Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

The trailer for Chapter 135 Points Exhibition Competition is released, and the lineup of 6 guest sin

The trailer for Chapter 135 Points Exhibition Competition is released, and the lineup of six singing guests is announced

On this day, Tang Qian suddenly found Xu Ruofeng, and the two chatted alone in an empty room.

Tang Qian is the marketing director of Fengxing Media.

She belongs to the middle level of the company, with an annual salary of six figures. Judging from her style, she must have come up from the bottom of the competition. Therefore, she always has a strong aura about her, which makes many newbies nervous.

However, Xu Ruofeng was very calm. After all, he had seen many similar people in his previous life.

Tang Qian sat on the chair and said: "Now many people on the Internet are paying attention to you and digging for your life experience. When you are famous, you will also be accompanied by many problems. You are the singer that the company will focus on cultivating in the future. Every problem will be solved." You can’t ignore it, so regarding your life experience, the company plans to clean it up for you!”

This means that the company will create a copywriting to portray Xu Ruofeng as a child of a well-born family, so that it is in line with most people's views.

Otherwise, why would you, a poor boy from a rural area, defeat a boy from a rich family who has worked hard for many years?

For example, Ji Zeyu!
Xu Ruofeng understood, this was tantamount to setting up a character!
Isn’t that what idols develop?

When the house collapses, the idols will also collapse.

This is a common practice in the entertainment industry. Xu Ruofeng is not surprised. However, doesn't this mean throwing away his past?

Throw away the parents!

With the faces of his parents in his mind, Xu Ruofeng came to this world and felt the love of his family in a short period of time. Even when he was rich, his parents didn't want to stay in the capital and hold him back.

Although Xu Ruofeng did not love his parents to the death and never forget them, they were his parents in this life after all. He took over someone else's body, so he should do his duty to his parents.

"I was born in a rural area with low education and no power. I relied on my own efforts to get to where I am today. Isn't this more inspiring?" Xu Ruofeng said, looking directly at Tang Qian.

Tang Qian was quite surprised. This newcomer seemed to be very bold. Unlike the others, he was somewhat afraid of himself and had the greenness of a newcomer, while Xu Ruofeng looked more like a veteran and always had a touch of confidence in him.

"But who would believe it? In other words, what we want to do is to create a person who can make fans crazy about him!" Tang Qian said it very clearly.

In the entertainment industry, especially today's entertainment industry, establishing a character is a basic operation.

Xu Ruofeng said: "I don't want to throw away my past!"

Instead of creating a persona, it is better to face the true self, otherwise the house will collapse one day.

Once a persona is established, all aspects of Xu Ruofeng will be under public surveillance. If his words and deeds are not in line with the persona, the house will collapse at any time.

Once the persona is established, the company only needs to produce a copy and then spend a lot of money to post it on the entire network so that fans can see it.

Xu Ruofeng's meaning was already obvious. Tang Qian didn't say much. She was a smart person and immediately said: "I will report your intention to the company's senior management. You can go back first!"

After Xu Ruofeng left, Tang Qian couldn't help but sigh: "Nowadays, the post-[-]s are so impulsive!"

This is not the first time that Xu Ruofeng has violated the will of senior executives. When recording "My Stage", Xu Ruofeng rejected the wishes of senior executives because of copyright and remuneration.

In the end, the senior management agreed with Xu Ruofeng's decision.

Now everything seems to be in peace, but in fact the top management has become dissatisfied with Xu Ruofeng. However, Xu Ruofeng is now the mainstay of "Tomorrow's Star" and the most popular contestant, so the top management has not restricted Xu Ruofeng.

After the competition is over and Xu Ruofeng officially joins the company, that will be the real competition.

Xu Ruofeng also understands this. Every brokerage company is like a battlefield. Everyone is fighting for resources. Well-known unspoken rules and breaking news are the most common operations.This week's assessment will come soon.

The final assessment results still ranked Xu Ruofeng first and Jin Zhe second.

Meng Xue third.

Strictly speaking, her personal strength is much stronger than Ji Zeyu's, but Ji Zeyu has Xu Ruofeng's bonus in every competition.

The fourth is Ji Zeyu.

The fifth king Chengying.

The sixth party is Zihan.

There are no pending players in this assessment, and everyone will enter the points exhibition competition together.

Just when the assessment was over, the program team official, the official microwave of "Tomorrow Star", officially released the trailer for the points exhibition competition.

This trailer was promoted online all over the Internet and received over [-] million views in just one day.

And it has been on the hot search lists of major platforms.

At the beginning of the trailer, handsome photos of each contestant are shown in turn, followed by the big news.

The six singing guests were officially announced.

This is the characteristic of the points exhibition match, and it is also the biggest attraction of the points exhibition match. The combination of the old and the new, the seniors and the juniors, makes people have unlimited reverie and unlimited expectations.

The first singing guest is Pan Yu, a first-line singer, whose representative works are "The Last Hug" and "Boundless Love". His voice is clear and loud, and he is good at high notes.

The second singing guest is Su Qinghong, a first-line singer, whose masterpieces are "You Still Loved Me Yesterday" and "The Sun Rises and Loves Setting". Her voice is delicate, her singing is gentle, sweet as jade, and she is good at alto.

The third singing guest is Ding Ye, a powerful singer of the new generation, whose representative works are "Running for Love" and "Crossing the Abyss". He has a popular Internet smoke voice, a very masculine voice, a cool and lively style, and is good at rapping.

The fourth singing guest is Qu Xiaoxiao, a new generation of powerful female singer, whose representative works are "Sadness Is Dancing" and "Listen to the Rain Falling". She has a deep and deep voice and is good at bass.

The fifth singing guest is Wang Qian, the king of pop music, winner of the Golden Melody Award, creative talent, and high-quality idol. His representative works are "The Night I'm Waiting for You" and "Crossing the World for You". His voice is magnetic, his singing skills are comprehensive, and his skills are superb. , is good at blending the characteristics of Eastern and Western pop music.

The sixth singing guest is the pop music queen Wei Yin, winner of the Golden Melody Award and the queen of love songs. Her representative works are "Look at the Sea" and "Send Your Jacket". Her voice is clear and recognizable, with deep breath, powerful treble and stable bass.

The six guests cover three generations of singers, old, middle and young. There are two kings and queens, top singers, and two first-line singers who are the mainstays of today's music scene. There are also two new generation powerful singers. This lineup is very strong, and they are worthy of Teng Xun. Ah, the more money you have, the more powerful you are. You can actually invite so many people at once.

Let’s not talk about others, just those two kings and queens, their appearance fees are not low.

They are on the same level as Wu Peng and Zhang Ying!
Moreover, the program team invited all talented people, even the two new-generation singers, are all talented people. This also shows that the program tone of "Tomorrow Star" is to value strength, and this is not an idol development program.

It's a real music talent show.

This trailer quickly set off a storm on the Internet, triggering heated discussions and expectations among countless netizens.

(End of this chapter)

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