Chapter 146 Doug’s Envy

About half an hour later, the three arrived at the company building.

This was Lily's first time coming to Hemera Pictures, and it was also her first time walking into a production company, so she looked around with curiosity along the way.

Soon the three of them arrived in the editing room, where Doug Liman, Mia, and Sierra, who happened to be in the company, were already waiting for them.

"Thank you for your hard work, Doug!"

After simple greetings, the film began to show.

Perhaps it is because the director is also Doug Liman. The style and rhythm of the film are basically the same as the original "The Bourne Supremacy".

However, after the male lead was replaced by Wayne, the female lead was replaced by Jessica, and the supporting actors were all handsome celebrities such as Nicole Kidman, Julia Roberts, and Kate Winslet, the movie became more eye-catching. , which is more than two or three levels more eye-catching than the original version.

At the same time, Wayne can fight much better than Matt Damon, and those villain substitutes also come from the martial arts of Yuan Baye's team.

So even if it adopts a realistic style without so many exaggerated and humorous elements, it still looks very cool and enjoyable.

People can't help but shout "I'm sorry", "Cool", "Unbelievable"! '

At least Lily kept exclaiming while watching. Even Jessica, the heroine who knew the plot, was watching with rapt attention and couldn't bear to look away for a moment.

"Wow! Wayne, you are so cool!"

"You just know~"

Faced with Jessica's praise, Wayne did not shy away, hugged her directly and kissed her.

Then, as if he was afraid that Mia would be jealous, he kissed her evenly.

This made the editors in the editing room and Doug Liman couldn't help but look envious, knowing that if you have money, you can do whatever you want.

"How's it going? Is there anything that needs to be adjusted or modified?" Doug Liman asked.

Wayne quickly compared it with the original version in his head, and then said with a smile: "Great, I think we can arrange to release it as soon as possible!"

Compared with the original version, this version of "The Bourne Supremacy" is much better in every dimension, and that's enough.

When the original version was released, only Matt Damon had traffic and popularity, and due to the failure of the previous movies, his popularity and traffic declined severely.

Under this circumstance, "The Bourne Supremacy" can achieve a dazzling box office of US$1 million in North America and US$1.21 million globally. There is no reason to replace it with him, Jessica, and Nicole who are more popular and trafficked. With the traffic brought by Kidman and others, the box office will only be higher than the original version.

In fact, his box office expectations for the film are more than 2 million in North America and more than 3.5 million worldwide.

Now it seems that it should not be difficult to achieve this goal.

"Okay, I will arrange the release work as planned." Mia nodded and said seriously.

Unlike half of the major productions, which always take several months or even half a year to be released even after they are completed, as early as early January, when the post-production of "The Bourne Supremacy" had just begun, his release and release plan had already been decided. Came down.

Without delay, Mia took the film to the MPAA to submit a rating that day.Hemera Pictures has already done a good job in this regard, and Wayne has clearly promised that the overseas copyright and disc sales rights of this film will still be sold. Therefore, the MPAA controlled by the Seven Giants not only cannot If I get stuck on this movie, I will give a rating as quickly as possible.

This is also one of the benefits of profit sharing.

"By the way, how was the discussion with George Lucas about the acquisition of Industrial Light and Magic?" After leaving the editing room, Wayne was not in a hurry to leave the company, but he and Serra talked about the acquisition of Industrial Light again. Demonic things.

"It's not ideal," Serra shook his head and said, "I have already raised the purchase price to 1.1 million, but George Lucas still shows no sign of relenting, so I estimate that even if I increase the price by another 1000 Wan, he may not be willing to agree to this acquisition."

Wayne suddenly showed a surprised expression when he heard this, and asked doubtfully: "Why? Is his valuation of the company too high?"

"No, he did not disagree with Industrial Light and Magic's valuation of 1 million." Serra explained.

"It's just that the movie "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones" in his hand is currently in production and takes up most of Industrial Light and Magic's energy. He is worried that selling the company at this time will affect the production of the movie. "

After hearing this, Wayne frowned and said: "Even if the company is sold, the business previously undertaken will still continue. What's more, he is the one who led Industrial Light and Magic. There is no reason for him to worry about this, right?"

Sierra shrugged: "At least that's what he said."

"However, after I contacted him several times and learned more about the production of "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones," I had some guesses about his thoughts."

"The real reasons why he didn't let go are probably because of two things."

"The first point is that the production cost of "Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" is not enough."

"Don't look at the fact that Lucasfilm made a lot of money from the Star Wars and Raiders of the Lost Ark franchises, but that was more than a decade ago."

"Although "Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace" made a box office of 1 billion US dollars, most of it was made by 10.74th Century Fox as the publisher because of the platter method of investment."

"The current production budget of "Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones" has been increased to 2 million. For the sake of profit, Lucasfilm has taken more of the investment share, which is under great pressure."

"Then shouldn't he sell Industrial Light and Magic to get liquidity?" Wayne asked doubtfully.

"But he obviously wants more, such as an investment that only accounts for the box office and does not participate in the disc sales share and peripheral sales share, or even an interest-free loan. After all, the desires of capitalists are unlimited, George Lew Cass is now not just a director, but a production company boss."

Wayne couldn't help but roll his eyes when he heard this.

Although the vast majority of directors and producers in Hollywood like to use other people's money to make their own movies, even if the investors lose money, this kind of ostracism is a bit excessive.

However, he knows that this should be the news about his recent investment in "Ocean's Eleven", "Pirates of the Caribbean", and "Spider-Man 1".

After all, who wouldn’t want this kind of investment that involves more capital and less distribution?

"What about the second point?"

"The second point should be the reason for Pixar animation."

(End of this chapter)

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