Embers of Embers

Chapter 640 Evacuation

Chapter 640 Evacuation
The flame bearer stood in front of everyone. Under Lorenzo's brief control, the demon flesh and blood on it revived, making the steel body "alive" for a short time.
"We have strengthened the iron plate according to the original central framework. It will be tougher and protected with antimemetic technology. Then there are new equipment weapons, hooks, wings, etc., you can I’ve used it, so I won’t explain much.”
Merlin introduced Lorenzo to the new Flame Bearer.
"This is a new mechanism specially designed for you. Because of the existence of holy silver and antimemetics, demon flesh and blood will be greatly affected. For this reason, we have reduced its proportion, but if you need it, you can increase it at any time. The power of erosion activates the flesh and blood until it completely covers the Black Angel."
Merlin pulled out a nailed sword from Lorenzo's sword bag and gently tapped it on the flame bearer's body, pointing out the parts of flesh and blood for Lorenzo.
They are all protected by strong outer armor, like a group of climbing snakes, entangled in the central frame, tightly binding it to each joint limb.
"Then there is the operating system. Because the previous design was for mortals to use, we made a lot of compromises, such as various security measures and many restrictions, and you don't have to worry about these, so we canceled those things. To equip with stronger firepower.”
"Sounds good," Lorenzo said.
"Not only that, Lorenzo, for your [Gap] invasion ability, we have also made specific optimizations for the Flame Bearer."
Merlin read the report of the trip to the Silent Sea and learned that Lorenzo could remotely control the Flame Bearer.
"for example?"
"For example, the design idea of ​​the Flame Bearer is actually different from the previous Original Sin Armor."
Merlin said.
"The previous Original Sin Armor was to reduce the impact of demon flesh and blood as much as possible, but this time we have released all the power. That is to say, if you remove these antimemetic-strengthened, holy silver external armor , under the influence of your erosion, it is entirely possible for these flesh and blood to proliferate crazily, just like monsters."
Merlin raised the nail sword, and the blade penetrated along the gap in the outer armor, passing through the layers of obstacles, reaching the deepest point. There was a slight blocking feeling in his hand. Merlin exerted a little force, and then pulled out the nail sword, only to see the tip of the sword. Stained with a little scarlet.
"These armors are both protection and restraint, but when you leave it all behind..."
Merlin didn't know how to describe it for a moment. After all, the flame bearer had just been lifted from the eternal pump and had not undergone any actual combat testing.
"The skeleton of steel, the flesh and blood of demons, sublimated consciousness, and... the firepower of modern civilization?"
Lorenzo described that he was beginning to like this thing, looking up and down.
"What is this?"
Lorenzo noticed that there were several fuel tanks on the back of the flame bearer, just like the ones placed on the Black Angel at that time. Only this time, the appearance of these fuel tanks was a little different. They were long and short, and they were evenly distributed. On the back, but what we can know is that these fuel tanks are much smaller than Lorenzo's impression. Unlike before, once moved, it will easily affect the movement.
"The propulsion system burns in batches according to priority, allowing the flame bearer to quickly advance, ascend to high altitudes when necessary, or change direction at high altitudes."
"Changing direction at high altitude? Is it necessary to fight in the air?"
Lorenzo couldn't help but ask, when it comes to air combat, this thing is Lorenzo's blind spot.
But thinking of this, Lorenzo noticed the dark shadow that had been covering him. He raised his head and saw the bloated and huge iron whale hovering low in the sky. The hatch was open, and several iron ropes were hanging down, floating overhead.
"Next, the war will start at any time, and we need to send our troops to the breaking point at any time," Merlin said. "So, Lorenzo, do you think you can move with the Flame Bearer at any time?"
"You mean?"
"You did it before, didn't you? Use the [Gap] to invade, influence the Iron Whale, let it take you for a ride, I want to say, you don't have to do this, now that all the Iron Whales are connected to the channel, they will Become a barracks in the air and carry out rapid deployment when necessary.
The same goes for the Flame Bearer. "
Merlin threw a communicator towards Lorenzo, and the green light on it was always on.
The surrounding technicians also came over. They hooked down the iron chains and hooked them tightly to the flame bearer. Soon, the flame bearer was slowly hoisted into the abdomen of the iron whale. After the iron whale also received the flame bearer, He rose high into the sky again and disappeared between the clouds.
"When necessary, the Flame Bearer will be released. You only need to use the [gap] to invade and let it arrive at your location, or remotely control the Flame Bearer and let it go to the location you designate to fight."
Listening to Merlin's words, Lorenzo couldn't help but sigh again. Old Dunling was completely under their control. It was the home ground of the purification agency and the only battlefield with a chance of winning.
"The next step is to wait?" Lorenzo asked.
"Is there anything else that can be done?" Merlin waved his hand, and then he remembered something again, "But there is indeed something going on."
"The purification agency is currently evacuating, and some necessary personnel will be sent to death row first."
"Prioritize protection?"
Lorenzo thought for a while, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have never seen the progress of the death row, and he asked.
"Has the death row been built?"
"The prototype has been built so far, and the holy silver compartment will completely cover the entire area." Merlin said.
Lorenzo nodded, but the more he listened, the more uneasy he became, as if something was wrong.
This strange feeling was so familiar. Lorenzo had felt this abnormality repeatedly when he was thinking in the office before. As time went by, this abnormality became more and more obvious.
"I want to see the progress of death row." Lorenzo made such a request.
Unexpectedly, Merlin rejected Lorenzo directly.
Lorenzo was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Why?"
He couldn't understand that as the proposer of the death row plan, he had no right to check the progress.
"This is a plan set up to deal with Roger. Except for you, the participants are all people who have never had contact with Roger. And since they were selected, they have been isolated from the outside world and completely silent.
Once outsiders join, it is very likely that Roger will find a channel for invasion. You know, Lorenzo, monsters like that are everywhere. "
Merlin stared into Lorenzo's eyes, then glanced at the others.
"He's probably right here, listening to our conversation, don't you think?"
"So you don't know the specific situation, do you?" Lorenzo asked.
"Well," Merlin responded, "If possible, I hope to use antimemetics to erase our memories and completely forget the existence of death row."
After hearing this, Lorenzo froze. He vaguely realized something, and his eyes were slightly horrified, as if he had discovered some shocking secret.
"what happened?"
Merlin noticed his expression and asked with concern.
"No... nothing."
With his mind trembling slightly, Lorenzo was troubled by doubts and distortions.
"As long as we all hide in the death row, we can start the war with peace of mind and fight to the death." Merlin said.
"Aren't you going? Are you also the technical director of the Perpetual Pump?" Lorenzo asked.
Merlin shook his head, "No need. When a war breaks out, someone always needs to stay behind to guard the Ever-Moving Pump."
"Aren't you afraid of dying?"
"I'm going to die anyway. I've lived long enough. It's better to leave the future to young people."
There was a weird twist on his paralyzed face, and Lorenzo knew it was Merlin smiling, but every time he saw his expression, Lorenzo always felt a chill.
"Has the orderly evacuation begun?"
Lorenzo muttered and slowly raised his head, looking at the dark cloud that was difficult to dispel.
"The notice from the purification agency has come, and we need to be the first batch to enter the death row to take refuge."
The old housekeeper opened the door and said to Seliu who was still processing documents.
Seliu didn't seem to hear his words, he still lowered his head and kept writing and drawing.
Seeing this, the old housekeeper coughed hard several times and tried hard to break the silence, causing Seliu to wake up.
"Ah... what's wrong?"
Seliu put down his pen and looked at the old housekeeper, his delicate face full of sleepiness.
The war in the shadows is about to break out, but life under the sun still has to go on. Before the old Dunling is completely moved to the ground, Seliudu needs to be busy signing various proposals from the family.
"The notice has come. The war will break out soon. You are on the first batch of lists. They will pick you up and arrive at the death row soon."
After listening to the old housekeeper's words, Seliu responded with affirmation. She knew that this was due to her status as the builder of the country.
Everyone's quota is very precious, which means that countless people will die to protect them, and they will also be the first people to see the light of day again after the ruins.
"Are you sure you don't want to deal with our assets? After the war, they will most likely be destroyed."
The old housekeeper suggested.
The Stuart family had many properties in Old Dunling, not to mention the funds stored in the bank. He originally hoped that Seleu could transfer these properties before the war broke out, or dispose of those properties. , fortunately, after the ruins, the interests of the Stuart family are preserved as much as possible.
They were considered a minority among the nobles, and it was difficult for the old housekeeper not to be moved when they heard the news.
"No, it's not necessary."
Seleu once again rejected the proposal.
"If the old Dunling is destroyed, it means that the backbone of the purification agency is completely destroyed. After all, only in this way can Roger be regarded as 'destroying the old Dunling', isn't it?"
Seliu packed up these documents and said slowly.
"This is the capital of Yin Erweg, the headquarters of the purification agency. If this place is completely destroyed, what hope do we have?"
"This..." The old housekeeper didn't know what to say.
"Actually, I think they should also know that once defeated, the survivors on death row can't change anything at all. Rather than preserving strength, it's better to say... leaving a little hope to make them feel better."
For all of this, Seriu saw clearly, more clearly than many people, but she didn't feel sad or happy about it, and she had done everything she could except silently praying.
"Think about it, the mountains and rivers are broken and devastated. At that time, will wealth still have any meaning?"
Seliu was surprisingly open-minded. Maybe wealth never played a big role in her heart.
she asked, standing up.
"When are we leaving?"
"Soon, they said they would pick you up."
"What about you?"
"I don't know," the old housekeeper didn't know either. He smiled bitterly, "Maybe I can go with you, or I can watch here until the end."
"Looking at the best, maybe when you come back, you can just see me sitting on the ruins waiting for you."
Seliu's face was expressionless, and he stretched out his hand and hugged the old housekeeper.
"It's still too late for you to leave Old Dunling now," she whispered. "You don't have to stay here with us. This has nothing to do with you."
The old housekeeper patted Seliu on the back, thought for a while, and responded.
"Like you said, if the Stuart family disappears, what's the point of me?"
He was observing the scenery indoors from the corner of his eyes, and his voice had a sense of age.
"I have been here for too long. Asking me to leave here is like asking a mouse to leave its dark ditch. It stands in the bustling city, and some are only left with fear and uneasiness."
The old housekeeper noticed something. He looked out the window. In the gray world, a dark carriage had stopped there at some point. Several soldiers came down. Their faces were as pale as dead people.
"It's time to leave."
The old housekeeper let go of her, collected his emotions, and then smiled.
"Don't worry too much. While you're away, I'll probably give myself a break, go out for a walk, have a couple of drinks or something."
Seliu didn't say anything, and it seemed that she had no time to say anything. The old housekeeper picked up the luggage that had been prepared for her and escorted Seliu away.
When I opened the door, I saw a steady drizzle of rain under the gray sky, bringing with it a bit of cold sadness.
The soldiers were silent and opened the car door. It was dark inside, just waiting for Seleu to board the car.
There was no need to say anything at this time. Farewells were often silent. Seliu glanced at the old butler, and then his sight was blocked by the closed car door.
The carriage started to move slowly. No one expected that the separation would be so fast. Seliu held her luggage and sat in the swaying carriage. She had always been rational, but this sudden change in connection also made her a little confused.
Where should all this go?
She wanted to see the city again, maybe this would be her last look. Seliu tried to open the window, but then she found that the carriage was completely sealed, and the original position of the window was sealed by an iron plate.
Something is not right.
Seliu broke it off hard, but it didn't move at all. She tried to call the driver, but found that she was in a completely closed environment.
This is not a purge agency carriage.
Such thoughts flashed through Seliu's mind, and her hammering movements became sluggish. She felt that she had lost all her strength, her consciousness became hazy, and then she fell into a coma.
She collapsed in the carriage, and all shouts became blurred and silent.
Joey drove the carriage and ran all the way.
(End of this chapter)

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