Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 126 How to spend so much money

Chapter 126 How to spend so much money
When he previously acquired Marvel, he also asked the other party to evaluate companies such as Google.

As a result, Google, which had a market value of nearly two trillion US dollars 20 years later, now has a market value of only US$[-] million.

But because of the cheating, his primary targets are MGM and Universal.In addition, there are Netflix, which is still focusing on the disc rental business and has been losing money for many years, and Industrial Light & Magic, the number one special effects production company that has occupied a majority of the Hollywood special effects market for the next 20 years.

Of course, it would be even better if we could acquire Lucasfilm, the parent company of Industrial Light and Magic, before Disney does.

After chatting for a while, and by the way agreeing to invitations to a few parties that were really hard to avoid, Wayne handed over the sale of the copyright to Sierra and Mia, and under the envious eyes of everyone, he took it with him openly and openly. Martina and the three left the company.

In the next few days, Wayne gradually learned about the first round of quotes from various distribution companies through Mia.

The continuous sales of "Admission", "Happy Death Day" and "Girls", the excellent quality of "The Dark Side" itself, and most importantly, the good start of Harvey's Miramax, make this series include seven films. Several distribution companies, including giants, have offered deals with guarantees plus commissions similar to Miramax’s.

And they have also made concessions in terms of payment. As long as the box office reaches the corresponding amount, the payment will be made directly without waiting for the conditions after the theater chain settles.

Among them, Warner has the highest bid to directly buy out all copyrights except network rights. Their first round of quotations directly gave a price of 4400 million US dollars.

At this price, Hemera Pictures' return on this movie will reach an astonishing 320%.

The one with the highest guaranteed profit share offer was Miramax, which had just tasted the benefits and was very confident in the combination of Wayne and James Wan.

If Harvey wants to make Miramax independent from Disney, he must not let go of all opportunities to make money and increase his wealth and influence in Hollywood as soon as possible. Therefore, he does not intend to let go of any opportunity to make money. The first round of quotations gave a guarantee of 2500 million and after the box office exceeded 7000 million, for every additional 1000 million in box office, Hemera Pictures was given a very sincere offer of 350 million in share.

According to this quotation, if "The Dark Side" can reach a global box office of US$1.4 million like "Girls", then Hemera Pictures will receive US$4950 million in revenue from this movie.

Of course, even with such an offer, Miramax will not lose anything.

If the box office reaches 1.4 million, then they can earn about 1000 million in revenue based on the box office. Coupled with the revenue from the disc market, the total revenue will still be at least more than 3000 million US dollars.

After all, suspense films are more popular in the disc market than "Girl Genius".

However, Miramax's ability to provide such conditions is almost the limit. After all, Miramax itself has no overseas promotion channels, and the revenue it can create is definitely not as good as the Big Seven.

Sure enough, Miramax was basically eliminated as soon as the second round of negotiations began.

Among the seven giants, even Disney, which was previously stingy, raised its offer to a fixed price of US$4600 million. Universal, which is still very wealthy, and Warner, which has more confidence in Wayne, have raised their offer to 4760 million and 4800 million respectively. .

Thinking that he had to make the Big Seven lower their guard against Hemera Pictures, Wayne chose to deal with Warner after some thought.

And after the third round of negotiations, the final transaction price has reached US$4900 million.

Even if a giant like Warner can get a higher share ratio from theaters than Miramax, it will still need a global box office of over [-] million to make back the money through the box office. After all, promotion and distribution are also a cost.

However, as long as it doesn't have the unlucky start of hell like "Girl Genius", Warner believes that it shouldn't be difficult to achieve this goal.

On January 1, the day after "Girls" was released, Serra completed the contract with Warner on behalf of Hemera Pictures and received the payment on the same day.After receiving this amount of funds, even excluding the 27 million US dollars that had just been allocated to Marvel not long ago, the freely disposable liquidity in Hemera Film Company's account has reached an astonishing 1500 million US dollars.

Of course, Wayne doesn't plan to continue paying the high taxes this time.

In addition to the 600 million reserved for the company's daily operating funds and the 1500 million for the promotional expenses of "The Bourne Supremacy", he plans to spend all the other money before the tax filing season.

"This is information from Apple, Google, Netflix, Industrial Light & Magic, and Pixar Animation that Serra sent."

"OK, thanks."

The temperature in California at the end of January has risen to [-] or [-] degrees. Wayne, who had just had lunch, was sitting in the sky courtyard on the second floor, enjoying the breeze and sunshine while looking at the thick stack of books that Hannah had just printed. Thick information.

Hannah, on the other hand, sat quietly next to him, admiring in fascination his profile which became more handsome and charming as he concentrated.

After a moment, Wayne had a thought in his mind and called up the system panel.

【Name: Wayne】

[Remaining film and television investment funds: 3580 million]

[Film and television projects currently in progress:]

[The Bourne Supremacy 1: The production budget was 5600 million, and 5100 million has been invested so far]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 6500 million, and 2720 million has been invested so far]

[Mean Girls: The production budget is 1300 million, and 450 has been invested so far]

[Hurricane Rescue: The production budget is 3500 million, and 430 million has been invested so far]

After receiving three times the return of "The Dark Side", "Hurricane Rescue" also began its preliminary preparations.

Now the script for "Taken" has been written two days ago, which has brought him a screenwriting fee of US$200 million.If the male lead in "Mean Girls", who has a role similar to that of the third female lead, is also played by him, he will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to get a salary of 600 million US dollars.

So all in all, he can probably mobilize around 5500 million in funds.

This amount of money is quite small, but it is actually not a lot of money.

"Apple's market value is still around 80 billion. Even if 5500 million is used to acquire all Apple's shares, it will be useless. And according to the original trajectory, Apple will continue to lose money in the next two years, until the market value reaches its lowest point of 03 billion in 30." It will bottom out and you will lose money if you buy Apple stock now.”

"Buying Google stock is a good choice. If I remember correctly, Google's webpage rating mechanism will be patented in September this year, and the stock will usher in a surge."

(End of this chapter)

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