Chapter 633
The gloomy cold rain continued, with thick clouds and fog covering this icy city. Pedestrians raised their heads and looked in the direction of Dunling Tower. They could see several iron whales circling slowly there, and there were The red light was dimmed by the clouds and fog, and it was unclear what was happening on it.
In fact, pedestrians don’t pay much attention to this. If they are not deliberately reminded, few people realize that there is such a forgotten tower in this city. If they continue to think about it, they will be surprised to find that this tower seems to have always been there. Hidden in the clouds and mist, the true appearance has never been seen.
The world in the shadows and the world of ordinary people overlap in this city. Maybe you only need to walk into a dark alley at a bad moment to see a corner of another world and feel the ferocity and terror in it. evil.
They exclude each other and overlap with each other.
Buscaro was holding an umbrella. Like other pedestrians, he looked up and then looked away.
This anomaly has not affected anyone and has no interference in the ordinary world, but to put it bluntly, there are still some.
"Damn crow!"
Something black fell on the umbrella, and Buscaro cursed angrily.
The crows escaped from the Dunling Tower, like messengers of death, wandering in the city, making harsh noises, and asking more people. Unfortunately, human beings can't understand their words, they only find them disturbing.
Buscaro quickened his pace, walked onto the street, and merged with the crowd, becoming one of the slim ones.
The elevator slowly rose among the burning ruins. As an emergency passage, it was set up in the corner of the Broken Dome and had sufficient protection. Therefore, it also survived the fierce battle and became the path for those who came after.
"It's so bad. I never thought that this would be the first place to fall."
The fence door opened, and Kestrel walked out of it holding a weapon, followed by Eve and others.
Lorenzo's actions were indeed beyond everyone's expectations. No one expected that this guy would use such an amazing method to arrive at the battlefield. It was indeed very fast, but in this case, compared with Lorenzo, the Kestrel was almost useless. People's movements appear extremely slow.
Kestrel was already trying his best to reach the battlefield. After seeing Lorenzo ascend into the sky, he hijacked a carriage, kicked off the unlucky guy on it, and rushed here with a few people, but Kestrel What wasn't clear was that as they cautiously advanced, the battle was already over.
"There were heavy casualties."
Eve looked heavy and lowered her breathing. The two anonymous people behind her also entered the state. Sa Liangxi raised the gun, and Sa Liangxi pulled out the folding knife. Only Rhodes looked at a loss and was protected. In the middle.
Rhodes was embarrassed. In fact, he didn't know why he was here.
When confronting Roger for the first time, it was an unexpected situation, and he had no chance to avoid it at all, but this time Rhodes was supposed to stay in the office and watch the few people leave, but he was so inexplicably caught Pulled into the car.
Of course, Rhodes was also trying to jump out of the car halfway, but he was firmly pressed down by Xi Liangxi. She said, "In Jiuxia, we are blessed and suffer together!"
He felt that it was difficult for him to understand the thoughts of this foreigner. Maybe this was the difference caused by different civilizations... or maybe his personality was like this.
Picking up the pistol tremblingly, Rhodes swallowed.
The high-ranking knight of the purification mechanism, the mysterious anonymous person from Jiuxia, seems to be the only mortal here, witnessing the remnants of this place.
"It looks like Lorenzo and Roger were having a great time playing each other."
After walking a few steps, Kestrel sighed. There were no corpses, and the ground was covered with burned ashes, piled up in a thick layer, like an ancient house covered in dust.
"Are there any survivors?" Eve asked.
"Those who failed to evacuate probably didn't survive." Kestrel murmured.
Suddenly he stopped, looked behind him, and said to several people.
"Have you felt it?"
"Well, the erosion intensity is intensifying," Shao Liangye nodded, took out the holy silver crown from his backpack and put it on his head.
Others also made the same move. Under the urgent efforts of the Mechanical Institute, the first batch of holy silver equipment had already been released and distributed. They were equipped with holy silver protection, followed by the injection of Flordelen potion. .
While Rhodes was hesitating, Sa Liangxi gave him a shot. He thought that the girl was teasing him again, but she turned out to have a serious look on her face. It seemed that she could still distinguish the occasion.
"Someone activated the emergency gate. We were planning to isolate this thing from demons, but it turned out to be vulnerable."
The Kestrel moved forward. This road should have been isolated by a heavy gate, but now there is a huge hole on it, and there is still metal that has not cooled down on the edge, which can resist the protection of demons. It is so easily penetrated, through the hole From the looks of it, the scene after that was even more tragic.
"They are tearing down the Broken Dome."
Eve whispered, and suddenly they all heard the commotion from above.
"What's going on? Is anyone alive?" Eve looked at Kestrel, who shook his head uncertainly. He dug through the ruins and found a path that could barely go up.
The kestrel gave orders and climbed up the broken and collapsed stone path. The gap was very narrow, created by the aftermath of the battle. During the climbing process, the surroundings were shaking slightly.
Eve couldn't help but sigh that the impregnable broken dome had turned into a dangerous building in such a short period of time.
The cold wind rushed in and swept several people away, dispersing the remaining heat below, revealing the withered and ruined dome.
"Arthur will cry..."
Kestrel murmured.
This is the round table conference room. Shao Liangye and the others still have some impressions of this place. They held a meeting here a while ago, and now it has become part of the ruins. The tall dome is completely broken, and glass is scattered all over the floor. Only a few burnt blackened and bent brackets were left, pointing straight to the sky.
The most heartbreaking thing is the huge round table standing among the ruins. It has already withstood the baptism of time and is full of scratches and holes, but now it is covered with a layer of scorch.
One-third of it has been burned into black coals, with a slight glimmer of light still remaining on it. Things that once commemorated glory have become dilapidated.
The roaring wind passed by, and a dark shadow passed over everyone's heads. The Kestrel raised its head, and it was the familiar Iron Whale. When the Kestrel and the others arrived at the Shattered Dome, it also arrived here.
"It looks like we're a lot late."
Kestrel said, looking for the way up, looking for a passage in the twisted jungle.
The iron whale hovered above the dome, with ropes hanging down one after another. The soldiers slid to the ground, raised their guns, and controlled the scene. They were not the only ones. The hatch in the belly of the iron whale opened, and the steel rope pulled the rioters. , drop them one by one.
"It looks like it's all ruined."
Zuo Zhen looked down at the soldiers below. Their division of labor was very clear. Some were guarding the fallen Lorenzo, while others were guarding Roger's dead body.
It was just a corpse, but it was still worth their full attention.
"What did you use just now? [Forgotten River]?"
Gao Wen asked from the side. He witnessed Zuo Zhen's shooting with his own eyes. Special bullets were fired by special firearms, and just one shot had a huge impact.
"No, no, no, [Wangchuan] is much more powerful than this," Zuo Zhen waved his hand and explained, "This is just a very ordinary antimemetic weapon, but its carrier is somewhat special, so it can carry more More 'information' to achieve greater power."
Zuo Zhen said, flicking the handle of the gun, somewhat helplessly.
"Unfortunately, this thing is very difficult to make. It requires special manual production and special weapons for shooting."
Gawain remained silent. His eyes were attracted by the bullet bag on Zuo Zhen's waist. It was filled with bullets with complicated workmanship. The writing on it was so small that he didn't know how many characters were engraved on it.
"Don't worry too much. It's not too bad now. The decisive battle is coming anyway. If we lose, there is no use keeping these facilities."
Zuo Zhen said easily, and then continued, "Let the airship get closer, I want to confirm it myself."
"Yeah." Gawain nodded.
Zuo Zhen carried the slender falling star on his back, pulled up the rope, and after the iron whale approached the dome, he jumped down.
This is an old guy who is even older than Arthur, but it seems that only his body is aging. Whether it is his mentality or actions, he looks extremely young, as if his soul has never changed.
Amidst the strong wind, Zuo Zhen accurately landed in a safe zone. He looked around and saw that there were blazing afterflames everywhere. Fortunately, it was cold enough here and it was raining lightly, which could contain the fire to a certain extent. increase.
The old face frowned, and the remaining erosion made him feel uneasy. Even though his body was protected by several antimemes, he still picked up a Florund potion, injected it into his neck, and then injected it into the others. The man said.
"Deal with the scene quickly and then evacuate. You can't stay here for a long time."
Zuo Zhen finally put away the smile on his face, became slightly serious, and his cloudy eyes became bright, like the eyes of an eagle.
After killing Roger, Lorenzo stopped with his big sword and half-knelt on the spot. The armor on his body fell off one by one as the secret blood subsided, and piled up next to him, with sharp edges and corners, as if Blooming flowers.
The corruption of erosion, the scars of battle, and the baptism of antimemetics.
The multiple pressures made Lorenzo unable to hold on at the moment after finishing Roger. He seemed to faint and stood upright on the spot.
Zuo Zhen walked to his side and could clearly feel the remnants of corrosion on Lorenzo's body. It was simply terrifying. And with such power, he could only barely kill Roger's carrier with the help of Zuo Zhen. It was difficult to Imagine how far Roger would go with all his strength.
"You have reached the edge of the abyss, Mr. Holmes."
Zuo Zhen whispered, not sure if Lorenzo could hear him.
Lorenzo's body has been stripped of its armor, but traces of alienation can still be seen on the body. The blood vessels are red. Even with the cover of the skin, they are still extremely clear, as if they are scarlet tattoos, all over Lorenzo. body of.
Zuo Zhen picked off the falling star and loaded the bullets. He didn't know what he was thinking. He put the muzzle of the gun at the back of Lorenzo's head. As long as he touched the trigger lightly, the cold metal would penetrate his skull and beat his brain into pieces. If the ball is stained with blood, its consciousness will also be affected by powerful antimemes, and it may collapse.
Probably coming from Jiuxia's philosophy, in Jiuxia, the Anonymous people completely eliminated the existence of erosion and rejected any force related to erosion. Unlike the purification agencies that they learned and controlled, in Jiuxia, they really killed everyone. .
"Don't you think it's a good choice to leave the future of the world to a monster like you?"
Zuo Zhen muttered to himself, the cold wind lifted his gray hair and danced wildly.
"Just like the story you told, the Keepers handed over the future to Roger and Adren, but now they have to become the terminators of the future."
Flicking the trigger with his finger, Zuo Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at Lorenzo's figure.
The Anonymous Nine Summers possess a large amount of [River of Forgetfulness], and from their own shots, it can be proved that the antimeme is indeed effective against Roger, plus the [Final Echo] carried by Lorenzo...
Maybe, just maybe this could be over without Lorenzo.
"After you killed Roger and Edlon, who will kill you?"
There was a noise while he was thinking. Zuo Zhen looked keenly in the direction of the sound, raised the muzzle of his gun, and accurately aimed at a slightly panicked face.
Kestrel, covered in ashes, climbed up from under the dome. Before he could see clearly, he suddenly noticed that Zuo Zhen was pointing the gun at him.
He had thought about dying at the hands of the enemy, but he had never thought about being killed by his own people. Kestrel immediately raised his hands and shouted.
"It's me! Kestrel!"
In the face of life and death, what face do you want?
Zuo Zhen glanced at the kestrel, and then saw Shao Liangye, Shao Liangxi, coming out from behind him. He sighed helplessly, put away his firearm, and looked at Lorenzo with confusion.
"Maybe...we really need a demon."
He said and kicked Lorenzo, but Lorenzo didn't react at all. Zuo Zhen lowered his body, forcefully opened the surrounding hard material, and dragged Lorenzo out of the hard package with great effort.
"Come and help!"
Zuo Zhen shouted.
Seeing this scene, the battle must have been over. Kestrel couldn't help but feel glad that he didn't have to face a monster like Roger. Then he trotted over and assisted Zuo Zhen in carrying Lorenzo.
This guy had a lot of injuries on his body, some of which would have been fatal to a normal person, so there was no need for treatment. But Lorenzo was different, his flesh and blood slowly squirmed and healed on its own.
"It's so powerful!"
Kestrel took Lorenzo from Zuo Zhen's shoulders and lifted him up. Looking at Zuo Zhen who was breathing steadily, he couldn't help praising the old guy's good physique.
Zuo Zhen didn't say much. He turned to deal with Roger's body with a serious expression, as if facing a formidable enemy.
(End of this chapter)

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