Embers of Embers

Chapter 626: Dignity

Chapter 626: Dignity
Is the death row plan really complete?Even the so-called death row plan, is it really necessary to exist?
Gareth was thinking about the future of the old Dunling, but suddenly found that the expected future had already gone astray. It was heading down a dark road, and he had no chance to save it.
"Probably... As you know, I'm not very good at planning," Percival said seriously, she was only good at executing orders, "I'll do whatever you say."
"Can you carry out my orders with absolute loyalty?"
Gareth looked at her. He was not Arthur, but as the defender of the Broken Dome, he also had the power to order the knight captains.
"Of course," Percival said, confused as to why Gareth was acting like this suddenly, "Isn't this natural?"
"Absolutely loyal, without any room for doubt, or even blindly loyal?"
Gareth continued to ask, his eyes burning, eager to get something from Percival.
Percival realized something was wrong with Gareth at this time, she put away her smile and asked seriously.
"What are you questioning? Gareth."
This familiar colleague has always been very steady, so he can rationally control the entire Old Dunling through the Broken Dome, making all the departments of the purification agency run at full speed.
"Something's wrong, something's not right, Percival."
Gareth kept saying it over and over again, feeling that he was about to find it, find the loophole that he had not noticed until now.
"Death Row, Old Dunling, Rioters, Demons..."
The direction of the battle continued to evolve in his mind, and finally Gareth denied everything.
"There's no need for that at all."
As time went by, Gareth, like Lorenzo, felt more and more uneasy, but unlike Lorenzo, Lorenzo himself "privately" formulated a new plan, while Gareth Feeling panic before this unknown.
"There is something wrong with the idea of ​​'death row'. Why should we build a shelter in Old Dunling? Just because it is at our core? There are obviously more suitable and secluded places."
Hearing Gareth's words, Percival seemed to have a thunderbolt in his mind. She seemed to have been pacing in a small circle before, and following Gareth's words, the small circle cracked a gap, allowing Percival got out of the misunderstanding of his thinking.
She felt a chill and shivered.
"I can understand starting a war in Old Dunling. We can quickly deploy our troops here. As long as important departments do not fall, we can fight the monsters in this city for several months, but...but..."
Gareth could hear a small cracking sound, the thing that had been holding him back was about to break.
"The man behind the death row plan was Lorenzo Holmes."
Percival's expression was serious and his eyes were full of tension. The origin of all this weirdness was because of this plan, and the maker of this plan was Lorenzo.
"Do you doubt Lorenzo?" she asked.
Gareth recalled this guy named Lorenzo Holmes. Because he lived in the Broken Dome, Gareth had almost never had close contact with Lorenzo. In his memory, the longest time between the two of them was The communication was also when the lunatic drove the airship away from Old Dunling.
He began to doubt Lorenzo, but thinking of what Lorenzo had done, Gareth felt that he should not doubt it.
"I don't know. The more I do it, the more I realize something is wrong. More importantly, it seems that no one else has noticed this." Gareth walked towards his office. "For example, you, you didn't realize it before. These vulnerabilities exist, don’t they?”
"The death row plan seems to have no problem, but if you think about it carefully, it still has too many loopholes. How can loopholes exist in the purge agency?"
Gareth became more and more frightened as he thought about it.
"Most importantly, Percival, do you remember that you were involved in discussing the plan?"
Percival froze on the spot.
Yes, the Death Row Plan involves the entire Old Dunling. Such an important matter should have been planned for a long time, but in Percival's memory, the Death Row Plan suddenly appeared without warning, and everyone believed in this plan , proceeding blindly.
"How is this going?"
Percival muttered.
Gareth stretched out his hand and landed on the doorknob. He was about to unscrew the office when he thought of something, whispered.
"Zuo Zhen..."
The face of the old man came to mind. This strange Jiuxia man always had a faint smile on his face, as if he was wearing a false mask.
Gareth realized the key to all this, and it was at this time that he opened the door to the office.
There is a cold wind blowing.
The glass was shattered, and among the debris on the floor, a stranger was sitting in his seat. Next to the table was a twisted iron-grey sword blade that looked like a long nail.
No words or prompts were needed. The first moment Gareth saw this man, the instinct from the depths of his soul was screaming. It was warning Gareth and urging him. of escape.
Percival also saw the stranger rushing in. She pulled out her pistol and pointed it at the stranger, ready to pull the trigger at any time.
"So...that's it..."
Gareth stood there, muttering to himself.
The moment he saw the stranger, Gareth not only felt fear in his heart, but also felt pure whiteness that exploded in an instant.
The dusty mystery collapsed, revealing its original appearance.
He understood everything. In this moment, all the conspiracies and tricks revealed their original truth to him.
This is the real "death row".
Gareth couldn't help but sigh for Lorenzo. He even wanted to clap his hands and applaud him to praise the decision made by this lunatic, but... he seemed to have no chance to praise Lorenzo.
Gareth pushed Percival away, yelling.
"Believe it, absolutely and blindly believe in Death Row!"
Without an answer, under Percival's confused eyes, Gareth punched the alarm placed at the door, smashing the glass cover with it.
Blood dripped, and the piercing sirens resounded throughout the Broken Dome.
People were stunned at first, looking around blankly and at a loss.
This is the Broken Dome, a pure land that has not been touched by demons since its establishment. The same is true for the alarm, which almost never sounds.
But soon they became nervous and frightened.
This is the core of the Purification Agency, and now the core has been invaded.
At this moment, time seemed to slow down. The two looked at each other. In each other's eyes, with the tacit understanding of many years of work, they knew each other's intentions.
Percival's expression showed a hint of reluctance, but he did not hesitate.
She looked at Gareth intently, remembering his appearance deeply in her mind. Her leaning figure steadied with the furious stamping of her feet, and Percival's figure bounced up, moving very fast towards the corridor without looking back. Running wildly at the end.
At the same time, the heavy gates began to fall, sealing off the locations where the alarm sounded one by one.
"How decisive. Are you Arthur?"
The stranger got up and stood where he was, looking at Gareth with a smile on his face.
Gareth shook his head. He was in a very calm mood at the moment. Perhaps he was too scared and could no longer feel other emotions. Even the so-called fear became pale and numb.
"No, Arthur isn't here often," Gareth looked at the stranger, "You can call me Gareth."
He took a deep breath and called the devil's name.
"Roger Cruz."
Roger seemed a little surprised when Gareth called out his name. He picked up the spike and said with some confusion.
"We haven't seen each other, have we?"
"Lorenzo said that Edron kills people very quickly and usually doesn't talk nonsense. Roger is the one who talks nonsense." Gareth said calmly.
As he spoke, his hand slowly moved to his waist, trying to reach the firearm stuck in his waist.
"Lorenzo? Oh, the one who holds [Final Echo]?"
Under the information that Watson deliberately leaked, this information was already known to Roger, but Gareth, who didn't know all about it, felt a burst of pressure at this time. He didn't expect Lorenzo to be exposed so quickly.
Their tricks pale in front of absolute power.
"Huh? Do you want to resist? I can give you this opportunity."
Roger noticed Gareth's little movement and didn't care at all.
Just as he spared Lorenzo at the end of the world, he likes to give people a chance, a fair chance to fight.
Just like smelting metal, no matter what kind of fire it goes through, there will always be a trace of impurities. The same is true for Roger. No matter how it is infiltrated by the unspeakable, there is still a trace of the will of "Roger Cruz".
If I'm wrong, then try to deny me.
Gareth shook his head, and he smiled wryly.
"I have no chance of winning, it's just a futile effort."
"Give it a try. This is the end of your life anyway," Roger encouraged.
Gareth remained unmoved. The next moment, a sharp sound cut his eardrums. The twisted spikes were reflected in his eyes, magnifying and being thrown towards Gareth.
Spikes penetrated the wall, and Gareth was knocked out of the office in the smoke. After the alarm, the place was completely sealed. There were not many places where he could escape, so he could only run in vain.
"Yes! That's it. I've seen many people like you, and they all look down on death. But when death comes, they still can't help but cry and beg for mercy."
Roger took off the spike and walked out of the office, followed by Gareth.
He liked this, watching these guys who upheld their ideals collapse and howl under the threat of death, discarding all the so-called dignity and morality, leaving only a pitiful soul begging for mercy.
Gareth gasped, hiding from the light like a dirty rat.
He raised his pistol and fired back behind him. Roger didn't even have the intention to block. The bullet landed on the dark armor and bounced off sparks.
It felt bad and Gareth knew exactly what Roger was doing.
He is playing with his own life, wanting to see all the bad qualities he will produce under the pressure of death. He is looking forward to his own collapse and his own wailing.
Too bad, the last time Gareth felt like this in his life was when he was locked up in prison. At that time, his future was gloomy... But that time he waited for Percival.
What about this time?
"Sure enough, my luck has always been bad."
Gareth muttered half-jokingly, counting the remaining bullets. He controlled the extent of the chase to give Roger as much fun as possible.
He watched his hysterical rebellion, and when Roger got tired of it, it was his death.
The time of death is approaching.
Gareth stopped, turned around, and under Roger's gaze, adjusted his clothes to make himself look as tidy as possible.
"Just give up?" Roger asked.
The spike shot through the air again, streaking along Gareth's cheek. The hideous scar exploded, and his left eye turned scarlet.
Gareth did not retreat. He endured the pain and stood firmly on the spot.
"Did the dozen or so seconds you fought for just make you decide to give up completely?" Roger was a little disappointed, "So...the so-called 'Knight Commander' is like this? It's really disappointing, so what are you going to say next? , beg for mercy?"
In Roger's eyes, Gareth was just a miserable maggot. He thought there would be a pleasant hunt, but after the prey escaped a few steps, he was completely crushed by the pressure. He began to doubt Gareth's position. Did you get it through the back door?
"So sublimation is right, abandon these bad qualities and become a greater existence."
Roger whispered, like a spell, hypnotizing himself.
"No, I just decided something in these ten seconds... As you said, many people take death lightly, but when death really comes, they will still tremble non-stop."
Gareth laughed at himself. He had tried very hard to stop his hands from shaking, but they were still shaking and he couldn't even hold the gun.
He had stayed in the Broken Dome for too long, so long that he had forgotten the fear of death in the comfort.
"It sounds easy, but in fact it's really difficult...it takes a lot of courage."
Gareth didn't have the slightest chance of winning, but he picked up the pistol tremblingly and made the exact opposite of his words.
"I just hope I don't die too ugly."
"I can grant you this wish." Roger said.
"I'm not talking to you," Gareth raised his other hand and straightened his collar, "I was just talking to myself."
There was a smile on his face.
Roger realized what Gareth was going to do, but Gareth didn't give him [Gap] time to invade.
Gareth should have done all this in the office, but Roger was right, Gareth was one of the "many people" who would be afraid to make a decision.
So Gareth needed ten seconds to calm down, to calm down his violently beating heart, to tidy up his clothes, to manage his expression, so that he could once again have the so-called dignity and accept it all calmly.
Finally... finally, let's recall some good things.
Gareth's hand stopped shaking and was as steady as steel. He suddenly raised it and pointed the gun at his temple.
Pull the trigger.
Along with his own brain, memory, and life, they were all shattered and penetrated.
Blood spurted out, covering the entire wall.
(End of this chapter)

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