance.
Of course, this so-called "reluctance" is not about friendship, but about the sadness of losing an excellent tool.
The Plague Doctor is a very good ally. They have the same interests and can move in the same direction. It can be said that Lawrence is able to do what he is today because of the Plague Doctor's contribution. The flesh and blood of the Holy Grail, the legion of secret blood... He gave Lawrence was a huge help.
Based on the strange knowledge in the plague doctor's mind and his ability to convert ideas into reality, his energy is far more powerful than an army.
Lawrence hesitated.
He didn't want to let the doctor leave. The doctor was not on his opposite side yet, but no matter what happened, there was at least a slight possibility. For his own wish, Lawrence was willing to destroy everything that might affect him, even if it was help. Live your own medicine.
In order to avoid that almost non-existent possibility, Lawrence was considering whether to let the epidemic doctor sleep here forever.
"The ironclad ship is ready, the steam engine is roaring, the boiler is boiling hot, all the equipment, plus the army you have given me, and the current situation in the world... everything is so perfect, I can't think of a better time to do it .”
The epidemic doctor leaned aside, his voice full of fascination.
"Lawrence, in fact, many times I don't understand your madness. Although it is for saving the world, it is difficult for me to empathize with you and understand that. At that time, I felt that we were essentially different people."
The epidemic doctor looked at Lawrence. Both of them wore masks to hide their true feelings.
"Are you a madman, a war maniac, a savior? And I am a scholar. We have different identities and pursue different things. This is normal... but I understand it somewhat now."
The sound rumbled from under the beak mask.
As a doctor and a scholar, Dr. Epidemic rarely understands the mood of those careerists when they take power. It is obvious that such things are meaningless, why are these people so crazy about it, and now Dr. Epidemic somewhat understands.
This has nothing to do with power or truth. This is a wish, an ideal, something that you have spent your whole life chasing, and the ecstasy before it is about to be realized.
This is how he feels now. With the formation of the fleet and the improvement of the plan, his long-quiet heart began to beat violently again.
"It feels really good, I feel like I'm alive again."
The epidemic doctor sighed.
Lawrence was silent on the side. He looked at the body of the epidemic doctor and saw waves of bulges under his clothes, as if there was something like a snake-like creature squirming under his clothes. It seemed that it would happen in the next second. It burst out of the body and tore the epidemic doctor into pieces.
Lawrence had witnessed this phenomenon when human beings were demonized. Flesh and flesh began to distort and try to break free from the constraints of the body. Many times, Lawrence thought that the epidemic doctor was going to transform into a demon, but in the end he calmed down, as if this This phenomenon is just a manifestation of his own emotions. Generally, this phenomenon indicates that the doctor's mood fluctuates greatly.
Fortunately, this situation didn't last long, and the plague doctor's body gradually calmed down. After recovering from the immersion, the plague doctor signaled Lawrence to follow him, and he walked into the huge building behind him. There was no light in the corridor, and invisible darkness shrouded everything, making it impossible to see what was hidden inside.
"My departure will inevitably cause problems in the production of the secret blood, so in order to avoid these, I kept all the knowledge about the secret blood.
Translating these things from the Book of Revelation was a big project, and I once thought I was going to be killed by the crazy knowledge. "
The Plague Doctor said as he walked that after reading the Book of Revelation, one would surely know the cursed knowledge in it. The erosion it brought about once made the Plague Doctor almost lose control, and he lost many researchers for this reason.
Thinking about the appearance of those guys, the epidemic doctor actually couldn't remember it for a while, so he simply stopped thinking about it.
Although he is a scholar, the epidemic doctor killed not many fewer people than Lawrence, and like Lawrence, the so-called psychological burden is simply a mockery of the epidemic doctor. In his eyes, these are all for great knowledge. And devote yourself.
Of course it's not voluntary.
Those guys all died at the hands of the out-of-control epidemic doctor. He was still distressed for a long time at that time. It was not easy to find such a group of guys who barely understood the demons.
"Due to limited technical conditions, the current life of this facility is not long. With diligent maintenance, it is estimated that it can last only a few years, and then it will get out of control... But it is not important. After all, according to your prediction, if you cannot survive the doomsday , we don’t have any so-called ‘a few years from now’, so its design is more in line with the current situation.”
As the doctor narrated, a disgusting smell of blood floated from the end of the darkness. It was so strong that it seemed that countless corpses were piling up in the darkness. The abominable deaths had specific shapes and eroded Go with it.
"We are not a demon hunting sect, and various powerful technologies cannot be reproduced, but at least within a few years, enough stable secret blood will be produced here, which will make your army endless."
Stepping out of the darkness, warm air hits your face.
This is an underground building upside down under Herne Cathedral. It has a secret passage directly leading to the port. In the era when the Evangelical Church was strong, those believers conducted smuggling business here, sending a steady stream of wealth from Nalo in Gaul. To the Papal States of the Holy Gospel.
Now this place has been abandoned for many years until it was reactivated by the Plague Doctor. He used the knowledge in the "Apocalypse" and his own madness to turn this place into a twisted hell.
Lawrence walked over, parked aside, and looked down at the entire underground facility from a height.
It was a facility like a furnace. It was at the core of the underground. The steel and machinery were burning with flames, releasing bursts of dazzling light.
The heat in the room comes from it. It is placed at the bottom, and most of it is soaked in liquid. Due to the limitation of light, everything under the water is pitch black and cannot be seen clearly.
"What do you think of the name Flesh Steam Engine?"
The plague doctor became humorous, and Lawrence ignored him, but focused on looking under the water surface. The blurry picture gradually became clear. There seemed to be some monsters hidden under the water surface, and countless swimming snakes were slowly moving forward.
Seeing this, the epidemic doctor pulled down the valve, and the sound of rumbling water flow was heard.
After these days of construction, the original secret passage leading to the port was transformed into a waterway. The epidemic doctor emptied the river below, and the combination of flesh and blood and machinery gradually became clear.
It was a furnace. Only a small part of it was exposed to the water. The main body was always hidden under the water. It was covered with ferocious flesh and blood. They squirmed powerfully. Thick cyan blood vessels were all over the surface. Lawrence saw it. The colubrid snakes were the tentacles on it, and they became restless as the river emptied.
"This carefully cultivated demon has been completely integrated with the furnace. It will grow wildly and produce a steady stream of stable blood from its body. This blood can be purified into stable secret blood as long as it is processed through alchemy. It will be nourishment for your legion for years to come.”
The epidemic doctor was lying on the railing, looking down at his perfect work.
The furnace swayed slowly, and then there was an unwilling roar at the bottom. It was an extremely huge demon. Due to excessive growth, it had been completely squeezed into the bottom wall. This so-called furnace was only built on its On the back, scarlet flesh and white bones can be seen from the gap between steel and flesh.
As his eyes continued to move upward, these steel-covered walls of flesh and blood were fused with countless corpses, and they were completely integrated with flesh and blood. Most of them were trapped under flesh and blood, with only a few heads and The limbs can be barely exposed.
"The furnace will continue to consume its strength and flesh so as not to allow this guy's growth to break through our shackles, and the river water will keep its cooling stable, and by the way, it can also curb the activity of the monster... It can be said that we have perfectly controlled one A powerful demon.”
The epidemic doctor's sight stayed on the flesh and blood mural.
"Of course, the most important thing is these corpses, the corpses of demon hunters. Under the long-term influence of the secret blood, the demon hunters themselves have a complete hematopoietic system. It can be said that they can produce a certain amount of secret blood by themselves. They and This demon blends together and the knowledge of the Book of Revelation to create these.”
"But... I collect corpses for research. Why do you collect these corpses? Lawrence."
The doctor asked curiously. When he told his needs, he thought Lawrence would attack the Holy Gospel Papal State and kill a few demon hunters of the new order. In the end, he directly dumped a large number of demon hunters. corpse.
"Be prepared, you will never know what I have done and what I have paid to prepare for this."
Lawrence didn't want to explain anything more. He just looked at the flesh and blood mural below with some nostalgia, and there was a familiar face on it.
It was an old and haggard face. It had been dead for a long time, but it seemed that the angry will could not be released. Even if it was fused with the demon, it could not relieve the cold iron-blue color.
"Yeah, I originally thought you would bury it and erect a monument or something. I didn't expect you to still keep it and throw it here. You really used all the resources..."
The epidemic doctor also saw the livid face, shook his head and sighed.
That's Lawrence...at least it used to be.
(End of this chapter)

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