Embers of Embers

Chapter 493 A Beautiful Day

Chapter 493 A Beautiful Day
Old Dunling, Winchester Office.
When I opened my eyes, it was another new day. There were colorful posters posted on the ceiling above my head. Some were old things from a few years ago, and some seemed to have been posted just yesterday.
Lorenzo stretched himself, probably knowing his goal. Lorenzo was full of motivation even to get up. He sat up from the bed with a sudden jerk, threw the quilt aside, and rubbed his groggy eyes. Then got out of bed.
It had been a long time since he had felt like this, and Lorenzo didn't know whether he should call it a sense of mission or something else. In short, he felt that his empty body was filled up, and he saw a pointing lighthouse in the confused darkness.
Walking to the first floor, he sat down on the familiar sofa and looked forward, just in time to see the vibrant world beyond the window.
Under the dim light of the morning, you can see several children chasing each other and playing with each other. Their parents are following behind them, chatting with smiles and laughter. It is a beautiful scene. This makes Lorenzo's eyes look straight. He has never had it. It was difficult to understand even after this, but it was not important. It reminded him of the end of yesterday's meeting.
In fact, after leaving the dark cemetery, Lorenzo still had some questions. The queen said that she did not possess the so-called courage, so where did she get the strength to make such minimal resistance?This made Lorenzo feel that the Queen was somewhat conflicted. He originally wanted to ask Arthur, but he saw such a scene before leaving.
On the empty underground grass, the queen stood by the gate and watched the two leave, but when Lorenzo looked back at her, he saw the girl who had asked him before, and she ran towards the queen joyfully, Lorenzo didn't hear what the two of them said, but at that time he somewhat understood the queen's thoughts.
People may not be brave for themselves, but sometimes they step into the darkness for others.
It turns out that we are all hopeless mortals.
Lorenzo thought this, picked up the nail sword and wiped it again. The next itinerary has been determined. Lorenzo will arrive with the fleet in the Viking countries, cross the Silent Sea and go to the end of the world.
The fleet has already been assembled, but it seems that there are still some problems to be dealt with. Lorenzo has some free time, but in this case, it is difficult for him to be free, but he doesn't know what to do, so he can only do it again He wiped the blade of the sword again and again until it was shiny, and then put it aside.
Lorenzo thought of something, and then dug out the holy silver crown from the pile of dirty clothes.
Playing casually in his hands, Lorenzo also had some new ideas in his heart. In fact, the main threat he faces now is not the doomsday in the prophecy, but the silencers who keep the entire world silent. The guy has no mind at all and is completely following certain rules.
Now they are attracted by something, and they have no extra power to clean up insiders like Lorenzo, but no one knows when they will calm down, so the holy silver that can block the invasion of [Gap] is The most precious resource.
As Lorenzo gazed at the crown, new thoughts arose in his mind.
After so much, Lorenzo has almost restored the connection between the demon hunter and the demon, throwing away all the sacred modifications, just one real principle after another, whether it is secret blood or power, or even the weird [Sublimation] , the once blurry world has become increasingly clear through his excavations.
It is even said that Lorenzo has vaguely guessed the end of [Sublimation] and the connection between the Silent One and the Demon Hunter...
What about holy silver?
Lorenzo has not yet found out the reason for the existence of this weird and highly targeted metal. They appear out of thin air like demons, and they use less and less. When isolated from the Stasis Temple, This can be said to be a non-renewable resource.
This is wrong, Lorenzo has realized that all the unsolved mysteries of this world are a complete circle, they bite each other, forming a closed loop, Lorenzo just doesn't understand them enough now.
Now Lorenzo still has a strange premonition. He feels that he may be able to find all the answers at the end of the world, whether it is demons or holy silver, or the essence of this world...
A clear shout rang out, and as the door was pushed open forcefully, Lorenzo's thoughts were roughly interrupted.
Fortunately, Lorenzo is a calm enough person. If it were his previous self, he might have already set up the nail sword.
Lorenzo saw the guy standing at the gate clearly, and he murmured in his heart, why is this guy here again.
"Yo! Good morning!"
Another voice sounded, and there was a guy following Eve.
Kestrel seemed to regard this place as his own home, and walked in carelessly. Judging from his appearance, his injuries should be almost healed. The bandages and brackets have also been removed, but judging from the expression on his face from time to time, he grinned. From the looks of it, it should still be in the recovery stage.
"Wow, are you raising pigs in your room?"
Kestrel made no secret of his distaste for the room, commenting on the interior decoration of the office as he walked, then stopped by the wall and looked at the bull head decoration on it.
There is nothing unusual about this bull's head. The main strange thing is the things hanging on the horns.
"You usually use this to hang your socks?"
Kestrel pointed to the socks hanging on the horns. It was hard for him to imagine how bold Lorenzo must be when taking off his socks to hang them here. Lorenzo remained expressionless and silent.
The good news is that he finally found the missing socks, the bad news is that this situation is really not good, it feels like being publicly executed.
"I said, what are you here for..."
Lorenzo asked, but no one paid attention to what he was saying. Kestrel continued to comment on the internal environment of the office, and the whole person was extremely mean.
"With your living environment...are you going to die here?"
Kestrel picked up a wine bottle. There was still a shallow layer of wine inside, with countless cigarette butts and accumulated ash suspended on it. There were many such bottles, listed in the corner.
"You guy didn't clean up the house at all."
Eve also said that she originally wanted to find a place without debris to stay, but after walking a few steps, she gave up torturing herself and stepped on the messy things casually.
"Don't you go to work?"
Lorenzo screamed uncontrollably.
"Ah? I'm on vacation today. We're here to see you off. Well, that's not right. It should be a farewell party!"
Eve thought for a while and said.
Lorenzo didn't understand what she was talking about, what kind of farewell?What farewell party?What are these people doing?
Before Lorenzo could ask any more questions, a carriage stopped at the door of the office. The carriage shook slightly, as if something was happening inside. The next moment, the door was opened, and Hercule was thrown out, followed closely by There is also a plump chinchilla, which seems to have had a pretty good diet during the days of being imprisoned.
One person and one mouse fell to the ground, seeming to smell the fresh air. After a short silence, they stood up from the ground while crawling.
Hercule shouted, then panted and crawled into the office. He didn't know what happened to him. He looked like he was returning from an escape. When he saw the wine bottle held by Kestrel, he didn't look at it. I grabbed whatever was inside and took a sip.
Under the shocked eyes of everyone, Hercule uttered an unwilling "vomit"!
"I'm going to spit it out!"
Lorenzo turned over the sofa, grabbed Hercule's throat, and held the wine bottle firmly with his other hand to prevent him from spitting it out. This demon hunter was extremely powerful. After dragging Hercule like this, he threw him out of the office. The door was open and the sound of retching continued outside.
"So... what's going on?"
Lorenzo looked at these uninvited guests. The peaceful life of the office in the past was shattered into pieces of glass. This bad and chaotic start made Lorenzo very uncomfortable.
Since Mrs. Verrode left, he has become accustomed to living alone. When there is nothing to do, no one usually disturbs him all day long, while Lorenzo just sits on the sofa blankly, looking at Life is wasted outside the window.
But today it was like a bomb was dropped, knocking Lorenzo to the ground.
"Hercule doesn't have much research value anymore, so Montenegro Hospital decided to discharge him, but we can't just leave him on the side of the road, so I have to send you here."
Lan Jade stepped out of the carriage and said to Lorenzo expressionlessly.
Lorenzo looked puzzled.
"Then comes the details of the mission, which will be explained by Shrike to you." Lan Feicui glanced inside the office, but did not find Shrike, "It seems that he hasn't arrived yet."
After Lan Jade said this, she walked in. She was a very expressive person, but facing this messy room, she couldn't help but show the same expression as Kestrel, and then she tried her best to find a decent one. A place to sit.
"Mr. Holmes, I suggest that you need to pay attention to your personal life..."
"ok, ok, I got it!"
Lorenzo rudely interrupted Lan Jade's words. He now felt like a rat that had been knocked out of its nest.
"I feel like my stomach is crying, what did I drink?"
Hercule finished vomiting, and walked in weakly. He felt a burning pain in his throat, and wanted to say something, his stomach rolled, and he ran outside to hold the wall and threw up again.
It was like a hellish symphony, with Hercule's vomiting, Poirot's chirping, Kestrel's comments, and Blue Emerald's slightly disdainful eyes...
Lorenzo suddenly remembered the damn culprit, turned around and shouted.
"what happened?"
Shocked by Lorenzo's roar, Eve stopped what she was doing, and saw her stepping on the chair, trying to take down the Winchester hanging on the wall.
"You better explain what's going on?"
Lorenzo looked at her with a dead look on his face, which made Eve panic, so she had to sit down and talk about these strange things.
"Don't you know yet? You have been included in the fleet heading to the Viking countries. This is a big expedition and will last longer than Gaulnaro. You may be drifting on the sea for several months. "
Eve said that she only got the news last night that the purification agency attached great importance to this operation, and many people were incorporated into the fleet.
"I heard that you are going to conduct military exchanges with the Viking countries on behalf of Yin Erweg, and you will also bring the Original Sin Armor with you."
Listening to Eve's words, Lorenzo fell silent. It was obvious that what Eve knew was all fake, or a smoke bomb. The real purpose of this trip was the end of the world, but only a few people should know this information. for example……
Lorenzo looked at Lan Jade aside. This indifferent woman rarely appeared next to Lorenzo. Once she appeared, she must have received some order. Lan Jade seemed to know what Lorenzo was thinking, she said.
"Shrike and I will accompany you to assist in this operation...it's mainly you and Shrike, I'm just a companion."
The two chatted about things that only they understood.
"So what are you doing here?"
Lorenzo looked at Eve again, he was curious why these guys appeared here at the same time.
"We made a bet."
Eve said suddenly, and a voice continued her words.
"We bet on whether you can clean the room and what kind of mess it will be."
Seleu pushed open the door, and she glanced at the room with an expected expression on her face.
"Of course, the most important thing is that you have to leave for at least a few months this time. We are afraid that when you come here again, your pitiful office will really turn into a rat's nest."
Under Lorenzo's shocked eyes, Seliu walked in and casually found a place to sit down.
Lorenzo's mind was a little confused, and he felt like he was turning into a ball of mush.
"So why are you here again?"
For the first time, Lorenzo felt that the office had become crowded. It seemed that it had never received so many guests.
"Discuss the next itinerary with my guards. Do you have any questions?"
Seryu looked like it was natural.
Lorenzo was stunned. Today's events unfolded a little too fast, and Lorenzo couldn't accept it.
"This trip to the Viking countries will not only include the personnel of our purification agency, but also the Stuart family," Lan Jade added in a timely manner, "The Stuart family will launch trade cooperation with the Viking countries. "
Lorenzo remembered this incident. Seleu mentioned it to him. He felt like he was entangled in conspiracies at the moment. It was so bad. He should have kicked all these guys out the moment Eve opened the door. .
Lorenzo questioned.
"Yeah, so."
Seleu replied, and the two communicated in words that others could not understand.
The rotten, damp and messy office rarely had the vitality of a living person, but this time the anger was a bit too much, making the owner here full of discomfort.
(End of this chapter)

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