Embers of Embers

Chapter 627 Crazy

Chapter 627 Crazy
There was a weird ominousness rolling among the clouds, as if there was some unknown monster accumulating power deep in the clouds, waiting for the moment to explode.
The wind was strong, and the icy rain washed over the towering tower. The wails continued, and the dark crows flew away from the tower one after another. They seemed to have sensed something, and screamed away with instinctive fear.
Pedestrians on the street looked up, remembering the ancient legend, and witnessed the crows fleeing.
Looking up along the iron-gray tower, its top was lost in the clouds and mist. No one knew what was happening there, but everyone could clearly feel that an ancient and evil force was carrying the forest with it. The cold chill spreads.
Without any warning, everything just exploded.
Percival tried hard not to think too much, completely forget about everything about Gareth, and focus all his attention on the situation in front of him.
The ear-piercing sirens echoed, and gates fell one after another, completely sealing off the area where Roger appeared. Soldiers also gathered in that direction, and dense muzzles blocked every passage.
But this was not enough. Percival knew very well that these could not stop Roger from moving forward.
Thinking of this, Percival felt powerless. Facing a monster like Roger, the various defenses of the purification mechanism seemed so fragile. There had never been a broken dome that the enemy could touch, but now Roger could invade so easily. , and the purification agency simply has no ability to deal with it.
"Damn it, why is it exposed here?"
Percival couldn't understand that as the core of the command, the location of the Broken Dome had always been kept secret, but she soon figured out the reason.
Under the [Gap] invasion, no secret could be hidden from Roger's eyes. Gareth's face flashed before his eyes, and Percival did not dare to continue thinking about it.
It's funny to say, she should have been used to this kind of thing.
"Everyone, prepare to evacuate!"
Percival came to the command room, yelling.
People were eager to deal with this crisis from the core, issuing orders and mobilizing troops, but the sudden arrival of Percival denied all this and ordered everyone to retreat.
Everyone was a little overwhelmed, and they obviously didn't know what they were facing. Percival shouted again.
"Everyone! Evacuate, this is an order!"
This time the stiff crowd was touched, and there was still a little confusion in his eyes, but this time they acted according to Percival's orders.
"Evacuate! Evacuate!"
"Back up data!"
There was constant panic, but Percival was very anxious in her heart. She didn't know how long the defensive force could hinder Roger. She just hoped that there would be more time so that she could prepare all this.
Percival continued to urge, hoping only that more people would survive.
"Arthur! This is Percival!"
The communication was connected and Percival shouted to the other end of the phone.
As Gareth pressed the alarm, the Broken Dome alarm was sent to various departments. They didn't know exactly what happened in the Broken Dome, but all eyes were turned here.
"what happened?"
A calm voice came from the other end of the phone.
"Roger Cruz, he invaded the Shattered Dome, Gareth stopped him, but I guess he's probably dead."
Percival recalled his farewell to Gareth without any words, but from Gareth's eyes, Percival had seen too much.
She has known Gareth for so long that she has a very clear understanding of this unlucky guy. He is a very stubborn guy who will never let go of something when he knows it. Percival knows very well that Gareth What will Reis do?
"Gareth seemed to think of something, but he didn't have time to tell me, he just asked us to believe in 'death row' unconditionally."
Percival's words were trembling, whether it was fear or sadness.
She was also somewhat aware of the loopholes in the death row. Such a huge plan should be perfect. Even if it was not possible, there should be a clearer countermeasure for all possibilities.
But now?
The core of the purification mechanism was invaded, and Percival could not find any way to deal with it for a while. Ordinary emergency countermeasures could not stop Roger's monster at all. Everything was on the verge of collapse now.
"Gareth must have thought of something we hadn't thought of."
Percival's voice gradually stopped, and after a few seconds of silence, the other end said.
"So in order to obliterate his own thoughts, Gareth will not be known by Roger, he will..."
"Okay, stop talking. I will act according to the emergency plan. I don't know how long this will last. Anyway..." Percival paused and continued, "I believe in 'death row' unconditionally."
Bursts of gunshots had already reached my ears, Percival pressed the final button, police red flares lit up around the tower, and they rose one by one, even if covered by clouds and mist, they couldn't stop the scarlet explosion. of light.
No matter who they are, wherever they are in Old Dunling, as long as they raise their heads, they can see this rising light.
Percival witnessed the scatter of light. After burning, they sank into the city below again, scattering scarlet light all over the ground.
she whispered.
"Shattered Dome...falls."
Gunshots roared in the corridor. As the core of the purification mechanism, it has extremely powerful defensive firepower. Even demons will be easily torn into pieces when facing such firepower.
But this kind of power cannot target disorderly monsters.
The bullets hit the pitch-black armor with clanging sounds, splashing sparks and smoke, almost filling the entire corridor.
The soldiers could no longer see the target, but they did not release their triggers and kept pouring firepower because although they could not see it, they could still hear it.
The crashing sound that was getting closer could be heard, and the footsteps became clearer and clearer among the messy gunfire.
The twisted and ferocious steel cut through the smoke, cutting through the soldiers and the guns in their hands.
Roger picked up the still-dead body and was about to examine the horror before his death, but more bullets struck, beating the body into flesh and covering it with pitch-black armor.
"Fragile, powerless, futile..."
Roger put down the spike, and the broken body hanging on it also fell. Under the dark visor, his eyes were empty. He stared at the miserable humans, and then anger rose.
He wanted to fool the miserable humans and laugh at their bad nature, but in the end Gareth spurned Roger instead.
This is a wound heavier than a sword. The humble maggot dares to laugh at the divine greatness.
Roger was rarely furious. This may be the source of his anger, or it may not be the source of his anger. Under the erosion of the Unspeakable, his thoughts have already fallen into disorderly chaos, and the so-called reason is just a disguise of nothingness.
It was as if an incendiary bomb had been detonated, and the instantaneous high temperature was swallowing up fireworks. The soldiers' eyes were evaporated, their bodies were scorched and peeled off, and the firearms in their hands also glowed red. Then the bullets were connected and detonated, destroying the gray-black corpses. destroy.
Heat attacks the Shattered Dome.
As the core of the purification mechanism, its location is set up on the Dunling Tower overlooking the whole city. Few enemies can reach here unimpeded. It is expected that even if the demon captures the old Dunling, it will be difficult to climb up this tower. Isolated tower.
But now this advantage has turned into its disadvantage.
Large elevators repeatedly transported a large number of people and materials away from the Broken Dome. All the power that could be mobilized was concentrated here, trying to delay more time.
The soldiers held their weapons tightly and guarded behind the heavy gate. They could hear the screams behind the gate and feel the gradually rising temperature.
The cold metal began to show a slight red color, and a faint white smoke rose from the wooden boards around the gate, carrying a burning smell.
The soldiers prayed in their hearts, and at the same time, the red color on the gate gradually expanded from a small dot to a circle. Finally, at a certain moment, it could no longer support it, like melting ice, suddenly collapse.
Someone yelled, the trigger was pulled, and guns fired, but this time the story took a completely different direction, even darker.
The twisted spike penetrated the gate that was not completely melted, and penetrated the soldier's body with the molten iron. The force was so great that it almost broke the body. Then the spike continued to fly, and after killing the last few soldiers, Nailed into the wall again.
With just one blow, Roger completely shattered human courage and industrial firepower. They looked forward in horror. In the rising fireworks, everyone saw the pair of blazing white eyes, and the beauty of the eyes. After that, crazy hell.
The soldiers stopped firing. No matter what kind of mentality, in the face of such "truth", only death and madness were left.
Sobs came from their mouths, their bodies trembled, and tears streamed down their faces.
Some tremblingly picked up the pistol and smashed their own heads, while others knelt down under the heavy pressure, allowing their bodies to begin to mutate and grow sharp fangs.
Under the extreme erosion, the remaining lives were easily transformed into monsters. They let out bloodthirsty roars and searched for fresh humans. Roger continued to move forward, looking for his target.
What does he want to know.
Why are these people not afraid.
Why do these people still think they have a chance?
"Why don't you want it to end?"
Roger couldn't understand that he once had a lot of hopes for the world. For this reason, he joined forces with Edron to try to pull the world back from the brink of destruction, but in the end it was all in vain.
"You're a pathetic fellow, Roger."
The voice sounded, and a fallen soldier reluctantly raised his head. He was seriously injured, and his lower body was covered in blood, but there was no pain on his face, only a cold calmness.
"Oh? You're not dead yet?" Roger looked at the soldier and laughed at him.
"What I should have realized from the beginning is that you are an idealist who is dissatisfied with reality, but you can't find a perfect solution, so you can only prove yourself with more and more radical actions."
Edron said coldly.
"You are involving more and more people in the tragedy you have created..."
"Do you want me to stop?" Roger interrupted Adren and looked at him helplessly, "How long has it been, why do you still want to convince me?"
"No," said Edron, "I just think you're pathetic."
"You will never stop. You have killed so many people and committed so many crimes. For this, you have even been sacrificed to the devil. You have paid such a heavy price, and this price Has bound you to madness."
Roger's smile became stiff, and the corners of his mouth slowly dropped, becoming gloomy.
"If you stop, what will you do before? In order not to deny yourself, you gave up thinking and only thought about going crazy..."
Roger walked up to the soldier, raised his foot and stepped on his head, blocking Adren's words.
"To be honest, come to see me in person, Adren, instead of hiding in a corner."
He looked straight at Roger with cold eyes until his head was crushed to pieces and turned into pieces on the ground.
The disturbing sound finally disappeared, and Roger felt at ease again. Adren was still a threat to him, but not as deadly as before.
After the previous fights, Roger has clearly recognized the situation Aidelun is in. The dream of the unspeakable is constantly echoing in his ears. He needs to be vigilant against all these at all times, and he is powerless to stop himself.
"I was right..."
Roger was slightly absent-minded, muttering to himself, but soon his eyes were filled with madness and he continued to move forward.
He wanted to know what these people were hiding, and then crush their pride one by one. There was a dazzling light behind the door, which was the command room. Percival stood at the door, and she clenched her pistol.
The two of them must look at each other, with a cross corridor in front of them, and there is no other way but forward.
It's like a lonely duel.
"Do not be afraid."
Percival said to the soldiers that they had no way out, and the only thing they could do was to die with dignity.
Roger stepped forward, like an advancing iron curtain, squeezing their living space.
There is growing restlessness.
Then a majestic wave rose across the wall, and the invisible giant wave swept everything in an instant.
Everything slows down at this moment, and everything is clearly distinguishable by the naked eye.
This sudden explosion enveloped Roger, and Percival and the soldiers were on the edge of the explosion. Although they were not affected too much, they also felt the power of heart palpitations.
There was no light or heat, it was an explosion beyond Percival's knowledge.
She whispered, and the antimemetic weapon planted by the Anonymous took effect at this moment.
I saw that the indestructible black armor on Roger's body was full of cracks, as if it would completely collapse in the next second, and Roger himself also showed a painful expression.
Explosions continued one after another. There was no light or heat, but everyone felt the message of the "explosion". An invisible storm was raging here. At the same time, there were steady footsteps. At the other end of the cross corridor, someone walked around the corner. , raised the muzzle of the gun and shot at Roger.
Percival could only see his sudden appearance, but she still recognized the person at a glance. After all, they were so special in this strange country.
Anonymous was wearing fine light armor with a red lapel underneath. He pulled the trigger and hit Roger with the antimemetic bullets one by one.
He was the only anonymous person in the empty corridor, but his steps were firm and without fear.
(End of this chapter)

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