Embers of Embers

Chapter 639 The Flame Bearer

Chapter 639 The Flame Bearer
The winter in Old Dunling this year is a bit abnormal. Even at this time, the sky is still gloomy, and there is endless light rain, which turns into thousands of raindrops and hits the city.
Citizens are also annoyed by this continuous gloom, which reminds people of the heavy rain during the midsummer rainy season this year.
Sa Liangxi stood under the eaves of the roadside, watching the rain falling in front of him.
The iron whales swim at low altitude between the buildings, carrying huge gas tanks filled with light gas on their backs, covering the sky and blocking the falling rain. Therefore, there will be a strange scene on the street, shrouded in shadows. Pedestrians will be briefly covered by the rain curtain by the iron whale, forming a wonderful vacuum on the street.
On the slightly crowded street below, iron snakes came and went along the rails, splashing water. Houses were stacked together and fell on both sides of the street. Vendors could be seen walking in raincoats, shouting "Sara River" that some people couldn't understand. if.
"It's so peaceful."
Xie Liangxi sighed, feeling the cold that was hated by the citizens.
The gloom that lasted for several days dragged the whole city into humidity and low temperature. The humidity and cold are unbearable, but Xi Liangxi quite likes this feeling. For her, all of this is in Jiuxia Never seen before.
Rhodes stood not far away, looking at the girl looking around. Sa Liangxi was a very lively and active guy, but sometimes she would become quiet like now, staring at the city quietly.
"What's so good about this?"
Rhodes came to her side and asked the girl.
After living in Old Dunling for so many years, Rhodes was already very familiar with the coldness of everything. He watched the street stretch and expand with his sight, intersect with another street, and turn into a huge cross and railroad tracks. Densely covered on it, it's like the lines carved on the city.
"I just think it's very strange. This kind of scenery is rare in Jiuxia... It's even rare in the whole world. It's probably only here in Old Dunling."
Sarakoi replied slowly. Looking upward, you can see that the distance between the buildings is very narrow, and below it is the dark alley. The windows are close to each other, and the fire escapes overlap in between.
She guessed that it felt good to live there. When she opened the window, she could see the appearance of her neighbors' homes. She could clearly see their wardrobes and hanging paintings, and then waved and shouted hello.
You only need to build a plank, and you can climb to the neighbor's house, and then laugh and talk.
It's a pity that Rhodes doesn't know what Sa Liangxi is thinking, otherwise he would definitely say "the neighbors will call the police."
Rhodes couldn't understand what was so good about Old Dunling. The city was gloomy and humid, and the lack of sunlight for a long time made the people's skin here somewhat pale, like dead people.
There was a rustling sound in his ears. Rhode turned around and saw something squirming next to the trash can in the dark alley. Then a group of rats rushed out of the shadows, ran wildly between the puddles, and then hid in another shadow.
Rhodes felt a chill down his spine. After staying in Old Dunling for a long time, he had almost forgotten what a normal city was like.
"Let's go."
Xi Liangxi turned around and said to Rhodes.
"Ah? Where to go?"
Rhodes couldn't understand.
Since Roger's attack on the Broken Dome the day before yesterday, the purification agency has entered into full preparations for war. At present, the citizens of Old Dunling have no idea that a war is being prepared in the shadows, and all forces are gathering towards Old Dunling. , unknowingly, there were more rioters patrolling the streets, and the sky was densely covered with iron whales. Sometimes when they gathered together, they could cover the entire sky.
The purification agencies gradually emerged from the shadows, and they who were hiding in the dark came into the light one after another and officially took over the city.
The city was changing quietly, and even Rhodes felt the heavy pressure. If possible, he would like to take a good rest after this work.
After Lorenzo stayed in the hospital overnight, he left mysteriously. No one knew where he went. Kestrel and Eve were also transferred away to participate in the preparations for the battle.
After this, the anonymous people became idle. Before the order was issued, they seemed to have nothing to do, and then now.
A few minutes ago, Sa Liangxi found him with a mysterious face and whispered to him in the corridor.
"Do you have time?"
Rhodes answered very frankly, "Well, that's right. What's wrong?"
Immediately afterwards, he was taken out of the underground by Sa Liangxi, all the way up, and reached the street.
"Hey, let me tell you, isn't it a good idea to leave privately?" Rhodes asked tremblingly, and he began to realize that this was a private escape.
"It's not private, I mentioned it to Shao Liangye." Saoliangxi replied.
"Are you serious?"
Rhodes felt that he was always considered a non-staff member, and he seemed very reserved at many times. As a result, Sairaxi grabbed his hand, and then showed a communicator with a faint light flashing on it.
"Any question?"
Rhodes didn't know what to say. Then he stumbled and was pulled by Sa Liangxi to run. The two of them stepped on the stagnant water, splashing.
"Umbrella! Umbrella!"
Rhodes shouted that the two of them did not bring umbrellas at all, but Sa Liangxi pointed at the iron whale floating above their heads and said to him.
"Then run faster!"
Rhodes' head didn't turn around for a moment. He started running along the Sera River. Under the protection of the Iron Whale, all the wind and rain were contained in the sky. They moved forward in this short vacuum, and then moved to the next Iron Whale. under the shadow.
It's like a childish game in childhood, chasing shadows, but for some reason, feeling the dampness, Rhode's mood inexplicably improved, and he jumped with joy.
"Saraxi is gone? Will anything happen?"
In the narrow elevator, Lorenzo stood in a corner and asked Shao Liangye in front.
"It's okay. I asked her to bring the communicator. Besides, she won't have anything to do if she stays here." Shao Liangye responded.
"Yes, I think she likes it here, but she just hasn't had time to check it out." Lorenzo sighed, "It's not bad. If you don't take a look, you might not have the chance."
Shao Liangye turned his head and looked at Lorenzo. He was standing in the corner and could only see a blurry figure.
"Do you think she's going to die?"
"Who knows? Maybe we'll all die, right?" came a voice from the darkness.
Thinking about it, this will be the most powerful enemy they have ever encountered. They bet on the entire city and everyone's lives. In this case, no matter who dies, it seems very reasonable. Shao Liangye will no longer Say more.
"Don't be too nervous. There's nothing you can do about being nervous. It's better to be more relaxed... Do you want to hear a joke?"
Shao Liangye shook his head. He didn't really want to hear Lorenzo's bad words. Usually they were just weird and cold jokes, which were very disturbing.
He calmed down his emotions, and his body was filled with murderous intent. At this moment, Shao Liangye was fully armed, wearing Jiuxia-style light armor, and carrying guns and swords on his back.
"By the way, where are we going?"
Lorenzo asked. He was notified to see Shao Liangye and was brought here by him.
There was a silvery light shining in the darkness. After Roger's attack, everyone wore a holy silver crown. It looked a little fancy, but it could increase the possibility of survival, and you could also tell whether you were attacked by the state of the crown. Roger's invasion.
Lorenzo is still a little unaccustomed to wearing it. He touches it from time to time and finds it troublesome. When he needs [Gap] to invade, he has to take it off.
"You'll know right away." Shao Liangye pretended to be mysterious.
"Oh? A surprise gift? I hope it won't be too disappointing."
Lorenzo said, casually pulling out a nail sword from his sword bag and playing with it out of boredom.
In this claustrophobic space, metals collided with each other, making clanging sounds.
Suddenly there was another noise. In the vertical passage, there seemed to be another elevator slowly rising, but judging from the noise of the sound, this elevator was much larger than the one Lorenzo was in.
A dim light fell from the gaps in the metal, illuminating Lorenzo's gloomy face. He looked over, but could not see anything.
A lot, he and Shao Liangye also reached the end.
The door slowly opened, and the cold wind came towards him. It made Lorenzo shiver, and he wrapped his windbreaker tightly, which also made the metal under the clothes more obvious.
Like Shao Liangye, Lorenzo was also fully armed, but his equipment was much lighter than before.
Since acquiring Power Michael, Lorenzo has no shortage of direct destructive abilities. In addition, in conjunction with Power Metazo's forged spikes for throwing bombardments, Lorenzo rarely uses firearms. Almost abandoned, so were those complex warheads, and after the Holy Silver mines were mined, Lorenzo no longer had to use Holy Silver bullets as a killing blow.
So now Lorenzo is only carrying a heavy sword bag, which is filled with nailed swords made of holy silver and cypress. He has a Winchester on his waist, which he carries around like a symbol of luck. .
"Mechanical Institute..."
Lorenzo raised his head, and in his field of vision, there were chimneys with black smoke rising, the sound of metal kept ringing, and the heavy machinery was running repeatedly.
He was in the mechanical yard. In front of his sight was a huge open space made of metal plates. He could also see cracked gaps and warning signs.
This is a large lifting platform. It is also the thing that rises with me in the darkness.
Lorenzo walked closer and felt the vibration under his feet, as something was being transported up.
Looking to the side, everyone at the Perpetual Pump seems to have been waiting for a long time. Merlin is walking towards here holding an umbrella.
"What a surprise, Merlin."
Lorenzo shouted, after seeing Merlin, he could more or less guess that it was probably some new type of equipment.
Lorenzo doesn't care about these things. Now his power has completely exceeded the reach of human beings. Only weapons of the Ascalon level can make Lorenzo slightly tempted, but it is so powerful. Heavy, Lorenzo has no possibility of using it.
"You'll know soon." Merlin responded as he walked towards here.
Soon, a dark shadow swallowed up several people, and the cold drizzle was also covered. Lorenzo raised his head and the iron whale slowly hovered directly above. The hatch opened and several iron ropes hung down.
Lorenzo was a little puzzled, and then technicians came. They all carried heavy tool boxes and surrounded the large lifting platform, waiting for things in the darkness to surface.
"what exactly is it?"
Lorenzo asked curiously, leaning next to Merlin.
Merlin thought for a moment, then answered.
"A gift from the Stuarts."
Lorenzo's expression became strange when she heard "Stuart's House". She knew with her feet that it was Seleu who was up to something, but she didn't expect that Seleu had the ability to call on everyone who used the Perpetual Pump.
"Nation builder?" Lorenzo asked tentatively.
Merlin nodded, then shook his head.
"What are you doing!"
Lorenzo cried out, but his complaints soon ceased, for the heavy sound became more distinct in the darkness.
The large lifting platform opened, and the lift climbed upwards in the darkness, exposed to the light. As it rose, the ferocious edges and corners gradually became clear.
Lorenzo calmed down. To be precise, everyone present calmed down and fell into the fear of facing the giant thing.
It was countless smooth and sharp iron feathers, they were densely woven together, entangled with each other, and wrapped into a solid iron ball. Lorenzo could see the flesh and blood connecting the iron feathers, as well as the dense layers of metal on the metal. texture.
The texture of this metal is very familiar, just like the nailed sword in his sword bag. This is an iron feather made of cypress iron and holy silver. It has extremely strong toughness and carries the ability to suppress erosion.
"What's its name?" Lorenzo was completely attracted by it and couldn't help but ask, "Black Angel Change? The enhanced version of Black Angel?"
Hearing Lorenzo's bad words, Merlin shook his head again and again.
"We haven't thought of a new name yet. If you don't mind, it can keep its previous name, Black Angel."
Lorenzo didn't respond. He looked at the dense iron feathers. He was intoxicated by the armor that was like a work of art.
"No, the name Black Angel is no longer suitable," Lorenzo said. "There is no God and no angels. What is said in the Gospels is just beautiful expectations."
"This is your armor, and you have the right to name it." Merlin said.
Lorenzo took off the holy silver crown. He closed his eyes, and the gaps in the corners of his eyes were filled with light.
Everyone heard the sound of heavy breathing, which was not something that humans could make, followed by a loud heartbeat. They all looked towards the direction of the sound, only to see dim flames ignited on the Original Sin Armor. .
The metals intertwined with each other, making a harsh sound. They stretched out, as if a thousand swords were spliced ​​together, turning into these steel wings.
Without the protection of the iron feathers, the strong body is revealed, with thick and solid external armor all over it. The armor is engraved with patterns and is spotless. The overall design is very much like an ancient knight. Even the face armor is like a knight's helmet. Leave a cross gap.
The fireworks dissipated, Lorenzo opened his eyes, stretched out his hand and touched the metal surface, feeling the coldness.
"There is no God, nor should there be a God."
Lorenzo murmured.
"The Flame Bearer."
Set fire to the dark night and light the way forward.
(End of this chapter)

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