Chapter 76 Vocal Training
Tang Qian's expression was very serious. As soon as the nine contestants saw this posture, they knew that there was something important. Everyone took it seriously and did not dare to be careless.

"Every week's study will make the final ranking in the form of assessment. The last person in each assessment will be the undecided player in the next game. The undecided player still has a chance to be resurrected at the competition site, so you have to work hard! "

Only then did everyone understand that the original competition system had really changed, but now it was only the tip of the iceberg. The complete new competition system was not known to everyone yet, and it would surely be officially announced at the competition site.

But this week, at Star Academy, that's the rule for the time being.

Just like the competition, assessments are used to test the learning results of the week.

In an instant, everyone felt that the air had become extremely heavy and the atmosphere was tense.

Tang Qian continued: "You don't have much time. After this week's study, you have to prepare for the next game immediately, which is the second knockout match. Nine will advance to eight!"

"I will inform you of these things when the time comes, but I want to remind you that for this competition, each of you had better prepare two songs, preferably like this!"

At this point, Tang Qian didn't want to talk any more, and the nine contestants were filled with doubts.

Everyone watched Tang Qian leave, and their mood became very dull. These changes showed that the format of the next game will be more complicated and the game will be more difficult.

The future is filled with too much uncertainty.

Everyone exchanged glances with each other, and everyone's eyes were full of doubts.

"Hello everyone, I am your vocal teacher, my name is Chen Hua!"

The vocal music professor from the Beijing Conservatory of Music slowly walked up to the podium. On this three-foot podium, there were not only multimedia boxes, but also pianos and other equipment, which were very complete.

Professor Chen Hua maintained a straight posture and said: "I have read the information of each of you. Generally speaking, everyone's voice conditions are good, and there are even a few contestants who have very good singing skills!"

The very outstanding ones, of course, refer to Xu Ruofeng and others, and only he and Jin Zhe deserve to be regarded as very outstanding.

"Everyone has different levels and different starting points, but according to the company's regulations, everyone must learn from the basics, so I hope everyone will study hard!"

When he said this, Professor Chen Hua inadvertently glanced at Xu Ruofeng a few more times.

Of course Xu Ruofeng understood that she was telling him!
I also told Jin Zhe to tell them not to be proud!
Xu Ruofeng didn't know what Jin Zhe was thinking, but Xu Ruofeng essentially didn't reject this kind of learning opportunity. There was nothing wrong with having a solid foundation in learning.

Besides, Professor Chen Hua is a big figure in the academic school, and his vocal training must be more systematic and scientific, which may give Xu Ruofeng some unexpected gains.

No matter in his previous life or now, Xu Ruofeng was not from an orthodox academic school, he must have belonged to a wild school!

Singing skills and other things were all figured out by Xu Ruofeng himself.

"Okay, let's start class!" Professor Chen Hua said.

She adjusted the piano first, and then said: "In the first lesson today, let's open up our voices and practice vocal production!"

The so-called vocalization means singing through scientific vocalization methods. Once you learn it, singing will be much easier and it won’t strain your voice.

The purpose of vocal training is to allow people to learn various vocal skills, gradually improve through regular and orderly methods, and gradually improve the physiological function of vocalization.

Mediate the coordination of various organs in the body and develop a good singing state.

After practicing for a long time, your voice will be full of emotion when singing.

Years of practice will form this scientific vocal method into muscle memory, replacing the natural vocal habit.

Among the nine contestants, almost no one has received basic training from teachers sent by the school. Therefore, many contestants immediately felt very novel after hearing the teacher's lecture, as if they had discovered a new world.

Professor Chen Hua stood on the three-foot podium with a dignified manner and said: "Of all vocal training, breathing is the most important!"

"Everyone, let's see what I do first!" Professor Chen Hua opened her mouth, opened her chin downwards, and pressed it against her throat. At the same time, she took a deep breath. While she was inhaling, her stomach was also moving. , deflated instantly.

"That's the right way to inhale, use your belly to breathe!"

Everyone follows this action and initially tries to adjust the breath with the new breathing method.

This method also strengthens the breath and further improves breath control.

Because it was a short-term training, Professor Chen Hua did not teach too much theory, but tried to teach everyone how to practice breathing and vocalization in a practical way.

After breathing practice, it’s time to speak.

Practice in the bass range first.

For example, to practice the pronunciation of "ah", teacher Chen Hua played seven consecutive upward notes, and the nine contestants followed the accompaniment.


"Okay, go on!"

"do it again!"


In addition to "ah", there are also "um", "um"...

This is true for both the mid-range and treble areas. After repeated training in a class, the most obvious feeling everyone feels is that they are hungry!

In this regard, Teacher Chen Hua said: "That's right, because just now we used the breath from the abdomen to make sounds, and the abdomen is constantly moving, so it strengthens the digestion ability. If we continue to sing seriously, normal people will be hungry, and My throat won’t feel uncomfortable either!”

The players were very happy to learn new skills, and the experience was very novel, which diluted the tense atmosphere before.

In the morning, in addition to practicing vocalization, I also practiced articulation, articulation, breathing, and breath fusion control.

Vocal training cannot be practiced for a long time every day, as it will damage the body's vocal organs. Control the time reasonably every day, and then continue, and your singing skills will naturally improve.

In the afternoon, Teacher Chen Hua will explain theoretical knowledge to everyone.

Academic music theory knowledge is very detailed and comprehensive, covering everything from the most basic seven notes to music types, genres, vocal techniques, etc.

Xu Ruofeng studied very seriously, as if he were in school.

I just took advantage of my time at Star Academy to learn the basics more solidly.

In this training, the company considered very comprehensively. In addition to vocal music, it also included sight-singing and ear training, music appreciation, image and deportment, and overall quality.

The course in the morning of the second day is sight-singing and ear training!
Teacher Chen Hua taught the class, and the nine contestants looked forward to it. After yesterday's class, everyone had a good impression of Teacher Chen Hua. The atmosphere was very relaxed during her class, and everyone's psychological pressure was reduced a lot. Moreover, Teacher Chen Hua often He encouraged everyone and comforted everyone, which also made the nine newcomers more confident to face the test of the future.

The so-called sight-singing and ear training tests students’ sense of pitch, rhythm, and musical memory.

The general test method is to read the music and sing on the spot, or listen to a song on the spot, and the students have to imitate and sing it.

This is somewhat difficult, especially for beginners.

"So in this class, let's take a preliminary test of everyone's pitch, rhythm, and memory!" Teacher Chen Hua said.

(End of this chapter)

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