Embers of Embers

Chapter 606 Returning to the Dead

Chapter 606 Returning to the Dead
[The final echo].
The final gift from the Keeper of Secrets, the most powerful "variable" in this long war.
Lorenzo has high hopes for it. Perhaps it can be the final sound of this grand performance, bringing all this madness back to silence.
"[Final Echo], the ultimate antimemetic weapon of old humanity, was the one that severely damaged the Unspeakable and caused it to fall into eternal sleep. This was the last and only one."
Lorenzo raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looking around, he could clearly feel that as the black cube was placed on the round table by him, the minds of the others were slightly shaken for a moment, and their eyes were swallowed up by the deep darkness, and they could not help but feel it. Move away.
This was true for Arthur, Zuo Zhen, and even Sa Liangxi, who had a very ungrateful attitude. Everyone maintained absolute silence and stared at the black cube solemnly.
The heavy heartbeat gradually rose in the calm, like a densely interlaced drum beat, until Lorenzo clapped his hands vigorously, and the loud applause called several people out of that obsessed state.
Cold sweat slowly fell down, and everyone was in a state of waking up from a big dream. They looked at the people nearby in panic, and then witnessed Lorenzo picking up the black cube and putting it away again. At this time, The power that touched everyone's heart seemed to be isolated and disappeared.
"I...I begin to understand why you were chosen to be its sword bearer."
Zuo Zhen's voice was trembling, but he quickly regained his composure.
"It's not that easy to be a demon hunter. In order to restrain the demons in my blood, my will is usually very strong." Lorenzo said.
"Also very optimistic." Zuo Zhen added.
"Back to the topic, we cannot use this weapon on Roger and Adren. The only place it can be used is the Well of Sublimation to completely [exile] the Unspeakable." Lorenzo emphasized.
"But if we don't use [Final Echo], judging from the current power of our purification mechanism, we don't have the ability to destroy these two monsters.
Iron and fire can kill the body, but they cannot destroy the soul. "
Lorenzo stood up and walked along the round table, the sound coming and going.
"As I mentioned in the report before, I possess the power of Gabriel, but my level of sublimation is not as high as those two monsters. Even if I fight to the death, I don't have the ability to confront them head-on, let alone That’s two.”
"Your life is still very precious, we will not let you die like this." Arthur said at this time.
Lorenzo is in control of [Final Echo], and the purge mechanism still needs him to complete the final release to end everything completely.
"So everyone in Jiuxia, you who have antimemetic technology, do you have any gifts for us to see?"
Lorenzo stopped behind Zuo Zhen and put his hands on his chair. He pretended to be arrogant and said softly.
Zuo Zhen did not look back at Lorenzo. He put his hands on the table, propped up his chin, and lowered his eyes, like a sinister old fox.
"Like you knights who clean up the mechanism, we Anonymous are also the special forces of Jiuxia to fight against demons. Correspondingly, we also have the power to suppress demons." Zuo Zhendao.
"for example?"
Lorenzo smiled when he heard the answer he wanted.
"The Purification Agency uses machinery and demon flesh and blood. The Demon Hunting Order simply absorbs taboos from the blood and resumes the path of sublimation... No matter how careful you are, these powers are still related to demons, right?" Zuo? Zhen looked at Arthur in front of him, "I think you should also pay the price for this."
The destruction of the old humanity, the loss of control of the original sin armor, the outbreak of the Holy Night... Things related to demons always seem to be unable to have a happy ending.
"As early as when Jiuxia was established, the secret keeper who led us made the decision to ban demons. The power we should have has nothing to do with demons, not even the armor technology," Zuo Zhen thought of the current Original Sin Armor and added He said, "Of course, our armor should be considered lagging behind compared to yours now."
Hearing this, Merlin wanted to ask Zuo Zhen about their technology, but he calmed down. Now was not the time to exchange technology.
"For this reason, our weapon against demons is antimemetics. We directly use this power to neutralize and kill them."
Zuo Zhen explained the power of the anonymous people to everyone.
"So you came here with a large number of antimemetic weapons?" Lorenzo was calm on the surface, but almost jumped in his heart. Once it was feasible, they would have sharp spears to kill the sublimated ones, which cannot be resisted by armor. s damage.
"Antimeme is a piece of self-enclosed information. Once it is spread, it will also pollute and seal more information. Therefore, in order to check and balance the power of containment, we usually need a carrier to restrict it, just like preserving [final The black cube of Yan Hui Hui."
Zuo Zhen's words proved that he did understand antimemes, and he continued.
"The different strengths of antimemes bring different effects. When we fight, we usually do not use strong antimemes, otherwise we will also get into trouble."
Zuo Zhen lifted an exquisite firearm from his side and placed it on the round table. The inlaid brass outlined the cloud pattern, there were subtle carvings on the wooden support, and there were inscriptions engraved on the smaller corners.
There are many decorations, proving the noble status of the owner, but in essence it is still a firearm, a weapon for killing people.
"We turn bullets into carriers of antimemes. The bullets will penetrate their bodies. At the same time, the monsters hit will lose their consciousness due to the antimeme, such as body movements, muscle tension, breathing, and even themselves, etc. "
Zuo Zhen gently stroked the gun, feeling the bumps and scars on the watch.
"The intensity of antimeme is not high, so the monster's cognitive damage is not complete. It can be said that it will recognize it again after a few minutes. Therefore, using this weapon to kill the monster requires fire suppression and cannot give them a chance to breathe. , we must devote all our strength to completely destroy them while they are still suppressed.”
"Did you bring the technology to process bullets?"
"Of course," Zuo Zhen said, "we have brought a lot of scholars, as long as we connect with the pump of perpetual motion, based on your industrial foundation, you will soon be able to use antimemetic ammunition."
"More than that," Merlin said at this time, "The Holy Silver Mine has been taken over by the Mechanical Institute, and the Holy Silver will soon cover all our weapon systems."
"What else?" Lorenzo asked.
“Antimemetic weapons actually don’t have much subdivision, they just vary in strength.
We carry the [Wangchuan]-class antimemetic weapon, which is currently the most powerful antimemetic weapon in Jiuxia. Although it cannot match the [Final Echo] of the old humans, I think this weapon should be able to deal with Roger and Ai Delenn works. "
Zuo Zhen thought for a moment and then said again.
"When we left Jiuxia, we were informed of the importance of this operation. It can be said that if we don't solve this unspeakable problem, there is no need for us to return to Jiuxia. Anyway, no matter where we are, we will be there. Suffer a dark fate.”
"so what?"
"So I'm very worried that our firepower is not enough. In addition to protecting Jiuxia's stability, we have brought almost all the [Wangchuan]-level antimemetic weapons that can be mobilized."
Zuo Zhen's words were calm, but the content of his words made everyone present a little uneasy. He probably noticed the slight change in the expressions of others, so he said cheerfully.
"When I came here, I was worried about whether this would put too much pressure on you, so I kept it vague, so please don't worry.
As for those enemies, if one is not enough, add a second and a third until they are all wiped out. I think Mr. Holmes can understand this. "
"I agree."
Lorenzo responded, he stepped aside, sat back on his chair, and gave Zuo Zhen a thumbs up.
"So many antimemetic weapons? Without these enemies, I doubt you would start a war."
"The war is never over, Mr. Holmes."
Zuo Zhen smiled at Lorenzo and looked at him.
The scene was silent for a few seconds. Everyone was thinking about the next situation and how the situation would change with the help of these weapons. Only Lorenzo was rubbing his hands and thinking about the death of his enemy.
After thinking about it, Lorenzo was still a little disappointed. If he was defeated by the antimeme, then Lorenzo would also forget the appearance of these enemies, and the pleasure of victory would probably disappear by then.
Finally Lorenzo broke the calm, his voice a little distorted.
"I'm starting to like these guests."
He slammed the table and spoke to everyone in a low voice, like a monster crawling out of its lair.
"So, gentlemen and ladies, what are you waiting for?"
Lorenzo climbed onto the round table, stepped on the witness of this century-old history, and drew his staff and sword.
"Time to act."
The pillar of the furnace, the bottom of mourning.
In the darkness, machinery roared, and the red-hot metal advanced along the conveyor belt, falling into the unknown darkness, leaving only a little bit of dark red.
This is the central tower at the Bottom of the Fall. It is not so much a tower as it is a giant pillar connected to the bottom of the furnace pillar. Several large vertical elevators rise along the pillar and reach the surface through these secret passages.
Watson sat quietly in the corner of the central tower. From the raised round platform, he could see most of the area below was illuminated by lights.
She looked at the silent world and asked curiously when she saw Galahad coming.
"Why is this place called the Bottom of Sorrow?"
When he heard the name here for the first time, Watson felt a little surprised. According to what is known so far, the names of the different areas in Old Dunling are mostly related to their functional nature, but this place seems a little different.
"I thought you knew," Galahad said.
"A gathering place for forgotten people? It seems you don't want to be forgotten either."
"No one wants to be forgotten," Galahad replied nonchalantly.
There are scavengers passing by here. They seem to have no emotions and execute the orders like a machine. No one looks here, as if this is not an order, so there is no need to execute it.
But such a group of indifferent guys would actually feel sad about being forgotten.
Another thing fell in the darkness. It was slowly descending in an elevator. It looked like a big guy, covered with a cloth, so it was hard to see what it was.
"The [Forgotten River]-class antimemetic weapons from Jiuxia are also part of the 'Deus Ex Machina' plan." Galahad said.
"Where are those Jiuxia people?"
Watson's eyes accurately caught the figures above, guarding the covered weapons.
"Like us, they are also members outside the story, and they are a little special. They have the same name and are called 'Cai Gong'."
"Mr. Cai?"
"Well, they are very similar to us," Galahad let out a hoarse laugh. "I am affected by erosion and can only hide in the darkness, while they can only hide in the shadows due to antimemetics."
Watson is very interested in this so-called "Cai Gong" and is also curious about why they lost their names and became "Cai Gong".
It was also at this moment that another footstep sounded, and he walked out of the darkness, approaching the two of them.
Another man in black.
Watson has not been in contact with the scavengers for a long time, but from what she knows, she can vaguely figure out some of the classifications among the scavengers.
They are roughly divided into two categories. One type is the enforcers. They are basically fully armed and hide themselves in heavy clothes. They say nothing and remain silent. The other type is these men in black, who are the returnees. The dead, they are responsible for the operation of the scavenger department and can speak and communicate.
Blazing white fireworks rolled under the mask, and the darkness under the hood failed to stop Watson from snooping. In fact, the man in black never wanted to stop Watson from snooping.
"I really didn't expect...it would be you."
Watson exclaimed.
"Have we met before?"
The man in black was puzzled. His voice was hoarse and he was breathing heavily. In the dim light, you could see the scars on his skin and the metal machinery all over his chest.
"I know you, but you probably don't know me. I thought you died in that rainstorm."
At this point, Watson understood something, and there was a chuckle under the mask, and she looked at Galahad.
"Is that why you are called the dead?"
"No, not everyone is a Returner, it is just used to refer to some special people," Galahad explained, and then nodded, "But he and I are indeed both a Returner."
"Returners from the realm of death...but that doesn't mean you are definitely out of death."
Watson walked towards the man in black. This was the first time she seemed so proactive.
"I think Lorenzo must be happy that you're alive."
Hearing Lorenzo's name, the man in black was stunned. He didn't know where the guy in front of him knew all this, but remembering that she was the executor of the deus ex machina plan, he didn't have much doubt. After all, There are too many secrets in this world that I don't know yet.
Just like at the beginning, I didn't expect that there was such a place deep in the old Dunling, let alone that I became one of them.
The man in black smiled and said nothing.
"Well...nice to see you again."
Watson put his hand on his shoulder. During the days when she was walking with Lorenzo, Lorenzo's experience seemed to be Watson's. Although she never showed it, the feeling of returning from a loss at this moment made her feel Leng Che felt a little happy for the first time in a long time.
These familiar faces.
"Joy Joshua."
A little light flashed in the bloodshot pupils, and Joey remembered that it seemed that in the depths of darkness, no one had called him that for a long time.
(End of this chapter)

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