Chapter 630
Beyond everyone's expectations, the dark giant sank behind the clouds, and the black shadow expanded rapidly until the sea of ​​clouds could no longer support it and collapsed.
In an instant, a high-pitched sound echoed in my ears.
The giant iron-gray whale smashed through the sea of ​​clouds, like a falling meteorite, diving towards the street at a very fast speed.
The pressure rose to the limit in an instant, and even an experienced veteran like Kestrel showed fear at this moment.
However, Kestrel thinks this is nothing. He feels that anyone who sees such a giant charging forward will be frightened for a moment. More importantly, not everyone has the experience of being hit by a war airship.
"Fly... airship." Kestrel said with difficulty.
As the darkness spreads with the ever-expanding shadows, the heartbeat speeds up to a certain point.
The iron whale suddenly lifted up and raised along the edge of the building. The edge wanted to collide with the bricks and stones. There were gravels splashing among the broken smoke and dust. The light strips were swimming around. They were hanging steel cables, like tentacles. Like, undulating and dancing wildly on the street, like a flexible giant blade.
Pedestrians fled in fear, huge cracks were ripped out of the ground, street lamps were knocked down fiercely, and the surrounding walls and glass were shattered.
"Get out of the way!"
Seeing that a few people were about to be hit by a steel rope, Shao Liangye roared. Being hit by a steel rope at this speed was no different from being hit by a giant blade. But at this time, Lorenzo finally had action.
He took a deep breath. At this moment, he suddenly thought of Mrs. Van Roode. He remembered that she was a brave and skilled air cavalry before she retired.
Lorenzo tightened his sword bag and ran directly towards the tightrope without saying a word.
Dense iron armor wrapped around his body. He jumped up suddenly, and the ground cracked under the weight.
His arm grabbed the steel cable, as if strangling life. The violently shaking steel cable was firmly grasped by Lorenzo in his hand. The next moment, Lorenzo pulled the steel cable and was carried high into the sky by the climbing war airship, rushing towards Deep in the sea of ​​clouds.
Several people could only stand there blankly, watching Lorenzo's figure become smaller and smaller until it merged with the scarlet light.
Lorenzo rose into the sky, and the cold wind hit his face. On the war airship, people standing in front of the console woke up from the hallucination. He didn't know what had just happened, but the soldiers beside him had already drawn their guns. Only then did we realize what a dangerous operation these people had just performed.
According to the countermeasures, the war airship should move closer to the Broken Dome, but suddenly everyone lost control and dived downwards with the war airship.
"what happened?"
They looked at each other, all they felt was fear slowly rising in their hearts.
Lorenzo hung below. In the red light in front of him, he could see the enlarging black shadow, and the broken dome was close in front of him.
It is also the first time he has done this. To be honest, the risk is very high, but there is no way around it.
The Black Angel that Lorenzo was most familiar with had been completely damaged since his journey to the Silent Sea. After being taken into custody again by the Perpetual Pump, Lorenzo had never seen it again.
In this case, apart from using this risky method, Lorenzo really can't find a way to quickly reach the Broken Dome. As for [Gap] shuttle...
With this power, Lorenzo can indeed reach the Broken Dome quickly, but it is his carrier after all, and the power he can exert is limited. There is no point in arriving in this way except for death.
"It's so tall..."
Lorenzo sighed, actually thinking about it carefully, going there to face Roger in person seems to be not much different from dying.
But Lorenzo had to do this. In this case, he was the only person in the entire Old Dunling who had the ability to stop Roger.
Lorenzo has always been cunning, but when faced with the absolute suppression of strength, all his strategies seemed ineffective. His mind was confused. Soon he would arrive at the Broken Dome and face Roger.
As for what happened next...Lorenzo didn't think about it and didn't know what to do.
As the clouds and fog were broken through, several rays of fire erupted from the war airship. They streaked across the sky and fell into the broken dome. The huge explosion lit up everything, and even the cold rain and fog were dispersed.
Lorenzo let go of the rope and fell into the depths of the fire.
Percival raised his head. At this desperate moment, these iron whales swimming among the sea of ​​clouds finally arrived at the battlefield. After a short pause, more firelight fell behind Percival, suppressing fire.
The Broken Dome is located on the top of Dunling Tower. In order not to cause greater damage, the war airship controlled the firepower and continuously fired warheads that resembled Forged Spears.
The high-temperature metal cracked in mid-air, spreading the molten metal evenly across the space behind him. The temperature suddenly became extremely hot, making it difficult for Percival to breathe.
She wanted to escape, but at the edge of the tower, she had nowhere to go. She could only keep retreating until she was close to the edge of the sky.
Looking down, under Percival's gaze, everything in Old Dunling seemed so small. They were piled up and spreading toward the end of the horizon until they could no longer be seen clearly.
The crows were flying and wailing.
In the rising firelight, a vague figure stood up slowly. He was surrounded by flames, and his body was covered with steel that was still flowing slowly.
Dense iron armor completely wrapped Roger, and blazing fire surged through the gaps in the armor, like the blazing white sun.
He stepped forward, ignoring the attack from the war airship. The cracked metal fell on him, which could only push him back slightly, but could not cause him any harm at all.
Absolute power ruled everything. Roger was about to come to Percival. The hot temperature made it difficult for Percival to breathe. Soon she felt another level of high temperature.
Something was coming, like a falling sun from the sky.
The sharp scream suddenly rose and spread, destroying everyone's hearing in an instant.
Percival could only see a streak of blazing white twisted into a light track. It flashed like thunder and exploded in front of him, isolating Roger.
The sharp nail sword was filled with lingering fire. It passed through the layers of armor protection and stabbed down along the gaps, penetrating through the flesh and bones until it emerged from Roger's back. The blood evaporated before it even dripped, making the blood evaporate. The smell of blood echoed in it. .
"Hello, Roger Cruz."
A hoarse and ferocious voice sounded, and the same cavalryman as Roger looked down. He tightened his grip on the nail sword and kept exerting force, crushing Roger's body. The nail sword penetrated the body and sank into the ground little by little, nailing him to death.
"Lorenzo Holmes."
Under the rugged, pitch-black visor, there was an evil smile.
Roger stretched out his hand and grabbed the nailed sword that penetrated his body. He held it casually and heard the sound of steel cracking.
The high temperature passed by, and the broken sword blade in the body was not eliminated, but merged with the ferocious armor, turning into a gray and black body. He danced the spike, and Lorenzo was shocked and retreated.
Without any help, Roger stood up in a twisted figure and looked at Lorenzo from a distance.
The calm only lasted for a few seconds, and the two collided again. The speed was so fast that Percival couldn't see the movements of the two at all. He could only judge everything through the delayed roar and swaying firelight.
Sharp metals cut each other, the armor was broken and reorganized, and then collapsed again, spilling blood, and was evaporated before it hit the ground...
This is like a bloody reincarnation that keeps repeating, and it can only end when one party is completely defeated.
Another sharp sound resounded, and the two figures quickly bounced away. One of them crashed into the depths of the corridor, while the other stayed in place, standing among the fireworks.
They seemed to have decided the winner. Percival looked into the sea of ​​fire and saw the man slowly turning around. Percival's mind fell into the cold sea.
The dark armor was covered with broken nail swords, which merged with the hardness and spread all over the rugged armor, as if he was a monster with arrows and spears on his head.
It's Roger, Roger Cruz.
Percival and Roger looked at each other, and she backed away, but there was no way out.
The hook rope was thrown over and nailed to Percival's feet. She looked over and saw that this was help from the iron whale. She grabbed the hook rope.
"See you next time, Percival."
The sound floated in his ears, and Roger waved to Percival and let out a trembling laugh.
Roger did not continue to pursue. He watched Percival being taken away from the tower by the iron whale, and he turned and walked towards the deepest part of the sea of ​​​​fire, holding a spike in his hand, looking for traces of Lorenzo.
"Lorenzo Holmes!"
Roger shouted his name, tumbling over the spikes in his hands, with scratches and dried blood on the mottled surface, making long and thin marks on the scarlet wall.
He wants to kill Lorenzo and completely crush his arrogance.
Turning his head suddenly, Roger looked at a wall and said loudly.
"Are you here?"
As he shouted, the wall cracked, and the sharp nail sword stabbed out fiercely.
Roger had no intention of defending, and allowed it to hit his body, shattering his armor, while he swung the spike, exchanging injuries for injuries, tearing huge wounds on Lorenzo's chest.
Sure enough, it was still useless. Lorenzo fell aside. His arrival only found Roger a barely decent opponent. It was still too difficult for him to kill him.
But... maybe that's not the case.
The two figures quickly distanced themselves, and Lorenzo's figure looked slightly embarrassed, stumbling and falling.
Lorenzo raised his head with difficulty in the ruins. He looked at the ferocious figure in the sea of ​​fire. For some reason, he always felt that it was slightly different from the first time he met Roger.
At that time, Roger, who was wearing holy silver armor, was so powerful and brought suppressive power, but now Lorenzo actually still has some ability to fight back.
Not quite right.
With his eyes narrowed, Lorenzo saw that his attack was not ineffective. The dense armor was covered with tiny cracks, and there was blood flowing out from underneath.
Roger is not as powerful as before, or in other words, he is restricted by something.
He still had a slight chance of winning. He couldn't kill Roger, but he could fight him off.
But then Lorenzo was swallowed up by a huge sense of doubt. So what if he was repelled this time?Roger will still make a comeback. Under such a war of attrition, Old Dunling will sooner or later become a paradise for demons, not to mention Roger's restrictions. Are they true, or are they a flaw deliberately released by him?
The suspicion grew stronger, and Lorenzo began to see the error of it all.
There was a blazing fire on death row. Something was wrong, wrong from the beginning.
Tall buildings built on the wrong foundations also lean.
For a moment, Lorenzo almost forgot about the dispute in front of him and was dominated by the huge hole in his mind.
He was about to reach the void behind the void, but was blocked by some unknown force.
Forget it, don't think so much.
Lorenzo stood up, his eyes lowered, and he touched the sharp-edged object in his arms. This was his last resort and his trump card that allowed him to ignore all factors.
It's like a grand gambling game, but as long as it's there, Lorenzo can break the rules at any time and overturn the gambling table.
The nail swords in the sword bag were almost damaged. Lorenzo took out the last two and threw the sword bag into the fire nearby.
The nailed swords spread out along both sides of the body, like iron feathers spreading their wings.
Lorenzo walked towards Roger, his secret blood had exceeded the critical level, and his body was showing signs of alienation.
The intensity of erosion continues to rise and spread, and the clouds and mist roll, as if a thunderstorm is brewing here.
There were more complicated noises all around, like a pack of wolves running towards here, until the shadows began to squirm and demons jumped out.
Lorenzo gently lowered the nailed sword, and the moment the blade came into contact, the flesh and blood were cut apart, and the blazing high temperature passed by, burning the demon into gray dust, which fell and accumulated.
He still has energy left, and he still has the feasible power to fight and fight.
The noise reached its peak, and more demons rushed out of the shadows. They were all people who had not yet had time to evacuate. Under the strong erosion of Lorenzo and Roger, they were twisted and transformed into demons, and then rushed towards Lorenzo. , and what’s even more frightening is that the eyes of these monsters have the same blazing white color.
Just like Lawrence.
So, is this Roger's true identity now?
Lorenzo was confused. He had seen such power in Lawrence, which could erode multiple targets on a large scale at the same time. Lorenzo also tried to drive the Black Angel in this way, but the pressure on his will was huge.
Roger's strength is not as terrifying as before. Perhaps it is for this reason. What Lorenzo sees now is just one of his many carriers. The real him is still hiding in the old Dunling.
In this case, Lorenzo still has a chance of winning.
He couldn't kill the mighty Roger, but destroying one of his many vectors wasn't impossible.
This can be regarded as the first head-on confrontation between Lorenzo and Roger. There is no assistance from Anonymous and no fire support from the purge agency. There is only a one-on-one confrontation between himself and Roger.
He stopped thinking about other things and emptied his mind, leaving only the instinct to fight.
Lorenzo strode forward.
Wield the nail sword and draw a round of scorching sun.
(End of this chapter)

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