Chapter 99 Premiere Results
In the next two days, Martina, like Eva Green and Zhang Ziyi, basically stayed in the hotel room, and even ordered room service for breakfast and lunch.

There was nothing she could do, it was too tiring for her to bear the blow of Wayne's storm alone.

And unlike Wayne, who is so proud of having acquired a unique top beauty, Harvey Weinstein is almost bald because of the anxiety over "Girls" these days.

Finally, the time has come on December 12, and "Girl Genius" is officially released worldwide.

Although the North American box office won't be tallied until the next morning at the earliest, Harvey really didn't have the heart to do anything else.The whole person was like a prisoner waiting for the final trial. He locked himself in the study of his mansion, drinking cup after cup of coffee, smoking cigarettes, and waiting for the first day's data of "Girl Genius".

There is no way, if "Girl Genius" encounters a waterloo at the box office, although he will not go bankrupt directly, he will definitely be injured.

On top of that, he had been wrestling with Disney for several years, trying to retain control of Miramax or even spin it off as an independent company.

Once "Girl Genius", a hugely expensive project, fails, it would be nice not to be directly kicked out of Miramax, not to mention retaining control of Miramax.

So what if his assets remain unchanged at that time?Without Miramax, he is just an ordinary multi-millionaire, and his influence in Hollywood will plummet.

"No! A genius girl will never fail! I, Harvey Weinstein, will never fail!"

On the sofa, Harvey murmured to himself, staring blankly at the darkening sky outside the window, his expression gradually becoming crazy.

Finally, as the first ray of sunshine from the sky shone into the smoke-filled study, the ringtone of the mobile phone that had been placed beside him also rang.


"Damn it! Just tell me how much the box office is!" Harvey said in his hoarse voice, almost roaring.

The female secretary opposite who had also been staying at the company all night couldn't help but was startled, and then quickly skipped the others and said directly: "643 million! Boss, our first-day box office in North America was 643 million US dollars!"

Harvey made a quick calculation, and then he jumped up from the sofa with excitement.

Although, the North American first-day box office of 643 million is completely inferior to the 1181 million of "Admission", and it is even less comparable to the 1740 million first-day box office of "Happy Death Day".

But don’t forget what is the starting difficulty of “Admission Notice” and “Happy Death Day”? What is the starting difficulty of "Girl Genius"?

It is no exaggeration to say that compared with "Admission" and "Happy Death Day", "Girl Genius", which was released at the same time as "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Eavesdropping on Women" and "Cast Away", is simply the beginning of hell. !

And based on the North American box office of 673 million on the first day, "Girl Genius" can get more than 4000 million in the North American box office during the seven-day Christmas period.

Coupled with overseas box office, it can be said that it is a certainty that the global box office will exceed 7000 million US dollars.

In this way, Miramax can make back its money in terms of box office alone.

"According to this calculation, by the time it is removed from the shelves, "Girl Genius" should be able to get a global box office of 1.3 million US dollars, right? In this way, even after deducting the theater chain's share and then deducting the portion allocated to Hemera Pictures, Miramax can also earn more than 1000 million U.S. dollars through the box office. If the income from the disc market is added, the total income should reach 3000 million U.S. dollars!" Thinking of this, Harvey's face turned pale from staying up all night. , suddenly showed an ecstatic smile.

Miramax rarely touches big-budget movies, so it's rare to earn more than $3000 million from a movie.

The last time it made so much money was "Shakespeare in Love," which was released in 98 and helped Gwyneth Paltrow win an Oscar.

Although Gwyneth Paltrow won the Oscar statuette, she has been criticized by all kinds of people, and even the movie "Shakespeare in Love" was also badly criticized.

But this movie did rely on a production cost of 2500 million U.S. dollars, plus about 2000 million in publicity and distribution expenses, to achieve a global box office of 2.89 million U.S. dollars.

But because it was a platter movie, Miramax's final revenue was only about 3000 million.

This means that most of the profits must be handed over to Disney. After all, Miramax was acquired by Disney in 93.

When he thought of this, most of Harvey's excitement disappeared, and a gloomy look appeared on his face.

"The pace of leaving Disney must be accelerated!" Harvey thought to himself.

"In addition, since "Girl Genius" can achieve such a box office under the suppression of the two movies "Cast Away" and "Eavesdropping on Women's Hearts", it shows that the audience still recognizes the quality of this movie. Then Should we continue to invest more money in propaganda?”

Harvey thought about it for a while and finally gave up the plan to continue to increase the publicity funds.

This is not because he just quits when he gets good, but he feels that even without additional publicity funds, the single-day box office of "Girl Genius" surpassed "Eavesdropping on Women's Hearts" and ranked second only to "Cast Away". It would be nice to get some coverage.

These reports should be sufficient for further announcements.

Then a strong feeling of fatigue and sleepiness came over him. Harvey let out a long yawn, got up and walked towards the bedroom.

Now that "Girl Genius" is doing well at the box office, he can finally have a good night's sleep.

However, he was not the only one who paid attention to the box office results of "Girl Genius". Mike and Sierra also quickly learned about the first-day box office data of "Girl Genius" through their respective channels.

Thinking that he would not try a one-shot deal this time, and that Hemera Pictures' final profit from this movie might exceed 3500 million US dollars, Serra immediately picked up the phone and called Wayne in a happy mood.

Mike told the news to Naomi Watts, who had been transferred to him and became his client, and to Liu Qianxi, another client on the other side of the ocean.

When they learned that the global box office of "Girls" had a chance to reach 1.3 million U.S. dollars, not to mention Naomi Watts as the protagonist, even Liu Qianqian, a supporting role with only a few lines, was excited. Didn't sleep all night.

However, the person who gained the most from this movie was neither Hemera Pictures nor Wayne, nor the protagonist Naomi Watts, but the second female lead, but Dakota... Fanning.

(End of this chapter)

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