Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 1 What should a rich woman do if her girlfriend goes bankrupt?

Chapter 1 What should a rich woman do if her girlfriend goes bankrupt?
SCA, the full name is 'School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California'. No, it should be called 'School of Cinematic Arts, University of Southern California' now, because it is still 2000.

The messy single dormitory was filled with smoke.

Wayne Anderson was sitting alone on the edge of the bed, with one arm resting on his knees and holding a cigarette in the other hand. On the floor in front of him were broken wine bottles, with the remaining golden liquid spilled all over. A lot of it even splashed on his trousers.

In fact, neither he in his previous life nor the original owner of this body usually smoked.

It's just that he really needs to smoke a cigarette to calm down and accept the reality.

Yes, today's Wayne Anderson is a time traveler. Although he graduated from a film school in his previous life, he was powerless and came from an ordinary family. After working as a bit player for five years starting from his junior year in college, he finally had no choice but to Not facing reality, he re-entered the postgraduate examination of film school.

As a result, when he spent another two years and finally secured a place to stay in school on the eve of graduation, and was about to become a substitute 'professor' for the elective course of European and American film appreciation, he drank two more drinks because of his temporary joy, and ended up waking up. When I arrived, I found that I had traveled through time.

Milligan traveled to the other side of the ocean and became a sophomore student at the School of Film and Television at the University of Southern California named Wayne Anderson.

Time also went back to 2000.

This seems like good news?
As the undisputed No. 1 among the major film schools in the United States, since 1965, SCA has had an alumni nominated for an Oscar every two years.

So for everyone who aspires to Hollywood, being able to study at SCA is definitely something to be proud of.

The same was true for Wayne when he first entered the school.

But in less than a month, he had already seen the truest side of Hollywood and the film and television industry.

70% of the students in SCA are from middle-class families or above, or have parents or relatives who are relevant practitioners, and their status and grades are not bad.

And he is the remaining 30%.

Born in Banks, an ordinary town in Oregon, his parents died in a car accident when he was 16 years old. The compensation was barely enough for him to finish high school and pay for his first year of college tuition.

It can be said that apart from being handsome, he has no merits.

Wayne, who was beside the bed, subconsciously raised his head and moved his slightly stiff neck.

The mirror not far away immediately reflected a three-dimensional and handsome face like an ancient Greek sculpture. No matter from any angle, it was no better than the young man who became famous with Titanic and is now a superstar. Plums are inferior.

In fact, Wayne also watched Titanic and the history of Leonardo DiCaprio's fame. In addition, his neighbors said, "You are more handsome than DiCaprio. It would be a pity not to make a movie." If Wayne had filmed Titanic, the box office would have been even higher.

That's why he got excited and came up with the idea of ​​taking the SCA exam, becoming a star in Hollywood, and making a lot of money.

As a result, reality gave him a hard blow.

Because his appearance was not inferior to that of Xiao Lizi, he was not less popular among the girls when he first entered school. Most of them, like his female classmates in high school and junior high school, took the initiative to attack him.

Among them are even new-generation florets who have played major roles in several medium- and low-budget films, as well as the daughters of some directors, producers or production company executives.

He didn't think much about it at the time, so he naturally chose the most beautiful one among them.

As a result, only a week later, he accidentally discovered that the other party actually walked into the apartment she rented off campus with two old men.

Unwilling to give up, he followed quietly, and when he reached the door, he heard a voice that made him extremely angry.

When this incident came to an end, it was natural that he, a poor boy, was kicked and even ridiculed by the other party.

The most important thing is that those two old men are not big shots, they are just casting directors of two small and medium-sized production companies.

He was depressed for half a semester.But it was this incident that allowed him to see through the truth of the entertainment industry.

It can only be said that trials are the best catalyst for a man's growth.

Later, I met him and learned the hard way. I no longer slept with women casually. Instead, I thought about how to use my advantages to climb up while working.

This is normal.

It is impossible to win over someone with a high status. His ex-girlfriend with an average status will be his fate.

So after careful screening, he selected a girl named Mia Hemera. Although this girl has good looks and figure, she looks a bit like a combination of Jennifer Aniston and Keira Knightley. However, it was not acting that she studied at school, but the direction of being a producer. At the same time, her family also ran a small film and television production company, and she had participated in more than a dozen small-budget films, ranging from US$50 to US$300 million.

This is undoubtedly a very good springboard for him.

However, when he tried his best and spent almost a year to finally catch Mia, Mia's family actually went bankrupt!

The first multi-million-dollar movie invested by their owners, Hemera Pictures, only made $370 million at the box office. Even if subsequent disc sales are included, it is impossible to recover the cost.

Hemera Pictures was insolvent. Even if all assets were auctioned, it still owed the bank US$210 million. In this time period in 2000, it was definitely a very huge number.

Mia's family was naturally shrouded in the haze of bankruptcy, but Wayne was not much better either.

Although Mia is very beautiful, he spent so much thought and time not just because Mia is beautiful.

Otherwise, given his good looks, what kind of beauty wouldn’t be able to sleep with him just for fun?

Now that Mia's family is bankrupt, won't all his previous efforts be in vain?How many years can youth last? !

So, depressed again, Wayne bought a lot of wine and returned to the dormitory.

As a result, when I woke up, my body had changed into a new soul.

"This is so handsome! If I had such good looks in my previous life, not to mention becoming famous, I would definitely be much better than a bit player, right?"

Wayne glanced at the handsome face in the mirror and couldn't help but sigh again.

Compared with the Dragon Kingdom entertainment industry on the other side of the ocean, today's Hollywood is very mature. Capital is king. It's not that appearance and acting skills are not important at all, but compared with capital and connections, the proportion of importance is pitifully small. .

It's a pity that his current body is a Milician with upright roots, and he can't go back even if he wants to.

At least, there is definitely no way to go back now.

"Then why don't we pursue a new target?" Wayne, who has gradually accepted his current identity, couldn't help but think secretly.

Just like his predecessor's judgment, the only thing he, a poor boy from Oregon, could offer was his looks and figure.

But just when he was about to turn on his computer and search for a new target online, a mechanical, emotionless voice suddenly rang in his head.



"It turns out I'm hooked!"

 New book sets sail, please invest, please recommend, please collect, please monthly tickets~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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