Chapter 104 The Exam Begins

Studying at the Star Academy is a rare opportunity for the players. Everyone cherishes this opportunity. Even those as strong as Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe study extremely seriously.

In this week’s training content, there are many things that can be directly used in competitions, such as bel canto training, vocal luck, true and false voices, high notes, bass and other technical things, which can be practiced in competitions.

The study of music theory, music appreciation and other courses can improve the players' musical aesthetic taste.

Broaden horizons and improve players’ musical thinking.

Soon, a week passed and it was time for the assessment again.

This morning, Tang Qian walked into the classroom. His stern eyes swept across everyone and said: "First of all, congratulations to everyone for passing the last competition and advancing to the top eight. The company is very satisfied with your performance. Your performance on the stage is very good." Well, you have lived up to the company’s expectations of you!”

"Today is the assessment. This week's study has ended. The assessment rules are that you choose your own song and then sing it completely. Finally, you will be scored and ranked based on your performance. The last two will become the contestants to be determined."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and all the players were shocked. The assessment rules became more and more strict.

Last time we took the last one, this time we take the last two.

Everyone looked at each other and guessed who were the last two.

There is a high probability that they are Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe, and Ji Zeyu is also unlikely. Meng Xue's strength is not bad, so the last two can only be chosen from Yu Long, Wang Chengying, Liu Yang, and Fang Zihan.

Of course, this is just speculation and not an official result yet.

"Let's start when you're ready. Who will come first?" Tang Qian asked, sitting beside the elegant teacher Chen Hua.

Everyone looked at each other, but no one dared to be the first to appear. Everyone knew that the first person to take the test was under great pressure, as if he was carrying a big mountain on his back.

Seeing no response from the crowd, Tang Qian said: "Since no one has taken the initiative to say anything, I will just randomly select anyone, and whoever I select will have to sing!"

This feeling is like being in a school class. The teacher asked questions but no one answered. Then the teacher stood on the podium and scanned the whole room with sharp eyes. The timid students immediately lowered their heads and kept praying in their hearts, don't click on me. Don't click on me!
"Liu Yang, you are first, Yu Long is second, I give you 10 minutes to prepare! It will start immediately in 10 minutes!"

After that, Tang Qian stood up and walked out of the classroom again. Teacher Chen Hua also left. They planned to come back in 10 minutes. During these 10 minutes, they would leave time and space to the contestants.

The atmosphere in the classroom immediately became lively. The newcomers who were nervous just now and did not dare to take a big breath finally breathed a sigh of relief. But the one who suffered the most was Liu Yang. She was actually the first to take the assessment. Tang Qian was the first It seemed that Tang Qian was deeply impressed by her.

"Why me? I'm not even ready! Why don't we let Yu Long sing first!" Liu Yang said with a frustrated look.

Yu Long waved his hands quickly and said: "No, no, no, you should come first. We listen to Mr. Tang. This is best!"

Yu Long wished he could sing last, how could he agree with Liu Yang's words.

Only a fool would ask to be the first to sing.

"Don't worry, just sing well. I think based on your current strength, the assessment will be fine!" Liu Yang's good sister Meng Xue comforted her.

At the same time, Meng Xue felt extremely lucky in her heart. Fortunately, she was not the first one to sing!

Everyone else had this idea and secretly rejoiced at their good luck.

"Stop comforting me. It's useless. I know how much I weigh!" Liu Yang said.

She thought to herself, I was the first to sing, and being the first to sing, I think the others must feel much more relaxed.

It's useless to say anything now. It's better to hurry up and prepare songs. Liu Yang and Yu Long immediately took their mobile phones and started selecting songs.

There are many songs on the three major music platforms. They quickly found the songs that suited them, and then worked hard to memorize the music scores and lyrics. This ability has improved a lot thanks to the training last week. The 10 minutes came in the blink of an eye, and the other contestants couldn't help but sigh when they saw the two of them working hard.

"Which one of them do you think is more powerful?" Ji Zeyu asked quietly.

Xu Ruofeng thought for a while: "They are almost the same, they are on par!"

Soon, it’s over in 10 minutes!

When the assessment began, teachers Tang Qian and Chen Hua walked into the classroom and sat down on the podium.

"Let's start!" Tang Qian said.

Liu Yang was the first to stand up, with a smile on his face and an upright figure, which made Wang Chengying's eyes widen.

Although Liu Yang was very nervous, she still had to bite the bullet and sing.

She chose a classic old song, and her time was limited. She would definitely not have time to adapt it, so she could only sing it according to the original song.

"You dance like an elf under the moonlight"

"My heart flies far away with you"


This is a classic old song with a beautiful melody and touching charm. It tells a poignant love story and the lyrics are very well written, just like a fairy tale.

The singing method of this song is still difficult. The beginning part is not difficult, but the chorus part suddenly rises in pitch and reaches the treble area. This sudden transition from mid-range to treble is difficult.

This requires the ventilation method, which is one of the learning contents this week.

Liu Yang tried her best to stabilize her singing, but she still had a problem. She couldn't keep up with her breath and was out of tune.

As he sang, Liu Yang secretly thought something was wrong and his heart beat rapidly.

She was so scared that she didn't even dare to look at Tang Qian's face.

After singing the entire song in fear and nervousness, Liu Yang realized that his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Next!" Tang Qian said coldly.

Liu Yang was a little surprised, and the others were even more confused. What was going on with Tang Qian? Don't you want to comment?
In other words, because Liu Yang sang so poorly, Tang Qian didn't even bother to comment!
Yu Long didn't expect that it would be his turn so soon, and his eyes were still a little dazed. However, he quickly adjusted himself, cleared his throat, and started singing.

The songs selected by Yu Long are relatively suitable for him, but there are also problems with unskilled use of skills. The same problem also occurs with Wang Chengying, Fang Zihan and others.

Their levels are about the same, and there is no big difference overall.

Teachers Tang Qian and Chen Hua did not comment, but sang one after another.

Ji Zeyu chose a song by Wu Peng, which showed the true level of his singing skills. During the competition, Xu Ruofeng tailor-made songs for him. His shortcomings can be easily circumvented, but now, he chooses on his own. The song was not suitable for me and exposed many problems.

In the final analysis, it is still the reason why the singing skills are not solid.

Jin Zhe sang one of his unpopular songs. This song was officially released two years ago, but because he himself has gone silent, the song is not well known. However, the song is very difficult and requires superb skills. Singing, real and false voices, high and low notes, breathing, and other various techniques can be used.

(End of this chapter)

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