Chapter 121 The second half of the game begins

There are currently five players to be determined, namely Fang Zihan, Meng Xue, Liu Yang, Yu Long, and Wang Chengying.

In terms of strength, Meng Xue is the strongest among the five, followed by Wang Chengying, and the other three are pretty much the same.

It’s just that Liu Yang has been hit a bit hard recently and her mentality is very bad. If her mentality collapses, she will not be far from being eliminated.

In fact, according to the current rules, the first round of PK competition is the most exciting. The second round of competition is much inferior to the first round, and the audience's expectations have also been reduced a lot.

However, one of the most important goals of the second round is to select an eliminator.

Only four of the five players can advance, and one player is destined to be eliminated.

At this time, in the backstage rest area, the five undecided contestants had solemn expressions and were under great pressure. No one wanted to be eliminated, but everyone also understood that this was a competition and one of them would definitely be eliminated. This cruel reality must be faced.

"Why are you so embarrassed? Be happy. This is just a game. It's not like going to the guillotine. Is it that painful?" Ji Zeyu was very relaxed, swinging his legs leisurely.

"It's not like you are participating in the second round. Of course you are happy! We are not like you, with a rich father!" Fang Zihan's tone was very disdainful, full of contempt and ridicule. In her eyes, Ji Zeyu relied on his family Only money could buy Xu Ruofeng's song, and Ji Zeyu was generous, and the price he offered Xu Ruofeng couldn't refuse.

"Haha, beautiful lady Fang, you are envious, jealous, and hateful. There is nothing you can do about it. Who told me that I would be reincarnated because of my good fortune? You will also join a good family in your next life!" Ji Zeyu said.

Fang Zihan didn't bother to talk to him anymore, he simply lowered his head and looked at his phone, preparing a new song.

"Okay, you two, stop arguing. The game is about to start. Let's hurry up and prepare!" Meng Xue saw how serious the quarrel between the two people was and stood up to persuade them.

"Oh, yes, hurry up and prepare. I don't know who will be eliminated this time. Maybe it will be me!" Liu Yang's self-confidence has been completely destroyed by reality.

She has no confidence at all and thinks she is the most likely to be eliminated.

"It could be me!" Yu Long shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"There will be a lot of this kind of thing in future games. We have to get used to it! There are only two or three people who can reach the end." Wang Chengying said.

No one knows the outcome now, everyone is just making wild guesses out of anxiety.

Xu Ruofeng felt that among the five, Meng Xue was most likely to advance first, Wang Chengying ranked second, Yu Long ranked third, Fang Zihan ranked fourth, and Liu Yang ranked last.

Liu Yang was a pending contestant in the last episode of the show. In the first week of the Star Academy assessment, Liu Yang ranked last.

At the competition scene of the last episode of the program, Liu Yang sat on the bench for a long time, and finally made it to the second round of the resurrection match. Liu Yang performed abnormally again and only got No. 4, with a low score of 82, which was only one higher than No. 5 Xiang Yang. point.

So in the last episode of the show, Xiangyang was eliminated.

The rest advanced to the quarterfinals.

This promotion was very dangerous for Liu Yang. She almost ended up at the bottom again. To a certain extent, she had to thank Xiang Yang. If he hadn't been at the bottom, Liu Yang would definitely have been eliminated.

Fang Zihan is very beautiful, so in the early programs, her appearance gave her a lot of points, but now, her beauty is no longer effective, and the instructors still value her singing skills.

From Xu Ruofeng's perspective, Fang Zihan's musical talent is average, and her voice condition is not particularly outstanding. She can only be said to be at the level of an ordinary player, so she has little hope of advancement.

The remaining three people still have hope of advancement.

Amid much anticipation, the second half of the game began.

Host Li Fei walked onto the stage and said loudly: "Everyone, audience, welcome to watch tonight's eight-to-seven contest of "Tomorrow's Stars". I am your old friend Li Fei!"

"In the first round of PK that just ended, three outstanding players have successfully advanced. Now there are five players to be determined, competing for the last four promotion places, so there will be one elimination place!"

"Now, let us applaud and invite the five undecided contestants to come on stage!"

With the enthusiastic applause of the audience, the five undecided contestants walked onto the stage together. They stood in the center of the stage and enjoyed the applause of the audience. "Okay, now according to the program system, the five undecided contestants will draw lots to determine the order of appearance!"

A staff member came over with a small box, and each player drew a number.

Then Li Fei checked them one by one, and then announced the results of the lottery loudly to the audience.

"The draw is over, I'll announce the results!"

Li Fei held up the microphone and said very enthusiastically: "The first person to appear is Liu Yang, the second is Yu Long, the third is Wang Chengying, the fourth is Fang Zihan, and the fifth is Meng Xue!"

"Then now please let the five contestants go backstage to prepare. The competition will start immediately!"

After that, the contestants walked off the stage and returned to the rest area.

"Oh, I must be so unlucky. Why am I still the first to play? It's so stressful!" Liu Yang said with a bitter look on his face, looking restless.

"Don't think so much first, just prepare the songs!" Yu Long comforted.

"Yes, and there is nothing wrong with being the first to appear. There is definitely pressure, but you have to learn to resist!" Wang Chengying said.

"I understand what you mean, but it's always bad to be the first to appear. It's a big disadvantage!" Liu Yang said.

"If possible, I can change with you, but the rules of the show team are definitely not allowed!" Meng Xue said.

She has a good relationship with Liu Yang. When they were in Star Academy, they lived in the same dormitory.

Meng Xue didn't mind being the first to appear, but the rules of the program really couldn't be changed.

Liu Yang smiled bitterly and shook his head: "There is no need to change. Even if the program team agrees, I will not change. This is my life. I accept it!"

Soon, Liu Yang was going to play. Before leaving, Meng Xue did not forget to cheer her up.

"Come on, you are the best!" Meng Xue waved her little fist.

"Remember, don't be too nervous, otherwise you will be eliminated!" Yu Long said.

Fang Zihan on the side was looking down at her phone. The screen showed the sheet music of a song, and she was always ready.

"It's so comfortable to watch other people's games after being promoted!" Ji Zeyu collapsed on the sofa, feeling extremely comfortable.

Unlike the previous program, he lost to Jin Zhe in his song "Sunny Day".

In the end, I relied on "Wait 1 Minute" to advance.

"I think you just want to see someone make a fool of yourself!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Ji Zeyu laughed: "You know it again!"

Liu Yang slowly stepped onto the stage and felt very uncomfortable when he saw so many audience members.

She had a hunch that she was getting further and further away from this stage.

The scene burst into warm applause, and the audience cheered and screamed loudly. It can be seen that Liu Yang still has many fans. After all, her appearance and figure are great.

The music started, and the scene quickly became quiet. The melody and lyrics of the song came to Liu Yang's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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