605 Lucky
Lorenzo wasn't late...at least that's what he felt.
When he opened the door, he saw that the round table was already full of figures, and everyone looked at him in unison, with different and uncomfortable eyes, as if Lorenzo was some weird exhibit, pushed out behind the scenes, waiting for everyone to bid.
The atmosphere was a little awkward, no one said anything, Lorenzo's expression did not change at all under this gaze, but he glared back hard.
Someone pushed him from behind, allowing Lorenzo to fully step into the chamber.
Seliu is different from Lorenzo. She is a little embarrassed now. Seliu underestimated the influence of Jiuxia. The area around the central train station was jammed. Although she was not late, as the last one to arrive, she still felt Somewhat embarrassed.
"Jiuxia people? Yo yo yo, hello, hello."
Lorenzo walked quickly along, his head twitching and muttering, and at the same time he waved to greet these strangers.
Arthur at the end of the round table had a gloomy expression. He had already seen Lorenzo's bad words, but he didn't expect that he could still get sick under such circumstances.
"The atmosphere is really stiff. I don't know if these strangers can understand me..." Lorenzo passed by and saw Rhodes and Cai Gong standing aside. He instinctively guessed, "You are the translators." Come on, don’t translate this sentence!”
Cai Gong showed his signature smile, as if this was the only feedback he could give to the outside world, while Rhodes ignored Lorenzo at all. The current serious situation put him under great pressure, but he could still cope with it, but Lorenzo's arrival , and these neurotic speeches made him lose his mind for a moment, not knowing what to do.
"Ah... the atmosphere here is serious, as if we are discussing where to hold a memorial service."
Lorenzo murmured in a low voice again. Seliu was too lazy to pay attention to this guy's illness and found a vacant seat to sit down. Lorenzo crossed her and sat next to Shao Liangye.
Lorenzo didn't forget to say hello when he sat down.
Shao Liangye turned his head slightly and glanced at Lorenzo. His expression was cold, and there was a little surprise in his eyes. He probably didn't expect that the guy who could crawl back from the end of the world would look like this. Shao Liangye also understood Arthur's previous answer. .
Out of etiquette considerations, Shao Liangye replied in a straight voice.
Listening to this standard Western language, Lorenzo was stunned.
The scene became more and more awkward and silent. Before, it was serious like a conference room for the final battle, but now it looked like the memorial service Lorenzo said. The main target of the memorial was Lorenzo himself.
After scanning the circle, I saw that everyone in the seats next to Arthur cast strange glances at Lorenzo and looked at Jiuxia's seat. Zuo Zhen kept a friendly smile, while Zuo Tang was as indifferent as Shao Liangye. Shao Liangxi puffed up his cheeks, as if he was holding back a smile.
"Is this Mr. Holmes?" Zuo Zhen glanced at the embarrassed Lorenzo, then looked at Arthur, "It's better to see than to hear a hundred times."
Arthur smiled helplessly, "Yes, he is a troublesome guy."
"It's okay, I think it's pretty good."
Zuo Zhen stared at Lorenzo, and Lorenzo could clearly feel the sweep of his gaze, along Lorenzo's skin and clothes, from top to bottom, over and over again... This feeling is terrible, even worse The strange thing is that it is the old man Zuo Zhen who is scrutinizing Lorenzo.
"This guy is so funny."
Sa Liangxi tried hard to hold back her laughter and whispered, but this could not escape Lorenzo's ears.
Lorenzo couldn't understand Sa Liangxi's terrible Western language, so she turned to look at Rhodes behind her.
Rhodes recovered from the pressure, thought for a while, and responded.
"She said you were funny."
Lorenzo frowned. He doubted whether Sa Liangxi meant this, but in this case, it was hard for him to continue asking.
He could see Arthur's clenched fists through the corner of his sight... There was no way, Arthur had always been at odds with him when it came to easing the atmosphere.
The complexity of the scene has increased a bit. The corners of the mouths of some of the incompetent guys have been raised slightly, suppressing smiles. There are also a few guys with stiff faces, looking like they want to give Lorenzo a few blows.
Until Zuo Zhen let out a burst of hearty laughter, the toe-dropping atmosphere finally eased.
The nation-builder from the east said kindly.
"I originally thought that Mr. Holmes would be a vicious guy with a serious face, full of weapons and blood floating around his body."
Lorenzo looked at Zuo Zhen. It was obvious that he was the boss of these Jiuxia people, "So does this disappoint you?"
Zuo Zhen nodded, but then shook his head.
“I was a little disappointed at first. It’s hard to imagine that someone who accomplished such great things would look like this, but when I think about it, it makes sense.
It was a trip to hell, and ordinary people's minds couldn't hold on to it, but if you could hold on to that high-pressure situation, it's reasonable for you to be so 'optimistic'.
Everyone needs some self-entertainment mentality. After all, there will always be some serious psychological problems in our industry. "
Although this old guy was praising himself, Lorenzo always felt that he was harming him.
"I'm Zuo Zhen, the leader of the Jiuxia team this time." Zuo Zhen introduced himself.
Lorenzo was a little confused. The name was familiar, but he couldn't remember it. After thinking about it carefully, a story from decades ago suddenly came to his mind.
His expression was astonished, he never thought that after such a long time, this figure who almost only existed in history reappeared.
"This is my deputy, Zuo Tang, and then this is Sa Liangxi, Shao Liangye, and the ones behind...you can just call him Cai Gong."
Zuo Zhen knew how to deal with Lorenzo in just a few minutes. There was no serious opening remarks, and he just introduced them casually, as if this was not the Broken Dome, but the streets of Old Dunling, with a few people holding low-quality cigarettes. , complaining about the bad weather.
"Oh oh oh, hello, hello, hello to you too."
Lorenzo nodded cooperatively and said hello.
"Then... let's get straight to the point," Lorenzo changed his smiling posture and looked serious, looking like an expert. "I have already coordinated with all parts of the purification agency. The excavated holy silver was melted. Recasting will establish a shelter next to the Pillar of the Forge, which will protect key personnel and information, and continue to command operations after the old Dunling is destroyed."
"At present, everything is going very smoothly. The mechanical institute is working day and night. We just have to wait for the passage of time."
Lorenzo talked about his plan. Before attacking, he had to make all the preparations. The death row plan would be their hope of counterattack after defeat.
"But everything will not go as we expected. I think everyone should know that there are two terrifying monsters wandering in the world now. Fortunately, they are not in harmony... But this does not mean that we can Relaxed."
Zuo Zhen and others listened carefully. No matter how unreliable Lorenzo is, he is also an expert, and expert opinions are very important.
"Before the death row plan is completed, once the winner is determined among them, there is no need to determine the winner. As long as one of them has spare power and targets us, the old Dun Ling may be destroyed."
Lorenzo recalled the two terrible monsters.
"It's better to say that Edron Levien is on the verge of losing control, but at least he's not out of control yet. If he comes to Old Dunling, then the most he can do is wipe out those of us who are aware of it, but if it's Roger Cruz who's out of control, He will turn old Dunling into hell, another Advent night.
All citizens will become monsters, and the erosion will spread rapidly to the outside world along the developed transportation system.
Therefore, I think the main target is Roger Cruz. Although the other guy is not a good person, at least in terms of disaster, it is not that bad. "
Lorenzo paused, then continued speaking.
"Of course, another reason for targeting Roger Cruz is that Edlen is still chasing him. Before Edlen lost control, we were more or less in the same camp as him. The conflict is not irreconcilable."
"So what we have to do now is continue your death row plan and wait?" Zuo Zhen shook his head, "I hate waiting, this is disturbing."
"There is no other way. Our enemies have the ability to move long distances, let alone become nihilistic. All we can do is wait, but it is not just waiting."
Lorenzo's planning was perfect, and it was due to working late into the night for so long.
"Arthur, Merlin, has the message been sent yet?"
Faced with Lorenzo's question, Arthur responded.
"I think you're crazy," he sighed, thinking of his equally crazy decision, Arthur felt bad, "Already sent."
"That's good." Lorenzo gave a thumbs up to the two of them.
"What message?"
Zuo Zhen asked. It seemed that there was something he didn't know yet.
“I don’t know if you understand, but before the restart and the appearance of these monsters, we actually had several powerful enemies.
They are the new pope with unknown purpose and identity, the new religious order led by him, and the remnants of the old religious order, Reverend Lawrence. "
Thinking of his former "mentor", no matter how heartless Lorenzo was, his eyes at this moment could not help but become solemn. As a "mortal", the pressure he brought to Lorenzo was no less than those two. A monster.
Lorenzo was clear about Lawrence's purpose, but he felt vaguely uneasy, as if this fanatical believer would not move forward as expected.
"But he is no longer a patriarch. He should be called the Orthodox Pope. He used the secret blood to create a legion and tried to win a doomsday war."
"Putting aside all the previous conflicts, we are actually the three opposing parties. We are actually in the same camp. But unfortunately, due to geographical distance and conflicting ideas, we cannot fully trust each other and unite together. .
So I gave them the information about the end of the world, with some modifications, so that they could see the truth of the world. "
As soon as Lorenzo finished speaking, he could hear the heavy breathing around him. The people on Jiuxia's side didn't quite know what it meant, but the purification agency seemed to be ready to get up and beat people.
Several knight captains were the first to sit still. They looked at each other and made the same decision in their eyes. Finally, Gawain spoke.
"Do you know what you did?"
Gawain does not understand Lorenzo's behavior. Both parties are considered strong enemies. This behavior will undoubtedly lead to unknown possibilities.
"Of course I understand, Knight Commander. In the past, I would have thought I was crazy, but now we have no choice," Lorenzo said. "I understand your concerns, but the problem is that there is an unknown person now. The storm of human survival is brewing, and if we don’t deal with it, we will all have no future, let alone the right to worry.
No matter where we stand, our fates are tied together and no one is immune. "
Lorenzo showed a sly smile, like an insidious fox.
"But I'm not stupid, Knight Commander. You can think of it, and I will think of it too. Telling them all this will not only let them know who the enemy is and what the truth is, but more importantly, this information has great significance." It is possible that Roger and Edlen noticed it and discovered it.
Therefore, the targets they may attack are not only the old Dunling, but also the new Pope and Lawrence. "
"What we lack most now is time. No one knows when the restart will occur. The dispersed goals will buy us a lot of time. It is even said that under the pressure of this powerful enemy, we will still be able to reach a certain level. To unite.”
"What if we are unfortunate enough to be attacked first by Roger?" Gawain asked again.
"Then you can only consider yourself unlucky."
Lorenzo shrugged, expressing his helplessness. His casual attitude made everyone angry.
"This is not an evenly matched war from beginning to end. We need to gather all our strength, use up all our strength, and need a little...luck."
Luck is a wonderful thing. Under its protection, someone can win a kingdom even with a coin.
Lorenzo was immersed in this fantasy, but his words changed in the next second.
"But we can't leave everything to this kind of metaphysics. We need some variables to increase our chances of winning."
Lorenzo looked eagerly at Zuozhen, these foreigners from the mysterious East.
He shouted.
"So our long-awaited guests, have you brought any 'gifts'? It doesn't need to be as powerful as turning the tide of the battle, it just needs to increase our slight chance of winning."
A little bit of chance of winning is adding chips to one's side and gaining hope. As long as there is a little bit of hope, one may be able to complete the reversal of the gambling situation.
"Just like this thing."
Lorenzo said as he reached into his arms, took out a black cube, and placed it on the round table.
Hold your breath.
It was so dark, like an abyss, swallowing everyone's eyes and dragging them into the abyss.
 Double monthly pass this month, Qiuli Cream!
(End of this chapter)

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