Chapter 105 He is No.1, everyone is convinced
Jin Zhe once again demonstrated his superb singing skills. Although the whole song is quite difficult, Jin Zhe was able to sing it with ease. Listening to him sing is simply a pleasure.

Tang Qian said in a rare moment: "Jin Zhe, you sing very well. You have mastered various techniques very skillfully. I hope others can learn from Jin Zhe and take advantage of this rare opportunity! How much can you learn now? It depends on how far you can go in the future!”

The newcomers like Yu Long had a look of shame on their faces, but they had to admit that Jin Zhe was really powerful. It was not the fault of Tang Qian's harsh words.

As for studying at Star Academy, everyone cherishes this opportunity, and it is indeed very effective. This has been confirmed in the competition. As for how far they can go in the entertainment industry, everyone has no idea, even if Even Xu Ruofeng couldn't answer this question.

The last one was Xu Ruofeng's turn for assessment. He decided to sing "Left Finger Moon" because this song uses the most techniques, including bass, alto, treble, ventilation and many other techniques. It spans three vocal ranges and is very difficult. High, so this song is also a difficult song to cover.

Everyone is staring closely at Xu Ruofeng, wanting to see how he can sing. Of course, everyone firmly believes in his ability. This has been proven on the stage, but the current assessment is to show it to the teacher and the company. His own learning results, so Xu Ruofeng must sing.

Perhaps in the eyes of the company, Xu Ruofeng is just a very capable newcomer. Although he is strong, he is not so strong that he does not need anyone's guidance.

In the eyes of Teacher Chen Hua, Xu Ruofeng is a talented junior who deserves to be focused on training. Last week's training has made Teacher Chen Hua notice this young junior.

This week, after watching the competition, Teacher Chen Hua became even more optimistic about Xu Ruofeng. A young man in his early twenties can actually sing in opera. Either he has practiced opera since he was a child, or he has only recently started to learn by himself.

No matter which one, Xu Ruofeng is excellent.

When the music started playing, everyone immediately realized that Xu Ruofeng was singing his popular song "Left Finger Moon".

On the stage of the Top [-] Competition, Xu Ruofeng shocked the audience with his song "Left Finger Moon". This song quickly became popular all over the Internet and is still a hit song to this day.

After the accompaniment ended, Xu Ruofeng began to sing. The first part was the bass area. This part is easier to sing and most singers can sing it. As long as you grasp the rhythm well, there will be no problem.

But starting from the second part, the tone began to gradually rise, crossing into the alto and treble areas. The perfect switch between these showed Xu Ruofeng's powerful singing skills. His breath was very stable, and his control of rhythm and emotion He is very skilled and dedicated. It is hard to imagine that a newbie can actually do this.

Teacher Chen Hua nodded with satisfaction, with a smile on her face. She seemed to have seen a seed, a hope, and a piece of good material, so she couldn't help but want to polish it into good steel.

Tang Qian's expression softened a lot. Finally, there were one or two people who didn't disappoint her.

Moreover, the company put eight contestants in her charge, and she was also under pressure.

After singing the song, Xu Ruofeng felt relaxed and confident.

He felt that his aura was deeper than before. It seemed that his studies at Star Academy were still effective!

Xu Ruofeng immediately made up his mind to study harder in the future and cherish this opportunity.

Warm applause broke out in the classroom, and the other seven contestants were all shocked by Xu Ruofeng's voice.

He is very skilled in technique and has a good voice. It can be said that he is a born singer.

The remaining seven contestants, including Jin Zhe, expressed their admiration for Xu Ruofeng.

On the podium, Teacher Chen Hua was smiling and said: "Xu Ruofeng, you sing very well. You have mastered the techniques taught to you this week very well, especially in terms of breath and switching between true and false voices. You are no longer good at it." You are inferior to a top-tier singer, congratulations, you passed today’s assessment!”

Xu Ruofeng smiled and bowed. He was very polite. At least he had to show his quality and cultivation in front of outsiders. In the entertainment industry, public image is very important.

Everyone was shocked, but at the same time they envied Xu Ruofeng, admired his strength and were jealous of his talent.From the beginning of the assessment until now, Chen Hua rarely commented. Until Xu Ruofeng appeared, Chen Hua immediately became interested.

In fact, Teacher Chen Hua wanted to hear Xu Ruofeng's drama, but considering today's assessment, he couldn't waste time, so she didn't bring it up.

"You sing well. You are talented, but don't be proud of it. Keep working hard. You will pass the test!" Tang Qian said.

It was obvious that her complexion had improved. Everyone knew that it was Xu Ruofeng's wonderful singing that put her in a good mood. However, the previous singing by Yu Long and others made Tang Qian look gloomy for a time. Meng Xue and others thought that Tang Qian was going to get angry on the spot, and she was extremely nervous.

Now that teachers Tang Qian and Chen Hua have said that Xu Ruofeng has passed the examination, who among the remaining seven will be the last two?
It's definitely not Jin Zhe, and maybe Ji Zeyu isn't either. Then the last two can only be chosen from Wang Chengying, Yu Long and others. These last two will be the players to be determined for the next game.

After waiting for a while, the assessment results came out.

Everyone looked nervous!

Tang Qian said: "I gave each of you a score and ranking based on your performance!"

"No.1, Xu Ruofeng, 96 points!"

He won No. 1, and everyone was convinced without any objection.

Xu Ruofeng's strength has been proven many times.

"No. 2, Jin Zhe, 94 points!"

Jin Zhe ranked second. Although he was two points behind Xu Ruofeng, he was still very strong and had a strong personal style.

"No.3, Meng Xue, ninety points!"

It is not surprising that Meng Xue can achieve this result. She has worked very hard, and she has ranked high in previous competitions and assessments, so this time she ranks third, which is well deserved.

"No. 4, Ji Zeyu, 88 points!"

Without Xu Ruofeng's help, Ji Zeyu's strength has been reduced by half. In the assessment just now, he did not choose the right song, which exposed many problems.

Moreover, his singing skills were not solid either. Teacher Chen Hua and Tang Qian could tell right away.

"No. 5, Liu Yang, 85 points!"

The most surprising thing was Liu Yang. She was originally named by Tang Qian to sing first, and she was under great pressure. She worked hard to finish the song, but she had a lot of problems because of her unstable breath, so Tang Qian didn't even bother to comment on her. His face became very ugly.

"What, I'm actually No. 5! How is that possible!"

Liu Yang was shocked!
She never expected it!
She thought to herself that since she was so bad at singing and probably in last place, she had already prepared to become a pending contestant!

(End of this chapter)

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