Embers of Embers

Chapter 604 Meeting

Chapter 604 Meeting
A new day has arrived. When I open the window, Jiudunling is surrounded by misty water vapor. A breeze blows by, bringing a biting chill.
Lorenzo leaned against the window and let the cold wind hit him, waking up his sleepy consciousness.
The cold winter is coming again, and we don’t know how many cold rains there will be in Jiudunling before the frost comes.
The carriage stopped at the door early in the morning. One was a dark carriage purifying the agency, and the other was printed with the emblem of the Stuart family. Both groups of people were surprised by the other's presence. They could see Kestrel was getting out of the carriage and said something to the Stuart family's carriage.
No one expected that Lorenzo would actually become a hot commodity. Today was a meeting with the envoys from Jiuxia. Both groups wanted to take him there, so which carriage should he get on?
He didn't think about it for too long. He got up and put on his clothes. He reached out and was about to pick up the sword bag, but thinking about today's meeting, Lorenzo hesitated and finally left with only a sword.
Before he could open the office door, he could hear Kestrel scolding.
"Lorenzo what are you doing!"
Kestrel stood at the door with an angry look on his face. He had agreed that he would be responsible for taking Lorenzo there, but a robber came out halfway. Normally, he could kill some people, but it turned out that the carriage that came was the Stuart family's carriage.
As Kestrel's colleagues were dying and injured, and they were extremely short of manpower, they began to reuse Kestrel. Coupled with his recent excellent performance, Arthur seemed to intend to promote him.
Based on these circumstances, Kestrel also learned some information that he should not have known, such as the strong sponsorship of the Stuart family. Although he did not understand why the Stuart family suddenly invested money, nor did he understand why. Queen Victoria would agree to this, but Kestrel still knows about things like investors and investors.
These guys have no right to interfere with the operation of the purification agency, but they should also be respected. Kestrel feels that it will be difficult to send these people away.
"The higher bidder gets it."
Facing Kestrel's scolding, Lorenzo looked indifferent.
"Do you think you're valuable?"
"Isn't it worth it?"
Kestrel glared at Lorenzo angrily. He really had no good way to deal with this guy. He could only turn around and walk towards the Stuart family's carriage.
After all, he had been around in the Lower City area, and he was very skilled at bluffing and pretending to be a villain.
The coachman looked at the angry Kestrel and seemed too lazy to pay attention to him. He pointed directly at the carriage behind him and signaled Kestrel not to trouble him.
Kestrel opened the car door and was about to say something harsh, but couldn't say anything.
"Good morning, Kestrel, what's up?"
Seliu put down the book and raised his head to look at the astonished guy.
"No...it's nothing, I got on the wrong car."
Kestrel said dryly.
"Hello! Goodbye!"
He quickly closed the door, left without looking back, glanced sideways at Lorenzo, and climbed into the dark carriage without saying a word.
Looking at Kestrel's embarrassed figure, Lorenzo almost laughed out loud. Anyway, they would eventually arrive at the same place, and it would be the same no matter who they went with... there were some differences.
Everyone belongs to the same camp, but when broken down, they belong to different banners.
Lorenzo asked as he was a little surprised when he got on the carriage.
"Where's Oscar?"
In my impression, this old guy has never left Seliu's lap since he hugged her, as if he was afraid of being abandoned.
"He is no longer a nation-builder, and there is no need to take on these responsibilities. In Oscar's words, he retired, and now he is immersed in writing."
Seleu made very good arrangements for Oscar.
"In compliance with his request, I also invited editors from several publishing houses."
"Oh oh oh, what, is Oscar really going to be amazing?" Lorenzo was pleasantly surprised. This arrangement was so considerate.
"No, he tied up those editors."
Seleu cleared his throat and imitated Oscar's tone.
"These dogs don't understand appreciation. I have to correct their aesthetics."
Lorenzo's expression was awkward, and Oscar had a sense of revenge. It seemed that these editors had rejected his manuscripts.
"What happens next?" Lorenzo asked.
"I don't know, he closed the door."
Seleu shrugged, and she continued.
"But Oscar promises that he will not break the law and cause trouble to the Stuart family."
"That's okay." Lorenzo breathed a sigh of relief.
"Of course, if there is an accident, he will handle it cleanly."
Lorenzo almost choked on his saliva. He looked at Seleu seriously, and Seleu nodded seriously. She was not joking.
"I didn't expect Oscar to have such a side." Lorenzo said.
"He has quite a lot of identities. In fact, he is an excellent captain and pirate, and he even served as a bandit for a while." Seliu said.
Seliu was surprised by Lorenzo's surprised expression, "I thought you already knew this. Isn't he your teacher?"
Lorenzo was a little incoherent for a moment. In his impression, Oscar was a failed writer. As a result, the first half of this guy's life was so... wonderful?
"Didn't you read his book? It's all written in the Biography of Oscar Wilde."
"I thought it was nonsense!"
"To be precise, it's real experience plus some artistic processing." Seliu explained accurately.
Lorenzo was a little confused, he was rarely like this, but it did happen, and he could clearly feel that something funny collapsed inside him, and then became even stranger.
In the midst of chaotic thoughts, a tall building appeared in the field of vision.
Old Dunling, Central Station.
As the transportation core of Old Dunling, this place has always been very crowded, but now the congestion has become even worse. Soldiers are walking on the streets to maintain order, and tall rioters stand among the crowd.
The shiny metal armor reflected the crowd like a mirror. The terrifying posture made the scene quieter, but it still could not contain the crowd's emotions.
The train carrying the Nine Xia envoys will arrive in a few minutes. This will be the first time for many people to see this foreigner from the Far East.
It's not clear whether it's curiosity about the East or a mentality towards rare species, but people are coming and going, and the place is completely surrounded.
Lorenzo opened the window and took a look at this place from a distance, and then the carriage took them to another place.
This is just a cover-up. The real messenger has already arrived, and the meeting place is not here, but a more secret place.
Lorenzo raised his head and looked at the gloomy sky. Amid the wandering iron whales, a tall tower pierced deep into the clouds.
"Dunling Tower."
Lorenzo whispered, the core of the Dunling Project is also the core of the current purification mechanism, where the Shattered Dome is located.
The meeting will take place there.
After experiencing so many ups and downs, Lorenzo felt that he had already developed a calm and composed attitude, but now, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.
He was going to meet not only the mysterious Jiuxia, but also the "variables" of this war. He was looking forward to what kind of surprises these Jiuxia people would bring.
Will it be the surprise that turns the tide of the battle?
Dunling Tower, Broken Dome.
Excluding those swimming iron whales, this is the highest point of Old Dunling. It is wrapped in advanced technology and coordinates the operation of different systems throughout Old Dunling.
Arthur sat at the corner of the round table, and next to him on the left were Gawain, Percival, and Gareth.
In the long war, the death rate of the purification agency has remained high, even for the knight commander. This is currently the only knight commander of the purification agency, and no one has taken the other vacant positions.
On his right are the heads of various departments, Merlin and Abigail, probably to train successors. At this meeting, Nicholas and Eve were also present, but their positions were very far back, almost To blend into the shadows.
On the other semicircle of the round table, the anonymous people headed by Zuo Zhen were seated. Behind them, Rhodes stood stiffly, sweating nervously.
He was not qualified to participate in such a meeting, but because of his status as a translator, he was included. The people he saw were all the big shots of the purification agency, and now Rhodes was in the same room with them.
This feeling is quite amazing, and these people are very good at Western. Rhodes feels like he is more like a guard, but he is not the only guard.
Rhodes turned his head slightly and peeked at Mr. Cai, who was standing not far from him. He keenly noticed Rhodes' gaze and looked over. Just like before, he said nothing and then smiled.
He seems to be really mute.
"Due to His Majesty's physical condition, I will be responsible for all these matters." Arthur broke the long calm.
"Yes, I understand." Zuo Zhen responded.
The previous queen had revealed this in a meeting decades ago, and it was no secret to Zuo Zhen.
"But, haven't you started yet?"
Zuo Zhen looked around and saw that the round table was very large, so there were still many empty seats. He felt that everyone should be here and it was time to start.
"We have a new nation-builder, and she also has the power to participate, but I don't know why she is so late, and there is Mr. Holmes."
Arthur glanced at his watch. Strictly speaking, they were not late. There were still a few minutes before the start. But according to the seriousness of this meeting, they should have arrived much earlier.
He remembered the relationship between Duke Stuart and Lorenzo, and he had a terrible idea.
"Is that so... Why don't we talk about Mr. Holmes first? I'm very interested in him if he can complete the journey to the Silent Sea and return from the end of the world."
The clear sunlight fell from the dome, reflecting on Zuo Zhen's face, outlining a vicious shadow between the old folds.
Arthur thought for a moment and then asked.
"What do you want to know?"
"What kind of person is he?" Zuo Zhen asked.
This question seemed to stump Arthur. His expression became a little stiff for a while, his eyes wandered for a while, and he looked at his colleagues beside him, as if he wanted to get some answer from them.
None of this escaped Zuo Zhen's observation, and he laughed.
"Looks like he'd be a really interesting guy."
"Interesting... maybe, I think he is a very complicated person, difficult to understand, always pretending, few people can see his true face." Arthur thought for a while and said.
"Then did you see clearly?" Zuo Zhen asked.
This time Arthur did not hesitate for too long. The journey along the way, life and death again and again, appeared in front of his eyes, and he said with certainty.
"You see clearly, he is an expert on this kind of thing and deserves to be trusted."
"That's good, we need such an expert," Zuo Zhen smiled, "The so-called [Final Echo] is now in his custody, right?"
"Yes, I can't think of anyone better suited to control this thing."
"Is that so... We are also very interested in that thing. If possible, we would like to take it back to Jiuxia to study it carefully. After all, antimemetics are our specialty."
Zuo Zhen smiled, and before Arthur could say anything more, he denied what he said.
"But unfortunately, this is not possible. This thing should be used to prevent restarts. We don't have the time or the ability to study it."
"Mystic Blood, Demon Hunter, under different circumstances and under different influences, we have all taken different paths, and now the paths have all converged at one point, waiting for us to move on."
Zuo Zhen sighed and looked at the people on the other side of the round table. Time passed so fast. He didn't expect that everything had changed like this.
“The more we prosper, the more powerful our enemies become.”
"Just like what is written in the Gospels," Merlin said at this time, "Evil breeds in the shadow of God. The taller the God, the deeper the shadow."
"But now we have the possibility to end it all, and it's a long shot but worth a try."
Zuo Zhen nodded slightly, agreeing with Merlin's words.
This will be a disaster sweeping the world, and no one will be spared, even if Jiuxia owns the Forgotten Great Wall, everyone's fate will be tied together by this terrible enemy, and they will roar forward.
"But Mr. Holmes is a demon hunter, right?" Zuo Zhen asked.
Arthur responded, feeling slightly uneasy.
"A demon hunter who has embarked on the path of ascension again means that he may also become a new 'path', right?"
Zuo Zhen's eyes became fierce. If he wanted to get rid of this dark fate, he would have to cut off all ties. The same was true for Lorenzo.
"I know what you are worried about, and Mr. Holmes also understands this. You don't have to worry about these, he will handle it perfectly." Arthur said.
Zuo Zhen suspected that his mission was extraordinary and he had to ensure that no accidents would happen and that everything would end here.
Arthur nodded firmly, vouching for Lorenzo.
"I have worked with Mr. Holmes for a long time. Although I still feel that I do not really understand him, at least I can know what decision he will make at what time."
"He will eradicate it all. He is the witcher, the last witcher."
There were footsteps outside the door. Someone was coming. He walked quickly and opened the door.
(End of this chapter)

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