Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 140 The capital chain is broken?

Chapter 140 The capital chain is broken?
But it’s no wonder, after all, this is 80 US dollars. Even if there is only a 10% commission, it is still 8 US dollars.Even after deducting the company's commission and various taxes and fees, she had at least 4 US dollars in her hands, which is definitely not a small amount in this day and age.

On the opposite side, Sarah Michelle Gellar also complained excitedly: "Falke! If it weren't for the official start of filming the day after tomorrow, I really want to go to a high-end restaurant for a big meal right now! You don't know, Wei Well, he’s so fierce, I’m almost exhausted this afternoon!”

When the agent heard this, he rolled his eyes angrily.This is not a complaint, it’s obviously just showing off!

"During the time when you were with little Freddy Prinze, you really neglected your diet and figure, especially alcohol. This is a natural enemy of women. You'd better give up!" The agent warned with a straight face and a serious expression.

"Okay, I know, I will quit." Sarah quickly promised.

She had no hope before.Although the starring role in "The Deadly Game" brought her a certain degree of fame, after that, she had no background or legs and had not filmed a movie for almost two years.

When she was depressed, she would break the jars and start smashing them.

But now that she has seen a brighter hope again, of course she will not continue to mess around.

"How are you going to deal with your relationship with that little Freddie Prinze?"

Sarah was slightly startled at first, then couldn't help but frown, and said hesitantly: "This shouldn't have anything to do with it, right?"

Upon hearing this, the agent stared into her eyes expressionlessly and said, "I've inquired about it. Mr. Wayne seems to be a bit domineering in that regard. If it's just for fun and doesn't want resources or hugs, then that's fine. If If you want to get resources from him and embrace his lap, it’s best not to be half-hearted.”


Sarah couldn't help but show a very troubled look on her face.

Seeing this, the manager continued to encourage: "You have to know that you can be chosen by Mr. Wayne. This is an opportunity that no one can ask for. You also attended the party yesterday, and those bitches were just for the sake of contact. Go to Wayne, say hello to Wayne, and be willing to spend three thousand dollars to buy an invitation to the party. Even big stars like Catherine Zeta Jones and Jennifer Connelly want to curry favor with Wayne, you know How precious is this opportunity?"

"Sorry, let me think about it again."

In the end, Sarah couldn't make a decision right away.

It's okay for her to eat outside behind her boyfriend's back. After all, this is Hollywood, and this kind of thing is so normal.

But she would still be a little hesitant to break up with her boyfriend who she had been dating for several months.

"Forget it! I hope you can take care of yourself!" The agent glared at her angrily, then opened the car door first and got in.

If Sarah hadn't been really pretty and was lucky enough to be favored by Wayne, she would have given up on such a client.

On the other side, Wayne didn't know that he might have to break up another couple because of himself.

After some tenderness, he originally planned to go home, but after Nicole Kidman's plea, he finally relented and stayed.

It wasn't until the next day that they had a breakfast cooked by their own hands, then they took the Kaibaihe Zhandun driven by Hannah to Warner's headquarters, and then met up with Sera and the lawyer she brought to meet with Warner Signed an investment contract for "Ocean's Eleven".

It is worth mentioning that Wayne, who knew that this trilogy would be a hit, took the initiative to propose that one lottery would be a series.

Because the conditions remained unchanged, not only did Wayne not have a high proportion of the box office share, but he also did not participate in the later disc sales revenue share. He only wanted an Internet copyright and the right to decide the heroine, so Warner almost didn't even think about it. Agree.

After all, these days, there are really not many such 'high-quality' investors.After the contract was signed, at noon that day, Wayne transferred the first payment of US$700 million. His happy look made the vice president in charge of the project put down his work and dragged him to have a meal with him. .

As for the remaining investment of 800 million, it will not be invested until 35% of the filming progress is completed after the official start of filming.

Unlike those films independently produced by Hemera Pictures, "Ocean's Eleven" uses a platter investment, and must introduce progress control and completion guarantees, so that there is no need to worry about anything going wrong during the filming process.

However, after deducting the 700 million, the system funds on his side suddenly became tight again.

【Name: Wayne】

[Remaining film and television investment funds: 2120 million]

[Film and television projects currently in progress:]

[The Bourne Supremacy 1: The production budget was 5600 million, and 5100 million has been invested so far]

[Resident Evil 1 and 2: The production budget was 6500 million, and 3050 million has been invested so far]

[Mean Girls: The production budget is 2000 million, and 780 has been invested so far]

[Hurricane Rescue: The production budget is 3500 million, and 560 million has been invested so far]

[Arhat Eleven: Estimated investment is 1500 million, 700 million has been invested so far]

On the way back to Wayne Manor, Wayne looked at the data on the system panel and frowned unconsciously.

Due to his decision to play the male lead in "Mean Girls", the budget of the film has skyrocketed from the original 1300 million to 2000 million.

Although this time he did not directly pay the entire salary to himself in one lump sum as before, but was prepared to pay it in installments.However, because of the investment in "Ocean's Eleven", there is still a risk that the capital chain will be strained or even broken.

Unless he uses the reserved promotional expenses for "The Bourne Supremacy" or the company's daily operating expenses.

But by doing this, he would not be able to get this part of the system back three times.

"On the "Bourne Supremacy" side, there is only the last remuneration left to pay for the director and actors. During this period, there is no need to invest any more money."

"If the progress of "Resident Evil" remains unchanged, I'm afraid we will need to spend about 800 million yuan this month."

"Mean Girls is expected to complete 80% of the filming progress by the end of the month, which will cost about 500 million."

"The remaining pre-production preparations for "Taken" don't require much money, maybe another 300 million will be enough. However, once the auditions and signings begin, Liam Neeson alone will need to spend 300 for the first part of the film's salary. Ten thousand US dollars, the funds in the system account will definitely not be enough by then."

"In addition, the film and television adaptation rights of the original work of "The Notebook" have been delayed for a long enough time. If it continues to be delayed, Nicholas Sparks may simply not sell it."

(End of this chapter)

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