Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

The script of Chapter 3 is too rubbish, so I have to do it myself!

The script of Chapter 3 is too rubbish, so I have to do it myself!

"Hello, Lady Hemera."

Two hours later, Wayne, who was fully dressed and still looking energetic and energetic, followed Mia and met Mia's mother, Ms. Sera Hemera, in a nice cafe near the school.

Sera Hemera glanced at Wayne's handsome face, which even surprised her, and then looked at her daughter who was holding Wayne's arm tightly. There was a trace of fatigue between her brows, but she was more beautiful and charming than before. , a light flashed in his eyes, and an elegant smile appeared on his face.

"Can I call you Wayne? Mia has often told me about you, but I didn't expect that you are as handsome as she said. If you want, you can just call me Aunt Sera or Sera." pull."

"Okay, Aunt Sera, Mia should have told you that I want to 'buy' Hemera Pictures." Wayne already understood the directness of the Millian people based on his memory, so he said it directly. own purpose.

One party wants to have a mature production company and speed up the pace of making money, while the other party wants to get rid of the huge burden that can turn them into paupers.

After running in both directions, he and Sera quickly achieved a result that both parties were extremely satisfied with.

Wayne purchased all of Hemera Pictures' shares for $[-] and assumed all of its upcoming debt.

The condition is that Serra, an old producer with more than ten years of experience, together with the company's backbone, will continue to stay at Hemera Pictures and be responsible for daily work.

Serra, as CEO, is not allowed to voluntarily leave the company within the next five years and enjoys a 3% share dividend.

Since both parties hoped to complete the transaction earlier, that night, they called their lawyers, signed an agreement, and completed the equity transfer.

Then Wayne went to the bank and transferred 60 to the company's account, which was used as the first installment of the loan repayment and the company's daily operating funds.

"Thank you, Wayne, for saving Mia and I!" Looking at the genuine $60 in the company's account, the smile on Sierra's face couldn't help but become much more sincere.

Hollywood is a very real place.

Chase winners and stay away from losers. This is the most basic rule here.

Even though she has accumulated a lot of connections as a producer over the years, facing a huge hole of more than 200 million US dollars and such a heavy failure, those friendships and connections are not worth more than a blank piece of paper.

There are not even [-] to [-] small production companies like Hemera Pictures in Hollywood, and there are countless independent producers.

People who have the ability to help her will not be willing to help a loser like her.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if she sells her house and car, and then sells herself and Mia, she will not be able to get so much money.

So Wayne really saved them.

Wayne smiled slightly when he heard this: "There is no need to say more to say thank you. After all, Mia is my girlfriend."

After a pause, Wayne continued: "I need to take a look at the company's script library."

"You are the boss of the company, of course there is no problem with this, but will you really have investment funds?" Sierra hesitated for a moment before asking this question.

"Of course!" Wayne said without hesitation. With his handsome facial features and calm tone, people felt very convinced upon hearing it.

"This investment came from a private equity fund in China, and they selected me to be their agent in Hollywood." Wayne explained.

"They have no restrictions on the subject matter or content of the film. The only requirement is that the film should be produced within a month and released within half a month if possible."

As soon as he finished speaking, Sierra and Mia, who had been quiet all the time, were stunned at the same time.

"The finished film is released in one month and released in half a month? This production cycle is too tight!"

Although the production cycle of low-cost independent films is usually shorter, for many films that do not go to theaters and are only broadcast on TV stations, the production cycle may only be about ten days and a half.

But if it is a theatrical movie, the production cycle is generally more than two months. Counting promotion, it usually takes more than half a year to be released.

Immediately afterwards, Sierra, who is a senior producer, and Mia, who has been hearing about it since childhood, thought of a word at the same time-xi money.

Sierra hesitated for a moment and didn’t ask any more questions.

Mia, on the other hand, although she knew a lot, was still young after all, so she couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"Dear, the other party. Is the other party planning to make money?" Wayne did not answer directly, but asked instead: "Isn't this kind of thing normal in Hollywood? It doesn't need to be exorbitantly high, it just needs to be higher than the level of the industry. Just thirty to forty percent higher would be good.”

"That's good!"

When Sera heard this, she was secretly relieved.

As Wayne said, this kind of thing is really normal in Hollywood. Not counting the films independently invested and produced by the seven giants today, more than [-]% of other platter projects have this aspect to a greater or lesser extent. funds.

Why else would so much international money flow to Hollywood every year?Otherwise, when Hollywood makes movies, they like to register a separate project company?
Without this kind of funding, Hollywood would never be as prosperous as it is now.

So as long as it's not too high, it's fine.

"As for the problem of the short production cycle, I think it can be solved with money, right?"

"I understand." Sera nodded and said with a smile.

Mia stared blankly at the conversation between Wayne and Sierra, her eyes shining with a strange light for no reason.

Out of a girl's keen intuition, she could feel that Wayne today was obviously different from before. The calmness and confidence in his bones were something she had only seen in those big shots when she attended some high-end cocktail parties with her mother.

There is no doubt that this kind of Wayne is much more charming than the 'sunny and cheerful poor boy' before.

Thinking of this, Mia couldn't help but her heart beat faster and her breathing became a little heavy and rapid.

So, after getting the script that Sera had sent by car, Mia decisively declined Sera's offer to go home, and after separation from Sera, she hurriedly pulled Wayne back to school.

Two hours later, Wayne glanced at Mia who was sleeping exhausted on the bed, dimmed the lights, sat down at the desk alone, and started reading the script.

Unlike the Big Seven, which has tens of thousands of scripts in stock, some of which have been there for more than ten years, Hemera Pictures, which is just a small company, only has 62 scripts in its script library.

Most of them were submitted by some poor screenwriters who cast a wide net, and there were only two scripts by screenwriters who had actually cooperated with Hemera Films for a long time.

Wayne took a look at both scripts first.

The plot content is mediocre, and the production budget calculated by the company is only 63 and 95, which is not enough for him to bother with.

Throwing it aside, Wayne turned to other scripts.

The primary gene-enhancing potion not only strengthened his physique, but perhaps a person's energy was related to his physique. In short, even though he had been fighting for so long today, he was still full of energy at this time.

It is no exaggeration to say that he can fight ten people like Mia alone.

It's a pity that there are reasons why these scripts were not selected before. The best among the remaining sixty scripts are similar to the first two, but the difficulty and cost of filming are much higher than those two.

This is a problem that many new screenwriters often make, that is, they do not consider the difficulty and cost of filming when writing the script.

He didn't care about the high cost.

But high difficulty means a long shooting period, which is not possible.

Picking up the first two scripts again, Wayne couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

His future sources of income will mainly come from his own salary and box office share, so it is best to make movies with him as the leading actor to enhance his reputation and value, so that he can pay himself a higher salary.

To put it simply, China Entertainment will often appear in the future, with a capital team and big names as partners.

In this way, this first movie is not just any movie.

Looking at the time, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.

After hesitating, Wayne picked up the phone and dialed Sera's number.

"Sorry, Aunt Sera, I want to disturb you so late. I read the script and it didn't work well. But I have a good idea myself, so I would like to trouble you to contact a screenwriter for me. I want that kind of thinking. He is flexible and fast. I will come up with the big framework and he will help me fill in the content. The theme is an inspirational campus comedy, so it is best to find a screenwriter who is good at humorous dialogues. Then we will meet at the company at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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