Chapter 59 Shooting the MV
It's just that Xu Ruofeng is just trading with Ji Zeyu now, that's all, so even if Ji Zeyu has a background, it doesn't matter.

"You are very smart and know how to use your own advantages to fight for your own interests. Among young people, there are not many people as smart and scheming as you!" Tong Zhi said.

Xu Ruofeng: "Haha, I just think the director is praising me. People are all for themselves. We are all adults. I think you will understand!"

There is a very strange atmosphere in the conversation between the two people. They seem to be attacking each other, but they only stop there.

After eating, Xu Ruofeng went back to the hospital to stay with his parents, and came to the company again the next morning.

After experiencing yesterday's scene, the new contestants were obviously not so lively and excited. Tang Qian's sternness represented the attitude of the company's top management. Their halo as a top ten contestant seemed to have no effect in the company. They shined brightly on the stage. He was wildly followed by his fans, but when he arrived at the company, he was like a rookie entering the workplace and was mercilessly beaten by his superiors.

"Oh, why does it feel so difficult? I'm still very nervous!" Xiang Yang looked embarrassed.

Zhang He felt the same as him: "I heard that Director Tang is famous for being strict in the company. I think life will be difficult in the future!"

Meng Xue, who is handsome and charming, with a face full of collagen, said: "Who makes us weak? Look at Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe, there is no problem!"

Liu Yang, who is tall and slender and has a gentle temperament like the moon, said: "What do you think Director Tang did when he left Xu Ruofeng alone yesterday?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing.

Seeing Xu Ruofeng coming out of the bathroom, everyone rushed over.

"Huh? What are you doing around me?" Xu Ruofeng asked, confused.

"Everyone wants to know what happened after we left yesterday?" Fang Zihan said.

Ji Zeyu stared at him with a wicked smile.

Xu Ruofeng smiled: "It's nothing, I just recorded that song separately and the company decided to use it as the theme song!"

Only then did everyone realize that they had other plans for Xu Ruofeng!
No wonder, at present, only Xu Ruofeng is qualified to sing alone, because he wrote the song itself, he is also the most popular, and his singing skills are also very personal and highly recognizable.

Ji Zeyu said secretly: "I thought you two were communicating in depth!"

Xu Ruofeng smiled and shook his head.

After everyone chatted for a while, they saw Tang Qian walking towards her at a fast and steady pace. The newcomers wisely shut up and put away their smiles.

Tang Qian looked at everyone and said: "The MV shooting today must be completed within one day. Time is tight. I hope everyone can concentrate and devote themselves to it. Okay, follow me now!"

Everyone followed Tang Qian to the upper floor. This floor should be the company's internal shooting venue, not an office area. It was filled with various props, costumes, and shooting equipment. There were also various hangings overhead. Light fixtures.

"Let's get to know the director first!" Tang Qian pointed to a middle-aged man in front of her and said, "This is the director who shot the MV, Huang Hao. Director Huang is very famous in the industry. He is a professional in shooting MVs. He has given many A-list singers have personally shot and produced MVs, and it is not easy for the company to invite Director Huang, so you should cherish this opportunity, shoot seriously, and learn more!"

Director Huang Hao also briefly introduced himself: "I have watched your competition and it was very exciting, especially Xu Ruofeng. Your personal style is very strong and is more suitable for development in the entertainment industry. Today is the first time for us to cooperate. I hope everything will go well." smoothly!"

The top ten players greeted Director Huang one by one, very politely.

Before the filming begins, makeup artists and stylists need to design appropriate looks for each person based on their characteristics. In fact, the makeup for men is relatively simple, but the makeup for the three ladies is more complicated.

The overall shape has a unified style. In terms of clothing color, men mainly wear black with gray, and women mainly wear white.

Men's clothing is basically a black short-sleeved or gray vest paired with dark jeans, which is simple and elegant, showing a youthful atmosphere.Women's clothing is mainly white long skirts, which not only look youthful, but also look noble and elegant.

Men's hairstyles are relatively simple. Like Xu Ruofeng's hairstyle, it is even simpler. With a little trimming, it will be a refreshing and stylish short-inch hairstyle.

Women's hairstyles are more time-consuming. For example, Fang Zihan originally had black curly hair that fell over her shoulders. In order to highlight her beauty, the stylist continued to take care of her curly hair, making it more wavy than before. The color of her hair There is no need to change, black is just fine, and it also makes Fang Zihan's skin fair.

Meng Xue and Liu Yang, one is the pretty and pleasant type, and the other is the gentle and gentle sister-next-door type. Just focus on Meng Xue’s face and highlight Liu Yang’s good figure.

In short, the stylist creates the best styling effect based on each person's strengths.

It's just that when everyone saw Xu Ruofeng's tough and stylish appearance, and then thought of his singing voice, they felt a huge contrast for a while.

The next step is positioning. This link is essential and critical.

Position illustrates each person's strength and status.

The camera will definitely take more photos of the C position, and the audience’s eyes will also focus more on the C position.

It's just that the C position is not for ordinary people.

The positioning of ten people should first highlight their strength, and secondly highlight their good looks and outstanding appearance. After all, everyone knows that outstanding appearance is a great advantage in the entertainment industry.

Also, the position should highlight the will of the company's senior management. Whoever the company wants to train will be able to stand in a good position.

"Fang Zihan, you stand third from the left!"

"Liu Yang, you stand second from the left!"

"Meng Xue, stand behind Jin Zhe!"

Tang Qian began to assign positions.

This position has been decided a long time ago. It was decided after unanimous discussion by the company's management. It is not absolutely fair, but all factors have been taken into consideration.

Xiang Yang is at the far end, Ji Zeyu is next to Xu Ruofeng, and Jin Zhe is also next to Xu Ruofeng. The two of them are standing on the left and right of Xu Ruofeng.

Soon, the positions were assigned!
There are two rows in total. In the middle of the first row is Xu Ruofeng, which is the C position!
No one has any objections to him standing in this position, he deserves it!
Those around the C position of the substation are Ji Zeyu and Jin Zhe.

Next to Ji Zeyu and Jin Zhe are Yu Long and Wang Chengying!
In the second row, which is the row at the back, there are three ladies in the middle. Among them, Fang Zihan is in the middle, Liu Yang and Meng Xue are on the left and right, Xiang Yang is first on the left, Zhang He is fifth on the left, and two boys stand on both sides.

If you look closely at this site, you can see the company’s intentions.

First of all, there is nothing to say about the positions of Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, and Ji Zeyu. These three are the strongest.

The key lies in Fang Zihan's position. She ranks ninth among the top ten players, with a score of 92, but she stands in the middle of the second row.

Behind Xu Ruofeng!
Meng Xue and Liu Yang on both sides of her, one ranked fourth with 94 points, and the other ranked sixth with 93 points.

Which of the two is not stronger than Fang Zihan?
(End of this chapter)

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