Embers of Embers

Chapter 484 1 Nothing

Chapter 484 Nothing
If hell really exists, then it probably looks like this. The air is hot and full of blood, and the flesh and blood are like savagely growing vines, devouring the surrounding things densely and lushly. They spread along the damp walls, touching blood vessels like blood vessels. The limbs pass through the gaps, densely packed, like a carpet of fungus.
"Maintenance is also very simple. Just make sure that the demon doesn't get out of control. The crazy growth of flesh and blood must be dealt with regularly, otherwise it will easily cause a containment failure... By the way, I plan to call this demon 'Mother', what do you think?"
I have to say that the epidemic doctor's ability in naming is simply miserable.
Lawrence ignored him, but looked intently at the twisted flesh and steel. A whimpering roar came from the bottom. With the demon's breathing, the hill-like body was also shaking slightly, driving the sparks in the furnace to surge. rise.
"However, these things have their own corrosion, so the damage rate of maintenance personnel is very high. My suggestion is that after handling them about three times, they can be scrapped. The way to deal with them is also very simple, just throw them into the furnace. , human flesh and blood will be its nourishment.”
The epidemic doctor said that he was leaving, and he had to take care of everything for Lawrence before leaving.
"Is that all?" Lawrence asked.
"Otherwise? These are enough for you."
The epidemic doctor said, he thought about it and continued to add.
"Before the doomsday comes, with what we have now, it will be difficult for us to make any technological breakthroughs. This kind of secret blood legion is the ultimate we can achieve, and according to your prophecy, our time There’s not much left.”
As the sound fell, everything fell silent, and there was silence all around. Except for the crackling sound of burning in the furnace, there was also the demon's low roar and heavy breathing.
"So you are determined to leave? Doctor Epidemic."
Lawrence stood on one side of the fence, and the Plague Doctor stood on the other. Fireworks lit up in the furnace between them, separating them like a curtain of light.
"Yeah, I can't help you anymore. My own research on knowledge has reached a bottleneck. Now I want to pursue higher truth."
The epidemic doctor said sadly.
"It was a real pleasure working with you, Lawrence. It's a pity we have to part ways."
Lawrence asked, the Plague Doctor mentioned these, forming a fleet and establishing a legion. Lawrence did these to fight against the doomsday war, and the Plague Doctor did it for his crusade for truth.
The epidemic doctor affirmed.
"I don't seem to have a chance to go anywhere. If you can get there, it might not be so bad."
Lawrence lamented that the north was just an empty word to him. He had never reached there, and judging from the current situation, he had no chance to reach there.
In his eyes, the north was just a barren ice field. The only mysterious place was the sea area called the Sea of ​​Silence. He heard that it was an unknown place and all the ships that entered failed to return.
These mysterious legends were regarded by Lawrence as boring. After all, Lawrence had never really been to the Sea of ​​Silence. He had not experienced these personally, and those who had gone deep into the Sea of ​​Silence rarely returned. They could not tell others the information, so there was nothing. People can truly understand this strange sea area, which can only be decorated with empty legends.
But things were different now. In the continuous pursuit of the roots, this vague world became extremely clear in Lawrence's eyes. He didn't know what was in the north, but he could guess and guess the secrets hidden in it.
"The truth, I guess it's out there."
The epidemic doctor said as he recalled his past and pieced together the broken clues.
"Why do you think so?"
Lawrence asked with some interest. He had speculated about possible secrets in the north in the Book of Revelation and the legends of the Evangelical Church, but he had only told Miguel about these. He did not know how the plague doctor came up with the idea. There.
"This starts before we meet, Lawrence, but before that, have you ever known the Alchemist?"
The plague doctor was probably laughing, and the voice under the bird's beak mask was a bit harsh.
"You must know that alchemists are actually very selfish, with an almost crazy thirst for knowledge, so that each of them is driven by a huge sense of hunger."
The epidemic doctor said as if mocking himself.
"Even I am no exception. When I think about those things, I feel an unbearable restlessness, as if something is tempting me, and I can't refuse."
Lawrence saw it again, and there were bursts of bulges under the plague doctor's clothes.
“In the eyes of alchemists, the door of truth can only be opened to one person. If other alchemists find the door of truth first, other alchemists will be shut out.
Probably out of this idea, alchemists do not communicate with each other, and their alchemy notes are also written in cipher text, which makes it difficult for a lot of knowledge to be passed down. "
"Are you an alchemist? I thought you said a doctor."
Lawrence asked the plague doctor.
Although the epidemic doctor knew a lot of strange knowledge, he always appeared in front of him as a doctor. Even if he had dabbled in alchemy, he never mentioned it.
The epidemic doctor did not confirm or deny, he just expressed his thoughts.
"Whether it is an alchemist, a doctor, or a scholar, in the final analysis, they are all pursuers of knowledge, and the essence is the same.
I have investigated the history of the alchemists. In my hunger for knowledge, I have killed many alchemists and vaguely inferred some conclusions from their broken notes.
They were also powerful in the beginning and had a powerful group called the Golden Dawn. It should have been the most glorious era for the alchemists, but unfortunately there seems to be no record of that era that has been handed down.
But no matter what it is, it will come to an end. High-rise buildings will collapse, people will die, and even the vast ocean may dry up one day. The powerful Golden Dawn is no exception. As time changes, it will gradually be annihilated. In the years.
I traced it back and discovered that this organization was originally a group called the Rosicrucians, and their leader was a man named Roger Cruz. "
The doctor's voice paused, as if he thought of something interesting. Every time he thought of this, he felt a sense of enlightenment in his heart.
"I spent a long time investigating these, especially the man named Roger Cruz. I found detailed information about him from the mouth of a down-and-out alchemist, and it was passed down from his family. From the notes, I deciphered that his family had been a member of the Rosicrucian Order, and also learned from it that Roger Cruz was a Viking."
Lawrence did not expect that this matter would be related to the Vikings. The Viking countries were located in the far north, covered by cold winds and winter. It was a barren land. Let alone knowledge, even survival seemed extremely difficult. difficulty.
"Yes, Vikings, if you say so, the Rosicrucians, the earliest alchemical group that can be traced, most likely emerged from the north. Think about the legend of your evangelical church. The first saints collected When called by God, they traveled across mountains and rivers to the cold windy ice fields, and brought back the knowledge to fight against darkness."
The epidemic doctor expressed his suspicion to Lawrence.
"I have also read "The Book of Revelation". In fact, it can be regarded as a forbidden alchemical notebook. Coupled with Roger Cruz and his Rosicrucians, I have every reason to believe that somewhere in the north, This place hides horrifying knowledge, maybe it was the temple left by the Rosicrucians, maybe it is the place closest to the truth."
Lawrence was silent. He was not surprised that the epidemic doctor could guess this, but he didn't expect it to be so detailed, and from his mouth, Lawrence also got something he didn't know.
"Rosicrucian Order, Golden Dawn... I have heard that there were a group of alchemists who maintained the Well of Ascension in the Demon Hunting Order. I remember they mentioned these, but unfortunately those guys all died in If you want to ask anything on the night of Holy Advent, you won’t have the chance.”
Lawrence continued.
"This is true as it sounds. Due to greed and selfishness for knowledge, the history of the Alchemists has become shattered and difficult to recover."
"So I want to go there, Lawrence. I want to see the truth that so many people seek."
The epidemic doctor's voice was serious, made deep and suppressed by the bird's beak mask.
"You thought so too, right?"
When asked by the epidemic doctor, Lawrence did not answer.
He had indeed thought about this. After realizing that the "Apocalypse" originated in the north, Lawrence had wanted to leave there more than once, but the reality made him tied here and unable to move.
"Gaul Naro... No, the Rhenish Alliance will go to war with Yin Erweg next, and the entire White Tide Strait will turn into a sea of ​​fire. My Secret Blood Army will become a strange force, killing people on the battlefield... It's a pity. The most important thing is that I need to stay here, this is an army made of monsters, and they need another more powerful monster to lead."
Lawrence said and shook his head. The closer he was to realizing his dream, the more frightened and panicked he became. He was afraid that he would make a mistake, so he could only use his best.
"But the war with Yin Erweg was never what I wanted. My destination is the Holy Gospel Papal State, the Seven Hills, and the Saint-Naro Cathedral."
"Why there?"
The epidemic doctor was a little surprised. Under the current turbulent situation, the Holy Gospel Papal State was almost abnormally calm, as if all this had nothing to do with it, maintaining absolute silence, even if the faith in Gaul Nalone had such a big change. There is no sign of fluctuations.
"Because the end of my prophecy begins there."
Lawrence said, raising his hand and pressing his head hard. The severe pain in his mind continued one after another. This was the result of excessive use of power Gabriel. His consciousness was shattered, and it seemed that he would be destroyed in the next second. Disappear in the wind.
"I want to take the legion to conquer there and kill the end at the source."
"In this case, it seems that I can only go to the north by myself. If I can come back alive, I will tell you about it."
The epidemic doctor said helplessly.
"Come back alive? Do you think you will die there?"
Lawrence heard something was wrong.
"Of course, this is my ideal and my wish. If it can be obtained so easily, it wouldn't be right no matter how you think about it," the epidemic doctor laughed, "Dedicate yourself to the truth, that's probably it."
The laughter was a little sad, echoing back and forth in this empty and dark space, and seemed a bit monotonous. Gradually, the laughter stopped, and there was only silence between the two.
"I said... maybe this is the last time we see each other, Lawrence."
The epidemic doctor was a little sad. He didn't know the upcoming journey, but he had a feeling that everything that followed would not be so easy.
"Even if I come back alive, you might be dead too."
"Why do you think so?"
Lawrence didn't understand. The epidemic doctor knew Lawrence's ability very well. Logically speaking, Lawrence was the guy who was least likely to die. As long as there was a new body, this crazy will could continue.
"Why? Lawrence, I have seen many madmen, or careerists, who talk about great principles and want to change the world, but in the end they shrink back in the face of death, praying for my medical skills to let them live, even if Become a monster."
The epidemic doctor laughed strangely when he said this. Lawrence could guess the fate of those people without asking. They might survive, but how they survived was unknown.
"When I first met you, I also felt that you were like those people who talked about great principles, but in fact it was just for their own selfishness. When I really asked them to give something, they would only be scared to wet their pants while crying for mercy. .”
There was a pause in the narrative, and the doctor looked at Lawrence.
"I thought you were like them, but you are not. You are the real madman, the real careerist. Look at you, Lawrence, how many people have you killed for your ideals and your wishes? How much have you paid for it? ?
Not only do you throw others into the fire, you jump into it yourself. "
Waves of wailing sounded, it was the demons below who were screaming, and as it sounded, the dead heads on the flesh and blood murals also sounded, like a huge flesh and blood organ playing forbidden music.
"You seem to have everything, but in fact you have nothing left. The past is buried under the dust, the future is swallowed up by abominable despair, your body is destroyed by fire, and your will is shattered..."
The epidemic doctor said in surprise.
"You are the real desperado, you have nothing."
Lawrence didn't say anything, remained silent, his face was blocked by a dark mask, and no emotion could be revealed.
"Would you like a hug? After all, we have worked together for so long."
The epidemic doctor said, opened his hand, walked up and hugged Lawrence. He patted Lawrence's back hard. This was the first time he had done this kind of intimate gesture, and Lawrence was as cold as a sculpture. Any reaction.
"After working together for so long, I think I know you well enough, Lawrence, so will you let me go so easily?"
The epidemic doctor whispered in his ear.
"You madman, you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. Even you can easily abandon yourself, let alone me. If you think there is even the slightest possibility that I will become your enemy, I must be destined to die here today. ,Yeah?"
Lawrence did not respond, but the sharp nail sword penetrated the plague doctor's chest, emerged from his back, and penetrated his body.
The blood fell into the darkness below, as if it smelled the breath of a living person, the demon roared like laughter.
(End of this chapter)

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