Chapter 58 Recording the theme song alone

When it comes to the chorus, everyone sings together. The advantage of having more people is that it can cover up those minor problems. Moreover, the song itself is a passionate song, and it is sung with great momentum, so as long as the voice is loud, there is no big problem in the chorus.

The chorus part passed quickly, and then came the part where Jin Zhe sang solo.

"If this is love"

"Persistence for all expectations"

"The stage of glory"

"Sing the brightest color"

Jin Zhe's singing skills are very solid. Although he is not as eccentric as Xu Ruofeng, he is excellent in all skills and has a very deep breath.

Jin Zhe is already perfect at mastering the tone and momentum. He showed his former champion style as soon as he opened his mouth, arousing a burst of admiration and admiration from the newcomers.

"No wonder he is a former champion, he sings so well!"

"Yes, after all, I am a debut singer, so my basic skills must be solid!"

"The only one who can compete with him is Xu Ruofeng!"

"I wonder if he will be popular after this game is over!"

"Whether it's red or not depends on your fate, but I think Xu Ruofeng will definitely become popular as long as he stays steady!"


The newcomers whispered, but Xu Ruofeng stared closely at Jin Zhe. This person's singing skills are currently on par with his own, and he is a strong opponent. Meeting him in the top ten competition, or the finals, is really tricky, but there are With such a strong opponent, the game is interesting.

There was a soft expression on Tang Qian's serious face, and it was obvious that she was very satisfied with Jin Zhe's excellent performance.

She didn't care much about Jin Zhe's past, she only cared that Jin Zhe's singing ability could not make the song more passionate and attractive.

Next it was the turn of Zhang He, Xiang Yang, Wang Chengying and Liu Yang to sing the chorus.

"I'm in a sea of ​​people"

"Work hard to make your dreams bloom."

"The strongest gesture"

The level of these four people is basically the same level, and their problems are generally the same. Just a few lyrics revealed many problems. As soon as they finished singing the song, the four newcomers were so scared that their hearts beat wildly. They also realized their own problems, and their eyes She looked at Tang Qian timidly.

"Sing again, until I'm satisfied!" Tang Qian's tone was cold and strong, exuding the aura of a strong woman in the workplace.

The four newcomers did not dare to slack off and immediately sang again, over and over again, more than a dozen times in a row.

"Okay, let's do this for now!" Tang Qian waved her hand, her tone was still cold, but everyone could feel that there was an endless storm hidden in this cold tone.

By the second chorus, everyone sang together.

"I control my own stage"

"Burning and boiling blood"

"Everywhere is overwhelming"

"Share all the joy"

"I want my wonderfulness"

Ten people singing a chorus, relatively speaking, have a much better effect. After all, there are Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe, and the overall feeling is very good.

This section and the last part were sung several times before they were over.

After the recording, the newcomers finally breathed a sigh of relief, just like students taking the college entrance examination. The moment they finished the last question and walked out of school, they felt that an invisible mountain on their bodies had disappeared.

There were even a few newcomers who were so nervous that they sweated.

"Tell me about it!" Tang Qian crossed her arms in front of her and glanced at each of the top ten players with stern eyes.Except for Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, and Ji Zeyu, the others more or less straightened their backs and listened carefully.

"For those who lack singing skills, I hope you will work hard to improve. If you have shortcomings now, I can tolerate you. The company will give you time to grow, but it will not tolerate you forever. If you don't live up to your expectations, then leave as soon as possible!"

Tang Qian's words were very strict and showed no mercy.

"Except for Xu Ruofeng, everyone else should go back. Come to the company tomorrow morning and shoot the MV. Don't be late!"

This sentence was like a pardon, and all the newcomers immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s just that everyone is curious as to why Xu Ruofeng is left alone!
Before Fang Zihan left, he looked back at Xu Ruofeng, as if he wanted to ask something.

Ji Zeyu also glanced at Xu Ruofeng, but he smiled, which was quite teasing.

Jin Zhe left without looking back, as if there was no one in the world worthy of his care.

Xu Ruofeng looked at Tang Qian quietly, waiting for her instructions.

Tang Qian was a little surprised by Xu Ruofeng's calmness. Among all the newcomers, Xu Ruofeng was the most mature one. Jin Zhe was already a debut singer. He was stable, which was normal.

But Xu Ruofeng's maturity does not match his age.

"I keep you because I want you to record it alone. This is the company's decision!" Tang Qian said.

"Why?" Xu Ruofeng asked.

Tang Qian said: "Because you are currently the most popular contestant, the company's senior management has repeatedly discussed and plans to use your solo version as the theme song of the show!"

"Okay! No problem!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Anyway, he has already collected the money, so just sing, it doesn’t matter!
Next, Xu Ruofeng entered the studio alone, put on a headset, and sang several times again.

The solo version is actually more powerful and full of emotions. Xu Ruofeng's female voice is full of breath, the singing is full of strong power, and the strong emotions are released from the abdomen and burst out through the throat, which is very contagious.

Tang Qian nodded slightly, Xu Ruofeng's performance had met her expectations.

Although this song Xu Ruofeng had a big talk with the company's top executives, including copyright, remuneration, and an exclusive resource package worth 100 million, his singing skills are indeed very good, which is undeniable.

After the recording, Tang Qian said: "You sang well. I'm here today. You can go back first and come over early tomorrow to shoot the MV!"

"OK, bye!"

Xu Ruofeng left the company, and while he had time today, he planned to invite director Tong Zhi to have a meal. After all, this was a promise that must be fulfilled.

Xu Ruofeng booked a high-end restaurant and waited for the director to arrive. Perhaps because he was too busy with work, Tong Zhi arrived much later than the reservation time.

"Just wait and be anxious!" Tong Zhi said.

"No, I just arrived. Director, please order. I don't know what you like!" Xu Ruofeng handed over the menu.

Tong Zhi was not polite and ordered a few signature dishes, but Xu Ruofeng didn't lack the money now, so he didn't feel bad.

While waiting for the food, Tong Zhi said: "I heard about the song recording. The company leaders speak highly of you!"

Xu Ruofeng smiled and said: "Thank you very much, director, you are my Bole!"

Tong Zhi liked this sentence very much and said: "But I want to advise you, don't go against the company in the future, otherwise you will not get any benefits!"

Of course Xu Ruofeng understood this, but he was also doing it for his own benefit.

"By the way, you and Ji Zeyu have a very good relationship!" Tong Zhi said meaningfully.

Xu Ruofeng smiled and said, "Why is the director so interested in my personal relationship?"

Tong Zhi said: "Ji Zeyu's background is not simple, you should know it!"

Xu Ruofeng nodded, of course he knew that since he was dealing with him, he must do a background check.

(End of this chapter)

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