Chapter 141 Big fat sheep?
Thinking of this, Wayne's eyes fell on "The Bourne Supremacy" again, and then he ordered Hannah to go to the high-end dessert shop near the company, buy a dessert and coffee, and then changed direction and headed to the company.

About 10 minutes later, Wayne saw Mia in the company who was working seriously.

"Hey, dear, why are you here?"

"I'll bring you some food and inspect your work~"

Wayne put his arms around her and kissed her on the cheek, making a little joke.

But the smart Mia guessed his thoughts right away.

“I take it you’re here to inspect the post-production progress of The Bourne Supremacy, right?”

As she spoke, Mia opened the carton in her hand, took out a pink macaron and fed it to Wayne, then took one for Hannah and herself, and then said: "You're here. It just so happens that Industrial Light and Magic just sent over the special effects at noon today, let’s go over and take a look~”

Wayne suddenly looked surprised when he heard this. He didn't expect that he would come at such a good time.

However, when he thought that "The Bourne Supremacy" itself did not have many special effects, and that it took such a long time to work on it when there was a special effects team during the filming process, he became a little unhappy again.

"Just wait, when the triple return of "The Bourne Supremacy" is in place, the acquisition of Industrial Light and Magic should begin!"

After a while, the three of them came to the post-editing room, where Doug Liman was leading three editing rooms to do editing work seriously.

When he heard the knock on the door behind him, Doug Liman frowned in dissatisfaction, but when he turned around and saw that it was Wayne, he immediately put on a smile and quickly stood up and left. past.

There's no way around it, there's the biggest financial backer in the world, especially a dad like Wayne who gives a lot of money and completely delegates the final editing rights to him, so that's even rarer.

What's wrong with him just trying to smile in the face of such a financial sponsor?
"Hey! Wayne! I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that your film "Admission" has passed the first round of voting and is about to be nominated for an Oscar? Congratulations!"

"Thank you, Doug, but compared to the Oscar nomination, I still value the box office performance of our work more."

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Wayne asked about the current progress.

"The first cut version will be out within the next two days. If you read it and see that there is nothing that needs major adjustments, the official version will be ready in half a month at most."

After Wayne counted the time silently in his mind, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

If it can be completed around the 20th as Doug Liman said, then the problem of financial constraints will be solved.

The production cost of "The Bourne Supremacy" was as high as 1 million U.S. dollars. If it were repaid three times, that would be 5600 million U.S. dollars!

"Great, Doug, then it's up to you!"

Wayne stayed for more than half an hour and went through all the special effects parts produced by Industrial Light and Magic. After finding no problems, he left the editing room with Mia and Hannah.

I have to say that the level of special effects in Hollywood is really amazing.

Although it is only 2001, as long as the money is available, the special effects of magical masterpieces such as "Lord of the Rings" and "Pirates of the Caribbean" can be made extremely exquisite, not inferior to the level 20 years later.

Not to mention the special effects of action movies.

For simple special effects like "The Bourne Supremacy", industrial light and magic was used. To be honest, it was really overkill. "Is there anything else you have to do today?" After leaving the editing room, Wayne turned to Mia and asked.

"If not, then get off work early ~ I suddenly want to have a family barbecue party today."

A small family barbecue party with just them, made Wayne experience the warmth of home for the first time in a long time.

What he didn't know was that as Soderbergh, who had finally secured all his investments, happily went to the bar to celebrate for a night, Wayne soon had another title of 'Big Fat Sheep' on his head, causing a stir. It has attracted the attention of many top producers and directors in the industry.

For example, Laura Ziskin, the producer of the Spider-Man trilogy, is worried that the budget of "Spider-Man" may exceed the budget, and Jerry Brookhay, the gold medal producer who is seeking investment for "Pirates of the Caribbean" silent.

"I remember that Hemera Pictures also consulted us about the "Pirates of the Caribbean" project, right?" Early the next morning, Jerry Bruckheimer called his secretary and asked with a serious face.

"That's right, I also sent them a copy of the project document." The secretary said with certainty after recalling it for a moment.

“They were the first company to come to us to inquire about the project, so I remember it very clearly.”

"What then?"

"Later, after I gave them a preliminary quotation of 1000 million and 8% according to what you originally set, they stopped contacting us."

Jerry Bruckheimer frowned immediately when he heard this.

The current production budget of "Pirates of the Caribbean" is between 1.25 million and 1.4 million, and the box office share of 1000 million and 8% is not low.

After tapping his fingers on the armrest of his seat for a moment, Jerry Bruckheimer took out his cell phone and dialed Soderbergh's number.

As the top gold medal producer in Hollywood, he is obviously a bit hypocritical with Soderbergh, a great director who has been popular in the past two years.

"Hey, Soderbergh, it's me."

Ten minutes later, with Bruckheimer's promise, Soderbergh finally revealed the terms he and Wayne had negotiated, as well as some details of the process.

When he learned that Soderbergh and Warner had directly given the decision-making power of the heroine to Wayne in order to attract investment, Bruckheimer immediately thought of some of Wayne's rumors and had a strange look on his face.

"Is it because I didn't send the heroine?"

Bruckheimer hung up the phone and turned the pen in his hand. After pondering for a long time, he called his secretary over again: "You can contact Hemera Pictures again and change the share ratio to 2000 million investment and 15% of the box office. Share, but it can be settled prior to the publicity and distribution expenses. In addition, we can also give the casting rights for the male lead and the female lead, as well as global network rights. However, correspondingly, they will not be responsible for the sales revenue of the later discs and peripherals. Enjoy it again.”

"Okay, boss!"

After the secretary quickly wrote it down, he turned and left the office.

Bruckheimer, after thinking about it again, nodded secretly.

There is a big difference in whether the box office share is settled before the publicity and distribution expenses or after the publicity and distribution expenses are settled. This is how Hollywood distribution companies often rip off foreign capital.

(End of this chapter)

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