Chapter 127 The highly motivated Mike (please subscribe for the third update, please vote for the month)
"But at this time, Yahoo also has ideas about Google, and those major shareholders are unlikely to sell so many Google shares. It will be difficult to acquire them."

"As for Netflix, although borrowing about 2000 million from the bank can almost acquire Netflix, acquiring Netflix means entering the disc sales and rental market, which will definitely arouse the hostility of the Big Seven."

"The remaining Industrial Light and Magic and Pixar Animation are very good investment projects, and they will not attract pressure from the Big Seven. However, Industrial Light and Magic can borrow system funds to acquire them in the name of special effects due to bugs. There is no need. Waste of my working capital, so.”

Wayne's eyes finally fell on the Pixar animation information in his hand, with a look of interest on his face.

Today's Pixar animation is still in the hands of Jobs.

Although he didn't have any special feelings for Jobs, unlike many people who believed that Jobs was about to become a god, he had to admit that Jobs' several investments were very visionary and foresighted.

In 1986, Steve Jobs acquired the animation department of Industrial Light and Magic for US$1000 million and established Pixar Animation.

Now more than ten years have passed, and with the help of several successful cooperation with Disney, the market value has surpassed Industrial Light and Magic, reaching an astonishing 12 billion US dollars, a full 120 times more than the original, and an average of 8 times a year.

And in the next few years, Pixar Animation will release a number of well-received animated films, causing the market value to soar again. Until 06, it was acquired by Disney for 70 billion through a share increase. Jobs also took this opportunity to acquire 6.05% shares became Disney’s largest individual shareholder.

And this is undoubtedly another profitable transaction.

Coupled with the brilliance that Jobs achieved when he led Apple out of trouble after rushing back to Apple, Wayne really admired him.

"If you keep holding it, by 04, your investment will at least triple, right?"

Thinking of this, Wayne no longer hesitated, directly picked up the phone and called Sera, telling Sera his decision.

"Are you sure, Wayne, that you really want to buy all of Pixar Animation stock?"

"I'm sure!"

"Okay then. But honestly, Wayne, I think you should hire a new assistant."

Wayne glanced at Hannah, who was a little guilty, and said with a smile: "Okay, I understand, I will consider your opinion carefully."

Sierra didn’t say anything more and started getting busy after hanging up the phone.

Fortunately, Mia is here to help her with the daily operations of the company. Otherwise, she would have to be busy with the daily operations of the company, the preparations for the "Hurricane Rescue" project, and help Wayne handle these personal matters. She is really It's going to be too busy.

After Wayne settled the investment matters, he finally had time and thought. While drinking the coffee just brought by the maid, he picked up the script of "Mean Girls" that Tina Fey sent last night and turned it over. Looked up.

Hannah stood up quickly when she saw this, ran behind him and massaged his shoulders as if to please, which made Wayne smile in his heart.

Although Hannah was indeed a bit unqualified as an assistant, and he did need a new assistant, he would not replace Hannah yet.

Two hours later, Wayne turned to the script in his hand. He closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then looked at the time on his watch and found that it was still a while before dinner time, so he directly picked up the phone and dialed Nancy Mai. Yes's number.

"Hey Nancy, I'm not disturbing you, am I?"

"That's right. You should have read the script of "Mean Girls", right? Do you think there are any areas that need to be modified?" "There are a few, but they are not big problems, right? Then you and Tina can communicate with each other. Right. But I think since there are no problems with the role, what do you think about us starting the audition as soon as possible?"

"Okay, then I'll contact Melanie right now."

After hanging up the phone, Wayne called Melanie Sloan again.

"Hey, Melanie, Director Nancy and I have already read the script and there's not much problem. What about you?"

"Oh? The location has been selected? So soon?"

"Okay, let's prepare for the audition as soon as possible."

After confirming that there was no problem with Melanie Sloan's side, Wayne finally called Mike's side.

Although Melanie Sloan's team also has a casting director, the main roles are decided by Wayne himself. The secondary roles will at least give Mike's clients a chance, which can be regarded as a reward for Mike's hard work.

Hemera Pictures had already communicated these in advance when signing the contract with Melanie Sloan.Melanie Sloan's cooperation with Hemera Pictures is considered a high achievement, so naturally she doesn't have any objections to it.

"Okay, Wayne, thank you for giving me this opportunity, but I'm afraid I can't handle so many roles by myself."

"It doesn't matter. You can also contact other agents who have a good relationship with you. In short, my request is to be as fast as possible while matching the personality!"

"Okay, Wayne, don't worry, I will be there as soon as possible!" After hanging up the phone, Mike drank down the large cup of espresso coffee in one gulp with excitement, and then called his assistant to prepare for an all-night party tonight. Let's do it.

No way, the location selection for Mean Girls is very simple. It only requires a villa, an ordinary middle-class single-family house, a small shopping mall, and an ordinary public high school teaching building.

In terms of props, there are only some party supplies, plus two or three cars, and the costumes are also the clothes that high school students usually wear nowadays. They can't be simpler.

But there are quite a few actors needed.

The core of the plot of "Mean Girls" is that the heroine 'Katie', who has lived in Africa since she was a child, is influenced by those bad girls in the new environment and becomes a bitch herself. Then she follows the kindness in her heart and becomes a bitch again. Back to the story of a good girl.

In this process, a large number of characters are needed to influence her and set off her.

So in addition to the male protagonist 'Aaron', the trio of villains and bad girls, there is also the third female 'Janice' and the second male 'Damian' who act as the heroine's friends.

There are also eight or nine important supporting characters with many scenes and lines, such as the school principal 'Duval', the math teacher 'Nobury', and the mother of the second villain 'Regina', 'Mrs. George'.

As for the extras, because it is a campus comedy, we need more.

It is undoubtedly a huge workload for Mike to select and contact so many actors in a short period of time, but equally, the benefits are obvious once he eats it.

(End of this chapter)

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