Chapter 95 The second round of the resurrection match begins

Facing everyone's congratulations, Xu Ruofeng accepted it generously. He understood that this was the glory brought by strength. In the entertainment industry, if you don't have strength, it means no one cares.

Xu Ruofeng just sat down and took a sip of water. The singing he just performed was still a bit taxing on his throat. Of course, his singing voice was far less strenuous than high notes. Moreover, Xu Ruofeng was very careful when drinking water. He rarely drank ice water and tried to drink room temperature water. Water, this is also to protect your throat and prolong your career as much as possible.

Although he has a tattoo blessing, he can't be too casual, otherwise it will be too late to regret.

"Xu Ruofeng, what you sang just now was so wonderful. We were all fascinated. By the way, what is your singing style called? How come it also incorporates elements of opera?" Xiang Yang asked in surprise.

Xu Ruofeng laughed and said: "This is called opera. I combine traditional opera singing with pop music. The specific vocalization is opera vocals!"

Everyone suddenly realized that this was a opera tune, and it turned out that the vocals needed to be sung in opera. It seemed that most people couldn't sing, because many people didn't know how to vocalize in opera.

"You are such a genius, so creative, Xu Ruofeng, I admire you so much!" The handsome and charming Meng Xue has become Xu Ruofeng's little fan girl.

She was so envious of Xu Ruofeng's talent and thought that if Xu Ruofeng gave her even more of his talent, it would be enough for her to compete.

"There are too few newcomers as stunning as you. Even Wu Peng, the king of the year, was not as stunning as you when he first debuted. What's more, you haven't debuted yet!" Liu Yang said. She looked at Xu Ruofeng with admiration in her eyes. With infatuation, what girl wouldn’t like a handsome young guy with talent and good looks like Xu Ruofeng!
Xu Ruofeng said modestly: "You praise me too much. How can I be compared with Teacher Wu Peng? He is our senior. We must learn from him at any time!"

The reason why Xu Ruofeng said this was, firstly, because he had no intention of comparing with Wu Peng, and secondly, because in the entertainment industry, you have to be careful when speaking, otherwise you might get into trouble one day just because of one sentence. This is Xu Ruofeng's experience in his previous life. .

"That's great, Xu Ruofeng, you surprised all of us!" Wang Chengying, a handsome man with thick face, said, his tone full of admiration and envy for Xu Ruofeng.

"I didn't expect you to know opera. It seems that you have learned it before, otherwise you wouldn't be able to sing so well!" Yu Long said with deep feeling. Xu Ruofeng's strength is difficult for ordinary people like them to match.

Xu Ruofeng did not respond to this sentence. If he said too much, he might be suspected, so it would be better not to say anything.

"You guys are so hidden. We live in the same dormitory, and I didn't even notice you practicing your voice!" Ji Zeyu said.

Xu Ruofeng smiled and said: "If you knew it in advance, what would be the point of the competition!"

Ji Zeyu said: "You are happy now, but someone is sad!"

Xu Ruofeng understood what he meant. Fang Zihan now looked lonely and indescribably sad. Everyone could see that she was in a bad mood, but it was useless to persuade her. After all, she failed in the PK.

After a long time, Fang Zihan said: "Xu Ruofeng, I am not unjust for losing to you, I have nothing to say!"

Xu Ruofeng didn't say anything, which was inevitable. After all, this was a competition, and the competition had to be divided into high and low levels.

Now that the first round of PK has ended, four players have advanced ahead of schedule, while another four players have to enter the next round of resurrection matches.

And Liu Yang, she is a contestant to be determined!

On the stage, the host Li Fei said: "Okay, now the first round of PK is over. Our eight contestants gave wonderful performances. Through fierce competition, four contestants were finally promoted in advance. , they are Wang Chengying, Meng Xue, Jin Zhe, and Xu Ruofeng!"

"Congratulations to these four contestants for getting the promotion spots ahead of schedule!" There was extremely warm applause at the scene. The audience screamed and shouted crazily, cheering the names of their idols. In the live broadcast room, fans frantically posted comments, To give gifts, many people in the comment area kept using the idol’s name.

This will be another peak of popularity for this program. This is also the original intention of the program team to change the competition system. Through a slightly more complicated competition system, it will increase the highlights of the program and increase the audience's enthusiasm and expectation.

Li Fei continued: "At the same time, there are four players who failed to advance. They are Xiang Yang, Yu Long, Ji Zeyu, and Fang Zihan! Please don't be discouraged. The next step is the resurrection match. You have one more chance. Please do it. Be prepared!"

The overall strength of these four players is not much different, but there are subtle differences. Xiang Yang is the worst, Yu Long is slightly stronger, Fang Zihan is about the same as Yu Long, and Ji Zeyu's own strength is actually not much better than Yu Long. But what makes him better is the blessing of Xu Ruofeng's original works.

Xiang Yang and Wang Chengying PK, the gap between the two is not big, Wang Chengying also advanced with a slight advantage, Yu Long and Meng Xue PK, the gap in strength between the two is relatively large, after all, Meng Xue ranked much higher than Yu Long in previous games. Moreover, in last week's assessment, Meng Xue's ranking was four places higher than Yu Long.

Ji Zeyu and Fang Zihan were so unlucky that they met the most powerful duo in "Star of Tomorrow".

It's not wrong to lose!

Although Ji Zeyu had Xu Ruofeng's bonus, it was not enough in the face of Jin Zhe's powerful strength.

Many viewers felt it was a pity. After all, the song "Sunny Day" was really good, and Ji Zeyu's singing was also very good.

Li Fei said: "Okay dear viewers and netizens in front of the screen, thank you for watching tonight's "Tomorrow's Star". This program is exclusively titled and broadcast by Ace Herbal Tea and sponsored by Tianfeng Clothing Industry... "

The host said the opening remarks again in the middle of the show and read the list of all sponsors again.

Then Li Fei said: "Then the next step is the resurrection match of this episode. A total of five contestants will participate. They are Xiang Yang, Yu Long, Ji Zeyu, Fang Zihan, and Liu Yang, who has become a contestant to be determined in the Star Academy assessment!"

"These five people will each perform a song, and will be ranked by the instructor in the end. The person with the lowest score will be eliminated!"

The rules are very simple. Everyone already understands that these five players still have 10 minutes to prepare.

After 10 minutes, they will go on stage to draw lots to determine the order of appearance.

The rare rest time is to give the players some breathing time and also give the audience some time to relax. In the online live broadcast room, advertisements from major sponsors are being played in turn.

The staff of the program team were nervously staring at the various data of the program, while the contestants in the rest area backstage were in various moods.

Some people are leisurely and calm, such as Xu Ruofeng, Jin Zhe, Meng Xue, and Wang Chengying.

The players participating in the Easter match were restless.

However, Ji Zeyu was an exception. He didn't care and drank water leisurely and chatted with Xu Ruofeng.

(End of this chapter)

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