Chapter 60 Promotional song and MV released
Xu Ruofeng guessed that the company might be trying to take advantage of Fang Zihan's beauty. Maybe there were other reasons. Of course, this was just a guess.

Because Tang Qian's aura is so strong, everyone has no objection to this position.

After everything was ready, shooting officially started.

In fact, the shooting of MVs is similar to that of film and television dramas, except that MVs need to show a lot of content in a few minutes, so the shooting techniques are slightly different.

The top ten contestants move, stand, and pose according to the director's instructions. Then when the music starts, they lip-sync. The real singing voices will be added in post-production.

Among the top ten contestants, only Jin Zhe and Xu Ruofeng have actually filmed a MV. The others were filming for the first time. In addition to the freshness, they were also a little nervous.

It's normal for newcomers to be nervous, so Tang Qian didn't think there was anything wrong. Jin Zhe is a veteran, and filming MVs is commonplace, but Xu Ruofeng is a newcomer, why does he act so mature.

This made Tang Qian look at her with admiration.

"Keep shooting and show your best!" Tang Qian said to the top ten contestants with a serious expression after finishing the first shot.

These newcomers can only complain in their hearts, this is different from the singer career they imagined.

So, a MV that only lasted a few minutes was shot repeatedly for a whole day, striving to achieve the best effect until both the director and Tang Qian were satisfied.

After the filming, everyone was exhausted physically and mentally, but Tang Qian still had to lecture, so everyone didn't dare to slack off, let alone complain in front of her.

"Thank you for your hard work. I see the performance of each of you. I have an account in my mind of who performed well and who performed poorly. I hope that everyone can have a good performance in the upcoming top ten games and finals." Results, go back and rest first!" Tang Qian said.

After saying that, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief and ran out of the school like students who had been given instructions to leave school.

When leaving the company, Ji Zeyu said angrily: "It seems that you still need to be good-looking. You can stand in such a good position with just one face!"

Everyone understands the deeper meaning of these words, but some people don't want to cause trouble, so they pretend not to hear it.

Jin Zhe heard it but didn't bother to care, and so did Xu Ruofeng.

Anger appeared on Fang Zihan's pretty face: "That's better than you, you have nothing but money!"

Ji Zeyu was not angry, but said with a smile: "I also used my own money. Alas, it seems that I have to be reincarnated as a woman in my next life!"

He said this very loudly, deliberately raising his voice so that everyone could hear it, and Fang Zihan's face turned red with anger.

But Ji Zeyu walked away at a leisurely pace.

Everyone went their separate ways, and no one paid any attention to Fang Zihan, as if nothing happened.

After Xu Ruofeng left the company, he continued to return to the hospital to stay with his parents.

Now that the top ten games are approaching, the company and the program team are using all channel resources to promote the top ten games and build momentum for this game in advance.

The results are very good, and the audience is looking forward to it more and more. The number of views of previous programs continues to rise, and the number of views of the top ten contestants' promotional videos and press conference videos also continues to increase.

The sales of peripheral products of the top ten players are booming. Although this fan economy cannot last long, it will definitely make a profit in the short term.

Soon, the promotional songs for the top ten players were officially released.

This time, the tracks will be directly launched on the three major music platforms under the Tengxun Group. This is the resources and channels of Fengxing Media. With Tengxun as its backing, it can make the most of all the resources of Tengxun, a giant.

Tengxun has three major music platforms: Cool Music, Tengxun Music, and Smart Music.

These three online music platforms occupy 80.00% of the domestic market share.

Has hundreds of millions of users.

The music video will be released simultaneously with the song, of course.

Just two hours after the song was released, it quickly reached the top five of the new song charts on the three major music platforms. Three hours later, it successfully topped the new song charts.At the same time, it also topped the soaring chart and the hot song chart.

The combined number of song reviews on the three platforms exceeds 3.

"Oh my gosh, this song is so good. It makes my blood boil."

"Yes, the song was actually written by Xu Ruofeng. Sure enough, he did not disappoint me!"

"I feel like the champion must be him. Oh my God, I'm really looking forward to the top ten games and the finals!"

“Ten people singing together, it’s so powerful!”

"After such a comparison, the gap becomes clear. It is obvious that Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe sing the best, while the others are at about the same level!"

"Let the top ten competition begin quickly. I can't wait. I even bought posters and photos of the top ten players two days ago!"

"Fengxing Media is such a big deal. Three platforms are launched at the same time. It's amazing!"


The number of views of the MV exceeded more than 24 million within 8000 hours, firmly occupying No. 1 on the MV list.

The combined number of comments on the three platforms reached more than 1.

"Xu Ruofeng's look is so cool!"

"Fang Zihan is so beautiful, it feels like the moon is surrounded by stars!"

"Xu Ruofeng deserves the C position! Even Jin Zhe can only stand on one side!"

"Ji Zeyu's strength shouldn't stand next to Xu Ruofeng!"

"There's something wrong with this position!"

"Fang Zihan should stand on the side and let Liu Yang stand in the middle!"

"It looks so exciting. When will the top ten games start? I will definitely buy a ticket to go there this time!"

"Our class went crazy. Xu Ruofeng's fans and Ji Zeyu's fans almost got into a fight!"


The release of the song and MV set off a huge wave on the Internet, triggering heated discussions among countless netizens. Almost all the top five positions on the hot topic lists of major websites were occupied by the top ten players.

On Weibo, the most searched topic is "Top Ten Players Promotional Song".

The real-time reading volume exceeded 5000 million, and the number of discussions exceeded 1.

A well-known big V said: "Xu Ruofeng's song is still online at a high level. The overall style of the song fits the characteristics of the program very well. It is full of positive energy and positivity. It profoundly interprets the theme of young people's passionate struggle. The melody of the song is catchy and the rhythm is dynamic. , is very suitable for mass communication. Judging from the results in the past few days, this is indeed the case. However, there are obvious stratifications in the singing skills of the top ten contestants. Xu Ruofeng and Jinzhe are at the same level, Ji Zeyu is barely okay, and everyone else is at the same level! "

Singing skills are still the focus of everyone's attention. Anyone with long ears can hear the difference in singing skills.

Because the song itself was written by Xu Ruofeng, it was naturally accepted by everyone, not to mention the quality of the song itself. Although it is not as amazing as "Big Fish", as a passionate song, it is enough.

Another well-known blogger commented: "There is nothing to say about the songs themselves. They are all very good. There are two problems that can be said. One is the stratification of the top ten players' singing skills. I think those players with poor singing skills should be ranked among the top ten players. They will be the first to be eliminated in strong competitions!”

This is true. The evaluation criteria for the top ten competitions are definitely different from those in the past. They are just like sifting out the real gold.

(End of this chapter)

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