Chapter 127 The last knockout match, seven to six starts

It took two days for Xu Ruofeng to finally get the accompaniment. In order to thank them for their help, Xu Ruofeng paid for everyone to have dinner, including all the staff on site. Xu Ruofeng was not short of this little money, so he treated everyone to a meal. Mind.

Leave a good impression on others, and you might be able to help if anything happens in the future!

Ji Zeyu's side is progressing very quickly. The costumes he asked someone to make were perfectly restored based on Xu Ruofeng's drawings.

"Not bad, it fits quite well, and the fabric is good!" Xu Ruofeng tried it on and it felt good.

It seems that Ji Zeyu is also serious about his work. The high-quality fabrics and good tailoring make the clothes look very fit.

Xu Ruofeng estimated that the asking price for this set of clothes was not low, but he didn't expect that Ji Zeyu would not accept a penny. No matter how Xu Ruofeng pushed it to him, he threw it back.

"I can solve this little thing in minutes. Besides, I don't need your money either!" Ji Zeyu said.

"Okay then, I won't be polite!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Ji Zeyu did this because Xu Ruofeng had been helping him write songs, so he could return Xu Ruofeng's favor.

Everything is ready, and the final knockout match, seven to six, begins.

That night, the capital was still a little hot in late summer, and the lingering power of midsummer was still there.

The audience has already lined up to enter the venue and is waiting anxiously.

"I'm really looking forward to it. I took leave this time to come and watch it. It cost me half a month's salary to buy the ticket!"

"You're okay, I've been watching several shows in a row!"

"I've been listening to "Chi Ling" recently, it's so good, and Ji Zeyu's "Once Upon a Time" is also good!"

“Jin Zhe’s songs are suitable to be listened to at night, especially when the night is quiet!”

"Meng Xue is a potential stock. I think as long as the company cultivates it, it will definitely become popular in the future!"

"Guess what Xu Ruofeng will sing tonight!"

"I hope to sing opera tunes, and many people can't get enough of it!"

"The dolphin sounds are pretty good too!"

"Who will be the final champion? Either Jin Zhe or Xu Ruofeng!"

“Tickets for the Champions Night are probably hard to buy, and the prices are very high!”

"They will not officially debut until the competition is over. I will definitely collect Xu Ruofeng's new album by then!"

"Who knows whether Xu Ruofeng will be popular in the future, or he may suddenly become silent like Jin Zhe!"


The backstage director team and staff are preparing nervously, and the seven contestants are also waiting in the rest area.

The online live broadcast room has been opened, and hundreds of thousands of viewers have poured in in advance.

The program team and the company have purchased hot searches in advance for tonight's game, so on the microwave, the number one hot search topic at the moment is "Tomorrow's Stars Knockout Tournament"!
The number of reads quickly exceeded 5000, and the number of discussions exceeded [-].

"I think the ones most likely to be eliminated tonight are Fang Zihan and Yu Long!"

"That's not necessarily true, Fang Zihan has always worked hard!"

"Haha, the licking dog upstairs, why don't you say she is very talented!"

"If Ji Zeyu didn't have Xu Ruofeng's help, he would definitely not be Meng Xue's opponent!"


The audience's guesses are based on feelings and may not be accurate.

Before the official game starts, it must be the opening show.

The opening show has performed very well in recent episodes, especially with Xu Ruofeng as the core, who successfully stirred up the atmosphere from the very beginning. In the opening show of the last episode, Xu Ruofeng once again sang a dramatic tune and amazed the audience.

So the audience is also looking forward to the opening show.

The lights flashed on the stage, the music played, and the seven contestants appeared one after another. The core ones were Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe. Everyone wore performance clothes that suited their own style, and looked extremely beautiful under the light.

Fang Zihan and Wang Chengying are still responsible for their appearance. In terms of appearance alone, no one else can match them, so they always stand in front and can directly face the audience and the camera.

Xu Ruofeng was still responsible for singing the opening show this time, and the program team also wanted to use him to quickly open up the atmosphere.Xu Ruofeng was extremely handsome and confident on the stage. As soon as he appeared on the stage, the audience immediately became excited and screamed and shouted loudly.

The atmosphere suddenly picked up!
The audience exploded!

And when Xu Ruofeng opened his voice, the audience went even crazier.

"The ups and downs of the show"

"Singing joys and sorrows"

"It has nothing to do with me"

"Fan opening and closing"

"The gongs and drums sound and then fall"

The classic female voice sounded, and the audience seemed to have returned to the resurrection stage. At that time, Xu Ruofeng was unknown, but she sang a voice that shocked the entire entertainment industry.

Every sound, every word, Xu Ruofeng sings very tenderly and emotionally, with gentle eyes and a touch of sadness.

In the anticipation of countless audiences, Xu Ruofeng's classic drama appeared!
"The audience walked by"

"No Old Colors"

"The people on the stage are singing"

"Heartbroken Farewell Song"

"Love is hard to write"

"His singing needs to be reconciled with blood"

"Who is the guest when the curtain starts and the curtain ends?"

The whole place is boiling!

The atmosphere exploded!

Screams and cheers swept over like a huge wave.

The arrangement of the program team was correct, and Xu Ruofeng's voice opening was really effective. When he sang like this, the atmosphere of the program became direct.

Director Tong Zhi was very satisfied when she saw this scene. This was the effect she wanted.

The audience at the scene was particularly excited.

"Oh my God, it sounds so good. Xu Ruofeng is such a genius!"

"I didn't buy this ticket in vain. It's money well spent!"

"It explodes like this at the beginning!"

"Xu Ruofeng, I love you, you are so handsome, I want to marry you and have children!"

"I will be a fan of him for the rest of my life!"


In the opening show of just 5 minutes, Xu Ruofeng had 3 minutes to himself. This was a pretty good show, even Jin Zhe didn't get this treatment.

In the online live broadcast room, the online audience suddenly surged, the popularity skyrocketed, the barrage occupied the entire screen, and the comment area was full.

At the same time, the topic of microwave hot searches has also skyrocketed.

After the opening show, seven contestants temporarily left the stage.

As usual, the host Li Fei walked onto the stage. Today he was wearing a black suit, a white shirt and a black tie. He looked very elegant.

He raised the microphone and said loudly: "Dear audience friends, good evening, everyone, this is the competition site of "Tomorrow Star", I am your old friend Li Fei, welcome everyone to come and support me!"

The scene immediately burst into countless applause, and the audience could not wait for Xu Ruofeng to appear on the stage immediately.

After reading the opening remarks, Li Fei said: "Tonight is the last elimination match. Seven will advance to six. Our seven players will go through fierce competition and finally one player will be eliminated. A total of six players will enter the next round of points exhibition competition." !”

At present, everyone already knows the schedule of the entire competition. After the points exhibition match, there will be a promotion match. At this stage of the promotion match, three players will be eliminated, and finally three players will be promoted. These three players will participate in the championship night finals.

(End of this chapter)

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