Embers of Embers

Chapter 486 The Pursuit of Truth

Chapter 486 The Pursuit of Truth
The dim light fell on the plague doctor's body. His body was twisted into a lizard-like shape under the swelling flesh and blood. As the battle went on, scales resembling fish scales gradually formed on the surface of the scarlet muscles. This It is like the reappearance of Mighty Metazord, the embodiment of a characteristic of the demon.
Lawrence stood there and let go of the hand that had been covering his abdomen. In this short period of time, the horrific wound had been slightly healed, and at least there was no need to worry about the internal organs leaking out for the time being.
"I haven't taken off my mask for a long time. After wearing it for a long time, it feels like it has grown with my face. I can't even pull it off."
The doctor touched his face and felt a sharp pain, as if he had directly touched the exposed flesh and blood without the protection of his skin.
"Is this what you look like?"
Lawrence exclaimed.
Neither the twisted flesh nor the proliferated scales caught Lawrence's attention. What really shocked him was the face of the plague doctor.
Lawrence was not a literary man, and for a moment he felt a little short of words. He didn't know how to describe what he saw at this moment. At this moment, he even began to think about whether the person he had been with for so long was someone who was close to a demon. A human being, or a monster with human memories?
He didn't understand.
"Probably...no, at least it's not my original appearance. I remember that I used to look quite good, but you also know that in order to pursue the truth, you always have to pay some price."
The epidemic doctor looked at the pool of blood at his feet, where his face was vaguely reflected.
Rather than saying that it was a face, it was more like a head that had lost its epidermis. There was no intact skin on the entire face, and it was completely covered with slowly squirming flesh and blood. They undulated slightly, like snakes, tightly. Wrapping the bones tightly.
The gums and pupils of the eyes were completely exposed. Looking at the throat, one could clearly see the black mouth split from the respiratory tract, and the smelly wind was blowing out.
"Only when you are alive can you witness the truth. When you die, you have nothing."
The plague doctor's mouth opened up and down, like a mummy, but his voice was much clearer than before, with a hoarse aftertaste.
This is why the epidemic doctor always wears a mask and why his clothes always ooze blood. This is a monster disguised as a human being, walking among the crowd.
"You fused yourself with a demon?"
Lawrence noticed the details of the plague doctor's body. The surface of the flesh and blood was covered with dense sutures, most of which were broken. After years of friction, some of them were also embedded in the flesh and blood, which can be clearly seen There is a sense of patchwork, and most of the flesh and blood even have subtle differences in color, as if they come from different bodies.
"To be precise, 'evolution'! Just like you demon hunters trying to use secret blood to make yourself stronger. Unfortunately, I didn't have the skills you did at first, so I could only continue my life in this clumsy way."
As the doctor spoke, he pulled away the remaining strips of cloth on his body and exposed his chest and abdomen. The scars there were very fresh, as if they had just been operated on, and sharp claws were pointing at them.
"I started with a hole here, then a full cut scar, first to try to replace internal organs, then other major organs, then bone, blood..."
The doctor pointed at the scarlet flesh and blood. Under these countless surgeries, he had turned himself into a monster in an unimaginable way.
"Of course, I encountered a lot of trouble at the beginning, like the erosion caused by the secret blood... but fortunately, I survived."
Harsh laughter sounded, and the doctor seemed to treat this moment as an academic lecture, telling Lawrence about his past madness.
"If a demon hunter accepts secret blood and lets it transform him into a demon-like being from the inside out, then I have gone through countless surgeries to modify my body bit by bit, transforming myself into a demon-like being. I am changing into this.
The paths are different, but the result is the same. Just like the original sin armor that purifies the mechanism, in the final analysis it is just a different use of the power of demons. "
The sound of the glacier cracking resounded. From under the doctor's body, with the support of this strange operation and Lawrence's "Apocalypse", the doctor had already turned into a monster that even he himself did not know, with a broken tail. The cross section began to proliferate, and new bone grew from the fracture, slapping the ground hard.
“Like the Ship of Theseus.
In our daily lives, we have always been in the characteristics of 'life' and 'death'. Old cells die, and new cells take their place... In fact, if you look at it this way, everyone has changed. A completely different existence from the one who was first born into this world.
We are evolving little by little, evolving into higher beings... Sometimes I wonder, will the next stage of human beings be entities like monsters?
Powerful and deadly, immortal and beautiful. "
He opened his one arm, and at the hideous wound on the other side, countless flesh sprouts were squirming crazily. It seemed that the epidemic doctor would be able to complete self-healing in a short time.
The epidemic doctor is so terrifying and beautiful at the moment. His ugly body is condensed with powerful life and greed for knowledge, and he is evolving towards a higher existence.
"You have usurped the power of the demon in a way that even I have never thought of. What you are seeing now is just a manifestation of the demon's characteristics."
Lawrence said.
Just like the blazing fireworks, the solid scales, the almost immortal body, the blurred illusion... and even the shuttle between consciousness.
All of these are manifestations of the power of demons, and are labeled as sacred words by the demon hunting sect.
Now the immortal body and strong scales are embodied in the plague doctor. Coupled with his own transplanted inhuman organs, he has become an unspeakable beast.
This also inspired Lawrence. What is the ultimate goal of such sublimation...or evolution?
Those angels who appear out of thin air are still darker existences.
The howling wind interrupted Lawrence's thoughts, and his recurved legs exploded at incredible speeds. By the time Lawrence realized this, he had no time to defend himself.
The plague doctor rushed in front of his eyes in an instant, and his only claws swung violently, but before they collided with Lawrence's body, the claws deflected.
It was a feint attack, and the spiked sword that Lawrence drew had already failed at this time, and he had no room to defend, just as expected, and then the sharp spike pierced Lawrence's waist and abdomen along the previous wound.
The tail thorn was pulled out, like pulling out a wine cork, and the mixed blood of flesh and blood fragments gushed out unstoppably. Lawrence took a deep breath and suppressed his panting. Before the tail thorn retracted, he grabbed it and dragged the plague doctor vigorously At the same time, a dazzling cold light erupted from the nailed sword.
There was no skill in the fight between the two. Under the absolute power and skill, the so-called skill turned gray. This was just a simple battle, and all efforts were aimed at killing the enemy.
The epidemic doctor still underestimated Lawrence's strength. He dragged his tail and actually shook himself. Even though the sharp claws had cut into the ground, under the harsh friction sound, the epidemic doctor still couldn't control himself and leaned towards Lawrence. Until Lawrence suddenly exerted his strength, he gave up his defense and swung his nail sword towards the plague doctor's head.
The scorching fire clung to the blade, boiling with the flow of Lawrence's blood.
Skyfire fell.
The fleeting light almost lit up the entire dark underground. It magnified infinitely in the bloodshot pupils of the epidemic doctor, like the approaching scorching sun.
First there was a roaring sound, as if a rock was being broken into pieces by the huge force, and then there was the strong wind and dust kicked up by the pressure of the sword, and fireworks danced wildly among them.
The thick dust dissipated after a few seconds, and Lawrence stood on the cracked ground. The nail sword in his hand had broken. This blow not only destroyed the opponent, but also broke his own weapon.
The figure was shaking a little, but he still stood firmly. Lawrence lowered his head and could see that his abdomen had turned into a dark hollow. Everything inside was shattered into dirty blood by the plague doctor's tail thorns, adding to the With the brutal attack he just carried out, it can be said that his abdomen has been completely hollowed out.
Except for the spine that is still supporting the body, there is nothing left. It is difficult for Secret Blood to completely cure an injury of this level, and Lawrence does not have time to heal himself because the epidemic doctor is not dead yet.
In front of Lawrence, the cracked ground was covered with red blood, with heat still rising from it, and a severed tail that was still twitching. It shook unwillingly, but in the end it returned to the calmness of death and continued to move toward Looking forward, you can see the dying doctor.
"How terrible, Lawrence, can a monster like you really die?"
The doctor coughed blood. He remembered the meeting at sea. Lawrence said that he was destined to die in the predicted future.
At that time, the epidemic doctor thought it was nothing. After all, everyone will die. This is destined, even if he may die in the pursuit of truth, but now it seems that he feels ridiculous.
Can a monster like Lawrence really die?If he too would die, how terrible would be the thing that killed him.
"Yes, I will die."
Lawrence made a simple statement and then walked towards the epidemic doctor.
The Plague Doctor knew when the fatal blow fell. He knew very well that he could not block the blow, and no one could block it. For this reason, he used his sharp claws to cut off his own tail to escape from Lawrence. He pursued, but he was still a step too late and was affected by the fatal sword light.
Dots of blazing white fireworks burned at his wound. The top-down sword strike almost completely split the epidemic doctor open. The wound split from his forehead, diagonally slashing across the bridge of his nose and chin, leaving a pool of dirty blood. Zhongneng could see the white bones underneath, and then the chest. The proliferated scales could not block the blow at all. A dark gap opened in the chest, and the heart was beating regularly.
I don’t know if Lawrence was being merciful or something, but these two fatal attacks had a great chance of killing the epidemic doctor in one blow, but just like bad luck, they were just a little off each time and failed to kill the epidemic doctor. medical.
It looks like he is really going to die here. Doctor Epidemic has thought about Lawrence's attitude, but never thought of being so tough. But thinking about it, he is such a madman. I can only say that I underestimated his madness. Doctor Epidemic I originally thought I still had a chance to deal with Lawrence.
So beg Lawrence?
Kneel down and lick his shoes with a mean look on your face, and tell him that you were wrong and that you will work for you honestly until the end of the world?
Just like that, let yourself give up the pursuit of truth?
One side is life and the other side is truth, how to choose?
The epidemic doctor thought this way, Lawrence came closer to him, he closed his eyes, as if obeying the coming of death.
Finally, the footsteps stopped, and the doctor's heartbeat also stopped. The restless heart cooled down, and remained in the broken chest, without any response.
Lawrence didn't expect it to end like this. He was wearing a mask, and no one knew what he was thinking. He was holding the broken sword. He seemed to be the only one left in the dark underground. He raised his head and felt a little strange for some reason. alone.
Then the claws tore along his chest, ripping off Lawrence's entire left arm.
There was no roar or any sign, and a crazy counterattack broke out in this silence, like a long-planned assassination, with no possibility of guarding against it.The blow also hit Lawrence in the face, and a corner of his mask was shattered, revealing his dull eyes.
In the reflection of his eyes, the epidemic doctor who was supposed to be dead stood up again. From the ferocious crack in his chest, his heart was beating again.
"I'm so sorry, Lawrence, that thing is so tempting. Even if there is even the slightest chance, I want to give it a try."
As the doctor spoke, he bit Lawrence's throat with his ferocious mouth. Under the surprise attack of suspended animation, Lawrence's head was twisted at a strange angle.
The sobbing roars continued, and the plague doctor used his teeth and claws, using all the weapons at his disposal, just like a wild beast tearing apart its prey, destroying Lawrence's body. His blood was burning, turning into a raging fire that burned the plague. Doctor, but this did not stop his violence.
The epidemic doctor must leave here. No matter what the cost, he must go to see the so-called truth.
Lawrence waved the broken sword feebly, but before he could stab the doctor, the sharp claws pierced his chest, just like strangling his abdomen. The doctor crushed his heart, along with everything in his chest. The organs were twisted together into blood, and then the spine was completely broken into pieces.
The teeth used force and completely severed the trachea and spine.
Like a broken doll that had lost its support, the epidemic doctor threw Lawrence into the darkness below. His broken body fell into it without any reaction. Then there was the sound of gnawing. The demon ate greedily and bit Lawrence into pieces. .
After witnessing all this with his own eyes, the epidemic doctor slowly relaxed, and the deformations on his body gradually calmed down, and his body shape returned to a normal human being, but the scarlet flesh was still exposed.
He was a little tired and sat against the wall for a while, waiting for his body to heal itself. After an unknown period of time, the epidemic doctor finally seemed to have regained his strength. He picked up the tattered beak mask and put it back on. , and then walked out of the dark underground.
Returning to the original observation deck, tables and chairs have been set up there at some point. There is a clean brown coat on the table, and there is an open box beside it, which contains a few tubes of secret blood.
The epidemic doctor took a look, put on his coat, and covered his scarlet body. Then he sat down and injected himself with a few doses of secret blood. The fresh blood was rushing through the body, healing the broken body.
After doing all this, the doctor let out a long sigh and became quiet, as if he was waiting for something. After a while, footsteps sounded from behind him.
(End of this chapter)

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