Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 122 Thank you for the great tonic soup!

Chapter 122 Thank you for the great tonic soup!
Calculated according to this condition, his income from this movie is more than that of Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith at the same time.

But because "Rush Hour" couldn't work without Cheng Long, New Line Cinema, a subsidiary of Warner, finally pinched its nose and admitted it.

This also caused the production cost of "Rush Hour 2" to skyrocket to US$9000 million. As a non-sci-fi action film, this cost is really scary.

But Hemera Pictures almost never relents, even when facing first-line directors and stars.

When filming "The Bourne Supremacy", Hemera Pictures originally wanted to invite Joe Silver, but they couldn't reach an agreement because they wouldn't give him a share of the box office, so they replaced him directly. Such a strong style caused a stir in the industry. It's hotly debated.

Therefore, many insiders with channels know this rule of Wayne.

Even a big shot like Joe Silver can't get a share of the box office from Hemera Pictures' projects, so how can a minor character like Melanie Sloan dare to expect a share of the box office?

"Then it's settled, let her contact Sera as soon as possible."

"Okay, I'll tell her right now!" Scarlett agreed immediately. After all, Melanie's fame and status have increased, and her daughter will be the biggest beneficiary.

But relatively speaking, she still cares more about her own affairs.

"By the way, my dear, when do you have time? I miss you~" Scarlett sounded like a girl in love, her voice was pure and Yin, which made people feel itchy.

It's a pity that Wayne has been on the battlefield for a long time and will not be easily teased by her like this.

"I want you too, honey, but I have to hurry up and write the script for "Taken" in the past few days. I may not have too much time. Of course, I will try my best to make time to see you."

After a few words, Wayne hung up the phone with Hannah next to him looking at her with contempt.

Yes, Wayne has been learning how to write scripts during this period, but he spent more of his time elsewhere.

"Assistant Hannah, please take care of your expression?"

Hannah snorted and looked away. If the driver hadn't been present, she would have taught Wayne a lesson for cheating on girls.

Although she never succeeded in teaching such a lesson, she always ended up failing in the end.
In a blink of an eye, the time came to November 1th.

As James Wan said, "The Dark Side" was successfully completed two days ahead of schedule.Then, in just two days, James Wan completed the first cut.

This kind of speed can only be achieved by films that are self-written, self-directed and can lead post-editing, except for the kind of shoddy things that make people cheat money.

Usually, only small-budget movies with a production cost of 20 or [-] US dollars that do not go to theaters and only sell video tapes or midnight movies can achieve this speed.

Unfortunately, although the production cost of "The Dark Side" was as high as 1400 million US dollars, James Wan also led the entire shooting and post-production alone.

"Sir, your car is ready."

"Okay, Meda, please."

After breakfast on the morning of the 16th, Wayne first took a car to pick up Martina, Anne and Eva Green, and then came to the company to prepare for the screening of "The Dark Side".

Because it was only a preliminary version, only internal personnel came to participate.If it weren't for Wayne, Annie and Eva Green wouldn't have the right to come.

On Serra's side, Matt Damon, the leading actor, was invited out of courtesy.

If it were Matt Damon a year ago, he might still consider it after receiving the invitation. Most likely, he would shirk it because he has a job. However, now that he has lost two consecutive box office losses, he is more eager to know about "Darkness" than anyone present. The quality of noodles.

To be honest, if Wayne had a darker heart and deliberately made the quality of "The Dark Side" worse, causing Matt Damon to have a three-game losing streak at the box office, then this guy's path to Hollywood would definitely be cut off, if not cut off directly. The status of the film dropped drastically, and there were no filming for a year or two.

Of course, Matt Damon has never offended him, and he has no reason to do such a thing that is harmful to others and not beneficial to himself.

However, when Matt Damon saw him walking into the screening room surrounded by Martina and the others, he quickly got up and walked over.

"Hello, Mr. Wayne, thank you for inviting me to this internal film viewing party!"

What you say is not important, the main thing is your posture and attitude.

Seeing the warm and humble smile on Matt Damon's face, which was completely different from the arrogance he usually displayed when facing other people, Wayne couldn't help but smile inwardly and started chatting with him.

To be honest, although Matt Damon is not as handsome as DiCaprio, he still looks quite honest and sunny when he smiles.

And this guy is indeed proud of himself.

Not only did this guy have excellent academic performance, he was successfully admitted to the Department of Language and Literature at Harvard University. At the same time, he and his friend Ben Affleck went to Hollywood together, and it was a smooth journey.

Although it can't be compared with cheaters like Wayne, it only took a few years for him to become a top second-tier actor and close to the first-tier actor with his good acting skills.

Although this year due to two major Waterloos, the team fell from a position close to the first line and fell directly to the bottom of the second line, which is not as good as Wayne's position.

But if he follows the original historical trajectory, after a short trough, he will soon get back on his feet with "The Bourne Supremacy" and become a first-line Hollywood actor.

It's a pity that "The Bourne Supremacy" has been snatched away by Wayne.

After a brief exchange of greetings, Matt Damon wisely gave up his seat, because at this time, Sierra had already brought James Wan into the screening room.

"Hey, Wen, you don't look good? Doesn't the red date, wolfberry and ginseng health soup I specially ordered for you from Chinatown have no effect?"

As soon as he saw James Wan's thin face and thick dark circles under his eyes, Wayne began to tease him unscrupulously.

On the opposite side, Wen Ziren immediately rolled his eyes and complained angrily: "I thank you for the big tonic soup! But don't you know that taking too much supplement will make you feel more uncomfortable? Just drink that health soup once at noon and evening. Yes, you gave me four meals a day and even midnight snacks, I really appreciate you!"

"Haha!" Wayne couldn't help laughing and patted his shoulder, explaining: "I've also heard that that stuff is good for the body."

James Wan rolled his eyes again and complained: "I know, but I'd better not give it away next time, otherwise I'm afraid I'll end up in the ICU before the official version is finished."

(End of this chapter)

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