Embers of Embers

Chapter 631 The people of Linyuan

Chapter 631 The people of Linyuan
The nail sword was like a paintbrush. As the sharp edge lightly scratched, a blazing white rolling sun appeared, standing in front of Lorenzo, the blazing light roaring and burning.
The existence of Lieyang only lasted for less than a few seconds, and then the high-pitched power could no longer be restrained and collapsed in an instant.
The light overflowed into a blazing white impact, passing through the black demons.
In an instant, all the combustible substances around were ordered to burn. They began to crack and boil, the walls became scorched black, and the dead bodies began to turn into ashes and shattered on the ground.
A red light appeared on the demons' bodies, and they were burned as hot as red-hot coals.
They could no longer move, and the fatal high temperature took away their lives in an instant. At this moment, they were just dead sculptures one after another. Lorenzo strode past, swung his nail sword, and beat these frozen monsters. Broken, ashes splashed all over the sky and surged past.
"Stop driving these useless things, Roger."
Lorenzo shouted.
"You should know that for us, the existence of these things is just more corpses."
More smoke and dust rose up. Lorenzo walked against the black smoke and saw Roger at the end of the corridor.
The situation was already very bad. Lorenzo didn't know how many people Roger had corrupted and how many beacons he had implanted in his mind. Under his surprise attack, the purification mechanism had begun to uncontrollably collapse.
Although Percival escaped from the Shattered Dome, Roger still has the ability to invade her consciousness at any time, and there are more unknown survivors...
Lorenzo gave up thinking. He just wanted to kill the guy in front of him and test his limit.
"Yes, we are sublimated people and have already surpassed mortals."
Roger lowered his head and glanced at the spike in his hand.
This is not the real him. The real Roger is just a bunch of disordered consciousness. What Lorenzo sees is only one of his many carriers. However, because this carrier has not been used for a long time, the degree of alienation of the body by consciousness is not It's so deep, so the strength it exerts is also different.
But this is also a carrier after all.
The body Roger used and the sword he wielded were just the habits he had when he was still a human.
He is no longer human, but he is still influenced by human thoughts many times.
"Come and let me try, Holmes."
Roger smiled. He probably agreed with Lorenzo's idea. All the demons stopped attacking, and the fire in their eyes disappeared, as if they were dead.
The heavy wind pressure fell instantly, and Lorenzo heard delayed footsteps, and at the same time, a huge force came from his chest.
The spike tore through the armor and penetrated his chest.
The pupils of his eyes dilated slightly, but soon the fire was ignited again. Lorenzo's backward body was stopped as the nail sword fell. The other hand also waved the nail sword, and the metal sound sounded, as expected. blocked.
Roger set up another spike to block the blow, but this was not the end of Lorenzo's counterattack, and a burst of fire burst from under the armor.
In the blazing light, Lorenzo stood up with difficulty and hit Roger on the head with his headbutt. Under the strong shock, both sides' masks fell off, and then they looked at each other with blazing eyes.
[Gap] Invasion.
"How audacious! Holmes!" Roger shouted.
No one would have thought that Lorenzo would take the initiative to invade Roger, but Roger's consciousness was under the carrier, and the consciousness protected by the carrier would be difficult to capture under such circumstances.
But Lorenzo never thought about being able to capture it. This was something that even Edlen could hardly do. All he had to do was fight for a small chance.
Awareness flies by, deeper into darkness.
Lorenzo's eyes turned into a grayish white. As the depth increased, the gray-white world also moved towards darkness. In the deepest part of it all, he could see a dot of absolute darkness.
Stopping, the fire exploded.
It was like a heavy punch hit Roger on the head, and his consciousness actually trembled slightly and became hazy.
It was also during this brief absence that Lorenzo found an opportunity. He twisted the spike on his chest, and the same iron-like hardness covered the spiked sword. He swung it with all his strength, fiercely. Slashed at Roger's throat.
After Lorenzo gave Roger a heavy blow to his consciousness, he immediately evacuated, not giving Roger a chance to tremble. All he had to do was to slightly influence him so that he could get a chance to breathe in this reality.
This short time, to others, is so small that it is almost imperceptible, but to Lorenzo, in these short time, it is enough for him to do too many things.
Huge cracks were cut into the armor and flesh, and among the spurts of blood, broken bones could even be seen. The force was so great that even the nailed sword that was struck with it broke at this moment, breaking into countless sharp swords. fragments.
"It's not over yet!"
Lorenzo roared angrily, and all the nailed swords were broken, but it did not mean that he lost the weapon. As the secret blood climbed, Power Metazo continued to strengthen, and the solid hardness formed the same crooked shape in his hands. spike.
Through the arms, through the thighs, through the chest, through the heart...
A violent blow hit Roger, leaving huge scars on his body. The armor shattered and became entangled with flesh and blood, and spikes penetrated one after another.
The secret blood has already broken through the critical point, falling towards deeper darkness, and sublimating towards a greater realm.
The monstrous flames overflowed from the wound, swirling and rising, burning Roger's body into ashes.
The head was abandoned, and between the cracked visor, Lorenzo saw Roger's empty gaze, but the next second the empty gaze became lustrous, his eyes turned rapidly, and finally looked at Lorenzo, hateful A smile appeared on his face.
Countless scarlet tentacles increased in value in the hot fireworks. They grabbed the head that was about to be thrown up and pulled it back to its original position. The flesh and blood were entangled, and the long nails were combined with the armor. The damaged flesh and blood were also rapidly healing. .
"You can't kill me at this level, Holmes."
Roger raised his hand and caught the spike that was about to fall. The spike penetrated his palm and nailed his shoulder, but no matter how hard Lorenzo tried, it could no longer continue.
"I can give you a fair chance to fight. Just move on and continue this great ascension."
Roger laughed ferociously.
He could feel the darkness rolling inside Lorenzo's body. In the deep shadow, there were ferocious eyes opening, and the scarlet eyes peered at everything in the world.
【continue. 】
【Only in this way can you kill him. 】
【bring it on. 】
The evil voice echoed in his ears, and in a daze, Lorenzo saw scarlet eyes opening in the shadows, and they all looked at him.
"The unspeakable..."
Lorenzo's expression stiffened when he saw this, and all his muscles were as tense as iron.
In order to fight against Roger, he continued to raise his secret blood, and he also ascended towards a greater realm.
He can kill a demon if he becomes another demon.
Same as Roger, same as Edron, stepping into this reincarnation like a knot.
With a loud sound, Lorenzo was pushed away and hit hard in the back. As soon as he raised his body, another spike came through the air. Fortunately, it did not penetrate his body, but hit him hard. On one side, an incision was made.
Lorenzo stood up, knocked down the walls, and distanced himself.
The Broken Dome became a arena for the two of them, and they were constantly fighting on the top of the maze-like tower.
Roger lost Lorenzo's vision, but he could feel the erosion like the blazing sun. Based on this perception, the two knew each other's position before.
"Come on!"
Roger said loudly, and the next moment the void will transcended the limitations of matter and hit the body fiercely.
Lorenzo staggered a few times while moving and almost fell.
There was a heartbreaking pain in his mind. Roger had just tried to invade him, just like Lorenzo did to Roger, but both of them had bodies as physical barriers, and the invasion would be restricted to a certain extent. , but this can still have an impact.
With this heavy blow, Lorenzo's vision became confused. Lorenzo touched his face and a large amount of nosebleed flowed out. Then he felt the erosion that continued to approach.
Roger broke through the walls, and the flaming spikes exploded in front of Lorenzo like a speeding lance, driving into the wall on one side.
In this case, it seems that there are no more choices. Lorenzo does not want to become a devil like them. This behavior only transfers the crisis away from them, but still does not completely solve it.
Hope they can be quicker.
Lorenzo thought to himself that his other hope was the Anonymous. As long as he pinned Roger here and gave the Anonymous time to react, there might be a chance for a change. Even if he couldn't kill Roger, he could. Knock him back.
As for what's next...let's talk about it later.
Lorenzo once again drew a blazing sun, and the rolling fireworks exploded instantly, outputting heat and burning everything in sight red.
Fire flowed through the armor, and Roger turned around, only to see Lorenzo continue to retreat to avoid its sharp edge.
"Are you scared? Holmes!"
Roger laughed.
After devouring the memories of several soldiers, Roger also roughly understood everything about Lorenzo. As the last demon hunter and the only hope of purging the agency, he had placed too much on him, and now he is facing him. The rat scurried away with its head in its hands.
The glory of human beings is not worth mentioning in Roger's view. The weaker Lorenzo is, the more he proves the significance of sublimation.
Mortals are cowards after all, and only great sublimation can end all suffering.
"Haven't noticed yet, Roger."
The voice came from far away, and Lorenzo responded while running, "You are such a pathetic ghost."
The ridicule came slowly, but Roger was not angry. He had a calm look on his face, calmly promoting despair.
There is no need to argue with words. Absolute reality will knock down people's arrogance.
The surrounding buildings made creaking sounds. Under the continuous fighting and fire, even the broken dome could no longer support it and almost collapsed.
They were fighting on top of a crumbling dangerous building, and no one knew when the collapse that would sweep everything would come.
Every encounter was like a crash between metals. The huge force numbed the arm, and the barely healed wound burst open and blood gushed out. Lorenzo gritted his teeth and barely resisted Roger's attack.
At present, the carrier has not been corroded by him for a long time, so the intensity is also limited, but even so, Lorenzo is still a little overwhelmed. At the same time, worse things are fermenting in the darkness.
Lorenzo didn't deliberately guide him, but under the high pressure, the secret blood still moved instinctively, protecting Lorenzo.
The secret blood is restless and rising in the body. After breaking through the critical point, it does not stop, but continues to rush towards the end of darkness. In order to resist the heavy pressure from Roger, Lorenzo involuntarily drives all this, the secret blood Assisting him in "sublimation", thus adapting to the fight with Roger.
Lorenzo did not notice this, but Roger had realized that in the battle with himself, Lorenzo was constantly getting stronger in order to survive and kill himself, but at the same time, he was also slipping into Darkness, following the same path.
Roger trembled, and he threw the spike again.
The speeding steel penetrated everything easily, and the flames wrapped around the mottled surface, like a convoluted tornado, turning into a blazing flame spear.
In a flash, red flames followed the spikes, burning everything in their path into a dilapidated gray.
The speed was so fast that Lorenzo had no way to avoid it. His heart was beating violently, and the scream from the depths of his soul warned Lorenzo that once he was hit by such an attack, Lorenzo's physical defenses would collapse in an instant. He was dying, and his [Gap] would lose its last line of defense and open to Roger.
Fear, chill, boiling.
Some barrier was opened, and Lorenzo stood on the edge of the abyss.
The body trembled slightly, and then, the armor began to deform, and the ends of Lorenzo's hands became sharp, like the sharp claws of a wild beast.
Evil and cunning, with the same darkness floating around him.
Then Lorenzo saw the trajectory of the flame spear. It would hit him, pierce through his body, and burn him to death, but as long as... he just needed to move a little, just barely raised his arm, just shook it slightly. Trajectory…
Lorenzo threw the spike in his hand towards the flame spear, and at the same time he turned slightly sideways.
The peace breaks.
The spike hit the flame spear and was shattered into molten iron at the moment of contact. However, this weak attack still caused a very small error in the trajectory of the flame spear, and then it followed Lorenzo's side. It passed by and hit the ruins behind it, igniting huge flames.
Lorenzo stared at the sea of ​​​​fire behind him. He avoided most of the damage. When the flame spear passed over his chest, it shattered the armor and burned the flesh. But compared to the "ending" that Lorenzo saw, this Undoubtedly much better.
There was a sudden sound of wind.
Roger came with a spike, but this time he was not able to hit Lorenzo as easily as before. Lorenzo turned his body away and easily dodged the sword strike. Amidst the loud roar, Long Nails sunk into the ground.
The sharp rays of light intertwined. As if Lorenzo had anticipated all of Roger's actions, he avoided all his blocks and sent the sharp spike into his chest, piercing his heart.
Lorenzo looked at Roger expressionlessly, and with a little force on his wrist, his heart was completely broken.
"I saw."
Lorenzo whispered, all kinds of chaotic futures flashed before his eyes, the time was short, but it was enough for him to make a perfect decision.
Power·Shangda Salary.
The spike seemed to be alive. The solid metal multiplied on it, expanding the blade, turning it into a pig iron sword, which completely cut Roger's chest from the inside.
The big sword swung up and threw Roger high into the air. Lorenzo was wrapped in layers of dense armor, as if a craftsman was hammering away at it, with numerous protruding spikes growing out of it, like the hard armor of a beast. hair.
He panted, swallowing cold and burning heat.
The armor was so heavy that Lorenzo could no longer support its pressure, crawling on the ground like a wild wolf, dragging the sword, his body burning with white flames.
[Secret Blood Awakens 61%]
The secret blood broke through the second critical level and advanced towards the end of sublimation. The hunched and ferocious figure bared its teeth and claws under the firelight.
(End of this chapter)

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