Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 2 From today on, I am capital!

Chapter 2 From today on, I am capital!

Wayne first listened for a moment, then fell into deep thought. It took more than ten minutes before he relaxed his brows again.

The film and television investment system, as the name suggests, is that the system provides you with funds for investment in film and television.However, what is different from the system in ordinary novels is that this system does not require you to sell well at the box office, but to return three times the amount of your investment.

In other words, as long as he invests in a movie, after the movie is shot and post-edited, he does not have to wait for the theater release, let alone the box office, and he can get a new investment three times the previous investment.

Participation in investment also counts, but the proportion cannot be less than 10%.

However, the funds given by the system can only be used to invest in film production, so if he wants to buy a yacht or a luxury house, invite a bunch of female stars and Victoria's Secret supermodels to party, and play with water guns, he still has to use the salary he gets. , box office accounting.

When he saw this, Wayne immediately thought of investing in a movie, starring in it, giving himself a salary of [-] million US dollars, and then achieving financial freedom.

Unfortunately, the system does not allow this. Whether it is the remuneration and share ratio of actors and directors, or the wages and expenses of props and personnel, they can only be 50% higher than the level of the same industry at most, and cannot be infinitely high.

In other words, even if he reaches the level of Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith, his salary for a movie can only be US$3000 million, with a maximum share of 10%.

Therefore, if he wants to achieve financial freedom as soon as possible, he still needs to make more movies with high box office.

But even so, after having the system, his biggest shortcomings have been filled.

[Name: Wayne Anderson]

【Age: 20 years old】

[Current investment capital: 1000 million US dollars]

[System warehouse: 100 million US dollars; primary gene enhancement potion × 1]

Wayne opened the system panel, casually glanced at the extremely simple personal panel, and then looked at the system warehouse that came with the system.

I have to say, the system is quite considerate.

In addition to the initial investment fund of 1000 million, the system also gave him an initial activity fund of 100 million, which means that he can use this 100 million freely.

The most important thing is the bottle of 'primary gene enhancement potion'.

After reading the instructions that came with the system again, with a thought in his mind, a bottle of sea blue potion, like the T virus in the Resident Evil movie, appeared in his hand.

Then Wayne took a deep breath, opened the bottle cap, raised his head and put the potion into his mouth.

The entrance felt cool, and after entering his abdomen, it instantly turned into a ball of flame, burning his limbs and bones like iron.

However, I don't know if it's just because of the 'primary' level. This burning sensation is not strong, and it is far less clear than the feeling caused by the body's rapid strengthening.

Five minutes later, the strengthening process ended. Although a layer of foul-smelling black mud oozed from his body, Wayne couldn't help but show excitement on his face.

Although he is not as good as Captain America in the movie today, he is almost the same as Batman without equipment, and has basically reached the limit of ordinary humans.

Of course, if you really want to fight the master, even if the master doesn't wear equipment, it will probably only take a few moves to deal with him.After all, in terms of fighting skills, although he has also learned some boxing and free fighting, he is far behind Batman.

And when he thought that this was the Millikin who shot every day, Wayne's excitement faded a lot.

After all, no matter how much his body improves, he can't catch bullets. Batman can't, and neither can Captain America.

In fact, this bottle of 'primary gene enhancement potion' helped him the most in improving his appearance and figure.

Nowadays, his facial features have become more three-dimensional and more refined, and his skin has become more delicate, with almost no trace of pores like that of Asians.

Even his height, which was originally only 181cm and could only be regarded as ordinary here, has increased by 4 centimeters to 185cm.

It is no exaggeration to say that if he was only on par with the peak Leonardo DiCaprio before, now his appearance has surpassed DiCaprio in all aspects.

"And this is just a primary gene enhancement potion!"

Wayne quickly glanced at the all-inclusive but horribly expensive system mall and closed the system panel expressionlessly.

Just kidding, a bottle of primary genetic enhancement potion costs 2 million US dollars, so there is no need to think about other things in the short term.

"Let's take a shower first and then think about investing."

Wayne thought to himself, and with a casual pull, he tore open his clothes that were still strong but soaked in black mud, threw them into the trash can nearby, and then walked into the bathroom naked.

Ten minutes later, as he had just finished rinsing and was about to take a bath in the bathtub, he suddenly received a call from Mia.

"Hello? Mia?"

"Wayne. I'm in a bad mood. Can you come over and have a drink with me?"

"of course can!"

Wayne looked at himself in the mirror. He had mermaid lines, a male waist, eight-pack abs, and an American butt that was comparable to Captain America. The most important thing was his little brother who had also been enhanced. He smiled slightly without hesitation. 's agreed.

Not to mention that after thinking about it just now, he thought that investment should still start with Mia.

Just the cost of silence over the past year and Mia's good looks and figure were enough for him to make the trip.

After all, before this, 'he', a licking dog, had not even achieved the achievement of holding hands.

Ten minutes later, Wayne, who had already changed his clothes, came to another dormitory building and found Mia's dormitory.Compared to the dormitories where civilians like them live, the dormitory where Mia lives is much better.

"Dong dong!"

Wayne knocked on the door.

Two seconds later, the door opened, and a pretty figure wearing only a silk nightgown jumped directly into his arms and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Wayne——"


Next, just as Wayne expected, Mia took the initiative to pull him into the room. Although the table in the room was filled with beer, neither of them touched a bottle at all.

With a bang, the door was slammed shut by Mia, and it was already two hours later.

"Is this your first time?"

Wayne looked at the marks on the sheets with an expression of disbelief.

Although he knew from his previous investigation of Mia that she was not as playful as most American girls and looked relatively pure and quiet, he never thought that this was her first time.

But whether it was judging from the marks on the sheets or the active but somewhat jerky movements, Mia must have been right for the first time.

"Honey, don't you like it?"

"No! I like it very much!"

In fact, the reason why she kept the first time until now is not only because she comes from a producer family, is well-informed and picky, but also because she skipped a grade in middle school and just turned 18 a few days ago.

Although 80.00% of people don't care much about this law and won't abide by it, she is not the kind of indulgent person.

As for the reason why she is so proactive now, besides being in a bad mood and needing to vent, the most important thing is that she is worried that Wayne will break up with her.

Her mother was engaged in this field of work, and she had been exposed to it since she was a child. She had some idea of ​​Wayne's pursuit of her.

Now her family is about to go bankrupt, and she will become a pauper in less than two months. If she doesn't take advantage of now to taste this super handsome guy Wayne, she will have no chance in the future.

"If I had known he was in such good shape, I would have taken action earlier!" Mia lay lazily in Wayne's arms, secretly regretting it in her heart.

But just when she was ready to tell Wayne about her family's bankruptcy, Wayne's reaction completely exceeded her expectations.

"Wayne, my family is going bankrupt. My mother's investment in Hemera Pictures failed. Not only is it insolvent, she also owes more than 200 million in bank loans."

"Oh, so what?" Wayne's flat reaction made Mia couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"How about it? My mother and I are about to become paupers, and I can't help you anymore!" Mia said again, very straightforwardly.

However, Wayne looked into her eyes as expected, chuckled, and then said with a very serious look: "I admit, I first got close to you, not only because of your beauty, but also because of your My family background can be of great help to me, after all, that’s what everyone does.”

"But after being together for a long time, I realized that I really fell in love with you. Baby, your appearance, your figure, your knowledge and temperament are all so attractive!"

Such a straightforward compliment made Mia couldn't help but smile happily, and at the same time, there was a faint expectation in her heart that seemed completely impossible intellectually.

"So, let me help you!"

Mia's breathing was stagnant, as if she was in a beautiful fairy tale world, and her heartbeat seemed to have missed a beat.

"Dear, you, you said you wanted to help me? But you..."

Aren't you a poor kid from Oregon?Mia wanted to ask this, but couldn't.

Wayne saw what she was thinking and took the initiative to explain: "It's true that I am a poor boy from Oregon, but who says that a poor boy can't help you? I have actually attracted a considerable amount of funds. , In addition, I can 'buy' your Hemera Pictures, and I will bear the company's debts."

Mia didn't look at him blankly.

She is not the kind of silly person who is determined to become a producer like her mother. She immediately realized that this operation was very feasible.

Not to mention the investment funds that Wayne mentioned, just having Wayne take control of Hemera Pictures and shoulder the debts of their family is enough to save her.

In this way, although the company is gone, their house, car, etc. can still be left.

Selling the villa and luxury cars and replacing them with ordinary apartments would at least prevent their family from becoming paupers and homeless people.

"But can you really do it? That's a debt of more than 200 million US dollars! Even if you sell the copyrights in the company's film library, you can only sell it for 20 US dollars at most. Although the rented office building still has three years, it will still be It’s not worth much. In addition, although Hemera Pictures only has more than [-] employees, the monthly salary is still [-] US dollars.”

Mia said quickly, her mood getting heavier as she spoke.

The current Hemera Pictures is the kind of baggage that cannot be sold even if it wants to be sold, and no one will buy it. Although it has the copyrights of more than a dozen movies in its film library, they are all low-budget and low-budget movies that cannot be sold at all. No price increase.

No one is willing to take over what is now Hemera Pictures unless it takes on debt.

However, after hearing this, the smile on Wayne's face did not change.

"The loan from Hemera Pictures shouldn't be paid off at once, right?" Wayne asked.

"No," Mia shook her head and said quickly: "The loan is divided into five installments, with monthly repayments of 42 for five months. The latest installment will be in half a month. Mom, she has already contacted the agency to prepare. Sold the house.”

"Then if a new project starts construction and the investment amount far exceeds the loan amount, can I pledge it and apply for an extension?"

"This should be possible, but you need to pay the deferred interest, and you can also use the project as collateral, which is also common in Hollywood." Mia thought for a while and said.

"That's okay, I need to talk to your mother."

"it is good!"

After Mia took a deep look at him and saw that he had really made a decision and was not joking, she resisted the physical fatigue, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside, and called her mother.

 New book sets sail, please recommend, please collect, please read, please vote for me~~~
(End of this chapter)

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