Embers of Embers

Chapter 494 Celebration

Chapter 494 Celebration
It was a somewhat magical day.
Lorenzo was still sitting on his main seat, looking at the group of busy and inexplicable guys in the room.
"Oh my God, mushrooms are growing here!"
"Why is there a gun here?"
"Here's a nail sword...it's already rusty."
"Damn, Lorenzo, have you ever tidied the house?"
There were random sounds, and Lorenzo could maintain a shameless silence at first, but as these guys started digging into the room, even Lorenzo's old face turned a little red.
"This place is just like a crime scene. I wouldn't be surprised if you said there was a dead person hidden under these piles of clothes."
Kestrel pinched his nose and finally sorted out the mess of clothes. Beside him, Eve was still helping him pick through and found piles after piles of sundries. Lorenzo looked around Taking a look, he actually found something in it that he had lost for a long time.
Of course, he was a little embarrassed to say it now.
To make matters worse, Lorenzo began to worry about whether they would dig up something messy. Although Lorenzo thought he was a gentleman, judging from his level of alcoholism, he would inevitably do inexplicable things when he was interested. After all, Lorenzo was already crazy enough even if he didn't drink.
As expected, the screams of the kestrels were heard soon after.
"Did you pee in the kitchen?"
Kestrel felt like he was excavating a demon's lair... To a certain extent, this office was really not that different from a demon's lair.
Not sure what was going on in the kitchen, Lorenzo took the initiative to block the Kestrel's howling.
This was a strange party. After a brief chat, it turned into a general cleaning activity in the office. Lan Jade was still silent, but she easily integrated into the atmosphere. She wiped the dust with a rag, Herke After Li Ze had vomited enough, he leaned aside with a depressed look on his face. He was kicked by Eve for getting in the way, looking miserable.
He was weakly cursing something, probably because he was being treated differently. He was also a troublemaker. Poirot ran around casually but did not make anyone angry. Instead, he was picked up and his head was rubbed.
"What kind of headgear is this?"
Seleu did not join the cleaning. According to her, she came here to talk about serious things. But before talking, she noticed the holy silver crown. Without waiting for Lorenzo to say anything, she directly picked it up and put it on. On the head.
Nothing happened. Before encountering the invasion of the demon and the unknown [gap] of Lorenzo, the metal of holy silver was not much different from ordinary silver.
Lorenzo looked at Seleu with the crown on. Although the workmanship of this thing was rough, at first glance, Seleu looked somewhat aristocratic.
"It looks pretty good, did you make it yourself?"
Eve also noticed this, and Seleu handed the crown to her tacitly.
After playing with it briefly, I found that it looked delicate but was actually quite rough in workmanship. It looked like someone was knocking it out while twisting it out around the stove. It might still be burning when it was being formed.
Eve also put the crown on her head and asked Lorenzo.
Lorenzo's answer was simple and clear, which may be due to the difference in their personalities. Seleu seemed very quiet, while Eve seemed to draw her sword and shout "Attack" in the next second, and then the Hundred Thousand Swordsman Come out and chop Lorenzo into pieces.
Eve's response was a snort, and then the crown hit Lorenzo's head. Fortunately, he was quick and caught it without falling to the ground.
The shiny surface reflected Lorenzo's face that was distorted by the curved surface. The material Holy Silver was truly mysterious. Lorenzo once thought it reacted to demons, but after experiencing these and learning more secrets, Lorenzo began to think that the holy silver might be effective in erosion, and the suppression of demons was just a by-product.
The real enemy is the weird erosion, and all the monsters are just pitiful dead.
His fingers gently rubbed the surface, leaving clear fingerprints one after another on it.
There is another interesting point about Holy Silver, that is, after being excessively eroded, it not only cannot continue to suppress it, but will also collapse itself, just like the silver bolt in Lorenzo's body before. As the rising erosion of the secret blood intensifies, they begin to melt, destroying flesh and blood.
"what happened to your hand?"
The calm voice interrupted Lorenzo's train of thought, and Seliu came closer at some point. She grabbed Lorenzo's hand with a puzzled look on her face and opened it.
There is a circular scar on the palm of his hand. This is the scar left when Lorenzo pulled the holy silver out of his body when fighting Lawrence. It is probably due to the suppressive power of the holy silver. The wound here failed to heal completely, leaving With such a hideous scar, it was as if a spike had penetrated Lorenzo's palm.
"It's nothing."
Lorenzo has told Seleu the story of the trip to Gaulnaro, but he has not given too many specific details.
"It looks like it hurts."
Seliu's white fingers gently touched the scarred palm, his eyes pitiful.
"At least it's healed."
Lorenzo said happily.
At that time, he was completely aroused by Lawrence and did not think about other consequences. On the return voyage, his palms continued to bleed.
As expected, the demon hunter's self-healing ability didn't work at all, but after a while, it seemed that all the remaining substances of the holy silver were consumed, and the hideous wound barely healed, but it still left such a scar.
"This is a bit like a stigmata," Eve also came over and joked, "So are you some kind of saint? Lorenzo."
"Who knows? If the Demon Hunting Order is still here, I might really be able to comment."
Lorenzo looked at the palm of his hand and responded lazily.
In the teachings of the Evangelical Church, scars like this on the palm of the hand are known as stigmata or holy wounds. They are the embodiment of the saint's suffering and have a sacred and noble color. Lorenzo remembers that there was such a period in the church. , a group of neurotics pierced their palms with long nails, and vainly prayed for God's mercy.
"You? A saint? Let's forget it."
Seleu shook her head. In her eyes, Lorenzo really had little to do with the saint. Putting these two things together, the only thing she could think of was that Lorenzo was finally nailed to the pillar of shame of the church.
"Don't look down on people!"
Lorenzo yelled loudly, but he was a little lacking in confidence and stopped after shouting for a while.
"So what's going on with the Stuart and Viking kingdoms?"
After chatting about all this, Lorenzo got down to business.
"They are probably the escort. The Viking countries are far away. Although the Ice King has ended the civil war, there are still many pirates who do not obey the law and roam the sea. You may be arrested before you reach the Viking countries. People looted.”
Eve sat on the armrest of the sofa, leaning against Seleu. The two looked very close, as if they had known each other for a long time.
In fact, they have known each other for a long time. It was a friendship forged during the previous demon attack, and both of them represented a family. The communication between the two was closer than Lorenzo imagined, just because each of them These things rarely happen at the same time.
While explaining the reason to Lorenzo, Eve rubbed Seleu's face. The girl was very calm. Even if Eve made ridiculous faces one after another, she didn't have any big reaction, just like a corpse. Delicate doll.
"That's pretty much it. We need an armed guard, and the purge agency seems to have some kind of deal with the Viking countries, so we got together naturally."
As Eve kneaded, Seliu's plain voice also rose and fell slightly.
"Is that so?"
Lorenzo thought, looking aside and falling on Hercule. This gaze made him shiver.
"Don't look at me, I won't go to sea again even if I die."
Hercule drank in a deep voice with a very firm attitude. He had been tricked so badly by Lorenzo that the pinholes on his body had not yet healed and there were still some red spots on his body.
"No, I was just curious that you would be released. I thought they would slice your brain into slices." Lorenzo still felt strange.
"No way, he is your friend, and he has not brought any clear harm. We have no reason to kill him. As for being released..." Lan Jade lowered his voice as he said it, as if it was not easy to explain this. .
"I signed a contract."
Hercule said suddenly, his expression a little sad.
"What contract?" Lorenzo was a little curious.
"A death contract, signing it means that if I unfortunately die, my body will be handed over to Montenegro Hospital to contribute to human knowledge... In short, if I die, they will Sliced ​​me up.”
Hercule had a constipated expression on his face. It looked like he was released after signing this thing. It sounded a bit nonsense, but it was indeed in line with the style of Montenegro Hospital.
"I just hope you don't die suddenly 'accidentally'."
As if to scare Hercule, Lorenzo also deliberately emphasized the word "accident".
Hercule didn't think anything, but looked at Lorenzo with a wicked smile.
"Don't even think about it. I guess you will have to sign a contract like this sooner or later. You will only be more attractive to those guys."
You may not believe it, but in the eyes of these doctors, Lorenzo is like a treasure. If he is willing to cooperate with all experiments, they don't mind calling Lorenzo their ancestor.
"That takes some effort. If I'm going to die, the guy who can kill me must be as powerful as a monster. And a battle that can kill me is unlikely to leave a whole body."
Lorenzo looked confused. He was not joking this time. Judging from the previous high-intensity battles, the possibility of a guy like Lorenzo leaving a whole body and burning it to ashes in the fire was very low. The most likely ending.
There was constant noise, but these guys did have some effect. Lorenzo saw his office getting tidier little by little. The progress was slow, but it was definitely getting better.
Then, after cleaning up the living room and kitchen, several people really had no strength to speak of and fell on the sofa and blankets around Lorenzo.
Cleaning the room is not tiring, but maintaining a high-intensity spirit is tiring. You never know what may be under this dress, it may be a healthy and lively big black mouse, or it may be a poison gas bomb that has been prepared for a long time.
So in this filthy place, everyone finally managed to find a relatively clean place to rest.
Not long after, the doorbell rang again, and the delivery man delivered several boxes of pizza. I don't know who ordered it earlier, but it was just in time.
"By the way, you still haven't said why you suddenly came together? Are you not at work?"
Lorenzo leaned on the sofa and asked while eating pizza, his voice was indistinct, and from the look on his face, he seemed to be enjoying it.
After the initial discomfort, Lorenzo felt like he was an uncle. A group of servants were working hard for him without taking any payment... It was not that Lorenzo had not considered finding a cleaning service, but when he thought about his own affairs All kinds of secrets and weirdness hidden inside, he finally thought about it and let it go.
Those walking on the street probably wouldn't have imagined this. They are so close to the dark world and can get a glimpse of it just by opening the door.
"Rest today."
Kestrel said, his voice sounded from behind the sofa, and it was unclear what position he was lying in.
"You all rest? I don't remember if there is someone on duty?"
Lorenzo felt something was wrong. It was strange that so many people were resting together.
"Arthur gave the fake approval. We don't know why. It was just a fake." Eve replied.
"So we decided to celebrate this rare free time, but you also know the special nature of the purification mechanism, and we can't have fun together in some hotel." She said and scratched her head again.
"Lan Jade and I live in the dormitory, which will disturb other roommates who are resting, and the place is not big enough." Kestrel said on behalf of himself and Lan Jade.
"The Stuart family is now full of a group of businessmen who are bickering and distributing the interests of the Viking countries. Part of the reason why I came out this time is to ask for peace." Seleu also stated his reasons.
"It's not like I can't do it at Phoenix's house...but when I go to my boss's house, it seems a little hard for everyone to accept it."
Eve helplessly spread her hands and took these people back to her home. She couldn't tell whether they were on vacation or working overtime.
"what are you guys saying?"
At this moment, Hercule poked his head out and wondered, this guy who had gone through a rough time had not been home for almost a few months. Maybe his subordinates thought that the boss was dead and looked for another way out.
"So in the end we can only think of you. The space is large and there are no rules. Apart from being a bit smelly, it can also be used to celebrate, and by the way, it can also be used as a farewell meal for you!"
She removed her hands from Seleu's face and tried to squeeze Lorenzo, but failed. Lorenzo stood up warily and covered his body with a blanket, as if he had been robbed. look like.
"So are these your panties? Lorenzo."
Kestrel picked up the nail sword that was thrown on the ground and used it to lift up a black trousers from under the sofa.
Lorenzo's expression was almost distorted, but he finally relaxed and shouted with grief and indignation.
"Go away!"
(End of this chapter)

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