Embers of Embers

Chapter 485 Evolution

Chapter 485 Evolution
The sticky sound of the sword penetrating flesh and blood, the whisper of blood flowing, it seems that all time has frozen at this moment, and madness is gestating in the silence.
"It's really...an unexpected development."
The doctor coughed up blood, which stained the lens of the bird's beak mask. It was covered in blood red, and everything he looked at also turned scarlet.
"You think you know me well?"
Lawrence's voice was cold, without any emotion. When he looked up, all he could see was the unchanged dark mask.
He may have had a warm heart of flesh and blood, but when he put on this cold mask, he said goodbye to everything.
"Isn't it?"
There was a slight smile in the voice of the epidemic doctor. He grabbed the nail sword that penetrated his body. At the same time, his other palm that slapped Lawrence's back began to deform, and in an instant, the sharp and weird claws broke free. Breaking away from the restraints of the gloves, it tore through the flesh and blood, emitting an icy cold light like a slender sword blade.
Lawrence didn't say anything, which made the epidemic doctor feel a little bored. He really wanted to know Lawrence's expression at this moment.
It is a great irony for Lawrence that a madman who has reached the end of his life can be understood by others. Maybe his expression under the mask has been distorted by humiliation and anger.
"Quite interesting! Lawrence!"
The epidemic doctor broke off the nail sword with his wrist, leaving another section of the nail sword in his body. The sharp claws slashed at Lawrence. Lawrence's body quickly hid in the other direction, lowering his body as much as possible to avoid the sharp claws. Hitting, but still a little slower, the sharp claws tore open Lawrence's back, leaving a long trail of blood.
Blood spurted out and flesh tore apart.
Before Lawrence got out of the attack range of the Plague Doctor, he kicked hard on the broken nail sword. This blow caused the nail sword to penetrate the Plague Doctor's body again, and the kick also hit the Plague Doctor's chest hard. A slight cracking sound of bones could be heard. The doctor did not wait and continued to pursue Lawrence, but was repelled by this blow and hit the fence of the hanging ladder heavily.
The metal was bent, and the epidemic doctor was spread out on it. The broken sword with protruding flesh and blood on its back trembled slightly, and then the twisted flesh and blood was squeezed out of the body and fell into the darkness below. Only a crisp impact could be heard, and then Nothing is left.
"Compared to me, Doctor Quan, you are the one who is really unpredictable. Thinking about it carefully, I still don't know what kind of face you have under that mask. It can be said that except for you I don’t know anything about you.”
Lawrence spoke calmly, holding the broken sword in his hand, but it still had a frightening power that made the epidemic doctor dare not act rashly.
He is such a person, with a suffocating strength. Even now that Lawrence has lost his limbs, been stabbed blind, and is dying in a pool of blood, he is still strong. As long as you are not careful, he will struggle. Bite your throat out.
"Ah? It's about to be parted, did you remember to get to know each other? Isn't it too late?"
The epidemic doctor's tone was relaxed, he seldom showed a panicked side, and in his memory, he only seemed a little embarrassed when facing the strange silent person.
"Then what do you want to know? I will tell you the truth. As long as you let me go, Lawrence, after all, the truth is really tempting. I can hear the call from the north, scratching my heart and lungs, Longing for my coming."
Although it looks very relaxed on the surface, judging from the heavy breathing of the epidemic doctor, it is actually not like this.
He leaned against the fence, thinking about countermeasures. The surface of his body bulged rhythmically like waves, and the sharp claws that pierced his palms slowly closed, until they finally resembled a dagger.
Opposite the Epidemic Doctor, Lawrence did not act rashly. For him, it was actually very simple to deal with the Epidemic Doctor. As long as he used the power Gabriel, he could directly attack the Epidemic Doctor on the spiritual level.
This is extraordinary authority, a power that should not exist in this world. The more he understands the nature and price of this power, the clearer Lawrence becomes as to why the guy named Edron Levien wanted to use this power. The power is sealed and hidden in the corner of "Revelation".
"Are you thinking of invading my [gap]?"
The epidemic doctor also realized this, and felt something bad for a moment. As long as Lawrence destroyed his [gap], he would definitely die, and the hidden secrets and past would no longer be hidden from Lawrence's eyes.
This ability is really unreasonable. No matter how great your epidemic doctor skills are, there is no room for manipulation.
"Well, I'm actually curious about what kind of [gap] a guy like you has?"
Lawrence held the broken sword and walked slowly towards the epidemic doctor.
"Dark, light, warm, desolate... Which scene in your life is so profound, profound enough to become your [gap]?"
"Ah...let me think about it, I can't think of it. Sometimes I'm not sure I'm not me anymore...at least humans won't be like me."
The epidemic doctor raised his claws, and the sharp hard claws pierced out from his nails, which seemed to be directly connected to his finger bones. He could vaguely see the flesh and blood in the dim place. It was not wrapped by skin, but It directly showed off the scarlet muscles, and it was hard to imagine what was hidden under the clothes.
"It looks like there's going to be a fight, Lawrence."
After finishing speaking, the figure of the epidemic doctor became distorted and blurred. The next moment, the howling wind suddenly rose. At such a speed, only a blurry black shadow could be seen, and then it hit Lawrence hard in front of him.
The two fought together, and the sharp claws slashed down on the head, but was blocked by the broken sword. Under the stalemate of strength, Lawrence barely saw the plague doctor in front of him. This was a gesture he had never seen before.
The posture of a beast.
The strong scarlet muscles broke through the shackles of the clothes. Under the dim light, the texture was clearly visible. Sharp claws like sword blades pierced out from between the bones. They were stained with blood that had pierced the body. The epidemic doctor's body was expanding. , the hyperplasia of muscles strengthens the body and tightly wraps the tough bones. The whole person is like a beast, with the legs recurved, the tailbone lengthened, and the slender spiked tail dancing like a whip.
The erosion spreads and is released from the body of the epidemic doctor.
A blazing glow lit up under the pitch-black mask, surging fireworks and roaring power, it seemed that Lawrence was no longer holding a broken sword, but an unrivaled verdict.
Swinging forward death, blazing fire.
The counter-curved legs burst out with incredible strength, instantly denting the steel beneath their feet. Like a nimble beast, the plague doctor soared into the air to avoid Lawrence's slashing attack, and then slowly The long tail is wrapped around the hollow iron frame on the side, the limbs are close to the wall, and the sharp claws are deeply pierced into it.
He was like a deformed demon, with blood dripping from the edge of the beak mask on his abominable scarlet body.
"I should have thought of the epidemic doctor earlier. When you cooperated with me, it was for the blood of the Holy Grail..."
Lawrence raised his head and looked at the beast on the wall, and there was a familiar smell in his body.
"You sacrificed yourself for your ideals, and I did the same, Lawrence."
What sounded under the beak mask was no longer the dull voice before. Perhaps due to the physical deformation, the epidemic doctor's voice was sharp and hoarse.
"Secret blood, Holy Grail flesh and blood...did you also implant those things into yourself?"
Lawrence recalled the various characteristics of the epidemic doctor. As early as when he met him, this guy showed extremely strange vitality. Even if his limbs were severed, new limbs would grow in an instant.
"You also know my vitality. I myself am the best experimental subject. Otherwise, why do you think your secret blood army was born so quickly?"
The epidemic doctor responded, crawling slowly on the wall, waiting for an opportunity.
"So... who are you, Epidemic Doctor?"
Lawrence asked in confusion. Except for the name of the epidemic doctor, Lawrence knew nothing about the epidemic doctor.
In the past, he didn't care about these things because the epidemic doctor was on his side, and he had always held this powerful tool in his hands, but now it was different, the epidemic doctor was leaving, and this powerful tool would be out of his control.
"A scholar, a doctor."
The epidemic doctor responded with a smile and fell from the sky.
The body turned quickly, and the tail made a roaring sound. It hit like a long whip, and the sharp blade at the end struck the hanging ladder fiercely, with dazzling sparks on the edge.
This blow directly caused the corridor to collapse. During the violent shaking, Lawrence jumped to another high platform. He pulled out another nail sword and pierced it into the wall. He briefly stabilized his figure, stepped on the wall and continued to march, turning back. He drew his sword and leaped towards the epidemic doctor.
Neither of them had the slightest intention of blocking. Their sharp claws and nailed swords intertwined and penetrated different bodies.
The epidemic doctor waved his claws randomly like a crazy beast. The sharp spikes hooked Lawrence's body, and the other claw directly pierced Lawrence's abdomen. He chopped off his right shoulder and slashed diagonally towards his chest. His power was so powerful that his flesh and blood were broken inch by inch, and he slowly stopped until he reached his heart.
Hot blood spilled in mid-air, and the two of them fell towards the darkness under the furnace, but neither stopped fighting in the process.
Half of the epidemic doctor's body was torn apart by the slash of the nail sword. The bones were broken and the flesh was also crumbling. From the hideous wound, you could see the pale bones, and the broken hardness was still undulating and beating. The translucent diaphragm contains the fiery heart.
Pulling out the claws suddenly, a large hole was opened in Lawrence's abdomen. Blood mixed with gastric juice gushed out, and twisted things like tentacles danced wildly as they fell.
Lawrence covered the wound with one hand to prevent his internal organs from leaking out. He gritted his teeth and vigorously drove his wrist to apply force to the nail sword. The slash came out of the body, and most of the body and the arms were separated from the body.
The fragments of bones and the flesh of the body were scattered, disappearing in the dim light like dust.
This is a pain that is enough to make you faint. They will rush along the nerves and finally rush into the brain, making people crazy. But this obviously does not apply to the two inhuman monsters in front of them.
Not only were they not conquered by the pain, but they became even more excited. The blood boiled under the pain. The strong vitality was wrapped in the blood, running wildly along the blood vessels, covering the body in waves.
The sharp tail stinger struck from a tricky angle. Lawrence swung his nail sword to deflect the sharp edge. After the blow missed, the long tail wrapped around Lawrence's waist and abdomen, and tightened it hard, pulling out a steady stream of blows. Blood was squeezed out of Lawrence's body. Under the huge pressure, his body began to deform, and his joints twisted into weird angles.
This bad situation didn't last long. The nail sword pierced along the gap, turned vigorously, and easily cut off the plague doctor's long tail completely. The next moment, both of them fell to the bottom.
Just hearing two muffled sounds, the two fell to the cold ground. The ground was soaked with blood and gathered into two pools of blood. Not far from them was the drained pool. The demon at the dark bottom let out bursts of thirst. The gasp of blood.
"Power Yanar? No, the so-called power is just a word used by the Demon Hunting Order to deify the characteristics of demons."
Lawrence stood up from the pool of blood. His other arm was completely broken, and the bones were pierced through the skin and exposed. Even the secret blood would take some time to heal such an injury. He leaned on it with his only movable arm. He nailed the sword and stood up unsteadily.
Opposite him was the deformed and mutated body of the Plague Doctor. Most of the flesh and blood on his upper body had been cut off by Lawrence. They rolled into the darkness below. You could hear the demon gnawing on the Plague Doctor's flesh and blood, greedily enjoying it. With this flesh and blood.
The epidemic doctor also slowly stood up. His figure was undoubtedly much taller than before. His strong arms were lowered. On top of the ferocious wound, countless flesh and blood were rapidly growing. They covered the translucent diaphragm bit by bit, protecting the still beating heart.
"That happened so long ago that I can't even remember it. It was probably somewhere unknown, a remote village."
The epidemic doctor slowly retreated. Although he had done a lot of experiments on himself, he was still a little inferior to Lawrence. He leaned against the wall exhausted, and then sat down weakly.
"At that time, a disease broke out in the village. It was probably called...the Black Death..."
The epidemic doctor recalled that he rarely recalled these things. Logically speaking, they had long been thrown into the trash.
"Ah... a lot of people died, corpses were exposed in the wilderness and so on... Everyone was living in fear. The villagers held torches and checked house to house. If they found some symptoms, they arrested people and threw them into a large In the pit, people were buried after they died. I seemed to be very scared at the time, so I hid in the closet and looked at these through the cracks.
They captured a lot of people, including my parents, I can’t remember them clearly. In the end, it seems that only me survived, and everyone died. "
The voice of the plague doctor was full of uncertainty. I don’t know whether he was telling his own story or making up one, but judging from his perplexed attitude, maybe it was really his own story. It had been so long since he had any memories that he had almost forgotten everything.
"Since then, I have been thinking, is the human body too cowardly? Many things can easily kill us. We will be injured, grieved, and die... Maybe we need to evolve towards a higher level. direction evolution.”
The doctor coughed up blood in pain. Under the successive impacts, the newly replaced lenses of the doctor were also broken. The two mirror holes on the mask were black, and blood continued to flow out of them.
"And you discovered the demon?"
Lawrence asked. During his first cooperation with the epidemic doctor, he discovered that the epidemic doctor had unique insights into monsters. He had been studying these monsters.
"Yes, demons, powerful and strange, terrifying and full of miracles."
As he spoke, the epidemic doctor looked down at his ferocious body. It seemed that he had gathered strength. He stood up again and raised his head to look directly at Lawrence.
"Look at this, everything we have, strength, life, power, almost all of these are given to us by demons... Perhaps demons are our higher direction and the end of evolution."
This seemed to touch Lawrence, and he whispered.
This absence did not last long, Lawrence recalled the history known in the church, and then said.
"The Black Death? It has been at least a hundred years since the last major outbreak of the Black Death..."
Lawrence asked.
"How long have you lived? Epidemic Doctor."
The epidemic doctor didn't respond, he seemed to feel a little dull, he tore off his beak mask, and breathed the air directly after a long absence.
"Ah... I can't remember. Just like you and me, when we become such inhuman beings, does it still make sense for us to limit the time of mortals?"
There was a cruel smile on the broken face.
(End of this chapter)

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