Chapter 122 Birth of the Seven Strongest
Tonight, Liu Yang is still eye-catching in appearance. His gentle and dignified temperament, slim and straight figure, especially his slender waist, are envied by many girls.

However, no matter how beautiful the goddess is, she also has her own troubles. When Liu Yang started singing, he realized something was wrong. There was very little applause at the scene, which was far less lively than when Xu Ruofeng came on stage. Moreover, Liu Yang also observed that the expressions on the faces of the four instructors were very serious. .

She also knew that her singing skills were not very good, and her singing skills were definitely not as good as those of Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe, not even comparable to Ji Zeyu and Meng Xue.

The song she sang tonight is a classic song by teacher Li Jian. It has a slow tempo, focuses on emotional investment, and has high requirements on breath. When the mic is turned on at the scene, it is particularly easy to expose the singer's shortcomings. In addition, Liu Yang's singing skills are average, so her singing effect is naturally not good.

In the end, the instructors' evaluation was very poor. Liu Yang only got a score of 83. This score was very low and he might be eliminated. Liu Yang was filled with a sense of crisis.

When she returned to the rest area backstage, she was silent and stared at the screen with a disappointed look.

The second person to come on the stage was Yu Long. He had been sitting for a long time tonight before he had a chance to come on the stage. Earlier he was just watching other people singing and was filled with envy. Now it is finally his turn to come on the stage.

The song he sang was Xu Wei's classic song "Tomorrow". This is a song that became famous in the Internet music era. It has a younger style, a brisk melody, and a beautiful rhythm. The lyrics are easy to understand. The whole song is positive and expresses It reflects young people’s beautiful expectations for friendship and love.

The song itself is a high-quality work, and Xu Wei's singing is very charming, but Yu Long's singing skills are poor and his breath cannot keep up, so the final effect is not good.

He didn't receive the applause he expected, and the audience's response was muted.

The four instructors also looked solemn.

It seemed that Yu Long's singing was very poor, and he felt it himself.

In the end, Yu Long only scored 84 points, only one point more than Liu Yang.

The next person to appear was Wang Chengying. His good looks actually caused a burst of cheers from the audience. The handsome guy with strong facial features is very charming.

His singing skills were a little better than the previous two, but not that great. Many problems were exposed in him. In the end, he only scored 86 points.

The performances of the three consecutive contestants were mediocre and did not stir up any waves, and the audience was not as crazy as before.

It wasn't until Fang Zihan appeared on the stage that the audience went crazy. After all, her beauty is recognized as good-looking and she is the goddess in the hearts of countless boys.

There were even times when Xu Ruofeng felt that Fang Zihan should be a model instead of a singer.

Her singing skills really cannot be complimented and are not in direct proportion to her appearance.

Unsurprisingly, the four instructors were quite harsh when they criticized Fang Zihan, especially Zhang Ying, who simply scolded her and made Fang Zihan feel ashamed.

In the end, Fang Zihan scored 85 points.

At this time, only Meng Xue is left. Judging from the current results, Liu Yang has the lowest score, and she is the most likely to be eliminated. As for Meng Xue, Liu Yang thinks that her singing skills are not as good as hers.

At this time, Liu Yang was heartbroken and completely lost his former charm. The charming smile on his face was gone, and so was his previous confidence.

Others couldn't help but cast sympathetic glances at her, and at the same time secretly rejoiced.

Meng Xue showed great strength as soon as she came on the stage. Whether it was breath, pitch, or stage style, she was much better than the previous ones.

This makes Liu Yang even more heartbroken. The better Meng Xue sings, the more likely she is to be eliminated.

Until Meng Xue finished singing, Liu Yang knew in her heart that she was going to be out.

The four instructors reviewed Meng Xue's singing very comprehensively and gave her a lot of pointers. In the end, Meng Xue scored [-] points.

In the second round of the playoffs, she scored the highest score.

There was also warm applause from the audience.

Meng Xue also gained many fans along the way.

This is the end of the second round!Overall, it was definitely not as exciting as the first round, but Meng Xue, who played at the end, was also a highlight.

And to Xu Ruofeng's surprise, this Meng Xue has been making progress. If she is given enough time, she may not become popular.

Meng Xue still has some talent, and she also works hard. She is a rare potential player among the top ten players.

Others, such as Jin Zhe, are very strong and highly talented.

Ji Zeyu is average in all aspects, but he is not short of money. If he spends money, he may still become a second-tier or even first-tier singer.

Xu Ruofeng thought everyone else was just average.

On the contrary, for people with outstanding looks like Wang Chengying and Fang Zihan, Xu Ruofeng really felt that they were suitable to be models.

Of course, this was just his idea, he didn't say it out loud, and there was no need to say it.

Host Li Fei walked onto the stage and said: "Okay, dear audience friends, this is the end of the second round of competition. After fierce competition, four contestants have successfully advanced. They are Meng Xue, Fang Zihan, Yu Long, Wang Chengying, congratulations to them!"


Wang Chengying and Yu Long breathed a long sigh of relief. They were undecided contestants tonight and had been very nervous. Now that they were fine and advanced, they could rest assured.

What Fang Zihan thinks about is how far she can go in the competition.

Li Fei raised the microphone: "Then I regret to tell everyone that Liu Yang was eliminated!"

"But I hope you won't be discouraged. You are still young. Don't give up on your dreams. As long as you work hard, you will definitely realize your dreams!"

At this time, all the contestants walked onto the stage together!
Liu Yang, who was eliminated, finally couldn't help it anymore and cried on the spot. Meng Xue had the best relationship with her. The two sisters hugged each other and comforted each other.

"Okay, then Liu Yang, do you have anything to say to everyone before leaving?" Li Fei asked.

Liu Yang wiped his tears and took the microphone: "First of all, I want to thank the audience and my fans. Thank you for accompanying me till now and in the future. I hope you will continue to accompany me!"

"Thank you to my mentor for giving me a lot of advice, thank you to the host, thank you to the program team, and thank you to "Tomorrow Star". It is this platform that gives me the opportunity to realize my music dream!"

"Thank you to my brothers and sisters who competed with me, thank you!"

As he spoke, Liu Yang and Meng Xue held hands with each other.

She also looked at Xu Ruofeng inadvertently, with an indescribable charm in her eyes.

In reluctance, Liu Yang left the stage.

Everyone sent her off with applause!

The game is so cruel, someone has to leave.

Putting away his sadness, Li Fei said: "Now, let us once again congratulate these seven advanced players with warm applause!"

"Congratulations to them, they will participate in the next game soon!"

"Dear viewers, at the end of tonight's game, I have to say goodbye to everyone!"

“Time passed quickly and we spent an unforgettable night at the Olympic Sports Center!”

(End of this chapter)

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