Chapter 100 Eva’s excitement

Just like the original "Girls" made Mckenna Grace famous, this version of "Girls" also made Dakota Fanning popular.

Looking at at least six of the ten reports about "Girl Genius" in the newspaper, Dakota Fanning was mentioned, which made everyone including Liu Xixi, Megan, Annie, and even Naomi couldn't help it. Extremely envious.

However, Wayne had already expected it and didn't care much about it.

He made this movie really just to earn system funds. Later, this movie helped him successfully raise the funds to acquire Marvel, which was considered to have exceeded the target.

Who is popular and who is not popular has anything to do with him as a capitalist.

"How are the preparations for "The Dark Side" and "Buried Alive" going?" After listening to Sierra's announcement calmly, Wayne turned around and asked about the progress of the preparations for "The Dark Side" and "Buried Alive."

"The two leading actors, Matt Damon and Nicolas Cage, have no problem with the pay and filming time."

"On the director's side, James Wan's script is still being written. It will probably take another day or two."

"David Lynch is very interested in the story of being buried alive, and is willing to take over the work of director and screenwriter, but his creative progress is not as fast as that of the young James Wan. According to him, it will take at least half a month. It takes time to polish the script.”

Wayne felt speechless immediately after hearing this.

"Is it so difficult to write the script for the movie Buried Alive? Isn't this movie just to show off the hero's explosive acting skills?"

But then he realized that this was indeed something he had taken for granted.

He only found it easy after watching the original film, but David Lynch needed to create it from scratch. How to create a tense and thrilling rhythm, and he needed to think carefully and polish every detail.

Naturally, the time required will not be short.

"How about I write the script myself?"

This idea popped into Wayne's head, but he dismissed it in a flash.

Writing a script is not as simple as it seems. Even if you have the original version for comparison, it will probably take a day or two to restore every detail.

He has to film during the day, which is already hard enough.

If he doesn't have a good time at night, he has to spend three to four nights writing the script. Even if he agrees to it, Mia and the others won't agree to it!

"Oh, too many women are trouble~" Wayne whispered to Versailles in his heart, and then said: "Then let's put "Buried Alive" on hold for the time being, and prepare "The Dark Side" first to film the dark side."

"Okay, when James Wan prepares the script, I will notify you immediately."

After hanging up the phone, Wayne called Eva Green again.

Yes, for the second female lead in "The Dark Side", he finally chose Eva Green. Not only because Eva Green was the woman he planned to keep for a long time, but also because Eva Green was wearing smoky makeup. She looks like a bad woman afterwards.

If she plays the second female lead who is trapped in the secret room behind the mirror, the reversal of the ending will be even more amazing.

"Thank you, honey! When will you return to Los Angeles? I can't wait to thank you properly."

Eva Green was extremely excited when she learned that Wayne had prepared for her the second female lead in a medium-sized production with a production budget of 1400 million.But then she faced a problem, that is, how to extend her vacation.

Originally, she planned to wait until the "Resident Evil" audition ended two days later, on December 12, and then fly back to London to continue school as an exchange student.

She will fly back when her scenes start shooting around the end of January.

But if she wants to play the second female lead in "The Dark Side", then she may have to stay in Los Angeles.

Of course, in the face of the opportunity of a second female lead, all exchange students and famous drama schools have to step aside.Even if she was directly expelled, she would not miss such an opportunity.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Eva Green immediately got busy asking for leave.

If she could, she still wanted to keep her degree from the Weber School of Drama. After all, no one would think that her academic qualifications were too high, but not high enough.

Wayne also quickly stood up and walked to the bedroom.

Just kidding, he finally used the excuse of Christmas to exaggerate Martina's 'pitiful' experience of living overseas and struggling alone, so that Mia and the others agreed to be together tonight. Don't waste a second!
Soon the four Mia people in the room were hit by a new round of storm.

On Harvey's part, after hooding his head and falling asleep, he also got the first-day overseas box office data of "Girls" from his secretary later in the afternoon.

"$510 million? Okay, I get it!"

Harvey was not dissatisfied with the figure of 510 million US dollars, but was very satisfied.Although this number is not as good as the North American first-day box office of "Girl Genius", don't forget that "Girl Genius" was only released in more than a dozen countries and regions overseas, and it was not a true global release.

In addition, "Cast Away" and "Eavesdropping on Women" also grabbed a lot of box office, and it is really good to have such data.

In fact, to be honest, if he wanted to, he could still find more 'middlemen' to let "Girl Genius" be released in more countries.

Unfortunately, in those places, he was unable to effectively supervise and guarantee the authenticity of the box office.

When the other party gets the copyright and deliberately gives a low box office, won't Miramax get a free ticket?
Instead of doing this, it is better to give up showing it in these places, wait until the disc is released, and earn money from these places by selling the disc.

After all, most countries are quite strict about copyright protection.

Time flies and comes to December 12, two days later.


Including the box office at select screenings, the North American box office has reached 2594 million U.S. dollars, and the cumulative global box office has reached 4246 million U.S. dollars, which has exceeded the figure when the original version was released.

And according to data curve analysis and calculation, the possibility of "Girl Genius" global box office exceeding 1.3 million has become higher.

After all, according to the audience feedback collected, the reputation of "Girl Genius" is still very good.

Although among the actors, the one whose fame has increased the most is definitely Dakota Fanning. It is no exaggeration to say that Dakota Fanning is now one of the most famous child stars under the age of 10.

(End of this chapter)

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