Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 136 This song is not difficult, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to sing it.

Chapter 136 This song is not difficult, but I’m afraid you won’t be able to sing it.

The trailer quickly reached the top of the microwave hot search list, and it is extremely popular. More than 10 million people have read this topic, and more than [-] people have participated in the discussion.

"What a strong lineup. Tengxun Company is really willing to spend money!"

"A company like Teng Xun can do this if it can hire so many big guys!"

"This show is getting more and more exciting. The first exhibition match was so exciting, wouldn't the next two games be amazing?"

"Two kings and queens, two A-listers, two new generations, they are all the most popular singers right now!"

"Everyone, why don't you guess who Xu Ruofeng will partner with!"

"Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe should be partners of the King of Heaven and Queen of Heaven, after all, they are the best players!"

"I'm really looking forward to Xu Ruofeng's new song. I don't know whether it will be his original song or something else!"

"Let's get started, I can't wait!"

"Start grabbing tickets tomorrow. Damn it, the ticket price has gone up again. Teng Xun really knows how to make money!"

"Three of the six guests are my favorite singers!"


Countless fans across the Internet are discussing it enthusiastically, and countless netizens are looking forward to the exhibition match.

Due to the popularity, the company started selling tickets and raised the ticket price a bit. Although many fans complained, they still competed for it, resulting in tens of thousands of tickets being quickly snatched up within 10 minutes of going on sale.

Of course, scalpers are indispensable for this. Some scalpers use special means to grab tickets, and then sell them to the audience at a high price. The price difference is very scary. It can be said to be a huge profit among huge profits, but there are still many fans rushing to buy.

Banners and promotional posters for the points exhibition competition have been hung around the Olympic Sports Center, as well as huge posters of the top six players, so that passersby can clearly see them.

Many fans even come here specifically to check in and take photos. However, since the Olympic Sports Center is not open to the public during non-competition periods, fans cannot enter and can only take photos outside.

The online warm-up and offline promotion are carried out simultaneously, making the points exhibition match very popular, and countless people are looking forward to the start of the game.

The company has also organized rehearsals.

The top six contestants stayed in separate rooms, waiting for the company's arrangements.

In fact, after the trailer came out, the top six contestants have already guessed who will be their partner.

Like Fang Zihan and Wang Chengying, they all want to partner with two new generation singers, but they dare not even think about other singers. Because of their lack of strength, even if they are forced to cooperate with the kings and queens, they will be extremely uncomfortable.

For example, Ji Zeyu and Meng Xue wisely chose two first-line singers, leaving the king and queen to Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe.

Everyone agrees that these two are the most qualified to sing with top singers.

However, this is just their conjecture and vision, not reality.

The company must have made arrangements long ago.

Xu Ruofeng stayed alone in the room. This room was not big, but there were some audio equipment, music equipment, etc. The sound insulation effect of the room was also very good. No matter how much movement there was in other rooms, no sound could be heard in this room.

So the room was unusually quiet.

Xu Ruofeng took advantage of his free time to turn on his mobile phone and check the information of the six guests online. The credibility of the public information was only half, or even less than half. After a brief understanding, Xu Ruofeng had a basic understanding of each guest. understand and keep it in mind.

"Teng Xun is so rich, he hired so many big guys at once!" Xu Ruofeng said with a smile.

He was talking to himself: "With Teng Xun's size and financial resources, this little money is actually nothing. If I had to choose, I still want to cooperate with Wang Qian. After all, he is very talented and handsome." , The singing skills are also very good..." Xu Ruofeng thought so, but in fact, this matter did not go according to his ideas at all.

In the end, his partner was actually Queen Wei Yin.

Wei Yin came in with Tang Qian. The two sat opposite Xu Ruofeng and looked at Xu Ruofeng seriously.

What surprised Wei Yin was that Xu Ruofeng was not as nervous or excited as other newcomers. He was more stable and mature, which seemed inconsistent with his age.

"Hello, senior Wei Yin, I am Xu Ruofeng!"

Out of politeness, Xu Ruofeng stood up immediately and shook hands with the other party. After all, Wei Yin's seat was there, and as a newcomer, he couldn't lack etiquette.

"Xu Ruofeng, I watched your competition, it was very exciting. I am here today. According to your company's agreement, I will be your guest singer!" Wei Yin said.

Xu Ruofeng observed her roughly. Wei Yin must be in her 40s this year. Her appearance cannot be said to be that stunning. There are already wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Her figure is also very ordinary. On the street, she is no different from an ordinary middle-aged woman. The only difference is The thing is, her speaking voice is obviously very nice, with a mysterious magnetism in the bass, and a magical magic that attracts the ears.

Maybe this is why she can become a queen.

Xu Ruofeng judged from this simple conversation that Wei Yin had a good voice.

"Then I'm honored. Senior Wei Yin is a top singer in the music industry, and I am a newcomer. It is my supreme honor to cooperate with you!" Xu Ruofeng licked it appropriately, so as to leave a good impression on the other party. After all, it is a newcomer. You still have to act like a newcomer.

"You have a sweet mouth!" Wei Yin said with a smile.

She also didn't expect that Xu Ruofeng, who dominated the stage, also had such a lively side.

A simple conversation gave the two parties a preliminary understanding. Xu Ruofeng had no intention of in-depth communication. After all, the two parties were only in a cooperative relationship now.

When talking about music, Tang Qian said: "On your side, the company can give you maximum freedom. Do you have any suitable music?"

Wei Yin said: "I would like to see your music!"

Everyone said that Xu Ruofeng was a musical talent, and she just wanted to see what Xu Ruofeng could produce today.

"No problem, I just don't know if my song will appeal to you?" Xu Ruofeng said with a smile.

Then he turned on his computer and opened a document.

Tang Qian and the two immediately looked at the music score carefully, and frowned as they looked at it.

"I'm just afraid you can't sing!" Xu Ruofeng muttered in his heart.

This song is technically complex and very difficult. It can really drive the original singer crazy, let alone the cover version.

"This song of yours is very difficult!" Wei Yin said.

Her face was solemn!
"Are you sure you want to sing this? Can't you change it to a simpler one?" Tang Qian asked.

"Mr. Tang, I don't write saliva songs. Besides, it would be a pity if I don't take advantage of such a good opportunity. Besides, with Senior Wei Yin's ability, this song should be fine!"

Xu Ruofeng said with a smile, keeping his eyes on Wei Yin.

"Haha, you kid, you are trying to put eye drops on me. If I don't sing, then I will admit defeat and make you look down on me!" Wei Yin said with a smile.

"No, I just think that as a queen, you will definitely not like ordinary songs! That's why I came up with this song and wanted to collaborate with you. Maybe we can create a god-level scene!"

(End of this chapter)

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