Chapter 96 God is helping him
At this time, Xiang Yang and others had already started preparing songs. Since Tang Qian had already informed them before, each contestant had prepared two songs. Of course, the contestants who advanced in advance would not be able to use them, but the contestants who participated in the resurrection competition could. Use it.

The atmosphere in the rest area was very solemn. Except for Ji Zeyu, the five players participating in the resurrection match were very nervous, especially Liu Yang. She was a player to be determined. She had been waiting on the bench in the early stage of tonight's game. , seeing others come on stage to sing, have their faces exposed, and gain fans and popularity, but she could only watch.

"I guess Ji Zeyu's second song was also written by Xu Ruofeng. Alas, it's good to have money!" Xiang Yang was envious, but knew that he didn't have that fate.

Ji Zeyu is rich, and everyone knows that he paid for Xu Ruofeng's songs, and Xu Ruofeng would not easily write songs for others, otherwise Fang Zihan would have been promoted long ago.

Fang Zihan, who was usually cold and cold, was the only one who took the initiative towards Xu Ruofeng, but Xu Ruofeng ignored her.

As the saying goes, these details are clearly visible to everyone.

Ji Zeyu was also holding his mobile phone. He didn't know what he was looking at. Maybe he was looking at new songs.

Jin Zhe sat aside silently, looking at the screen from time to time to look at these juniors.

The audience at the scene was waiting a little anxiously and started talking among themselves.

"Among these people, I am most optimistic about Ji Zeyu. He must have Xu Ruofeng's songs!"

"It is said that he is the second generation of rich people. This is the second generation of rich people in the capital. His family background must not be simple!"

"It's all an exchange of interests!"

"I think Xiangyang will be eliminated. He is the worst among all the players!"

"Liu Yang is still a candidate to be determined. The game is not over yet, so it's hard to say anything!"

"The most pity is that Ji Zeyu, with such a good song, met Jin Zhe! Alas!"

"Fang Zihan's luck was too bad, he was completely crushed by Xu Ruofeng!"


In the online live broadcast room, netizens were also discussing.

In the directing team, Tong Zhi is listening to the deputy director reporting program data.

"The online audience of the live broadcast room exceeded 7000 million, and the real-time popularity exceeded [-] million. The number of topics on major social networking sites exceeded [-], including [-] hot topics. On the microwave, there were [-] hot search topics, ranking in the top ten. There are five hotly searched topics!”

"Except for Jin Zhe's song, the most popular songs among the current competition are Xu Ruofeng's "Silk String Opera" and "Sunny Day", which have high reputation and popularity..."

Tong Zhi is very satisfied. All the data are very good. The show has reached its peak of popularity at several points. For example, the first point is the opening, then Ji Zeyu's appearance, Jin Zhe's appearance, and finally Xu Ruofeng's appearance. Popularity reaches its peak.

During the period when Xu Ruofeng came on the stage, his popularity rose in stages. For example, when he first came on the stage, the data curve rose gently. When he started singing, the data curve rose slightly faster. When Xu Ruofeng's drama appeared, the data curve rose slightly. The curve suddenly rises, especially in the last part, when the data reaches its peak.

The first half ended with Xu Ruofeng's drama. In the second half, it all depends on the contestants in the rematch. However, according to Tong Zhi's prediction, the data will definitely be worse. After all, Xu Ruofeng has advanced.

Under the spotlight, the second round of competition began.

The host Li Fei walked onto the stage and said: "Hello everyone, this is the second knockout round of "Tomorrow's Star", the nine-to-eight competition. I am Li Fei. Welcome to the audience and friends who are here. At the same time, welcome Dear netizens in front of the screen!”

"The first round of PK has ended. After fierce competition, four qualifying players have been produced, and there are five players to be determined who will compete in this round for the last chance!"

"A reminder again, the last place in this round will be eliminated directly!"

"Now, let's invite five undecided contestants to come on stage to draw lots!"

On the stage, only five contestants were seen taking the stage one after another, Xiang Yang, Yu Long, Ji Zeyu, Fang Zihan, and Liu Yang.

The audience immediately burst into warm applause and cheers. Putting aside their skills, the looks of these five people are already outstanding enough.And everyone has his own characteristics, such as being sunny, handsome and sporty, with wheat-colored skin, strong body, and particularly energetic.

Yu Long himself is also handsome.

Ji Zeyu is a handsome guy and has good singing skills. His song "Sunny Day" just captured the hearts of many girls.

Fang Zihan and Liu Yang, one is a cold beauty, the other has a gentle temperament and a tall figure.

Soon, the five people drew lots, and Li Fei announced the results: "The first one to appear is Yu Long, then Xiang Yang, Fang Zihan, Liu Yang, and finally Ji Zeyu!"

Yu Long, who was drawn to appear first, was naturally under a lot of pressure, and secretly cursed himself for not doing so.

Ji Zeyu, the last one to appear, was all smiles, even God was helping him!

All the players returned to the rest area to wait. Soon after, Yu Long was the first to play.

This time he still sang old songs. This kind of cover is actually very difficult. Without the guidance of a famous teacher, it would be difficult to successfully cover it, but it would be easy to overturn.

The effect of Yu Long's adaptation was not ideal. Xu Ruofeng had already heard several problems and mistakes. It seemed that Yu Long didn't pay attention and was still singing to himself.

After singing, the instructors also pointed out problems for him. In the end, Yu Long only scored 85 points.

This score was already the highest score Yu Long could get, and he tried his best.

He is an ordinary person and cannot be like Xu Ruofeng.

The second person to play was Xiang Yang. He was a little nervous and actually sang the wrong lyrics when singing. This was a very serious problem, so the four instructors only gave Xiang Yang 81 points in the end.

The third person to play was Fang Zihan.

When she stood on the stage, it was a sight to behold.

She is confident, cold, and has a feeling that she should not be approached by strangers.

Fang Zihan chose a classic love song and adapted the melody, but the effect was not very good, but I have to admit that Fang Zihan's ability has also improved significantly.

In the end, Fang Zihan scored 87 points.

The whole place was excited, and Fang Zihan's fans were even more crazy.

There are many boys who are purely attracted by Fang Zihan's beauty.

After stepping down, Fang Zihan breathed a sigh of relief. From the current point of view, she should not be in last place, because Xiang Yang was already at the bottom.

Next, it was Liu Yang's turn to play. This was her first time playing in tonight's game. She had been pending before.

This is her last chance or she will be eliminated.

Under a lot of pressure, Liu Yang started singing.

He is still covering old songs and adapting his own songs. After a week of study and training, Liu Yang's strength has also improved significantly, but this is not enough. Compared with Xu Ruofeng and Jin Zhe, it is still far behind.

Perhaps because of nervousness, Liu Yang had many problems during the singing process, such as unstable breath, poor rhythm, and poor pitch.

After singing a song, Liu Yang looked at the stern eyes of his instructors and felt an inexplicable tremor in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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