Chapter 123 Shocked Eva and Martina

"Then can you still hold on?" Wayne asked with concern on his face.

"It should be fine," James Wan said, yawning uncontrollably, and then shrugged, "But after the post-production is completed, I'm afraid I'll have to take a good rest~"

"That's good," Wayne suggested with a slight smile on his lips, "Then I'll help you find some female celebrities in the San Fernando Valley and throw a party for you?"

"." James Wan finally couldn't help but raise his middle finger this time, squinting and scolding: "Fake! Wayne! I don't seem to have offended you, do you want me to die?"

Without further chatting, after the screening equipment was ready, the film viewing party officially began and the lights in the room dimmed.

Although this was not the first time I attended a screening of the first cut version, I have to say that it was quite boring to sit there for more than three hours.

But this is an essential part of post-production. Even if he has given James Wan the final editing rights for the film, he cannot really ignore it.

Otherwise, while he would be relieved, Wen Ziren would still be worried.

With great power comes great responsibility. If "The Dark Side" fails, Hemera Pictures will just lose some money. Even if it loses all 1400 million, it can fully afford it.

But in that case, as he has the rights to write, direct and even final edit, he will be in a big trouble.

The fame and influence that he finally gained through "Happy Death Day" will be cut in half in an instant. After all, he only has these two works now.

So as soon as the video finished playing, he couldn't wait to look at Wayne.

"what do you think?"

"Very good!" Wayne commented very sincerely after comparing it with the original version in his head.

Although it is a bit cumbersome and uncompacted in many places because of the first cut, but just looking at the characters' acting skills and the quality of the shots, it is obvious that it is at least one to two levels higher than the original version.

As for the rhythm of the movie, there is no need to worry about this at all. After all, it is James Wan, a famous horror film director in his previous life, who has the final editing rights.

As we all know, horror movies are one of the movie genres that value rhythm the most.

Coupled with Matt Damon's star traffic, based on comprehensive comparison, this movie can at least score 8 or more on IMDb, and the Cinema Score will get a B or B+.

"That's good!" Wen Ziren looked at him for two seconds, and after making sure that he was not being polite, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then you can contact the distribution companies now and prepare for the official film screening~" James Wan said, with a confident smile on his face again.

Even with his dark face that can be described as "withered", it gives him a sense of déjà vu from a horror movie.

Two days later, at noon on the 18th, Wayne, who was taking Martina shopping outside, suddenly received a notification from the system that the production of "The Dark Side" had been completed and a new amount of 4200 million US dollars had arrived.

"Dear, what's wrong with you?" Martina, who was holding his arm, immediately noticed that he suddenly stopped and asked curiously.

"Nothing," Wayne said with the corners of his mouth raised slightly, a dazzling gentle smile on his handsome face, "I just suddenly remembered that you might need a more formal dress for the movie reception the day after tomorrow. "Martina's eyes immediately lit up when she heard this.

Formal dress?This thing is not cheap!A slightly higher-end one might cost tens of thousands of dollars.

"Honey, you are so good to me!"

Martina immediately couldn't help but hugged Wayne's neck, and took the initiative to have a French kiss with Wayne.

I don't know how many people looked over for a while, especially the men. They couldn't help showing envious expressions when their eyes glanced at Wayne.

In a blink of an eye, the official viewing party came two days later.

As expected, more distribution companies came to watch movies this time than in the previous ones.Even the large screening room, which had nearly doubled in area by opening up the next door, was a little full at this time.

And among the many distribution company representatives who attended the movie screening, although there was no heavyweight like Spielberg, they were all of high status. The worst ones were all well-known senior film purchasers who came with their bosses. expert.

In addition, all the seven giants including Disney sent people this time.

What's interesting is that Miramax is obviously a company owned by Disney, but as soon as Harvey heard that Hemera Pictures had new movies for sale, he immediately ran over in person.

But it's no wonder that "Girl Genius" has been in theaters for 25 days now. Although the daily box office has dropped a bit from the beginning, the trend is extremely stable.

As of yesterday, the cumulative box office in North America has reached 8187 million, and the overseas box office has also reached 5263 million. It has reached the global box office goal of 1.3 million US dollars ahead of schedule, and is expected to reach 1.44 million US dollars before the release.

This not only brought Wayne far more than the expected total income of 4840 million U.S. dollars, but also brought Miramax an estimated income of more than 4000 million U.S. dollars, with a return rate of more than 130%!

At the same time, "Admission", "Happy Death Day", and "Girl Genius", these three films used different directors and different actors respectively, but they all achieved very good box office results, which once again proved that Hemera The production capabilities of the film industry, or Wayne's vision.

This time "The Dark Side" has gathered many successful elements such as "Wayne's creativity", "Wan Ziren's performance" and "Hemera Pictures' production".

So what if the leading actor Matt Damon loses two games in a row?So what if the first female lead and the second female lead are newcomers?
As long as it has some strength, how could a distribution company that thinks it has a chance to compete miss this movie viewing party?
"Oh my God! Warner, Fox and Universal, the seven giants, actually all have their vice presidents attending this screening?!"

In the corner, Martina and Eva Green were huddled together. Listening to Anne's low-pitched introduction, their expressions were a little out of control, and their beautiful faces couldn't help showing a shocked expression.

"What's this? Director Spielberg even came to the last movie screening~!" Annie said with a proud face. Looking at her look, she looked exactly like the Megan who had boasted to Liu Qianqian.

"Oma! You mean Steven Spielberg?!"

"That's right!"

Eva Green couldn't help but exclaimed in low voice again.

Although DreamWorks' status is not comparable to that of the Big Seven, it is also the number one production and distribution company under the Big Seven.The size is still higher than Silver, Lionsgate, and Miramax.

(End of this chapter)

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