Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 75 There are too many variables, Vocal Music Professor

Chapter 75 There are too many variables, Vocal Music Professor

The dormitory is not large, about [-] square meters. Each person has a bed, placed against the wall. The bed has been covered with clean and brand-new bedding and pillows. In addition to the bed, there is also a wooden table near the window. In addition, each person has a cupboard to store clothes and other personal belongings.

Xu Ruofeng walked into the bathroom, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes. She was sweating a lot in this summer, so if she turned on the air conditioner, ate some fruit, and watched TV, she wouldn't be too happy.

The living conditions are already quite good. For this reason alone, the company has provided sufficient care and benefits for the newcomers. It seems that this stay at Star Academy is worth looking forward to.

"Why do I see you looking worried? Are you dissatisfied with my new roommate?" Ji Zeyu was lying on the sofa, eating fruit and staring at the TV.

After the two of them packed their luggage, they first cleaned the dormitory, then they took a shower and lay on the sofa to enjoy the benefits provided by the company.

From this point of view, Ji Zeyu is not the kind of young man who opens his mouth when he is ready to eat. He still works very quickly.

"I'm just thinking about the competition. It has nothing to do with you. If I have that free time, I might as well take a nap!" Xu Ruofeng said.

Ji Zeyu laughed and said, "Do I have such a small weight in your heart? Then tell me, what did you think of?"

Xu Ruofeng said: "I don't know! But our sudden move into Star Academy must be a change, and maybe the competition system has also changed!"

Ji Zeyu thought for a while and said, "Maybe, but it won't have any impact on me!"

Xu Ruofeng said: "You will be the one to inherit the family business in the future, so of course it won't affect you. I think you might as well quit early and leave more resources for others!"

Ji Zeyu shook his head and said firmly: "No, music is my dream! Dream, do you understand?"

Xu Ruofeng talked to him lazily and immediately lay down on the bed to rest.

When Ji Zeyu saw this, he turned off the TV and went to bed to rest.

Nothing happened today, and the company did not arrange work for the players, so everyone lived very comfortably. The place to eat was in a small canteen not far from the dormitory. Someone cooked every day, and the food tasted pretty good.

While Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe stayed in the dormitory, reading and listening to music, the other boys curiously visited each other's dormitories.

It's like being a freshman.

"The living conditions are so good. I'm afraid I won't want to leave once I get used to it!" Xiang Yang said.

"Yes, it seems that our company is still rich, and maybe there will be better benefits in the future!" Wang Chengying said.

"Isn't it just a benefit to stay at Star Academy this time? We still have to study, and maybe a famous teacher will be invited to guide us!" Yu Long said.

He talked a lot with Wang Chengying. Since he had the opportunity to learn this time, he should study hard.

Although Yu Long's singing skills are not that bad, he has no particularly obvious advantages.

To put it bluntly, there are a lot of problems. He is in his early twenties, has fair skin, is tall, thin, has a delicate appearance, and has good appearance. If he follows the path of an idol, he might not be famous.

But like Wang Chengying, he both likes to sing. Although he is not very talented, he usually works hard and puts in a lot, and does not want to give up easily.

"I always feel that things are not that simple!" Wang Chengying said.

His long, bushy eyebrows were furrowed tightly.

Under the long eyebrows, there are a pair of big eyes with long and thick eyelashes.

A pair of black eyes are shining like black gems, the bridge of the nose is high, the lips are slightly thin and red, and she looks more delicate than many girls.

In terms of looks alone, Wang Chengying is not inferior to anyone, because he is a typical thick-faced handsome guy.Compared with Xu Ruofeng and Xiang Yang, they are two completely different styles.

The boys came to Xu Ruofeng's dormitory at the same time. Xu Ruofeng brought them some food and water, which was a simple treat.

"Can you please stop staying in your house and have fun with the people?" Ji Zeyu said.

Xu Ruofeng chuckled: "I don't like to join in the fun, you can just have fun!"

"It's boring! You look like a young man in his early twenties, but you have the mentality of a man in his 50s and [-]s!" Ji Zeyu complained!

Xu Ruofeng smiled and did not refute him!
Because he originally had a 40-year-old soul and a 20-year-old body.

"What do you think we will do tomorrow?" Xiang Yang asked.

He ate fruits and snacks without hesitation.

"Of course it's studying. We can't keep hanging out. After all, there's a competition next week and we don't have much time! We also have to prepare our own competition songs. Time is very tight!" She has long eyelashes that are more beautiful than any girl. Wang Chengying, with big eyelids, said.

"Yes, then everyone's competition songs should be ready!" Yu Long looked at everyone and said.

"Of course, but I have to practice more one or two days before the competition!" said Xiang Yang, who is tall, well-proportioned and strong, with healthy wheat-colored skin.

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Xu Ruofeng, and he smiled: "Everyone, prepare yourself. When we get to the competition site, everything will be made public!"

Ji Zeyu curled his lips. Xu Ruofeng's mouth was too tight and couldn't be pried open no matter how hard he tried.

On the first day of moving into Star Academy, everyone was very happy. Except for the girls’ dormitory, which didn’t go in, the boys’ dormitory had already visited each other.

Everyone had a good rest at night. The next morning, just after breakfast, the nine rookie contestants received a message from the company.

Everyone is staring at their phones!
"Go down, we have to study in the vocal music classroom!" Xu Ruofeng said.

The dormitory is on the [-]th floor, and the vocal music classroom is on the [-]th floor.

The entire building, with more than 30 floors, belongs to Fengxing Media.

The elevator quickly descended to the tenth floor. This floor was not an office area, but had several rooms of different sizes, including a vocal classroom and a dance studio.

The classroom for the nine contestants can visually accommodate four or fifty people, but at this moment, except for the nine newcomers, there is no one else.

Everyone waited uneasily in the classroom for a while. At this time, Tang Qian led a middle-aged woman into the classroom.

This middle-aged woman is fat, not tall, and of average length, but she wears a floral skirt, has short black hair, fair skin, looks elegant, and exudes the aura of an artist.

After the nine contestants stood up, Tang Qian said: "Study officially begins today. The company has arranged specific courses for everyone. Just take the classes seriously. Now I will introduce to you the lady beside me."

"She is a vocal music professor from the Beijing Conservatory of Music. She is a very famous expert in the industry. It was difficult for the company to invite her here this time. I hope everyone will cherish this opportunity and study hard. Otherwise, after this week is over, the person with the worst score will Become a pending player for the next game!”

Tang Qian's words made everyone confused. What kind of undecided contestants are they?Isn't this Star Academy? Has the competition system been changed?
Moreover, you may also need to be graded and evaluated during the study process this week.

The female vocal music professor briefly greeted everyone, and then Tang Qian said, "Let me explain it to you in detail!"

(End of this chapter)

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