Chapter 128 The Love That Never Breaks Up
The entire competition has actually passed half way through now, and many contestants have been eliminated. Now the remaining ones all have their own fans and popularity.

It's just that popular players like Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe are so powerful that they almost attract most of the audience's attention.

The second half of the entire game is the most exciting, so at this time, the program team will also increase ticket prices appropriately, sell peripheral products of the contestants, etc.

Do everything you can to make profits, and now the players are at the peak of their popularity. When the game is over, it will be hard to say.

Li Fei said on the stage: "Now I will announce to you the results of this Star Academy assessment!"

To the surprise of all the viewers, Fang Zihan, the flower vase, turned out to be a pending contestant.

This particularly shocked Fang Zihan's fans.

However, most of the audience quickly accepted the situation. After all, everyone knew about Fang Zihan's singing skills. It was reasonable for her to become a pending contestant.

The undecided contestants could only sit in the backstage rest area. Fang Zihan had to sit on the bench for the first half, so she watched eagerly as the other six contestants walked onto the stage to draw lots.

These six players are still divided into three groups of PK, with two people in each group.

Soon, the lottery results came out, and Li Fei announced them on the spot.

"The first group is Ji Zeyu and Yu Long."

"The second group, Meng Xue, Jin Zhe."

"The third group, Wang Chengying, Xu Ruofeng."

In the first group, it seems that Ji Zeyu has a higher chance of winning. After all, everyone knows that Xu Ruofeng is supporting Ji Zeyu, and in terms of singing skills, Ji Zeyu is slightly better than Yu Long.

Although Meng Xue is very powerful, he is only targeting ordinary players. Compared with Jin Zhe, he is far behind, so many people think that Jin Zhe will definitely win this group.

As for the last group, there is no doubt that Xu Ruofeng wins. Wang Chengying is the boy's good-looking guy, but his singing skills are far behind.

Not long after the draw ended, the game officially began.

Ji Zeyu was the first to play. Usually the first person to play in every game has the most pressure, but Ji Zeyu was not under pressure, at least there was no pressure visible on his face.

When he stood on the stage, he enjoyed the applause and admiration of the audience as always.

He has also gained many fans all over the Internet. Tonight's game made many people excited from the beginning. First, Xu Ruofeng's drama opened the show, and then Ji Zeyu was the first to take the stage, bringing Xu Ruofeng's new work to people.

On the big screen, song information is displayed.

Song: Love that never breaks up.

Original: Xu Ruofeng.

Singer: Ji Zeyu.

The whole place was buzzing with excitement, and countless viewers cheered loudly. Sure enough, everyone was waiting for Xu Ruofeng's new song again. I wonder what kind of surprise Xu Ruofeng will bring to everyone tonight.

Writing this song for Ji Zeyu this time was also based on his singing skills, and also to enrich his music genre. In the past, Ji Zeyu has sung pop love songs with strong classical elements like "Jiangnan" and "Once Upon a Time You". "Songs with a literary style, as well as ordinary love songs such as "Sunny Day" and "Wait 1 Minute".

There are also songs with sad lyrics such as "Xiaochou". This song is a sweet love song.

You can tell from the name alone, and the audience of this song is also young people, which is in line with Ji Zeyu's positioning, because his fans are also young people.

Although Ji Zeyu is usually careless and doesn't worry about anything, he is more serious about his competition than anyone else. Xu Ruofeng has seen it before. Ji Zeyu works very hard in private.

The prelude sounds, and the melody is brisk, which is very comfortable to listen to. This kind of music is very quiet, not the particularly high-pitched style of "Torture", and has a unique flavor.

"Unknowingly, without asking whether it hurts or not."

"How much time"

"An uncertain alley at night"

"Tears flow quietly"

Ji Zeyu's singing voice is very suitable for this kind of fresh and sweet song, and his image is also suitable for this song. This type of song has a large audience, and young people nowadays like it. Ji Zeyu only sang a few simple lines, which already aroused enthusiastic applause from the audience.

"The weather on the street is slightly cool and the moonlight shines"

"I hum along the road"

"Looking for what we have never found" "Fate is tied"

The accompaniment of this song incorporates classical elements and modern fashion elements, rap, hip-hop, and guitar. The mix and match of many elements produces different effects.

It makes the song sound cheerful, lively and full of vitality. It is a fresh and sweet love song.

“I can’t feel you being strong for me”

"I can feel you lying to me"

"I quietly listened to Chopin"

"Melancholy with Vienna"

"Your love is buried and hate is collected"

"Pain should be forgiven"

“My love doesn’t need to be talked about or hated, and there’s no need to think about it.”

"The longing is burning"

This chorus part is not technically difficult. Ji Zeyu can sing it without any pressure. The overall melody is brisk, catchy, in line with public tastes, and suitable for large-scale dissemination.

At this point in the competition, Ji Zeyu's singing skills have also improved significantly, so this chorus successfully attracted the audience. His singing skills were recognized by the audience, and now there is thunderous applause and endless screams.

"I don't understand either"

"Why do so many people truly love each other?"

"to the end"

"It will become a helpless situation for two people to be separated."

"We said we wanted to have a talk"

"A love that never breaks up"

"Is this sentence today?"

This rap was very smooth and rhythmic. Ji Zeyu's singing skills were once again recognized. The audience continued to applaud enthusiastically, and the applause never stopped.

The whole song was performed very smoothly. Ji Zeyu performed exceptionally well and did not disappoint the audience. At the same time, the four instructors also nodded with satisfaction.

Ji Zeyu on the stage was handsome and elegant, with a confident smile on his face. After singing, he bowed to the audience to thank him.

The applause lasted for a long time before it stopped.

The host Li Fei walked onto the stage, came to Ji Zeyu, and said loudly: "Okay, thank you Ji Zeyu for bringing us a wonderful singing. Now let's ask the four instructors to comment!"

This is the first review tonight and everyone is looking forward to it.

Wu Peng was the first to say: "From a technical point of view, Ji Zeyu, you have made great progress. You have a strong sense of rhythm, good pitch, and a relatively stable breath. The song itself is more in line with today's young people and has become a Potential to be a hit!”

"Overall very good, come on!"

This was a good start. The first instructor gave Ji Zeyu a good review, which also made the audience look forward to the comments of the following instructors.

Zhang Ying said: "Ji Zeyu, your shortcomings are now made up by Xu Ruofeng. What will you do if one day Xu Ruofeng stops writing songs for you?"

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Only then did the audience suddenly notice this problem, because Xu Ruofeng's songs were all tailor-made for Ji Zeyu, maximizing Ji Zeyu's shortcomings.

Ji Zeyu himself had already figured this out.

In other words, he himself did not plan to stay in the entertainment industry for too long, so this issue was not within his scope of consideration.

The four instructors' comments on him were generally good. They approved of his singing, and the final score was in line with everyone's expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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