Chapter 632
The pale fireworks were burning, and two different voices rose and fell in the gray ruins.
Roger gasped for breath, covering the hideous wound on his chest. The sword almost tore half of his body apart. His bones and internal organs were burned in the fire, but the immortal flesh and blood were still stubbornly growing, pulling, and healing. With.
His vision was stained red with blood and became blurry. He could not see the road ahead clearly, but he could still feel the increasing intensity of Lorenzo's erosion. In order to kill the demon, he finally stepped into the darkness.
Just move forward a few minutes, get closer...
Roger smiled, he would let Lorenzo see the greatest existence in the world.
But soon, approaching sounds interrupted Roger's thoughts. The sounds were very complicated, including the sound of burning fireworks, the sound of metal dragging on the ground, and low breathing. You could vaguely hear the wolves panting. Barking, as if a hungry wolf crawled out of the shadows.
He stood up on the spikes, his figure still shaking a little, but Roger could continue.
As Lorenzo speculated, this body is just a temporary carrier for Roger. Under the control of consciousness, the degree of alienation of this body is far less powerful than that of the original body, and this becomes his limitation. As for the real Roger Where are you...
"You look great the way you look now, Holmes."
Roger wiped his face and saw clearly the beast-like Lorenzo. Now he looked no different from a demon, like a black wolf in armor, hunting his prey following the blood trail.
But the next second Roger's smiling face froze in place, and the delayed explosion slowly reached his ears.
The black wolf grasped the sword tightly and smashed the ground with his legs. He was as fast as a meteor, and he arrived in front of him in a blink of an eye with a serious murderous aura.
The majestic death aura captured Roger in an instant. He had not felt this way for a long time. He immediately took action and tried to avoid the feeling of being stared at by death.
Lorenzo used all his strength with this sword. The moment he drew the sword, he could no longer change the direction of the sword. As long as he avoided the fatal blow at this time, Roger could continue to fight back.
But he didn't know that within Lorenzo's field of vision, Roger had already made an action. One Roger was standing in place, while the other Roger had already started his action. Wrap unhealed wounds in layers.
The illusionary vision dissipates and the real world begins to move forward.
The big sword split through the heat waves, and Roger dodged as expected.
In his eyes, Lorenzo fell to his side with great force. Roger successfully dodged the attack, but suddenly an even more fierce howling wind suddenly rose.
The great sword should have penetrated deep into the ground due to the huge force and inertia, but under Lorenzo's control, its power was forcefully twisted by his arm. As a result, Lorenzo's arm made a shuddering crash. , muscles were broken, bones were shattered, but relying on these sacrifices, the sword was swung into a huge half-moon, sweeping away the fireworks and smoke, and cutting out a vacuum around it.
The meteor is coming, and the sword will destroy the evil.
The armor was shattered before it could be completely covered, and the broken hard material penetrated into the flesh.
The gushing blood was torn into countless tiny water droplets by the high-speed slashes, and these scarlet blood droplets densely formed a thin blood mist. The high temperature passed by, evaporating everything into nothingness.
Before Roger could speak, a huge and hideous wound split open from the broken armor on his chest after a short delay.
The sword slashed open his chest, and the wound spread along the left shoulder to the right side of the waist and abdomen, continuing to expand the previous injury. Losing the support of bones and muscles, his upper body leaned back weakly.
Under the threat of death, the scarlet tentacles rose up in a wild dance, trying to weave the wounds. However, in a short period of time, with the carrier in front of him, Roger could not do this at all. He could only reluctantly resume activities under the entanglement. Ability, but at this moment, Lorenzo was ready for his second sword attack.
Too slow, everything seems too slow.
The whole world lost color in Lorenzo's eyes, and everything was covered with blazing white fireworks. However, due to the darkness of the far and near lights, the brightness of the fireworks burning on them was also different, and it was these gray, white and black , the blazing world is being built along him.
Lorenzo could see Roger's struggle. He made countless different movements starting from this body, and the burning figures disappeared one by one. In the end, only the correct one remained.
So clear, so quick, so was this what Lawrence could see?No wonder I was helpless in front of him.
Lorenzo's broken and twisted arm was oozing with blood. Unlike Roger, Lorenzo had not yet touched the authority named Yanar, and his own self-healing ability was still limited. For this reason, more heavy armor proliferated. Like a fixed plaster cast, it is tightly covered on the arm.
The swinging sword struck the ground and stopped steadily. Then Lorenzo's injured right arm released the hilt of the sword. He quickly turned around, grabbed the sword with his left arm, and while spinning, he swung the sword again. .
The sword was raised straight and then dropped, like a guillotine of judgment.
With the loud roar, the fireworks and smoke disappeared, and the gray vision reached its limit and disappeared. The world in Lorenzo's eyes once again turned colorful, and then the ground under his feet began to shake and collapse.
Under the continuous fighting between these two monsters, the solid broken dome could no longer support it all. It began to collapse under the burning fire.
The ground beneath their feet collapsed, and Lorenzo and Roger were buried in smoke and dust.
Lorenzo lost Roger's vision, but could feel the strong erosion still lingering around him, and he was not dead yet.
The two fell to the next floor, and before they could catch their breath, Lorenzo swung his sword again to disperse the smoke and dust around him, and then he saw Roger who was staggering. He didn't dodge, but stood beside Lorenzo Not far away.
The huge wound on his chest was already difficult to heal. Countless tentacles could be seen flying, as if his chest had turned into a huge and ferocious mouthpart, ready to eat life.
"You've gone one step further, Holmes."
Roger's voice was hoarse, and Lorenzo's sword just now almost cut off his spine.
"But what happens next? You have to know that this is not my full strength. What will you do then? Make more compromises towards the darkness?"
He laughed loudly, and Lorenzo's behavior once again proved that sublimation was correct. In the face of this power beyond imagination, all humans can do is adapt.
Lorenzo did not respond. In the dissipating smoke, a dark wolf dragged the sword, and fireworks rose under the twisted visor, as if its scorching eyes were staring at Roger.
Roger opened his pace, and in the next moment, the two figures twisted into rapid black shadows, continuing to expand the scope of the battle, turning the burning broken dome into a bloody battlefield.
He has realized Lorenzo's new power, and that he has such extraordinary power to make such accurate predictions. However, this power also has corresponding flaws. Between two predictions, there will be a blank. During the vacuum period, during this time, Lorenzo could only fight by instinct.
The heavy metal collided together again, Lorenzo's sword strike was blocked, Roger smiled, but then a protruding kick hit Roger hard and kicked him into the sky.
He smashed the ceiling and continued upwards. At this moment, Lorenzo grabbed the sword with both hands, swung it hard, and threw it, like a spear piercing the sky.
The double impact pushed Roger until the last layer of obstacles was broken. The leaden sky came into view, with strong winds and cold rain intertwined. He fell hard on the dome, and the sword began to fall, stuck in the distance. He's not far away.
Roger had just stood up, and then a sharp claw grasped the damaged edge, and Lorenzo climbed up along the path opened by the battle.
He hunched over like a crazy beast, Lorenzo came slowly and grabbed the sword again.
Roger had blood in his mouth and his figure was crumbling.
A golden light enveloped them. Lorenzo and Roger couldn't help but stop their movements and raised their heads. It seemed as if something was burning between the clouds and then fell.
The stars are falling.
Dozens of molten spears disintegrated and burned in mid-air, washing the dome evenly.
The iron whale was wandering in the surrounding clouds and mist. After the two men were exposed to sight, they also began to suppress fire, and the fire in the sky was shooting indiscriminately.
The rain of fire and iron washed away, and the burning fragments were nailed to their feet, falling on the armor with a clatter, and then bounced away. The two ignored these unexpected noises, and took steps again, walking towards each other.
They were very close, their swords were at war. The moment they fought, an invisible impact spread, bombarding their minds.
This time the impact directly penetrated the armor and flesh, hitting the consciousness hard.
"Yo! Hit!"
An old voice sounded from the strong wind. Lorenzo raised his head and looked from a distance. He saw more than one iron whale surrounding this place. At some point, another iron whale had already approached the dome, and the hatch opened. , Zuo Zhen, who was wrapped with a safety rope, could be seen setting up a firearm.
After Lorenzo's delay, the anonymous men finally arrived at the battlefield. The antimeme-protected ammunition was poured into the dome. The invisible roar was mixed with the cold metal, which further disturbed Lorenzo and Roger.
His cognition was slightly shaken, as if his soul was expelled from his body, but soon Lorenzo came back to his senses.
Roger is restricted by the carrier, so he will be affected more than himself, which undoubtedly increases his chances of winning again.
The time has come for the decisive battle.
Lorenzo shouldered his sword and flew away.
"So who is Lorenzo and who is Roger among these two?"
In such a fatal situation, Zuo Zhen didn't look nervous. With a relaxed smile on his face, he pointed at the two people who were fighting and asked for their identities.
"I...I'm not sure either."
Gawain on the side also seemed a little hesitant. The two monsters were fighting each other and were covered in heavy armor, making it difficult to distinguish them.
"Forget it, it's not important. The two of them are too close. No matter how precise the antimemetic strike is, the two of them will be affected together."
Zuo Zhen was talking about reloading his firearm. This exquisite firearm has a sense of art. It only fires a single shot and must be reloaded after firing.
"The right sword, with the right sheath, you name it, Falling Star."
He aimed at the target and whispered to the gun.
Pulling the trigger, the echoing words were shattered by the tearing sound of the gun, and an unpredictable bullet track extended, connecting the muzzle and the target.
The gray world burned again in Lorenzo's eyes, and the rain of fire in the sky was ignored by him, leaving only Roger who stayed where he was.
He saw it.
Roger had no extra moves. He was exhausted and stayed in place, not knowing how to confront Lorenzo. He was trying to avoid Lorenzo's prediction in this way.
But at the end of the prediction, in those few seconds, Lorenzo saw it.
Roger's armor was shattered and his flesh was bloody. He seemed to have been hit by an extremely powerful antimemetic weapon. All his defenses collapsed in an instant, and at this moment of collapse, he would be at his weakest.
"Yes, that's it, Holmes."
Roger roared loudly, and he stabbed out the spike the moment Lorenzo approached, but Lorenzo suddenly stopped in front of Roger when the attack reached its peak.
Accumulate strength, swing up, and drop.
The big sword slashed from top to bottom, cutting off the long spike and the arm it was holding. The big sword was dripping with blood and nailed into the ground. Then Lorenzo used the big sword as a fulcrum to lift his body suddenly. Leap high.
Rotating and rising, the edge of the sword drew a pure white sun.
Roger raised his other hand and wrapped it heavily with solid hard materials to form an arm armor like a round shield. But at this second, the arm armor shattered.
The thread of death connected the gauntlet and Zuo Zhen's gun. The carrier carrying the antimeme hit Roger. The fragile metal bullet failed to penetrate Roger's armor, but at this moment a huge amount of the antimeme was blasted away. Detonate and spread.
In an instant, the solid iron armor fell apart, and the healing flesh and blood was also terminated at this moment. Fragile and dying flesh and blood could be seen among the broken and flying iron.
The influence of the antimeme was still spreading, affecting Lorenzo's body and stripping away his armor.
But that's enough.
The falling blade was unstoppable, and Roger's defense was shattered. The sword was peeled off quickly and fell fiercely, cutting off the head and spine, and completely cutting off the entire body.
The head flew high, and Roger's slightly stunned expression could be seen among the fallen hard parts. He tried to fight back, but there was no chance. Under the influence of antimemetics, the power of erosion was constantly being destroyed. suppress.
Scarlet eyes turned and he looked at Zuo Zhen, and Zuo Zhen also saw him.
"What a tricky enemy."
Zuo Zhen sighed and pulled the trigger again.
The bullet scratched off, turning the head into an indistinguishable blood stain, which mixed with the continuous cold rain and fell towards the tower.
At the same time, there was a slight vibration. Zuo Zhen stood up slowly and heard a crisp sound. The holy silver crown on his head was full of cracks, then shattered and fell to the ground. He touched his nose, I found my hands full of blood.
He knew very well what happened at that moment, but Zuo Zhen didn't have the slightest fear, and still looked at the top of the burning tower with a smile.
Lorenzo was holding a broken sword, and the armor on his body was slowly cracking. The cold rain washed away the blood, and he seemed to be dead, motionless.
(End of this chapter)

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