Entertainment: The female singing voice at the beginning is popular all over the Internet

Chapter 77 Sight-singing and ear training, listening to the sound model and singing

Chapter 77 Sight-singing and ear training, listening to the sound model and singing
For these newcomers, sight-singing and ear training is a very new thing, and it is also the first time for them to come into contact with the orthodox vocal training from academies.

Teacher Chen Hua prepared the score, looked at everyone, and asked: "Which student volunteered to take the first test?"

Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe were unmoved, with calm expressions, while the others began to hesitate. Look at me, look at you, no one dared to be the first to test.

"Let me come!" Xiangyang volunteered and was the first to stand up. He also mustered up the courage. This boy, who is 1.8 meters tall, has a strong build and has wheat-colored healthy skin. Although he has a weak foundation, he has been very serious in class these two days. , learned a lot, and Teacher Chen Hua had a good impression of him.

Xiangyang took the initiative to be the first to take the test, which made the other newcomers breathe a sigh of relief. No one wanted to be the first to take the test, because the first person to take the test is often the focus of the teacher's attention, and the pressure is great, just like in The first person to appear in the game.

"Student Xiang Yang is doing very well, come on! This is a piece of music. I give you 1 minute to memorize it. Then I will take it back and you have to memorize it completely!" Teacher Chen Hua handed the music score to Xiang Yang.

This is one of the examination methods of sight-singing and ear training. Candidates have to memorize more scores and melodies in a limited time.

The requirements for candidates' comprehensive strength are very high.

Xiang Yang was concentrating on memorizing the score, while the others watched quietly, not daring to disturb him, while Chen Hua was keeping time.

"Okay, it's time!"

Chen Hua said, taking back the score at the same time!

"Let's start when you're ready!" Chen Hua said.

Xiang Yang's face was obviously a little nervous, but he chose this path himself, so he had no choice but to go on.

In fact, the score is not long and the melody is not complicated, but it is still difficult for ordinary people to memorize it all in one minute.

Xiang Yang tried to calm down his mood and began to recite.

"Sister-in-law Mi brought Ruimi down..."

"Rui Rui Missi reversed the rope..."

Xiang Yang could still hum the first few sentences completely, and the pitch and melody were basically correct. But at the end, Xiang Yang couldn't remember clearly. The melody was always wrong, and the notes were also wrong.

Whenever he made a mistake, Xiangyang became nervous. The more nervous he became, the more he made mistakes. Xiangyang was embarrassed to look up at the teacher again.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I really can't remember the next few sentences!" Xiangyang felt so guilty that he didn't dare to look directly at the teacher's face.

The other contestants are feeling the pressure. If Xiang Yang sings so poorly, there shouldn't be any punishment!

Unexpectedly, Teacher Chen Hua smiled softly: "It doesn't matter. Today is just a preliminary understanding of your true level. You just need to perform normally!"

As a result, everyone felt much more relaxed. Xiang Yang also smiled relaxedly. At the same time, he lamented that his talent was too poor and he didn't know how Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe would perform.

The second test is to listen to the sound model singing.

Listen to a piece of music live and sing it.

This one is more difficult than the previous one. It purely tests the students' sense of sound and memory, pitch, rhythm, sense of melody, etc.

As the difficulty reached another level, Xiangyang did not dare to be careless. When Teacher Chen Hua played music on the computer, Xiangyang listened attentively.

This is a piece of music without lyrics, which can be understood as pure music. Everyone feels that this is the first time they hear this music, and it is not a piece that has been released on the market.

It must be a piece of music used for the exam, or a piece compiled by Teacher Chen Hua himself. The more so, the more difficult the exam will be.

Soon, the song had finished playing, which lasted about 1 minute.

Xiang Yang looked troubled, and Teacher Chen Hua said, "Let's start when you're ready!"

Xiang Yang sighed softly, recalling the tune in his mind, and hummed it slowly based on his memory.

"Poor lasori, pour rice..."

"Misori pulled down Sifari..."

"From Rui to Rui..." Xiang Yang sang the first few lines correctly, but something went wrong later. Either the notes were wrong, the melody was wrong, or the tone was wrong.

All in all, there are many problems.

As he sang, Xiang Yang showed a guilty look on his face, and he felt very embarrassed.

"I'm sorry, teacher, I can only remember so much!" Xiang Yang was very sorry!

Chen Hua chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just the first test. You will have opportunities to improve in the future!"

After Xiang Yang's difficult test was completed, he breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the others, and instantly felt that everyone's eyes became extremely nervous.

"Next!" Chen Hua said.

"I'll come!" Yu Long said.

His singing skills are slightly better than Xiang Yang's, and both of them are about the same height. They both belong to the tall type, but Xiang Yang's style is more masculine, and Yu Long's style is delicate.

In the first part of sight-singing, Yu Long's performance was pretty good, better than Xiang Yang. However, in the second part of listening and singing, Yu Long's performance was also very poor.

And the most important thing is that the music Yu Long listens to is completely different from Xiang Yang's, which also dispels many people's thoughts of taking advantage of the situation. The teacher has already thought of this, so the music given to each student is different.

The following is Liu Yang's test. He was excellent in the sight-singing part and could basically finish the song. In the listening-to-singing part, Liu Yang could only sing half of it correctly, and in this half there were problems with being out of tune and singing wrong notes.

Meng Xue's overall performance is slightly better, but the biggest problem lies in listening to the sound model singing.

The test results of Wang Chengying and Fang Zihan were generally similar. Even Ji Zeyu, who was extremely popular in the competition, had not very good test results.

Most contestants can perform well in the sight-singing part, but most perform poorly in the listening and modeling part.

When it was Jin Zhe's turn to test, everyone was looking forward to it. This former champion and debut singer had no doubt about his personal strength.

The first was the sight-singing part. Jin Zhe spent 1 minute reading the music score, and then he sang it accurately. The pitch, rhythm, and melody were all well controlled. This also made other newcomers admire Jin Zhe even more.

The difficulty is to listen to the sound model singing, and the song given to Jin Zhe is different from others.

Jin Zhe listened to the song for 1 minute and then started singing.

Teacher Chen Hua nodded with satisfaction. After testing several people, one finally met the standard.

Moreover, Chen Hua had already read Jin Zhe's information and had expectations for him.

Not surprisingly, Jin Zhe successfully completed the test.

The other newcomers couldn't help but applaud, and at the same time they felt a lot of pressure in their hearts. With such a strong opponent, the others were destined not to make it to the end. The final stage was destined to be between the two strong men he and Xu Ruofeng. duel.

Finally it was Xu Ruofeng's turn to test.

His singing skills are very strong, but even so, he did not slack off during vocal training. On the contrary, he worked harder than anyone else.

"Xu Ruofeng, I'll give you one minute to read the score!" Teacher Chen Hua said.

The score he gave was a brand new piece of music, and Xu Ruofeng memorized it with all his concentration.

One minute later, Xu Ruofeng started singing.

“Inverted Soso Mirella”

"Ririmila Sisori..."

"Miri Solasi is in trouble..."


(End of this chapter)

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